50 Years On Are We Really Independent Or Just Dependent.


May 16, 2009
As we look forward to 9th December 2011 or even back to 9th December 1961(for those who were there and can remember) I ask this ' Is our nation trully independent or just dependent?' What do you think?

When one reads articles portraying us being 3rd largest recepient of foreign aid in the world? Is this what we have come to now or are we victims of our mismanagement among other forces that may be out side of our control. And what can we do to reign in this level of dependency for this I think is what we have come to be, dependants.

May I highlight one item which I fail to grasp and points to mismanagement of our affairs: 1961 Dar -es -Sallam was the capital city of Tanganyika economically commercially politically you name it.

2011 Assumedly Dodoma is the capital city but Dar-es-Sallam feels more like the capital city for all intents and purposes...... now the question I dare ask is this 'Who is footing the bill for all this extravagance?'

These are some of the things that makes one go Hhmmmmmmm? So for how long shall this level of extravagance carry on among many other malaise that afflict our beautiful nation?

Shall we debate and delibarate on this I welcome your contributions.

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