Democrat Martin O’Malley Says TREASONOUS REPUBLICANS Shouldn’t Be In U.S. Government


JF-Expert Member
Aug 19, 2011

In an interview with Iowa Public Television’s Iowa Press, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley said that those who hate President Obama more than they hate the Ayatollah probably shouldn’t be serving in U.S. government.Before the show airs, Iowa Press tweeted out one big shot that the former Maryland governor took at the Republicans who tried to sabotage the Iran nuclear deal.

Iowa Press tweeted:

Iowa Press ✔ @IowaPress

"If you hate the POTUS more than you hate the Ayatollah, then you probably shouldn't be in the government of the U.S." GOVERNOROMalley
11:15 AM - 10 Apr 2015

Former Gov. O’Malley spoke the truth. If policy positions and behavior are dictated by hatred of the President, then that individual has no business being in government. Unfortunately, Republicans have run in the two midterm elections on a platform of opposing and obstructing President Obama. O’Malley has been visiting the early primary states and laying the groundwork for a run against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary for years. His campaign will be that of a definite underdog. Progressive activists continue to dream of an Elizabeth Warren campaign that has close to no chance of happening. Bernie Sanders looks willing to run, but his entry into the race will depend on if he can raise enough money and support for his candidacy.


Democrat Martin O'Malley Says Treasonous Republicans Shouldn't Be In U.S. Government
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