Kenyan & Tanzanian Surburbs

NHC Tanzania
Mekatili I dont know if you are the same personality as '(findingnimo)' on flicker. If you are, congratulations for a nice photography project of Kenyan suburbs. If you are not, you should credit findingnimo for making it easier for you to scare the hell out of JF (Tanzanian) guys, all you did was just copy paste his good carefully selected photos.

I am Tanzania, and have lived in estates in Nairobi, including highrise, ngumo and umoja. These estates you show are well planned and appealing on photo. Such estates are rare in Tanzania.

Nevertheless, the system in Tanzania is "free-range", everyone build their houses as they wish, you can face west, or south, build a high scrapers amongst one-storey buildings...etc. You buy your plot anywhere you want. The land is plenty, no rush really. Real estate is only scalling up here, we are still enjoying ujamaa...

So although we admit absence of such estates, you must also agree that you have carefully selected photos of kenyan surburbs to silence/scare tanzanians who will in any case take 15 yrs to collect as good photos as those of findingnimo as posted on flicker Flickr: findingnimo's Photostream

Thanks for alarming us anyways!
Your very right, actually for the case of nice and big houses/ building , Tanzanian we have a lot of them, the problem is poor planning and poor planner, every body build his / her house the way he wants, but once it comes to modernity, I mean the way house are built, decorations, and all architectural planing we are the best...and most of Kenyan they appreciate us

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