Mwanga wa Bluu kutoka Simu na Taa za LED za Ofisi Unaweza Kuwa 'Sumu', Wasema Wanasayansi

Shining Light

JF-Expert Member
Jan 8, 2024
Utafiti uligundua kwamba kufichuliwa kwa muda mrefu kwa mwanga mkali wa 'bluu' unaotolewa na simu za mkononi na taa za ofisi zenye taa za LED kunaweza kuwa 'sumu'.

Kuwashwa kwa mwili na mwanga wa speshi ya bluu kwa muda wote kunaweza kuvuruga kazi za kawaida za mwili na kusababisha kutokuwa sawa kwa viwango vya sukari mwilini.

Wanasayansi katika Chuo Kikuu cha London wanasema mazingira ya kisasa yaliyo 'yenye njaa ya nyekundu' yanaweza kuwa 'bomu la afya ya umma' - kusababisha uwezekano wa kisukari na kupunguza maisha.

Profesa Glen Jeffery alisema: 'Mwangaza wa jua una usawa kati ya nyekundu na bluu, lakini sasa tunaishi katika ulimwengu ambapo mwanga wa bluu una udhibiti. Ingawa hatuuioni, taa za LED zina udhibiti mkubwa wa bluu na hazina nyekundu karibu nayo. Kufichuliwa kwa muda mrefu kwa mwanga wa bluu kuna sumu bila nyekundu.

'Mwanga wa bluu pekee unaweza kuathiri vibaya fiziolojia na kusababisha kutokuwa sawa kwa viwango vya sukari mwilini ambavyo kwa muda mrefu vinaweza kuchangia kisukari na kudhoofisha urefu wa maisha.

Souurce : Daily Mail

Lengthy exposure to harsh 'blue' light emitted by smartphones and LED office lighting may be 'toxic', a study found.Being bombarded by blue-spectrum light all day could disrupt the body's normal functions and put blood-sugar levels out of balance.Scientists at University College London say the modern 'red-starved' environment could be a public health 'time bomb' - potentially causing diabetes and shortening lives.

Professor Glen Jeffery said: 'Sunlight has a balance between red and blue, but we now live in a world where blue light is dominant. Although we do not see it, LED lights are dominant in blue and have almost no red in them.'Long-term exposure to blue light is potentially toxic without red. 'Blue light on its own impacts badly on physiology and can drive disrupted blood sugars that may in the long run contribute to diabetes and undermine health spans.

'Pre-1990, we all had incandescent lighting which was OK because it had the balance of blue and red similar to sunlight.'But there is a potential health span time bomb in the change to LEDs in an ageing population. 'This can partly be corrected by spending more time in sunlight.'The researchers found that excessive blue light disrupts the mitochondria, which generate the energy needed to power cells. This can affect blood sugar levels and contribute to ageing.They discovered that shining a red light on a person's skin for 15 minutes can get their blood sugar levels back under control.

The researchers used a 670nm red light, which is also used for anti-ageing treatments, and found it stimulated energy production within cells and increased glucose consumption.This led to a 27.7 per cent reduction in blood glucose levels, which may offer a new type of treatment for diabetes.

Dr Michael Powner said: 'It is clear that light affects the way mitochondria function and this impacts our bodies at a cellular and physiological level. 'Our study has shown that we can use a single, 15-minute exposure to red light to reduce blood sugar levels after eating.'While this has only been done in healthy individuals in this paper, it has the potential to impact diabetes control going forward, as it could help to reduce potentially damaging glucose spikes in the body after meals.'

The research, published in the Journal of Biophotonics, monitored the blood sugar levels of individuals while they were exposed to different light frequencies.Other studies have shown blue light may damage the eyes. Many smartphones have a 'night mode' which attempts to reduce the amount of blue light being emitted.
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