only people with low intelligence can buy this Idea from JK, April 12, 2010 Arusha


Sep 23, 2008
"Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
In 1999, as the world was preparing to welcome the new millennium, there was a tremendous worry that the presumed Y2K virus, will crash the global computer network system as the calendar turns the year to 2000. Business leaders and politicians then, mobilized at least $200 billion to prepare defensive systems and responses, if that would happen. Fortunately the virus never showed up. But, for over three decades now, we have been living with the HIV virus decimating millions of people and causing sufferings to millions more, there isn’t as much enthusiasm to contribute as much money to fight this disease as there was with the virus that never was. If the $ 200 billion spent to prepare the world to fight a computer virus that never was, could be made available for the fight against HIV/AIDS, great progress would have been made. Perhaps we would have the cure or vaccine at hand. Definitely the world would be different today. While the global response to HIV/AIDS has been encouraging over the years, I still think much more needs to be done." END of QUOTE"
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