How do you identify fake friends, and how do you avoid making more of them?


Senior Member
Dec 9, 2018
Identifying fake friends can be challenging, but I will mention some common signs to look out for:

Fake friends are usually unreliable and self-centered. They tend to prioritize their needs and wants over yours. They don't show up when you need them, and often times, friends like this may only reach out to you when they need something from you. So ask yourself “Can I count on this person to come through for me when I need it the most?” If the answer is no, then you should not add such person to your friend list.

If your friend frequently talks behind other people's backs, it's possible they may do the same to you. Be cautious of friends who enjoy gossiping or spreading rumors.

Fake friends may be friendly and kind to you one day but ignore you the next. They may also be quick to turn on you or become distant for no apparent reason. It's almost like they pick when to be friends with you and when not to. Remove such people from your friend list.

To avoid making more fake friends, it's essential to take your time in building new relationships. Observe how potential friends treat others, how they communicate, and whether they follow through on their commitments. It's also essential to set boundaries and be clear about your expectations in the friendship. Authentic friendships require mutual trust, respect, and open communication.

Also remember to love yourself first. Enjoy your own company before anyone else's. I wish you all the best.
Identifying fake friends involves recognizing signs of unreliability, self-centeredness, and gossiping tendencies. They prioritize their needs over yours, may only reach out when they need something, and talk behind others' backs. They can be friendly one day and distant the next, showing inconsistency in their behavior. To avoid making more fake friends, take time to observe potential friends' behavior, communication style, and commitment levels. Set boundaries and prioritize self-love, enjoying your own company before others'. Authentic friendships require mutual trust, respect, and open communication.

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