Who is the Leader?


JF-Expert Member
Mar 6, 2011
HEART?BRAIN?LIVER?ANUS?Who is the Leader?|The human is wondering who is the Leader?!|.|The HEART says:It's me,I circulate the blood|.>|The BRAIN says:NO!,It's me because I control everything!|.>|The LIVER says:No,It's me,because I feed!|.>|And the Anus said:No! It's me|...............>|The HEART,the LIVER and the BRAIN laughed at him madly!|..............>|The Anus refused to open for 7 days.The LIVER exploded,The BRAIN was stewed and The HEART stopped beating|.........Moral of the story:Even an asshole like your prezzidaa can be a leader!!.
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