The Essence of Home Cooking: the Art and Soul

Shining Light

JF-Expert Member
Jan 8, 2024
Cooking isn't just about mixing the ingredients; it's the passion drawn from gathering the ingredients, the shapes of the vegetables, and how you cut the meat. it's art of creativity, care and passion.

The passion lies in how you choose to re-arrange the recipe from one ingredient to another and for how long each ingredient should cook before you add another one. Every decision reflects your connection to the food and those who will enjoy it.

Simply by following instructions, the food tastes as blunt as no passion to it. It's the belief that when you are cooking, you have to be connect your soul to the food. The connection of the food to who is cooking is to give it flavors as you devour the food.

A chef with no love for the process of cooking tends to affect the food's taste. The mood of it is what makes the taste spectacular, not proven but it's strongly believed so.

In essence, cooking is a celebration of love, creativity, and connection. When prepared with passion, meals transcend mere sustenance, becoming vibrant expressions of the soul that delight and nourish those fortunate enough to partake.

This is why we love the foods cooked from our loved ones, despite visiting tons of restaurant, But there is no good food like Home.

Sadly, I lost my mother but the some flavor of the food she use to make, no place was able to deliver that nostalgia feeling especially the fish and banana soup.

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