Using A Sex Education Video


Aug 18, 2008
Using A Sex Education Video


The use of a sex education video is a tremendous asset when it comes to that all important life discussion involving sex. Teenagers and even pre-teenagers need to have all of the information available and the use of visual aids such as sex education videos can help. It doesn't make the subject easier to tackle but it does show the choices and consequences when it comes to sex and sexual relations.


There are a few things every parent dreads. Puberty ranks pretty high on the list but one thing that skyrockets above the others is the uncomfortable talk about where babies come from. Sex is a very hot topic no matter what age, race, creed, religion or ethnic background a person comes from. It is not necessarily the actual act that stirs up so much controversy rather it comes from the responsible choices that face pre-teens and teens.

There are real dividing lines on the issue of sexual education. Is it better for parents to instruct their children and teens according to their own personal and religious beliefs? Should the school undertake this monumental task when it is obvious by the soaring number of teenagers either pregnant or diagnosed with a sexual transmitted disease? Religion plays a tremendous role in the way a parent talks to their teen about sex. Family A believes that sexual relations are a consecrated thing that should only be performed in the sanctity of marriage. Their stance is the "Absolute No" stance and they do not believe a sixteen year old should be given material (i.e. sex education video, books, pamphlets, etc) that might persuade them into committing a sinful act.

Family B also believes that it is better to wait until marriage but they want to keep their teenager informed in the likely case that their child does not agree with their moral viewpoint. They want to educate their child themselves though.

Family C is a single parent household where the parent must work all of the time. The mom or dad does not have the time or the knowledge to effectively communicate sex education. They chose to let the school educate their child. This might seem a very stereotypical view of how sex education is looked at in different households, but each of the examples above are from real families. The one thing that each family had in common later was that their children either became pregnant during high school or was diagnosed with an STD. The parent's and the school system of these families were not prepared to educate the children effectively.

A very effective method of conveying information regarding sexual precautions and information is through the use of sex education videos. The sex education video gives the teens an in-depth look with a better means of conveying pictures and images than a mere textbook. The sex education video offers practical health information that can let the teenager understand information without offering judgment in his or her choices.

The sex education video also allows the teenager a variety of options and choices that a face-to-face conversation with a parent would not allow. Can you remember trying to talk about sex to your mother or father? To say that it was uncomfortable would be to put it mildly. I would have gladly taken a sex education video rather than hear all about it from either my friends, who were grossly uninformed, or from my parents.

Parents, if you want to educate your children yourselves then it is important that you yourself are informed and well educated. Schools screen sex education videos and so should you. Being educated is the only way to protect yourself and it is better to be forewarned than caught unaware.
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