JOSEPHAT KAITILA I BELIEVE JOHN POMBE MAGHUFULI 100%It is my believe that there is no simple war in reality.@paul makonda need general public support reguardness of form processes which acted years unsuccessful.
Clean hand will stay safe and respected once suspected, investigated , proved Innocent from a scandal .accept ideas with action not too much talking.why a Parliament could not resolve to other region commissioner to callupon dar es salaam modarity to deal with this problem of drug abuse.
I appeal to many patriotic tanzanian to say no drug in line advice good approach of dealing with which will ensure unit and harmony we as a nation. I say , let be rational rather than disrupting an issue but suggest. Our leaders also they need to be careful in dealing this to endus in free drug abuse united and respected.
Clean hand will stay safe and respected once suspected, investigated , proved Innocent from a scandal .accept ideas with action not too much talking.why a Parliament could not resolve to other region commissioner to callupon dar es salaam modarity to deal with this problem of drug abuse.
I appeal to many patriotic tanzanian to say no drug in line advice good approach of dealing with which will ensure unit and harmony we as a nation. I say , let be rational rather than disrupting an issue but suggest. Our leaders also they need to be careful in dealing this to endus in free drug abuse united and respected.