Waziri mkuu Palestina awasilisha Barua ya kujiuzulu. Ataja sababu ni vifo ukanda wa Gaza na vita visivyoisha


JF-Expert Member
Apr 29, 2010

Upepo kuhusiana na Palestina unazidi kushika kasi dunia nzima. Leo Waziri Mkuu wa Palestina, Mohammed Shtieh amewasilisha barua kwa Rais Mahmoud Abbas akiomba kujiuzulu.

Sababu alizozitaja kuhusu uamuzi wake huo ni yale anayoyashuhudia kwenye ukanda wa Gaza na maeneo yote ya ukingo wa Magharibi. Amesema mauwaji ya Israel kule Gaza ni mauwaji ya kimbari.

Amesema kuna haja ya kuwa na serikali makini ya kushughulikia matukio hayo makubwa katika uhai wa Palestina.


Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has announced the resignation of his government, which rules parts of the occupied West Bank, due to the escalating violence in the occupied West Bank and the war on Gaza.

“The decision to resign came in light of the unprecedented escalation in the West Bank and Jerusalem and the war, genocide and starvation in the Gaza Strip,” Shtayyeh, who submitted his resignation to President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday, said.

“I see that the next stage and its challenges require new governmental and political arrangements that take into account the new reality in Gaza and the need for a Palestinian-Palestinian consensus based on Palestinian unity and the extension of unity of authority over the land of Palestine,” he said.

Shtayyeh’s comments come as US pressure grows on Abbas to shake up the Palestinian Authority and begin work on a political structure that can govern a Palestinian state following the war.

Al Jazeera
Huyu waziri anamlaumu Mahamudu Abas bure! Yeye atumie ushawishi wake kama waziri mkuu ili kuiunganisha Gaza na West Bank ili wawe na utawala mmoja. Kwa hiyo anataka Mahamudu Abas apeleke jeshi Gaza?
Kwanini majirani wenye nguvu hawajapeleka jeshi
1. Iran
2. Turkey

Upepo kuhusiana na Palestina unazidi kushika kasi dunia nzima. Leo Waziri Mkuu wa Palestina, Mohammed Shtieh amewasilisha barua kwa Rais Mahmoud Abbas akiomba kujiuzulu.

Sababu alizozitaja kuhusu uamuzi wake huo ni yale anayoyashuhudia kwenye ukanda wa Gaza na maeneo yote ya ukingo wa Magharibi. Amesema mauwaji ya Israel kule Gaza ni mauwaji ya kimbari.

Amesema kuna haja ya kuwa na serikali makini ya kushughulikia matukio hayo makubwa katika uhai wa Palestina.


Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has announced the resignation of his government, which rules parts of the occupied West Bank, due to the escalating violence in the occupied West Bank and the war on Gaza.

“The decision to resign came in light of the unprecedented escalation in the West Bank and Jerusalem and the war, genocide and starvation in the Gaza Strip,” Shtayyeh, who submitted his resignation to President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday, said.

“I see that the next stage and its challenges require new governmental and political arrangements that take into account the new reality in Gaza and the need for a Palestinian-Palestinian consensus based on Palestinian unity and the extension of unity of authority over the land of Palestine,” he said.

Shtayyeh’s comments come as US pressure grows on Abbas to shake up the Palestinian Authority and begin work on a political structure that can govern a Palestinian state following the war.

Al Jazeera
watapigwa hapo mpaka muhamad afufuke kaburini watachapika tu,kwakuwa wanajifanya wabushi watachapika tu
Huyu waziri anamlaumu Mahamudu Abas bure! Yeye atumie ushawishi wake kama waziri mkuu ili kuiunganisha Gaza na West Bank ili wawe na utawala mmoja. Kwa hiyo anataka Mahamudu Abas apeleke jeshi Gaza?
Kwanini majirani wenye nguvu hawajapeleka jeshi
1. Iran
2. Turkey
Ni kweli yule babu ni kikwazo cha uhuru wa Palestina.Anadanganyika kirahisi akifuatwa na maadui zake ambao ni marafiki na adui yao mwengine Israel.
Serikali ya Palestina ina makubwa inayoweza kufanya nchi yao ikapata uhuru kwa haraka.

Upepo kuhusiana na Palestina unazidi kushika kasi dunia nzima. Leo Waziri Mkuu wa Palestina, Mohammed Shtieh amewasilisha barua kwa Rais Mahmoud Abbas akiomba kujiuzulu.

Sababu alizozitaja kuhusu uamuzi wake huo ni yale anayoyashuhudia kwenye ukanda wa Gaza na maeneo yote ya ukingo wa Magharibi. Amesema mauwaji ya Israel kule Gaza ni mauwaji ya kimbari.

Amesema kuna haja ya kuwa na serikali makini ya kushughulikia matukio hayo makubwa katika uhai wa Palestina.


Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has announced the resignation of his government, which rules parts of the occupied West Bank, due to the escalating violence in the occupied West Bank and the war on Gaza.

“The decision to resign came in light of the unprecedented escalation in the West Bank and Jerusalem and the war, genocide and starvation in the Gaza Strip,” Shtayyeh, who submitted his resignation to President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday, said.

“I see that the next stage and its challenges require new governmental and political arrangements that take into account the new reality in Gaza and the need for a Palestinian-Palestinian consensus based on Palestinian unity and the extension of unity of authority over the land of Palestine,” he said.

Shtayyeh’s comments come as US pressure grows on Abbas to shake up the Palestinian Authority and begin work on a political structure that can govern a Palestinian state following the war.

Al Jazeera
Huyu muislam halisi wengine wanafiki wakubwa. Wanaona America kama ndio mungu wao
Ni kweli yule babu ni kikwazo cha uhuru wa Palestina.Anadanganyika kirahisi akifuatwa na maadui zake ambao ni marafiki na adui yao mwengine Israel.
Serikali ya Palestina ina makubwa inayoweza kufanya nchi yao ikapata uhuru kwa haraka.
Unaandika kisiasa hadi unapoteza maana. Ni Palestina ipi ambayo bado inatawaliwa na taifa jingine kwa sasa?
Huyu waziri anamlaumu Mahamudu Abas bure! Yeye atumie ushawishi wake kama waziri mkuu ili kuiunganisha Gaza na West Bank ili wawe na utawala mmoja. Kwa hiyo anataka Mahamudu Abas apeleke jeshi Gaza?
Kwanini majirani wenye nguvu hawajapeleka jeshi
1. Iran
2. Turkey
Jeshi gani ?
Aache unaa... Issie ishapangwa ajiuzuru serikali iundwe ya Kitaifa wakiwepo Hamas tatizo habari ishaletwa na Aljazeera wanabadilisha hadi maana yake sababu wapo vitani na Israel.. eti amejiuzuru kisa Vita Gaza.. bora angesema amejiuzuri sababu Allah kawaacha japo kila siku wana muita Allah Kubwaaa... (Allah Akbar) na Allah masikini pale Mecca hata hasikii... wakae chini wajiulize wamekosea wapi na pia wasisahau kusoma Quran inayosema Land of Israel Allah alimpa Mussa kwa ajili ya Watoto wa Israel.. not arabs from Arabian Peninsulia.. this mean they will always fail.
Serikali yoyote ya kipalestina itakayoundwa na kuishirikisha kikundi cha kigaidi cha Hamas kitawaponza wapalestina na wapalestina kama wanataka wajiepushe kabisa na hayo magaidi.

Upepo kuhusiana na Palestina unazidi kushika kasi dunia nzima. Leo Waziri Mkuu wa Palestina, Mohammed Shtieh amewasilisha barua kwa Rais Mahmoud Abbas akiomba kujiuzulu.

Sababu alizozitaja kuhusu uamuzi wake huo ni yale anayoyashuhudia kwenye ukanda wa Gaza na maeneo yote ya ukingo wa Magharibi. Amesema mauwaji ya Israel kule Gaza ni mauwaji ya kimbari.

Amesema kuna haja ya kuwa na serikali makini ya kushughulikia matukio hayo makubwa katika uhai wa Palestina.


Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has announced the resignation of his government, which rules parts of the occupied West Bank, due to the escalating violence in the occupied West Bank and the war on Gaza.

“The decision to resign came in light of the unprecedented escalation in the West Bank and Jerusalem and the war, genocide and starvation in the Gaza Strip,” Shtayyeh, who submitted his resignation to President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday, said.

“I see that the next stage and its challenges require new governmental and political arrangements that take into account the new reality in Gaza and the need for a Palestinian-Palestinian consensus based on Palestinian unity and the extension of unity of authority over the land of Palestine,” he said.

Shtayyeh’s comments come as US pressure grows on Abbas to shake up the Palestinian Authority and begin work on a political structure that can govern a Palestinian state following the war.

Al Jazeera
Hapo kipigo kimekolea, mbona tuliambiwa Hamas wanaupiga mwingi?

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