Afanyeje baada ya kutochaguliwa form five

Andrew Sosipeter

Senior Member
May 29, 2016
Habari zenu ndugu wana jf kuna dogo anahitaji ushauri wa mawazo baada ya kukosa sifa ya kujiunga na kidato cha tano matokeo yake yapo HIVI DIV III 25 CIV D HIST D KISW C CHEM C ENG C GEO D BIOS D PHYS F B /MATH D na alifanya application nacte diploma afya au education anahofia KUTOCHAGULIWA na nacte maana hawaeleweki msaada please wa mawazo
Kwa kuchaguliwa hapo haiwezekani. Balance combination yake haieleweki iko vice versa. Cha muhimu ajiandae akasome private Form five kwa sababu credit anazo.
Its impossible for such guy to be matriculated in that level because the passing credit displayed seems to disqualify the candidate as no any combination is balanced in all subject, cha msingi atafute tu chuo ili apate certificate ya kitu anachokiona kiko kwenye damu na badae ataenda apate diploma and even degree depending on his education need or aende private
Its impossible for such guy to be matriculated in that level because the passing credit displayed seems to disqualify the candidate as no any combination is balanced in all subject, cha msingi atafute tu chuo ili apate certificate ya kitu anachokiona kiko kwenye damu na badae ataenda apate diploma and even degree depending on his education need or aende private

Duhhhh, utazani kuna mtu alikutania kuwa hujui kingereza sasa ndo unamuoneshea, muomba ushauli kaomba kiswahili sasa hizi mbwembe za nini, ila ni utani tu
Its impossible for such guy to be matriculated in that level because the passing credit displayed seems to disqualify the candidate as no any combination is balanced in all subject, cha msingi atafute tu chuo ili apate certificate ya kitu anachokiona kiko kwenye damu na badae ataenda apate diploma and even degree depending on his education need or aende private

He would rather take the certificate-diploma-degree route! For most D-students, pursuing A-level studies ultimately turns out to be a bad idea, because they perform so poorly that a form 6 leaving certificate is all they get and must, therefore, rely only on their form 4 grades to qualify for any postsecondary studies. So, why waste two years and then take the certificate-diploma-degree route?
Duhhhh, utazani kuna mtu alikutania kuwa hujui kingereza sasa ndo unamuoneshea, muomba ushauli kaomba kiswahili sasa hizi mbwembe za nini, ila ni utani tu
Kiingereza sio ishu wala hajaonyeshea mtu wewe mwenyewe mwoga akeandika kilugha au kifaransa hiyo medium tu sio ishu!
Kwanza mi naamini wewe ndo unataka ushauri hakuna unaetaka kumsaidia hapa! kwenye hoja naona ushindani mkali changamoto kwenye mamlaka huyo bwana sijui huyo au wewe! anauwezo kufanya vizuri huko baadae atafute hela au mfadhili kwa sababu ana uwezo wa kutengeneza carrier ila serikali haiko nae ajiongeze tu kibishi!
Its impossible for such guy to be matriculated in that level because the passing credit displayed seems to disqualify the candidate as no any combination is balanced in all subject, cha msingi atafute tu chuo ili apate certificate ya kitu anachokiona kiko kwenye damu na badae ataenda apate diploma and even degree depending on his education need or aende private
Kiingereza chako kichafu sana hakifai. Ushauri: Rudi shule kusoma.
Its impossible for such guy to be matriculated in that level because the passing credit displayed seems to disqualify the candidate as no any combination is balanced in all subject, cha msingi atafute tu chuo ili apate certificate ya kitu anachokiona kiko kwenye damu na badae ataenda apate diploma and even degree depending on his education need or aende private
Habari zenu ndugu wana jf kuna dogo anahitaji ushauri wa mawazo baada ya kukosa sifa ya kujiunga na kidato cha tano matokeo yake yapo HIVI DIV III 25 CIV D HIST D KISW C CHEM C ENG C GEO D BIOS D PHYS F B /MATH D na alifanya application nacte diploma afya au education anahofia KUTOCHAGULIWA na nacte maana hawaeleweki msaada please wa mawazo
Mshauri aende kwenye vyuo vya ufundi Arusha au DIT kuna mtihani unaitwa Mature entrance akifaulu atapata udhamini wa Serikali au private
Habari zenu ndugu wana jf kuna dogo anahitaji ushauri wa mawazo baada ya kukosa sifa ya kujiunga na kidato cha tano matokeo yake yapo HIVI DIV III 25 CIV D HIST D KISW C CHEM C ENG C GEO D BIOS D PHYS F B /MATH D na alifanya application nacte diploma afya au education anahofia KUTOCHAGULIWA na nacte maana hawaeleweki msaada please wa mawazo
Aende shule ya private mbona kafaulu sema haha chaguliwa tu
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