If Moi Kills for Uhuru through Kikwete Today, Odinga's Blood Would Spill Far & Wide The Great Lakes

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Uwezo Tunao

JF-Expert Member
Nov 14, 2010

Moi, Kenya's retired President, Kibaki, Uhuru and Ruto reliably held a final consiracy meeting under President Kikwete in Dar es Salaam, two weeks to Kenya's General Elections, with a sole genda of snatching Odinga a win, no matter what, and to terminate his life for an assured 'peace-of-mind' for the incoming government.

The above said secret meeting was aa culmination of several other gatherings under which Ruto did a donkey's job for Tanzanian side. Indeed it is learnt that the many anti-West three-layer (Kenyan, East African & African Union) tightly fortified conspiracy meetings had severally reliably resolved that Odinga Presidential Victory MUST go at all costs his popularity on the grounds notwithstanding.

All these formed core agenda to numerous secret meetings held in Dubai, Dar es Salaam and Khartoum, in the past two years run to Kenya's 2013 General Election. Whereas the pushing motive of a section of African Union heads of state were the general fear of Odinga emergence as a sudden formidable force in the political platform of the continent, the agenda of Kenyan layer was purely tribal zeal, self-preservation of corruptly accurred property as a number of East African leadership are understood to be lobbyingly elbowing each other for an expanded regional supremacy.

Some of the major issue of contention some of which are either cunningly hanged around Odinga's neck by the outgoing Kibaki government include:

1. Odinga's International Community assignment that ultimately removed Gbagbo from sticking to power.

Since many African heads of state are lately cried of unfairly rigging their way to power, Odinga's forthright diplomacy on the West African leader from power came as an earth-quarke that defies the 'African Heads of State Agreement' in helping one another stay in power or relenguish the same to a preferred 'political heir' of some kind.

On this front, many powers in the continent mobilised all kinds of resources toward defeating Odinga Presidency bid so that they themselves would at some point in time get 'the same seeds of political hospitality' returned to them over emerging forceful opposition party competion in their own backyard.

2. Kenya's Al-Shaabab War in Somalia Cunningly Personlised as Odinga-US Affair

Whereas it is understood that Odinga had no powers to order any war to take place, the post-election shared power of that country's government notwithstanding, the IGAD outfit of the horn-of-Africa was cunningly persuaded to believe that it is Odinga that was fronting for United States of America in fighting their Islamic brothers.

It is through this very axis that millions of money had to flow from various players in the Middle East to facilitate 'an Uhuru-laboratory win' in Kenyan politics. Similarly, a section of Al-Shaabab cell, with immense investment and comfortably head-quartered here in Dar es Salaam, equally pumped money into Kenya elections for own agenda.

A clear testimony to these facts will soon be seen in a sweeping rebound in the streets of Nairobi and many other East African cities except Kampala where Museveni has put in place a zero tolerance mechanism.

3. Kenya's International Intervention for 'No Ivory Sales for Tanzania'

Kenya's outgoing leader, President Kibaki, had set Odinga the task of ensuring that a shared national park between Kenya and Tanzania remains free of banditry. Now what seemed to a government position was again cleverly altered to give impression that Odinga is personally fighting the interest of Tanzania.

4. Mau Environmental Conservation project

Again Odinga, a chief government operations coordinator by design of his premiership post, was put into a collition path with Rift Valley ruling elites on land matters. This was a move to kill his huge influence in the area and become a common enemy of major land grabbers throughout the country.

5. Emergent Association of African Continent ICC Indintees

Kenya's 2007 / 2008 post-election violence saw key politicians from political parties of both Odinga and Kibaki being booked for ICC trials. So far the Kenyan entities are on record attending to their cases.

On this front, a wrong signal had been successfully sent to a section of heads of state that it is Odinga who was colluding with the West to get his colleagues to the Hague.

The Kenya former Prime Minister is on record as having been campaining a home legal due process but the indictees themselves, for reasons best known to them, chose to go the Hague way only to falsely start crying foul-play by Odinga trying to get at their necks.

It is this line of intrigue that has since attracted Nothern Sudan's Omar Al-Bashir to become a major financier of Uhuru presidential campaigns in the spirit of 'a colleague in crime against humanity'. Memories of the Janjawheed wounds on Christians of that fomer one-Sudan are yet to subside in many years to come.


a. Ruto's multiple meetings with CCM top leadership on how safe to snatch Odinga's 2013 presidential victory and his 'final containment'.

b. President Kikwete's two-fold shuttle diplomacy, on the run to Kenya's 2013 General Elections, particulaly against the West and preparing of Southern Sahara governments for 'an impending game-changer move on Odinga presidential victory'. Currently, it is reliably put that Odinga's backyard of Nyanza is badly militarised

The Kenyan political heavyweight's closeness to various western powers in recent times has since been his undoing with many pockets of influence in East African region bitting their fingures at every other instance that they go.

b. Omar Al-Bashir heaping of millions in cash in Uhuru's campaign through his pointman in that country, one Najib Balala. Everyone is expecting Balala to be rewarded post in the cabinet on Wednesday for the good job.

c. Tuju did a splendid job in buying voter-cards in millions, from Odinga's perceived, as a way to reduce his ultimate votes obtained at the end. This man is equally likely to be rewarded next week.

d. Dr Shem Ochuodho is the chief architech of the computer manipulation strategies that had imposed a constant figure that carried Uhuru to a highly faulted and recented 'win' in that country.

It is expected that for his key contribution to 'invent' imaginary voters in favour of Uhuru, the docket for science and technology is going to be rewarded to him next week too.

e. An offer of an expensive plot of land to President Kikwete in Nairobi's Thika Road.

f. An intensive lobbying and promise to President Kikwete that he is going to be seconded byr Kenya, Burundi, DRC and Southern Sudan to elbow Uganda's Museveni and Rwanda's Kagame from becoming the leader of East Africa Community as soon as he retires.

g. Kikwete's sudden change of direction in the international arena by lobbying several governments in the continent to turn East and embrace China en masse.

h. Uhuru's sudden 'pleading for peace' moments after elections unlike the prior tone of arrogance.

NB: In the event that any of the three conspiracy layers described above goes ahead with their secret plans to kill Odinga, no doubt, the Cord leader's blood is likely to cause a major tremour in the entire Great Lakes region with spills casting as wide as to reach Mt Kenya, Bagamoyo, Ochuodho-Tuju world, and with the hotest bed in Baringo and Eldoret homes of key conspirators in the whole scheme of things.

Equally, an unprecented uproar with cross-border tribes of East Africa would certainly just be too unbearably in the larger Great Lakes with political parties associated with conspirators harvesting untold hostility as cross-border trade, flow human resources and investmet apparently goes on a historical jeopardy.

JF member, from the litle notes above you are free to connect the dots your own way and even say whether it would have been any prudent for Odinga to be sitting at Uhuru's swearing-in at Kasarani amidst such multiwebs of intrigues and counter intrigues against him.
How the conspirators for Odinga fall in Kenya's 2013 General Election got so disgusted at the twist that leader took of not going violent, hence, denying them a chance to used the elaborate arm of force from a number of lobbied African governments that even today most dangerously kept stand-by for a possible ethnic cleansing of the 'common enemy' of Africa's ruling elites.

It is in record that Odinga is one such leader got the most of votes of several small tribes in his country.

Of the said groups, cross-border tribes like the Kuria, Maasai, Luo, Turkana, Luhya and Somalis had overwhelmingly cast their votes in favour of this 'continental enemy' of a number of sitting presidents.

The said tribes are overlapingly found here in Tanzania, Uganda, Somalia, and Southern Sudan parts of the larger Great Lakes region.
You need to cross examine ur state of mind! Kikwete had nothing to do with RAO's loss, otherwise u wanted him to come and vote for you! Moreover try to understand Tanzania's historical ties with China even before Kenya was born as an independent country! RAO lost cause of being too confident on securing that seat! Whereas I hear Kikuyus and Kalenjins were very organized and determined to see last man voting after sighting laxity on CORD team. In their strongholds, Jubilee had a campaign of no voter's card no beer and a bonus beer if registered during voters registration exercise! Then no alcohol prior election day for voters to not miss the exercise! And no inked thumb no beer on the day of election! They even gathered the sick from hospitals, to register and vote on poll day... putting aside other behind the scene plays!
Mkuu Geza Ulole,

if only you could contact Nape's office should it be impossible for you to reach Magogoni then you would certainly come back your mouth almost permanently open in great disbelieve and displeasure all together.

Sometime it is alone happier being in the dark as you seem to be suggesting of your worthy soul.
Do not magnify this issue. Kenyan elections are over. If Odinga wishes to contest let him start preparations for 2018.
so you want to justfy RAO absence from swearing ceremony because of these fake stories we hear here and there? by the way i love pt 'e' that JK wl be given a plot in Thika.
RAO is to blame himself for poor organisation and lack of assaultiveness
Am pro odinga and will always be.in this thread,nazani nikae pembeni kidogo nijifunze mengi kutoka kwa vigogo wa siasa humu jf,since that am not politicaly mature enough then jf inanikomaza vizuri tu.
Am pro odinga and will always be.in this thread,nazani nikae pembeni kidogo nijifunze mengi kutoka kwa vigogo wa siasa humu jf,since that am not politicaly mature enough then jf inanikomaza vizuri tu.[
Nakuunga mkono mkuu,we're sailing on same boat.
nyingi ni hisia za mwandishi ukweli hamna hapo, kuunganisha vijihadithi visivyo na ukweli wowote, itakua unafuatilia sana mambo ya siasa kwenye TV na magazeti
so you want to justfy RAO absence from swearing ceremony because of these fake stories we hear here and there? by the way i love pt 'e' that JK wl be given a plot in Thika.
RAO is to blame himself for poor organisation and lack of assaultiveness

but think the last two weeks, during easter holiday p. kikwete met vp Ruto at serengeti national parks, under normal circumstances, as a reasonable man what is its interpretation?
Sometimes it is better to be on the dark without knowing the going-ons behind the scenes like is now evident of you here.

nyingi ni hisia za mwandishi ukweli hamna hapo, kuunganisha vijihadithi visivyo na ukweli wowote, itakua unafuatilia sana mambo ya siasa kwenye TV na magazeti
Yaliyopita si ndwele tugange yajayo. Kuanzia tarehe 09.04.2013 saa 6 na kuendelea rais wa jamhuri ya KENYA atakuwa ni Bwana mdogo Uhuru Kenyata
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