Hii ndio hotuba ya Waziri Membe leo jijini Arusha mbele ya vijana wa China na Afrika.

Sauti ya Rondo

Senior Member
Aug 1, 2009

Mr. Zhou Chang Kui,

Secretary of CPC Youth League,

Mr. Wang He Ming,

Deputy Director of CPC International Department,

Mr. Zhou Ping Jian,

Deputy Director General of Department of African Affairs of China Foreign Ministry,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good Morning;


As I look at this august gathering, I feel proud and optimistic about the future of Tanzania, Africa and our special relations with China. This is a gathering of its kind that creates a platform for interaction and cooperation between the Youth of China and Africa. I am pleased to be here and speak to you this morning, for I know I am speaking to the people who belongs to today, but most importantly who holds key to the future. I see before prospective leaders of our two nations, future Presidents, Ministers, Party Leaders, People of Influence of China and Africa.

I commend the organizers for choosing Arusha as a place to meet. They could never be more precise. It is in this city where the historic Arusha Declaration that gave the foundation of our Ujamaa Policy was born. It is that declaration that was keeping us even closer with China as we were pursuing more less the same development and ideological pathway.

It was inspired by China and will continue to learn from China and work with China to achieve our dreams of building a self-reliant nation. We have not lost touch with where we came from, and I am glad that the younger generation is following the footprints and steps of our founding fathers. China and Africa has come from a far, and they must continue to journey together whatever far it takes.

China-Africa Relations

Comrades and dear participants,

This morning I have been asked to say something about China - Africa Relations - with a focus on Development, Challenges and Opportunities. As you all know, the relations between China and Africa are historical. The early exchanges between our two sides date as back as 600 years ago when Zheng He, the Chinese sailor visited the coasts of East Africa. My country, Tanzania and other Africa countries used to be an important commercial spot in the Maritime Silk Road at that time.

Over the past five decades, Chinese and African people have helped each other and fostered an unbreakable bond of friendship. In the 1960s and 70s, to support the cause of national liberation in southern Africa and smash the blockade imposed by the apartheid regime, the Chinese people assisted the construction of the Tazara Railway against great odds. Sixty-five fine sons and daughters of China gave their lives for the construction of the railway and were laid to rest on the African continent. In the same vein, when China's lawful seat was restored in the UN, it was a great victory not only to China but also to Africa. Africa indeed played its part towards that sweet victory. Comrades, The history of our common struggle for a common destiny will always be our precious memory and inspiration and an inexhaustible driver for the future growth of China-Africa relations.

Development Cooperation Context

Comrades and dear participants,

After the liberation of African countries, China and Africa were able to take their cooperation and relations to new heights through excellent bilateral relations between China and African countries. In the 21st century, China and Africa have enjoyed growing political mutual trust and frequent high-level exchanges that has led to new type of China-Africa strategic partnership.

The Forum on China - Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) that was established in 2000 has put in place a new mechanism of cooperation between China and Africa in the light of fast changing international environment. Over the years, FOCAC has enabled the people of Africa and China to seize and make use of political, economic, social and cultural opportunities available in both sides.

Through FOCAC we have witnessed China-Africa trade reached US$210.2 billion, registering an increase of more than 2,000 times over the 1960 figure. For five years in a row, China has been Africa's largest trading partner. China's FDI in Africa has grown from zero to over US$25 billion in accumulative terms, delivering tangible benefits to both the Chinese and African peoples. It was once said that "when China develops well, Africa will get opportunities; when Africa develops well, China will stand to benefit; and when China and Africa all make progress in development, the world will become a better place for mankind to live in" Indeed, both history and reality testifies that, I couldn't agree more.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It goes without saying that the China-Africa success story has not gone without envy and criticism. The FOCUS success story particularly on trade and investment has created the situation where the world started to get worried about the relationship between China and Africa. Some of us who travels around the world, we have always encountered questions on why Africa is doing business with China. Our answer has been simple, if all other continents do business with China, why should Africa form an exception? It should be clear to everyone that nobody has the right to choose friends for us; neither have they had the right to choose our enemies. Unlike other countries, China does not discriminate Africa. Regardless the circumstances in our continent, be it diseases, famine, drought, China have always been there with us. That is what distinguishes China from the rest of the world. These realities make the world envious of our excellent relationship. I appeal to you young leaders from China and Africa gathered here today not to succumb to the negative propaganda against China-Africa relationship. Partnership with China must be sustained by your generation.


Comrades and dear participants,

Despite the convincing trend of growth in trade and investment between China and Africa, there still remains challenging areas that require us both to invest more efforts to address them. In the spirit of honesty between true friends I will openly mention few of them.

For instance, the imbalance of trade between China and most African countries is very noticeable. This is especially true for those countries that are not resource rich. I am aware that there have been various efforts to address this issue such as the introduction of zero-tariff treatment for 60 to 97 percent of African products entering China. But still, these African products are subject to non-tariffs barriers such as strict sanitary requirements by the Chinese Authorities. It is our hope that the ongoing efforts to find a solution to this challenge will be successful. One recommended way to address this issue is to attract Chinese investors to invest in products being exported to China since they will use the technology available in China.

I am happy that China is doing something about this challenge. We are pleased with the recent decision by the Government of China to consider transferring qualified Chinese industries into Africa. This move is certainly welcome because it will push the agenda for Africa's industrialization and strengthens industrial cooperation with China. We envisage that this cooperation will focus on the development of labour-intensive industries such as textile and shoes manufacturing, cement production, agricultural processing, etc. These industries will help solve the problem of Youth unemployment in many African countries.

Business Environment

Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen,

While examining the challenges, it is also important to look at the business and investment environment and processes used by our business people from both ends and make sure that the system is supportive and friendly. For example, how long does it take to register investment into our countries? What policies are in place to favour attraction and retention of investment? What policies are in place to facilitate investment diversification? What policy is in place to enable local empowerment through investment and trade? Other questions that I urge you to consider includes: What policy intervention and practices are being put into place to curtail negative trade behavior with the continent-for example dumping of fake goods? To what extent is China preparing itself to leverage of Africa's growing labor market to achieve efficiency in trade and investment especially in manufacturing? I am sure if the forum will adequately address these questions, you will come up with concrete and practical measures in order to transform our expectations into tangible development indicators for the betterment of the lives of our peoples.

Youth Context

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before I conclude, I would like to say something brief about the role of Youth in relations to this Forum's theme Friendship, Cooperation and Development. Youth are the building block of any nation. The stronger the Youth, the more developed a nation becomes. All nations depend on the energy and brilliance of the mind of Youth to light their way to development. A nation that fails to recognize the role of Youth will always remain behind in terms of development.

China for example has risen from the ponds of poverty to become one of the largest economies in the world. This achievement is not the work of miracles but rather the result of young people and the strong leadership, commitment and sacrifices by the Peoples of China.

The participation of Youth in the political process of a country is very important. Youth are not only expected to take up leadership positions but also they are expected to play a crucial role in building respectable African societies through promoting accountability, observe the rule of law, fight against corruption and participate in fully in democratic processes such as voting.

Comrades and dear participants,

Since relationship between China and Africa has entered a new phase of development, it is high time for both sides to prepare a new generation of African and Chinese leaders that will take the lead in issues of cooperation between China and Africa. We hope to pass on the baton to youth to outrun our race by strengthening political cooperation and promoting common understanding and trust between China and Africa.

Your Excellency,

Comrades and dear participants,

Let me now conclude by quoting one Chinese saying that "If you want to harvest in just one year plant wheat, If you want to harvest in 5 years plant a tree, but if you want to harvest in many years ahead invest in people" .I am delighted this is what we are doing today. By investing in you our young people, we feel safer and optimistic for the future of our relations between China and Africa.

China-Africa relations have not grown to this stage overnight, nor are they a gift from a third party. Rather, the close relationship between China and Africa is a product of history, time tested and we have passed through thick and thin, together. We are both bound by similar historical experience; common development tasks and shared strategic interests.

Long live the friendship between the people of the People's Republic of China and the people of the United Republic of Tanzania.!!!!
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