Jinsi ya kuwa approved Upwork as a Freelancer and how to make money with it

Oct 19, 2020
Hi there, I hope upo poa wherever you are...

So, last time nili-post a thread kuhusiana na Jinsi ya kuwa freelancer (Be your own boss working from home), nilipata meseji na replies on how to be approved on Upwork maana most people (wanna-be-freelancers) huwa wanakuwa rejected au banned permanently from the platform. So, today nita-cover my personal steps and experience from the platform and i assure you utakuwa appoved if put the work to action.

To cut the story short, nita-explain what is Upwork and what is it about so special had iku-reject na wengine wawe accepted:

Upwork ni freelancing platform (one of the biggest and best around) ambapo watu binafsi, makampuni, wajasiliamali au mashirika hupost kazi online ndani ya platform na freelancers (mtu yoyote ndani ya upwork mwenye uwezo wa kufanya hyo kazi) huapply na kulipwa baada ya kazi au kulingangana na bid ya bei unayoitaka ulipwe, kuna zaidi ya kazi 10,000+ hupostiwa kila siku. It's up to you kuapply au kupotezea, kuna kazi nyingine hazichukua hata dakika 10 kama unaelewa what to do with them.

Kama unatafuta kazi, umetoka chuo huna issue mtaani au just a side hustle from your main job basi i recommend ufanye freelancing maana ni free na easy to start, and kama hauna ujuzi au profession yoyote ya kazi then pitia my previous thread utapata mwanga wa kutosha.

Baadhi ya kazi au services unazoweza kuanza nazo au zilizopo Upwork bila ujuzi ni kama, transcript - where unabadilisha video au audio kuwa inform of text format, kutafsri lugha au maandishi - kazi za swahili translation zipo nyingi sana, uandishi wa copy and paste, data entry - kujaza spreadsheets au any files, photo editing, dropshipping store creation, virtual assistance, proofreading - unaangalia makosa katika maandishi na kurekesbisha, kupost on social media like Instagram au Facebook - yes, it's just that simple

Inshort siwez maliza kazi zote but there's always a room for anyone looking for an extra income or a full-time career.. na kama hauko interested au huna profession yoyote then pitia my previous thread utapata something.

But first, inabidi uelewe sababu na facts on why Upwork ina-reject your profiles from their platform:

  • Zaidi ya profiles 10,000 zina-sign up kila siku on the platform, that means kuna nyingine ni either bots or fake profiles kwahiyo approval inafanywa kiumakini zaidi na kama profile yako haieleweki there's a big chance utakuwa rejected.
  • Kupata kazi upwork ni easy than getting approved, Yeah it's just like that. wanajaribu kubalance clients na freelancers in a very systematic way
  • Kuwa approved sio manual but algorithmic, that means inafanywa through computed procedures na sio watu wanao-approve profiles. so inabidi iuridhishe algorithm yao ikuapprove.
Hizi ni baadhi ya ninazozifahamu na pia through my research before signing up na kuwa approved.

Now, How to get approved on the Upwork na kuanza kujipatia kipato from your home with full freedom of your own comfort - Nitaelezelea step by step in a very simplified way.

First of all inabidi uelewe ukiwa rejected na Upwork haimaanishi haupo qualified kuwa freelancer but you need to fix some things so as to get accepted and start earning. na pia kama wameku-suspend permanently kindly contact them watakuambia nini cha kurekebisha au umekosea wapi uweze kuendelea na your account.

1. Tumia a business email account ku-sign up kama unayo au unaweza pata

Hii si lazima but somehow ina matter since unavyotumia a business email address automatically upwork system inakuchukulia as a serious freelancer na wao pia wanahitaji professionals on their platform, so this is just a point in the eyes of the upwork algorithm, unaweza pata business email address from paid platforms like gsuite by google au any other platform. mfano wa business email ni kama (john@jamiiforum.com - ie. yourname@company-name/domain.com)

2. Kubali/Pick subcategories nyingi za kazi uwezavyo

Unavyo-sign up utapick main category za kazi unayoitaka lakini pia Upwork itakuletea subcategories nyingine nyingi from the main category. Pick as many as you can, hii itaonesha you are a diverse freelancer na utaweza kuapply kazi nyingi ndani ya platform clients wakipost. Hii ni kwasababu on your job feed dashboard upwork huonyesha kazi ambazo zinaendana na your main and subcategories ulizopick, so just assume seeing only one job from your job feed every day - hii sio nzuri kwa Upwork.

3. List skills zako zote ulizo nazo (niche relevant skills)

Baada ya categories uta-list skills ulizonazo, don't overthink here kama haupo sure check other freelancers profiles and pick just like them pia unaweza change these skills later. skills at least kumi (10) zinatosha kuanza nazo. so this step is just that simple.

4. Andika your overview section in a professional way

Hii step ndio ya kuchukua mda kidogo na energy kujaza, inshort hii ni section ya 'about you', your skills, background na uta-offer nini kwa your client. since this is a page where your client will get to read before hiring you. so take some time kuandika kwa umakini, check spelling error, add sweet words - kama unahisi huwezi, take inspiration from other freelancers overviews (don't copy and paste, just use your common sense to combine by taking nice spots from atleast 3 to 4 overviews from other freelancers)

Don't forget to always include a call to action on your overview.

5. Weka a unique title for your profile.

kuwa unique infront of 100,000s freelancers ni ngumu so dont put pressure here too, andika something that will summaries your profession au skills unazo-offer. lets say unafanya photo and video editing with photoshop, just write (Photography and video editor | Photoshop Expert), that is enough just be in your niche skill.

6. Add elimu yako na employment history if you had/have.

This section haitakusaidia kupata clients just because of your education but to put your profile safer, Nowadays your college degree or masters si muhimu sana on Upwork but what you have to offer to your clients, kazi kama social media posting doesn't really need such education.

But still, you have to fill here, kama hauna any college education just pick any random available college from your country, Upwork itakuletea option ya vyuo ukiwa una-type (you can google too). same as your employment history, fill something trustworthy au kama ulishawahi volunteer kazi yoyote before just fill it but don't skip.

7. Choose a professional experience level and rate

Hii ndio step ya mwisho on signing up with Upwork, utapewa experience levels tatu (entry, intermediate na expert) always choose intermediate or expert. choosing entry levels shows how much you are shallow with your service hivyo kama step za nyuma hukujaza vizuri alogarithm iki-combine na your experience level, no way out utakuwa rejected hapohapo.

Also, this is very important for beginners. watu wengi hufikiria ku-compete with cheap prices kutawaletea clients but thats the vice versa. Just know unavyo-charge less than $10 per hour most potential clients see you as:-
  • You have virtually no experience
  • You don’t have a lot of skills
  • You’re not confident about your ability to deliver for clients
  • You can’t produce high-quality work
That's just it. but still, if you find a cheap client it's okay to bid with low prices but not all clients pick cheap price freelancers kama nilivyotoa hizo bullet points above.


Hopefully, Hii thread imeelezea how with just simple few steps, you can get your profile approved on Upwork and start your freelancing journey. But my last point is not to overthink this process. Usitumie masaa kujaribu kuwa perfect just do your best na u-move on, na kama hutakuwa approved just repeat the process or contact me naweza kushauri what to do.

kama kuna anything not covered above, you can ask from the comment below or you'd love to know more on online businesses like freelancing, youtube, Instagram influencers, blogging, dropshipping, Facebook ads do not hesitate to ask.

Thanks and stay blessed!
Mm nipo upwork tangu tarehe 2 april 2020 nilifanikiwa kupata kazi moja ya $100 ambayo walikata 20% ikawa $80 sasa tangu hiyo kazi mpaka sasa nimebakisha $69 kwa ajili tu ya kununua connects za kusubmitt proposal yani nishasubmitt proposal zaidi ya 50 bado sijapata tena kazi nisaidie Mkuu tatizo ni Proposal au? Nimeona thread yako iliyopita ulizungumzia hourly rate nikiweka $9 pale nishapaedit sasa nimeweka $25 maybe itasaidia.
Mkuu tufundishe na namna ya kuandika Proposal nzuri kwa Upwork
Kama upo upwork jaribu kuhudhuria webnar zao
Mm nipo upwork tangu tarehe 2 april 2020 nilifanikiwa kupata kazi moja ya $100 ambayo walikata 20% ikawa $80 sasa tangu hiyo kazi mpaka sasa nimebakisha $69 kwa ajili tu ya kununua connects za kusubmitt proposal yani nishasubmitt proposal zaidi ya 50 bado sijapata tena kazi nisaidie Mkuu tatizo ni Proposal au? Nimeona thread yako iliyopita ulizungumzia hourly rate nikiweka $9 pale nishapaedit sasa nimeweka $25 maybe itasaidia
Mkuu gig yako inahusi nini upwork?
Mm nipo upwork tangu tarehe 2 april 2020 nilifanikiwa kupata kazi moja ya $100 ambayo walikata 20% ikawa $80 sasa tangu hiyo kazi mpaka sasa nimebakisha $69 kwa ajili tu ya kununua connects za kusubmitt proposal yani nishasubmitt proposal zaidi ya 50 bado sijapata tena kazi nisaidie Mkuu tatizo ni Proposal au? Nimeona thread yako iliyopita ulizungumzia hourly rate nikiweka $9 pale nishapaedit sasa nimeweka $25 maybe itasaidia.
Nitafanya hivyo, kuna vtu vingi zaidi ya proposal tu-grab attention ya client, nitaelezea next time kwa undani. Thanks!
Hi there, I hope upo poa wherever you are...

So, last time nili-post a thread kuhusiana na Jinsi ya kuwa freelancer (Be your own boss working from home), nilipata meseji na replies on how to be approved on Upwork maana most people (wanna-be-freelancers) huwa wanakuwa rejected au banned permanently from the platform. So, today nita-cover my personal steps and experience from the platform and i assure you utakuwa appoved if put the work to action.

To cut the story short, nita-explain what is Upwork and what is it about so special had iku-reject na wengine wawe accepted:

Upwork ni freelancing platform (one of the biggest and best around) ambapo watu binafsi, makampuni, wajasiliamali au mashirika hupost kazi online ndani ya platform na freelancers (mtu yoyote ndani ya upwork mwenye uwezo wa kufanya hyo kazi) huapply na kulipwa baada ya kazi au kulingangana na bid ya bei unayoitaka ulipwe, kuna zaidi ya kazi 10,000+ hupostiwa kila siku. It's up to you kuapply au kupotezea, kuna kazi nyingine hazichukua hata dakika 10 kama unaelewa what to do with them.

Kama unatafuta kazi, umetoka chuo huna issue mtaani au just a side hustle from your main job basi i recommend ufanye freelancing maana ni free na easy to start, and kama hauna ujuzi au profession yoyote ya kazi then pitia my previous thread utapata mwanga wa kutosha.

Baadhi ya kazi au services unazoweza kuanza nazo au zilizopo Upwork bila ujuzi ni kama, transcript - where unabadilisha video au audio kuwa inform of text format, kutafsri lugha au maandishi - kazi za swahili translation zipo nyingi sana, uandishi wa copy and paste, data entry - kujaza spreadsheets au any files, photo editing, dropshipping store creation, virtual assistance, proofreading - unaangalia makosa katika maandishi na kurekesbisha, kupost on social media like Instagram au Facebook - yes, it's just that simple

Inshort siwez maliza kazi zote but there's always a room for anyone looking for an extra income or a full-time career.. na kama hauko interested au huna profession yoyote then pitia my previous thread utapata something.

But first, inabidi uelewe sababu na facts on why Upwork ina-reject your profiles from their platform:

  • Zaidi ya profiles 10,000 zina-sign up kila siku on the platform, that means kuna nyingine ni either bots or fake profiles kwahiyo approval inafanywa kiumakini zaidi na kama profile yako haieleweki there's a big chance utakuwa rejected.
  • Kupata kazi upwork ni easy than getting approved, Yeah it's just like that. wanajaribu kubalance clients na freelancers in a very systematic way
  • Kuwa approved sio manual but algorithmic, that means inafanywa through computed procedures na sio watu wanao-approve profiles. so inabidi iuridhishe algorithm yao ikuapprove.
Hizi ni baadhi ya ninazozifahamu na pia through my research before signing up na kuwa approved.

Now, How to get approved on the Upwork na kuanza kujipatia kipato from your home with full freedom of your own comfort - Nitaelezelea step by step in a very simplified way.

First of all inabidi uelewe ukiwa rejected na Upwork haimaanishi haupo qualified kuwa freelancer but you need to fix some things so as to get accepted and start earning. na pia kama wameku-suspend permanently kindly contact them watakuambia nini cha kurekebisha au umekosea wapi uweze kuendelea na your account.

1. Tumia a business email account ku-sign up kama unayo au unaweza pata

Hii si lazima but somehow ina matter since unavyotumia a business email address automatically upwork system inakuchukulia as a serious freelancer na wao pia wanahitaji professionals on their platform, so this is just a point in the eyes of the upwork algorithm, unaweza pata business email address from paid platforms like gsuite by google au any other platform. mfano wa business email ni kama (john@jamiiforum.com - ie. yourname@company-name/domain.com)

2. Kubali/Pick subcategories nyingi za kazi uwezavyo

Unavyo-sign up utapick main category za kazi unayoitaka lakini pia Upwork itakuletea subcategories nyingine nyingi from the main category. Pick as many as you can, hii itaonesha you are a diverse freelancer na utaweza kuapply kazi nyingi ndani ya platform clients wakipost. Hii ni kwasababu on your job feed dashboard upwork huonyesha kazi ambazo zinaendana na your main and subcategories ulizopick, so just assume seeing only one job from your job feed every day - hii sio nzuri kwa Upwork.

3. List skills zako zote ulizo nazo (niche relevant skills)

Baada ya categories uta-list skills ulizonazo, don't overthink here kama haupo sure check other freelancers profiles and pick just like them pia unaweza change these skills later. skills at least kumi (10) zinatosha kuanza nazo. so this step is just that simple.

4. Andika your overview section in a professional way

Hii step ndio ya kuchukua mda kidogo na energy kujaza, inshort hii ni section ya 'about you', your skills, background na uta-offer nini kwa your client. since this is a page where your client will get to read before hiring you. so take some time kuandika kwa umakini, check spelling error, add sweet words - kama unahisi huwezi, take inspiration from other freelancers overviews (don't copy and paste, just use your common sense to combine by taking nice spots from atleast 3 to 4 overviews from other freelancers)

Don't forget to always include a call to action on your overview.

5. Weka a unique title for your profile.

kuwa unique infront of 100,000s freelancers ni ngumu so dont put pressure here too, andika something that will summaries your profession au skills unazo-offer. lets say unafanya photo and video editing with photoshop, just write (Photography and video editor | Photoshop Expert), that is enough just be in your niche skill.

6. Add elimu yako na employment history if you had/have.

This section haitakusaidia kupata clients just because of your education but to put your profile safer, Nowadays your college degree or masters si muhimu sana on Upwork but what you have to offer to your clients, kazi kama social media posting doesn't really need such education.

But still, you have to fill here, kama hauna any college education just pick any random available college from your country, Upwork itakuletea option ya vyuo ukiwa una-type (you can google too). same as your employment history, fill something trustworthy au kama ulishawahi volunteer kazi yoyote before just fill it but don't skip.

7. Choose a professional experience level and rate

Hii ndio step ya mwisho on signing up with Upwork, utapewa experience levels tatu (entry, intermediate na expert) always choose intermediate or expert. choosing entry levels shows how much you are shallow with your service hivyo kama step za nyuma hukujaza vizuri alogarithm iki-combine na your experience level, no way out utakuwa rejected hapohapo.

Also, this is very important for beginners. watu wengi hufikiria ku-compete with cheap prices kutawaletea clients but thats the vice versa. Just know unavyo-charge less than $10 per hour most potential clients see you as:-
  • You have virtually no experience
  • You don’t have a lot of skills
  • You’re not confident about your ability to deliver for clients
  • You can’t produce high-quality work
That's just it. but still, if you find a cheap client it's okay to bid with low prices but not all clients pick cheap price freelancers kama nilivyotoa hizo bullet points above.


Hopefully, Hii thread imeelezea how with just simple few steps, you can get your profile approved on Upwork and start your freelancing journey. But my last point is not to overthink this process. Usitumie masaa kujaribu kuwa perfect just do your best na u-move on, na kama hutakuwa approved just repeat the process or contact me naweza kushauri what to do.

kama kuna anything not covered above, you can ask from the comment below or you'd love to know more on online businesses like freelancing, youtube, Instagram influencers, blogging, dropshipping, Facebook ads do not hesitate to ask.

Thanks and stay blessed!
Asante sana huu uzi ni helpful sana
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