CREATION was only for israelites not for all human races, EVOLUTION still holds its truth !

nilikuwa sijui haya mavitu ai see!!!

Quraan iko wazi kuhusu kuumba na namna ulimwengu ulivo aya hizi nyengine zimeshuka kuwajibu na kuwafahamisha wale wanaopinga kuwapo kwa Mungu.
Aya nyingi zimeshuka katika quran kuhusu uumbaji mfano ni hizi hapa.
007.054 إِنَّ رَبَّكُمُ اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ يُغْشِي اللَّيْلَ النَّهَارَ يَطْلُبُهُ حَثِيثًا وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ وَالنُّجُومَ مُسَخَّرَاتٍ بِأَمْرِهِ أَلا لَهُ الْخَلْقُ وَالأمْرُ تَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ
007.054 Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession: He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!
010.003 إِنَّ رَبَّكُمُ اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ يُدَبِّرُ الأمْرَ مَا مِنْ شَفِيعٍ إِلا مِنْ بَعْدِ إِذْنِهِ ذَلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُوهُ أَفَلا تَذَكَّرُونَ
010.003 Verily your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne (of authority), regulating and governing all things. No intercessor (can plead with Him) except after His leave (hath been obtained). This is Allah your Lord; Him therefore serve ye: will ye not Celebrate His praises?
025.059 الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ الرَّحْمَنُ فَاسْأَلْ بِهِ خَبِيرًا
025.059 He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between, in six days, and is firmly established on the Throne (of Authority): Allah Most Gracious: ask thou, then, about Him of any acquainted (with such things).
032.004 اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ مَا لَكُمْ مِنْ دُونِهِ مِنْ وَلِيٍّ وَلا شَفِيعٍ أَفَلا تَتَذَكَّرُونَ
032.004 It is Allah Who has created the heavens and the earth, and all between them, in six Days, and is firmly established on the Throne (of Authority): ye have none, besides Him, to protect or intercede (for you): will ye not then receive admonition?
039.005 خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ يُكَوِّرُ اللَّيْلَ عَلَى النَّهَارِ وَيُكَوِّرُ النَّهَارَ عَلَى اللَّيْلِ وَسَخَّرَ الشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ كُلٌّ يَجْرِي لأجَلٍ مُسَمًّى أَلا هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفَّارُ
039.005 He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power - He Who forgives again and again?
040.064 اللَّهُ الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الأرْضَ قَرَارًا وَالسَّمَاءَ بِنَاءً وَصَوَّرَكُمْ فَأَحْسَنَ صُوَرَكُمْ وَرَزَقَكُمْ مِنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ ذَلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ
040.064 It is Allah Who has made for you the earth as a resting place, and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape- and made your shapes beautiful,- and has provided for you Sustenance, of things pure and good;- such is Allah your Lord. So Glory to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!
050.038 وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ وَمَا مَسَّنَا مِنْ لُغُوبٍ
050.038 We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in Six Days, nor did any sense of weariness touch Us.
057.004 هُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ يَعْلَمُ مَا يَلِجُ فِي الأرْضِ وَمَا يَخْرُجُ مِنْهَا وَمَا يَنْزِلُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ وَمَا يَعْرُجُ فِيهَا وَهُوَ مَعَكُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كُنْتُمْ وَاللَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ
057.004 He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of Authority). He knows what enters within the earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from heaven and what mounts up to it. And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah sees well all that ye do.
Kuhusu aya za surat Fusilat aya ya 9 mpaka 12 hapa Allah anazungumzia hizo siku sita kwa kila alichokiumba kulichukua muda gani..
· Aya ya 9 anatuonesha kuwa ali umba dunia kwa siku 2.
· Aya ya 10 ni ukamilifu wa uumbaji dunia kama alivotuambia katika aya ya 9 na vitu vyake kwa pamoja ndio ilichukua siku 4, yaani kuumba dunia pamoja kukamilisha mahitaji yake.
· Aya ya 11 na 12 anatuambia kuwa aliumba mbingu na vitu vyake kwa siku 2.
· Hivyo kuumba dunia siku 2
· Mahitaji ya dunia siku 2
· Mbingu na mahitaji yake siku 2
Hivyo hakuna cha kisichofahamika kwa mwnye kutaka kufahamu.hakika Allah ndie ajuae.
041.009 قُلْ أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَكْفُرُونَ بِالَّذِي خَلَقَ الأرْضَ فِي يَوْمَيْنِ وَتَجْعَلُونَ لَهُ أَنْدَادًا ذَلِكَ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ
041.009 Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in two Days? And do ye join equals with Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds.
041.010 وَجَعَلَ فِيهَا رَوَاسِيَ مِنْ فَوْقِهَا وَبَارَكَ فِيهَا وَقَدَّرَ فِيهَا أَقْوَاتَهَا فِي أَرْبَعَةِ أَيَّامٍ سَوَاءً لِلسَّائِلِينَ
041.010 He set on the (earth), mountains standing firm, high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measure therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four Days, in accordance with (the needs of) those who seek (Sustenance).
041.011 ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى إِلَى السَّمَاءِ وَهِيَ دُخَانٌ فَقَالَ لَهَا وَلِلأرْضِ اِئْتِيَا طَوْعًا أَوْ كَرْهًا قَالَتَا أَتَيْنَا طَائِعِينَ
041.011 Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come (together), in willing obedience."

041.012 فَقَضَاهُنَّ سَبْعَ سَمَاوَاتٍ فِي يَوْمَيْنِ وَأَوْحَى فِي كُلِّ سَمَاءٍ أَمْرَهَا وَزَيَّنَّا السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا بِمَصَابِيحَ وَحِفْظًا ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
041.012 So He completed them as seven firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of Knowledge.
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]In recent years, the debate over teaching the account of human creation provided by religious texts has intensified in the U.S. Some Christians insist that schools teach "creationism" side by side with the theory of evolution. Most recently this call has been echoed by several Muslim writers, most notably the prolific Turkish scholar Harun Yahya.
The call for embracing the theory of creationism should be treated with caution. Not only because it would undermine scientific research that aims at exploring metaphysical assertions through scientific methodology, which has for long been embraced and supported by Islamic scholarship, but also because it seems to contradict facts alluded to by the Qur'an itself.
Undoubtedly, no human being has ever had the opportunity to witness the beginning of human life. We are members of a species whose origin is counted by tens - if not hundreds - of thousands of years. The many narratives about the origins of human life can be ultimately subsumed under two grand narratives: creation and evolution. Evolution is widely embraced by natural scientists who attempt to reconstruct the beginning of human life by tracing prehistoric animal life, finding in the shared biological traits of all living creatures evidence of common ancestry and common evolution. Human life, they claim, evolved from the general animal life through a process of "natural selection".
The followers of monotheistic religions, however, share a grand narrative that places the beginning of human life with the creation of the first masculine human being, Adam, along with his feminine spouse. The Qur'an describes human creation by narrating an exchange between God and the angles:
"Behold, your Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man from clay: When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My Spirit, fall down unto him." (38:71-2)
Another Qur'anic verse provides a similar but a more elaborate account. It describes that the clay from which the human body was shaped went through organic transformation that it turned into smelly and darkened clay:
"Behold! Your Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man, from dark malodorous clay, from mud molded into shape; "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of my spirit, fall you down [in prostration] unto him." (15: 28-29)
The human being, according to the Qur'an, is made of earthly matter mixed with water, and left for a while until it went through a process of transformation. This clay had already gone through a transformation to become a malodorous and dark substance, thereby suggesting an organic process. This transformed clay was then molded into the human shape, and into which the Divine breathed a spirit derived from His own.
The Qur'an is silent as to the nature of the process through which the human body took its final shape. Was the human body created instantaneously, or did it go through an evolutionary process? What is clear, though, is that the Qur'an places the question of the origin of life within the realm of natural observation rather than theoretical reflection. Thus, investigating human creation belongs to scientific observation and not to theology.
"Say: Travel through the earth and see how God did originate creation; so will God produce a later creation: for God has power over all things" (29:20)
Yet the Qur'an describes in so many different ways human creation as an elaborate and phased process, whereby the human being goes through various phases before it evolves into the human shape. The above verses of Chap. 15 refer to a process of "molding into shape" or taswiyah that culminates in the human creation. In Chapter 7, the Qur'an refers to the two phases of human creation: the act of creation and the process of shaping:
"It is We who created you then gave you shape; then We bade the angels bow down to Adam, and they bowed down; not so Iblis (Lucifer); he refused to be of those who bow down" (7:11).
Indeed, the Qur'an describes human life as an ever evolving through distinct stages, taking different forms, beginning with the most primordial stage of earthly matter, the dust, through various stages in the mother's womb, through the various stages of development from infancy, to full adulthood, to senility for those who reach the very advanced age, ending with death.
"O mankind! if you have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider) that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (Our Power) to you; and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babies, then (foster you) that you may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known (much). And (further), you see the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth in pairs" (22:5).
In this account, one sees a clear allusion to an evolutionary process of creation, in which life starts with dust, and then evolves into a single cell (sperm) that multiply to form a clot ('alaqah) that grows into bone and finally to flesh. While the process that referred to here mainly describes the growth of the fetus in the mother's womb, the Qur'an starts its description of the fetus's growth by referring to the earthly dust, thereby suggesting a comparable evolutionary process that was part of the act of creation of the first human being. This suggestion is further enforced by the conclusion of the verse, where the Qur'an invokes the ever observable process of rejuvenation of vegetation in the desert during the annual rain season. The return of life to an apparently lifeless desert after receiving heavy rain is gradual and relatively slow process associated with the growth of vegetation.
While the Qur'an describes a purposive act of creation of human beings, it does not exclude an evolutionary biological process leading to the completion and physical maturation of the human being. What sets human and animal lives apart, according to the Qur'an, is not primarily the biological development of the human body, but the moral, intellectual, and spiritual capacity of the human spirit. Human life enjoys dignity that is unique to human being, dignity that is rooted in human spirituality, not biology.
The debate over creation and evolution is lively one. While Muslims may question an account of evolution that is used to propagate a purposeless process of creation, it should not close the mind to scientific methods that look at natural evidence to figure out the natural dimension of human existence.

Binadamu aliumbwa kutoka nini? Tone la Damu? Maji? Udongo? Vumbi?

Jamani huu nao ni Msiba Mkubwa katika taifa la Allah. Hivi, Allah alikuwa msanii au alikuwa nani/ Maana anapenda sana kuchanganya madawa. Leo ALLAH AMELETA UTATA Katika uumbaji wa Binadamu. Sasa tuanze kwa kusoma kitabu chake kilicho shushwa na Jibril msaidi wake.

Je, Adam aliumbwa kwa tone la Damu?
Quran 96 1-2
1. Soma kwa jina la Mola wako Mlezi aliye umba, ***2. Amemuumba binaadamu kwa tone la damu, ***

Allah anasema kuwa, Binadamu aliumbwa kwa tone la damu. Endela kupa ilmu ya Koran.

Je, Adam aliumbwa kutokana na Maji?
Quran 25:54. Naye ndiye aliye muumba mwanaadamu kutokana na maji, akamjaalia kuwa na nasaba na ushemeji. Na Mola wako Mlezi ni Muweza. ***

Allah anachanganya madawa. Sasa anaumba Mwanadamu kupitia MAJI. Tuendelee kusoma usanii wa Allah.

Je, Binadamu aliumbwa kutoka kwa Udongo?
Quran 15:26. Na tulimuumba mtu kwa udongo unao toa sauti, unao tokana na matope yaliyo tiwa sura. ***

Allah amebadilika tena, sasa anaumba Mwanadamu kupitia Udongo. Jamani huu si Msiba?

Endelea kupata Elimu.

Je, Binadamu aliumbwa kutoka VUMBI?
Quran 30:20. Na katika Ishara zake ni kuwa kakuumbeni kutoka Vumbi. Kisha mmekuwa watu mlio tawanyika kote kote. ***

Ndugu zanguni, hivi kweli Koran ilishushwa kutoka kwa Mungu? Mbona kuna UATAT kila sehemu?

Binadamu aliumbwa kutoka nini? Tone la Damu? Maji? Udongo? Vumbi?

Kweli Allah anafahamu yote, ingawa hajui alimuumbaje Adam.

Katika Huduma yake

Max Shimba Ministries Org.
The Beauty of Allah's Creation
The Prophet (pbuh) has said that Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty[SUP]1[/SUP]. It is for this that the whole of Allah's creation has been designed and created according to the highest heavenly standard of splendor and order impossible to be ever emulated by anyone. According to Ibn al-'Arabi, who epitomized the Sufi speculative ontological thought, the divine beauty through which God is named "Beautiful", and by which He described Himself as loving beauty, is in all things. There is nothing in existence but beauty, for God created the cosmos only in His image, that is, in the image of His infinite beauty. Hence all cosmos with all its objects and events is beautiful.[SUP]2[/SUP]

Allah says on this: "Such is the Creation of Allah: now show Me what is there that others besides Him have created..." (Luqman 31:11).

"...(Such is) the artistry of Allah, Who disposes of all things in perfect order..." (al-Naml 27:88).

Since man has been created as the vicegerent on earth to whose use all things in the heavens and on earth had been subjected (Luqman 31:20), man stands for an essential part of the intricate picturesque network of creation, serving the Creator's universal plan: "We have indeed created man in the best of moulds" (al-Tin 4).

"It is Allah Who has made for you the earth as a resting place, and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape - and made your shapes beautiful -, and has provided for you Sustenance..." (Gafir 40:64)

"He Who created all things in the best way and He began the creation of man from clay" (al-Sajdah 32:7).

Man is created as the most beautiful creature on earth. He is given the power of reasoning and insight. He is created as the vicegerent on earth never to be forsaken by God's words of guidance. This is so lest man should lose his way, rebel against the will and plan of his Lord, and gradually become puffed up with egotism, self-exaltation and innumerable superstitions pertaining to his own existence and existence taken as a whole. When these exceptional qualities of man are paired with one's submission to the Creator, Lord and Cherisher of the worlds, one confidently sets out proving his worth, elevating his status over that of the angels in the process. Conversely, no sooner does one start mishandling and abusing the same qualities and gifts than one starts drifting away from the plane of truth, debasing his self lower than the level of animals in the process.

What is more, Adam, the father of mankind, has been created in Allah's own image, as declared by the Prophet (pbuh)[SUP]3[/SUP]. This means that "Adam has been bestowed with life, knowledge, power of hearing, seeing, understanding, but the features of Adam are different from those of Allah, only the names are the same, e.g., Allah has life and knowledge and power of understanding, and Adam also has them, but there is no comparison between the Creator and the created thing. As Allah says in the Qur'an: 'There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer' (al-Shura 42:11)."[SUP]4[/SUP]

While actualizing his vicegerency mission on earth by means of holding fast to the values and philosophy divinely given, as well as by means of constant constructive interaction with the rest of creation, man is bound to comprehend rightly the mission and purpose of creation (including the creation of his very self), penetrating through some of its highest mysteries with his powers of reason and insight. In doing so, man will only be answering the divine call, over and over again reiterated in the Qur'an, the thrust of which is the meticulous study, exploration and reflection on the perfectly executed order in the universe's hierarchy: from the gnat, fly and spider to the sun, moon, stars and other majestic cosmic objects. Man's initial impression of amazement with regard to the awesome sights in the universe, as a result of Allah's supreme artistry, followed by his in-depth study of what is viable thereof, is meant to lead man to an unwavering spiritual awakening, thus prompting all his spiritual and mental faculties to assertively declare: "...Our Lord not for naught hast thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us Salvation from the Chastisement of the Fire" (Alu 'Imran 3:191).

Allah Almighty says - for instance: "He Who created the seven heavens one above another: no want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of the Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw? Again turn thy vision a second time: (thy) vision will come back to thee dull and discomfited, in a state worn out" (al-Mulk 67:3 - 4).

Also: "On the earth are Signs for those of assured Faith; as also in your own selves: will yet not then see?" (al-Dhariyat 51:20 - 21).

Thus, everything in the universe has been created beautiful, with purpose and in proportion and measure, both qualitatively and quantitatively (al-Qamar 54:49). The traces of divine wisdom and plan underpin each and every aspect of creation. Only man's ungodly and self-centered tempering with the existing total artistic setting is able to render things ugly, harmful, evil and obsolete. Man's own self, status and mission are no exception to this rule, in that man is capable very much of rendering them repulsive, dull, worthless and pathetic, too.

The order and beauty of the earth, of the vast spaces surrounding it, and of the marvelous bodies that follow regular laws of motion in those enormous spaces in the visible world, they are our tangible and all-encompassing reality. However, we were not to stop just at marveling at its corporeal manifestations and the aura they generate. By discovering and mulling over the signs readily available in all things around us -- big or small -- which inevitably point to Allah's Oneness, Presence, Authority and Clemency, we were, furthermore, to try to form from these some a priori intuition of the Supreme Beauty and of the vastly greater invisible world.

Tuje katika maajabu ya dunia na uumbaji na ulimwengu wa science na Quraan iliyokuja kabla ya usomi wa science.jee Quran inasemaje?

The origin of universe

The science of modern cosmology, observational and theoretical, clearly indicates that, at one point in time, the whole universe was nothing but a cloud of 'smoke' (i.e. an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition). This is one of the undisputed principles of standard modern cosmology. Scientists now can observe new stars forming out of the remnants of that 'smoke'. The illuminating stars we see at night were, just as was the whole universe, in that 'smoke' material. God said in the Quran:

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Then He turned to the heavens when it was smoke...

[Noble Quran 41:11]
Because the earth and the heavens above (the sun, moon, stars, planets, galaxies, etc.) have been formed from this same 'smoke' we conclude that the earth and the heavens were one connected entity. Then out of this homogeneous 'smoke', they formed and separated from each other. God said in the Quran:

Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?..
[Noble Quran 21:30]

Professor Alfred Kroner is one of the world's well-known geologists. He is a Professor of the Department of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany. He said, "Thinking where Muhammad came from .. I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advance technological methods that this is the case." (From 'This is the Truth' [video]). Also he said, "Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics fourteen hundred years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind, for instance, that the earth and the heavens had the same origin."

Look closer to the heaven surrounding the earth. We call it the 'sky'. Notice the clouds? What are they?

According to the scientists today:

"Water vaporizes from the oceans and rivers forming tiny clouds. The small clouds join together and the updrafts within the larger cloud increase. The updrafts closer to the center are stronger, because they are protected from the cooling effects by the outer portion of the cloud. These updrafts cause the cloud body to grow vertically, so the cloud is stacked up. This vertical growth causes the cloud body to stretch into cooler regions of the atmosphere where drops of water and hail formulate and begin to grow larger and larger. When these drops of water and hail become too heavy for the updrafts to support them, they begin to fall from the cloud as rain, hail, etc."

[From "The Atmosphere" p. 269 and "Elements of Meteorology" pp. 141-142]
- Now just for the sake of argument, let us see what the "Muslim scientists" used to formulate their understandings centuries ago based on the revelation of the Quran (revealed 1400 years ago):

Have you not seen how God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a stack, and then you see the rain come out of it...

[Noble Quran 24:43]
Meteorologists have only recently come to know these details of cloud formation, structure, and function by using advanced equipment like planes, satellites, computers, balloons, and other equipment to study wind and its direction, to measure humidity and its variations, and to determine the levels and variations of atmospheric pressure.

The preceding verse, after mentioning clouds and rain, Quran speaks about hail and lightning:

... And He sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky, and He strikes with it whomever He wills, and turns it from whomever He wills. The vivid flash of its lightning nearly blinds the sight.
[Noble Quran 24:43]

Meteorologists have found that these cumulonimbus clouds, that shower hail, reach a height of 25,000 to 30,000 ft. (4.7 to 5.7 miles) like mountains, as the Quran says;

...And He sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky...
[Noble Quran 24:43]

Now this verse may raise the question: "Why does the verse say "its lightning" while referring to hail? This seems to indicate that hail is a major factor in producing lightning. Looking to a book on the subject (Meteorology Today) we find that it says:

"Clouds become electrified as hail falls through a region in the cloud of super cooled droplets and ice crystals. As liquid droplets collide with the hail they freeze on contact and release latent heat. This keeps the surface of the hail warmer than that of the surrounding ice crystals. When the hail comes in contact with an ice crystal, an important phenomenon occurs: electrons flow from the colder object toward the warmer object. So, the hail becomes negatively charged. The same effect occurs when super cooled droplets come in contact with a piece of hail and tiny splinters of positively charged ice break off. These lighter, positively charged particles are then carried to the upper part of the cloud by updrafts. The hail, left with a negative charge, falls toward the bottom of the cloud, so the lower part of the cloud becomes negatively charged. These negative charges are then discharged to the ground as lightning.

[Meteorology Today p. 437]\

This information on lightning was discovered recently. Until 1,600 A.D., Aristotle's ideas on meteorology were dominant in the non-Muslim countries. For example, he said that the atmosphere contains two kinds of exhalation, moist and dry. He also said that thunder is the sound of the collision of the dry exhalation with the neighboring clouds, and lightning is the inflaming and burning of the dry exhalation with a thin and faint fire.

[Works of Aristotle Translated into English pp. 369 a&b]

These are some of the ideas on meteorology that were dominant at the time of the Quran's revelation, fourteen hundred years ago.

Let us now bring our gaze a bit closer to earth. Consider the mountains and their majesty. Is there anything about these massive formations that may give us a clue as to the origin of creation?

On mountains
A book entitled "Earth" is considered a basic reference text in many universities around the world. One of the authors of this book is Frank Press. He is currently the President of the Academy of Sciences in the USA. Previously, he was the science advisor to former USA President Jimmy Carter. His book says that mountains have underlying roots
[p. 435]
. These roots are deeply embedded in the ground. So mountains have a shape like a peg as is seen in an example on page 220 in the same book. Another illustration shows how the mountains are peg-like in shape, due to their deep roots
[p. 158]

This is how the Quran described mountains. God said in the Quran:

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Have We not made the earth as a bed, and the mountains as pegs?
[Noble Quran 78:6-7]

Modern earth sciences have proven that mountains have deep roots under the surface of the ground and that these roots can reach several times their elevations above the surface of the ground. So the suitable word to describe mountains on the basis of this information is the word 'peg', since most of a properly set peg is hidden under the surface of the ground. The history of science tells us that the theory of mountains having deep roots was introduced only in the latter half of the nineteenth century.

[Geological Concept of Mountains p.5]

Mountains also play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth.

[Geological Concept of Mountains pp. 44-45]
. They hinder the shaking of the earth. God said in the Quran:

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And He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you...
[Noble Quran 16:15]

Likewise the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains work as stabilizers for the earth. This knowledge about the role of mountains as stabilizers for the earth has just begun to be understood in the framework of plate tectonics since the late 1960's

[Geological Concept of Mountains p. 5]

Could anyone during the time of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have known of the true shape of mountains? Could any one imagine that the solid massive mountain which he sees before him, actually extends deep into the earth and has a root, as scientists assert? A large number of books of geology when discussing mountains, only describe that part which is above the surface of the earth. This is because these books were not written by specialists in geology. However, modern geology has confirmed the truth of the Quran's verses.
What about the water covering the earth? Is there another clue hiding beneath the seas?

On deep sea and internal waves
Allah said in the Quran:

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Or (the unbelievers' state) is like the darkness in a deep sea. It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds. Darkness, one above another. If a man stretches out his hand, he cannot see it...
[Noble Quran 24:40]

This verse mentions the darkness found in deep seas and oceans, where if a man stretches out his hand, he cannot see it. The darkness in deep seas and oceans is found around a depth of 200 meters and below. At this depth, there is almost no light. Below a depth of 1,000 meters there is no light at all

[Oceans Elder and Pernetta p.27]

Human beings are not able to dive more than forty meters without the aid of submarines or special equipment. Human beings cannot survive unaided in the deep dark part of the oceans, such as at a depth of 200 meters.

Scientists have recently discovered this darkness by means of special equipment and submarines that have enabled them to dive into the depths of the oceans.

We can also understand from the following sentences in the previous verse, " a deep sea. It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds,..." that the deep waters of seas and oceans are covered by waves, and above these waves are other waves.

It is clear that the second set of waves are the surface waves that we see, because the verse mentions that above the second waves there are clouds. But what about the first waves? Scientists have recently discovered that there are internal waves which "occur on density interfaces between layers of different densities."

[Oceanography, Gross, p. 205]

The internal waves cover the deep waters of seas and oceans because the deep waters have a higher density than the waters above them. Internal waves act like surface waves. They can also break just like surface waves. Internal waves cannot be seen by the human eye, but they can be detected by studying temperature or salinity changes at a given location.

Water covers so much of the earth and even mixes with the land in rivers and streams. Yet is there something keeping it from mixing with itself? What is contained in this mystery of separation of waters?

On seas and rivers
Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity, and density.
[Principles of Oceanography - Davis, pp. 92-93]

For example, Mediterranean Sea water is warm, saline and less dense, compared to Atlantic Ocean water. When Mediterranean Sea water enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar sill, it moves several hundred kilometers into the Atlantic at a depth of about 1,000 meters with its own warm, saline and less dense characteristics.
The Mediterranean water stabilizes at this depth.

[Principles of Oceanography p. 93]

The Mediterranean Sea water as it enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar sill with its own warm, saline and less dense characteristics, because of the barrier that distinguishes between them. Temperatures are in degrees Celsius (C).

Even in depths (indicated here by darker colors) up to 1,400 meters and at distances ranging from a minus -100 to +2,500 meters, we find that both bodies of water maintain their individual temperatures and salinity.

Although there are large waves, strong currents, and tides in these seas, they do not mix or transgress this barrier.

The Holy Quran mentioned that there is a barrier between two seas that meet and that they do not transgress. God said:

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He has let free the two seas meeting to gather. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress.

[Noble Quran 55:19-20]

But when the Quran speaks about the divider between fresh and salt water, it mentions the existence of "a forbidding partition" with the barrier.

God said in the Quran:

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He is the one who has let free the two bodies of flowing water, one sweet and palatable, and the other salty and bitter. And He has made between them a barrier and a forbidding partition.
[Noble Quran 25:53]

On may ask, why did the Quran mention the partition when speaking about the divider between fresh and salt water, but did not mention it when speaking about the divider between the two seas?
Modern science has discovered that in estuaries, where fresh (sweet) and salt water meet, the situation is somewhat different from what is found in places where two seas meet. It has been discovered that what distinguishes fresh water from salt water in estuaries is a "pycnocline zone with a marked density discontinuity separating the two layers."

[Oceanography p. 242]

This partition (zone of separation) has a different salinity from the fresh water and from the salt water

[Oceanography p. 244 and Introductory Oceanography pp. 300-301]

This information has been discovered only recently using advanced equipment to measure temperature, salinity, density, oxygen dissolubility, etc. The human eye cannot see the difference between the two seas that meet, rather the two seas appear to us as one homogeneous sea. Likewise the human eye cannot see the division of water in estuaries into the three kinds: the fresh water, the salt water, the partition (zone of separation).

What about us? Are we a part of creation? How did we begin? What develops us and causes us to live and die? How are we sustained?

On human’sembryonic development
In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development, 1,400 years before modern day scientists 'discovered' important information on creation of man and his development:

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We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed-like substance)...
[Noble Quran 23:12-14]

Literally the Arabic word alaqah has 3 meanings:
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suspended thing
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blood clot

1. "In comparing a leech to the embryo at the alaqah stage, we find similarity between the two."

[The Developing Human p.8]
"Also, the embryo as this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech which feeds on the blood of others."

[Human Development as Described in Quran and Sunnah p.36]

2. The second meaning of the word alaqah is 'suspended thing'. The suspension of the embryo, during the alaqah stage, in the womb of the mother very appropriately fits this description.

3. The third meaning of the word alaqah is 'blood clot'. We find that the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs during the alaqah stage is similar to that of a blood clot. This is due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo during this stage. Also during this stage the blood in the embryo does not circulate until the end of the third week. So the embryo at this stage is like a clot of blood.

By examining a diagram of the primitive cardiovascular system in an embryo during the alaqah stage we would notice the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs is similar to that of a blood clot due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo

[The Developing Human, p. 65]

So the three meanings of the word alaqah correspond accurately to the descriptions of the embryo at the alaqah stage.

The next stage mentioned in the verse is the mudghah stage. The Arabic word mudghah means "chewed-like substance." If one were to take a piece of gum and chew it in his mouth, and then compare it with the embryo at the mudghah stage, we would conclude that they would be almost identical because of the somites at the back of the embryo that 'somewhat resemble teeth marks in a chewed substance.'

How could Muhammad (peace be upon him) have possibly known all this 1,400 years ago when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist at that time? Hamm and Leeuwenhoek were the first scientists to observe human sperm cells using an improved microscope in 1677 A.D. (more than 1,000 years after Muhammad, peace be upon him]. They mistakenly thought that the sperm cell contained a miniature preformed human being that grew when it was deposited in the female genital tract

[The Developing Human, p.9]

Professor Keith Moore is one of the world's prominent scientists in the fields of anatomy and embryology and is the author of the book entitled the "Developing Human", which has been translated into eight languages. This book is considered a scientific reference work and was chosen by a special committee in the United States as the best book authored by on person. Dr. Keith Moore is a Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. In 1984, he received the most distinguished award presented in the field of anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B. Grant Award from the Canadian Association of Anatomists. He has directed many international associations, such as the Canadian and American Association of Anatomists and the Council of the Union of Biological Sciences.

In 1981, during the Seventh Medical Conference in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Professor Moore said; "It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, or Allah, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been the messenger of God, or Allah [The reference for this statement is on 'This is the Truth' (video tape). For a copy of this video tape please contact us].

Consequently, Professor Moore was asked the following question, "Does this mean that you believe that the Quran is the Word of God?" He replied; "I find no difficulty in accepting this."

During one conference, Professor Moore stated, "... because the stagein of human embryos is complex, owing to the continuous process of change during development, it is proposed that a new system of classification could be developed using the terms mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah (sayings of Muhammad, peace be upon him). The proposed system is simple, comprehensive, and conforms with present embryological knowledge. The intensive studies of the Quran and Hadith (reliably transmitted sayings and reports of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) in the last four years have revealed a system of classifying human embryos that is amazing since it was recorded in the 7th century A.D. Although Eric Statle, the founder of the science of embryology, realized that chick embryos developed in stages from his studies of hen's eggs in the fourth century B.C., he did not give any details about these stages. As far as it is known from the history of embryology, little was known about the stagein and classification of human embryos until the twentieth century. For this reason, the descriptions of the human embryo in the Quran cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the 7th century A.D. The only reasonable conclusion is that these descriptions were revealed to Muhammad from God. He could not have known such details because he was an illiterate man with absolutely no scientific training." [This is the Truth -video tape]

Think about the humans. How did we all get here? What is the nature of mankind? What causes us to act as we do? Are we ungrateful to the One who created us and sustains us? What is this clue? Think about yourself. Did you create yourself?

On the cerebrum
God said in the Quran about one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from praying at the Ka'bah (Holy Mosque):

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Let him beware! If he does not stop, We will take him by the Naseyah (front of the head), a lying, sinful Naseyah (from of the head)!
[Noble Quran 96:15-16]

Why did the Quran describe the front of the head as being lying and sinful? Why didn't the Quran say that the person was lying and sinful? What is the relationship between the front of the head and lying and sinfulness?

If we look into the skull at the front of the head, we will find the prefrontal area of the cerebrum, in the area we call the forehead. What does physiology tell us about the function of this area? A book entitled Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology says about this area, "The motivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion of frontal lobes, the prefrontal area. This is a region of association cortex.." Also the book says, "In relation to its involvement in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the functional center for aggression..."

So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible for planning, motivating, and initiating good and sinful behavior, and is responsible for the telling of lies and the speaking of truth. So, it is proper for the telling of lies and the speaking of truth. So, it is proper to describe the front of the head as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin, as the Quran says:

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...A lying, sinful Naseyah (from of the head)!
[Noble Quran 96:16]

Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last sixty years, according to Professor Keith L. Moore.

[Scientific Miracles in the Front of the Head p. 41]

Je, Allah aliumba Dunia kwa siku 6 au 8?

Katika somo letu la leo, tutajifunza kuhusu uumbaji wa Dunia. Allah wa Uislam, anasema kuwa yeye ni Mungu na aliumba Dunia na vitu vyote vilivyo ndani yake. Hebu tuanze somo letu kwa kusoma aya za Quran.

Allah anasema katika Sura 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, na 25:59 kuwa, aliumba dunia kwa siku 6. Soma aya hizi hapa chini kwa ushaidi zaidi.

Quran 7:54. Hakika Mola Mlezi wenu ni Mwenyezi Mungu aliye ziumba mbingu na ardhi katika siku sita. Kisha akatawala juu ya Kiti cha Enzi. Huufunika usiku kwa mchana, ufuatao upesi upesi. Na jua, na mwezi, na nyota zinazo tumika kwa amri yake. Fahamuni! Kuumba na amri ni zake. Ametukuka kabisa Mwenyezi Mungu, Mola Mlezi wa viumbe vyote.

Surah 10: 3. Hakika Mola wenu Mlezi ni Mwenyezi Mungu, ambaye ameziumba mbingu na ardhi kwa siku sita, na ametawala kwenye ufalme wake, anaendesha mambo yote. Hapana mwombezi ila baada ya idhini yake. Huyo ndiye Mwenyezi Mungu, Mola wenu Mlezi. Basi muabuduni Yeye. Je! Hamkumbuki?

Lakini Ndugu zanguni, nilipo endelea kuchunguza Quran nikagundua kuwa, kumbe Allah alidanganya pale alipo sema kuwa aliumba Dunia kwa siku sita. Sasa ungana nami katika uchunguzi wa uumbaji wa dunia kama ulivyo wekwa kiuwazi zaidi kupitia Quran iliyo shushwa na Jibril.

Sasa tutasoma Surah ya 41: 9-12. Katika hizi aya tutakazo zisoma, utangudua kuwa Allah hakuumba Dunia kwa Siku 6 kama alivyo dai hapo mwanzoni.

Quran 41:9. Sema: Hivyo nyinyi mnamkataa aliye umba ardhi katika siku mbili, na mnamfanyia washirika? Huyu ndiye Mola Mlezi wa walimwengu wote.
Quran 41:10. Na akaweka humo milima juu yake, na akabarikia humo na akakadiria humo chakula chake katika siku nne. Haya ni sawa kabisa kwa wanao uliza 11. Kisha akazielekea mbingu, na zilikuwa moshi, akaziambia hizo na ardhi: Njooni, kwa khiari au kwa nguvu! Vyote viwili vikasema: Tumekuja nasi ni wat'iifu.
Quran 41:12. Basi akazifanya mbingu saba kwa siku mbili, na akazipangia kila mbingu mambo yake. Na tukaipamba mbingu ya chini kwa mataa na kwa ulinzi. Hichi ndicho kipimo cha Mwenyezi Mungu Mwenye Kujua.
Siku mbili kwa ajili ya viumbe wa dunia, basi siku nne kujaza ardhi na milima baraka, na chakula kwa ajili ya wakazi wake wote, na mwisho kwa siku mbili zaidi ili kujenga mbingu saba na kujenga nyota yao. Hii inaongeza hadi 2 + 4 + 2 = siku 8 kinyume na siku 6 zilizotajwa katika aya nyingine.

Muundo ni wazi sana: Haya ni Matabaka Matatu ambayo ni umbaji chini hadi juu:

Quran 41:9*** Mbingu [angani, "dari" juu ya dunia] katika siku 2


Quran 41:10*** BARAKA [kujaza dunia na kila kitu zinahitajika kwa ajili ya maisha] katika siku 4


Quran 41:12***EARTH [msingi] kukamilika katika siku 2

Ndugu zanguni, hivi Allah alishindwa mahesabu au ndio kutuhakikishia kuwa yeye hakuwa Muumbaji? Kwanini Allah afanye makosa makumbwa namna hii? Leo Allah kwa mara nyingine tena ametuhakikishia kuwa yeye si Muumbaji. Uchaguzi ni wako, kufuata Allah asiye fahamu aliumba Dunia kwa Siku Ngapi au Jehova ambaye alisema aliumba Dunia kwa siku 6.

Katika huduma yake.

Max Shimba

For Max Shimba Ministries

Copyright © Max Shimba Ministries 2013

Ask Those Who Have Knowledge
Another interesting attitude that exists in the Quran repeatedly deals with its advice to the reader. The Quran informs the reader about different facts and then gives the advice: “If you want to know more about this or that, or if you doubt what is said, then you should ask those who have knowledge.” This too is a surprising attitude. It is not usual to have a book that comes from someone without training in geography, botany, biology, etc., who discusses these subjects and then advises the reader to ask men of knowledge if he doubts anything. Yet in every age there have been Muslims who have followed the advice of the Quran and made surprising discoveries. If one looks to the works of Muslim scientists of many centuries ago, one will find them full of quotations from the Quran. These works state that they did research in such a place, looking for something. And they affirm that the reason they looked in such and such a place was that the Quran pointed them in that direction.
For example, the Quran mentions man’s origin and then tells the reader, “Research it!” It gives the reader a hint where to look and then states that one should find out more about it. This is the kind of thing that Muslims today largely seem to overlook - but not always, as illustrated in the following example.
A few years ago, a group of men in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia collected all of the verses in the Quran which discuss embryology - the growth of the human being in the womb. They said, “Here is what the Quran says. Is it the truth?” In essence, they took the advice of the Quran: “Ask the men who know.” They chose, as it happened, a non-Muslim who is a professor of embryology at the University of Toronto. His name is Keith Moore, and he is the author of textbooks on embryology - a world expert on the subject. They invited him to Riyadh and said, “This is what the Quran says about your subject. Is it true? What can you tell us?”
While he was in Riyadh, they gave him all the help that he needed in translation and all of the cooperation for which he asked. And he was so surprised at what he found that he changed his textbooks. In fact, in the second edition of one of his books, called Before We Are Born... in the section about the history of embryology, he included some material that was not in the first edition because of what he found in the Quran was ahead of its time and that those who believe in the Quran know what other people do not know.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Keith Moore for a television presentation, and we talked a great deal about this - it was illustrated by slides and so on. He mentioned that some of the things that the Quran states about the growth of the human being were not known until thirty years ago. In fact, he said that one item in particular - the Quran’s description of the human being as a “leech-like clot” (‘alaqah) [Quran 40:67] - was new to him; but when he checked on it, he found that it was true, and so he added it to his book. He said, “I never thought of that before,” and he went to the zoology department and asked for a picture of a leech. When he found that it looked just like the human embryo, he decided to include both pictures in one of his textbooks.
Although the aforementioned example of man researching information contained in the Quran deals with a non-Muslim, it is still valid because he is one of those who is knowledgeable in the subject being researched. Had some layman claimed that what the Quran says about embryology is true, then one would not necessarily have to accept his word. However, because of the high position, respect, and esteem man gives to scholars, one naturally assumes that if they research a subject and arrive at a conclusion based on that research, then the conclusion is valid.
Skeptic’s Reaction
Dr. Moore also wrote a book on clinical embryology, and when he presented this information in Toronto, it caused quite a stir throughout Canada. It was on the front pages of some of the newspapers across Canada, and some of the headlines were quite funny. For instance, one headline read: “SURPRISING THING FOUND IN ANCIENT PRAYER BOOK!” It seems obvious from this example that people do not clearly understand what it is all about. As a matter of fact, one newspaper reporter asked Professor Moore, “Don’t you think that maybe the Arabs might have known about these things - the description of the embryo, its appearance and how it changes and grows? Maybe they were not scientists, maybe they did some crude dissections on their own - carved up people and examined these things.” The professor immediately pointed out to him that he [i.e., the reporter] had missed a very important point - all of the slides of the embryo that had been shown and that had been projected in the film had come from pictures taken through a microscope. He said, “It does not matter if someone had tried to discover embryology fourteen centuries ago. They could not have seen it!”
All of the descriptions in the Quran of the appearance of the embryo are of the item when it is still too small to see with the eye; therefore, one needs a microscope to see it. Since such a device had only been around for little more than two hundred years, Dr. Moore taunted, “Maybe fourteen centuries ago someone secretly had a microscope and did this research, making no mistakes anywhere. Then he somehow taught Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and convinced him to put this information in his book. Then he destroyed his equipment and kept it a secret forever. Do you believe that? You really should not unless you bring some proof because it is such a ridiculous theory.” In fact, when he was asked, “How do you explain this information in the Quran?” Dr. Moore’s reply was, “It could only have been divinely revealed!”
One of Professor Moore’s colleagues, Marshall Johnson, deals extensively with geology at the University of Toronto. He became very interested in the fact that the Quran’s statements about embryology are accurate, and so he asked Muslims to collect everything contained in the Quran which deals with his specialty. Again people were very surprised at the accuracy of the findings. Since there are a vast number of subjects discussed in the Quran, it would certainly require a large amount of time to exhaust each subject. It suffices for the purpose of this discussion to state that the Quran makes very clear and concise and correct statements about various subjects while simultaneously advising the reader to verify the authenticity of these statements with research by scholars in those subjects. And as illustrated by the previous examples of embryology and geology, the Quran has clearly emerged authentic.
origin of the bible ni source nyingi sana na vitabu vingi na maelezo hayafanani. na ujue wanaotumia hizi sources most ni atheists, ndio maana athiest hawaangaiki kukosoa quran kwani kila kitu kipo wazi, na verses are more superficial and disjointed and unthinkable!! kwenye mambo ya origin usije kabisa kwani tukianza kugusa quran kwenye haya maelezo imejieleza yenyewe inatokana na dini ya wapagani. tena kwenye kitabu mnaita kimeshushwa. ambapo kuna mahali quran hiyohiyo allah anakanusha kwa kusema hakijashushwa, yaani ukiachilia mbali mazingira yanayothibitisha wazi wazi kuwa muhamad hakutumwa na mungu bali jamaa zake na mkewe hadija.
Ni ngeshauri uweka hoja iendane na kinachoaminiwa na sio kurejea muundo. hautatusaidia. kwani data zinazowahusu mnaweza kurusha ngumi. kwani mnaweza kusema mnajaribiwa imani lakini ukweli ndio hivyo tena. unajua kwanini mbuzi alikula karatasi zilizoshushwa?umewahi kujiuliza zilikuwa na nini kama zingekuwepo leo? unajua kwanini muhamad alilishwa sumu? .
better not to try probe about that. cause it is damn real, your book is not Godly.

my take usipende sana kugusia origin kwani yenu haijatulia kabisa!!.hayo waachie wasioamini uwepo wa mungu.
origin of the bible hawaamini chochote hata hizo unaita adam na eva, sasa mwisho huwezi kuwathibitishia kupitia kuran kwani wanaona kile walichokipinga kwenye baibo ndicho mlichokichukua nyinyi.evidence ziko wazi sana peupee.

utapata maelezo hayo kutoka kwa hao wanaokuandikia hiyo biblia

wasikilize wenyewe hapa Jesus the evidence ( Episode One - 1 of 3 ) - YouTube
you provided to me only 6 verses of your quran, if i get time i will provide to you the very early translated source of quran and make comparing with your internet biased source.
anyway i still have issues. that i need to quench my curiosity...

6 verses lack important details, including on how Adam and Eve get in and out the Eden garden, How Human(adam and EVE) created and who was the first and where eve came from. it lacks lots. what are they doing in the Eden gardern? How Satan involved?
6 few verses are more of reporting form rather than how it happened. why?so this is what the late messenger provided to you, presumably after heard some clue of the people of the book?!
but also it is like a poems it does not sound like very important incidence has occurred. simply because of how story narrated, with just a few and more reporting verses rather than how all were happened(dramatic way of explanation)

i wonder the GOD that killed people today did not kill anyone there for being sinned, ironically he sounds happy and very diplomatic to both Satan and human as well. i think to day we are more populated that why he kills people.will you explain this too?
why aren't we live in the Garden until to date? you diplomatic God may give as an explanation.what eliminated us from the Garden?

[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]Who is the author of the Old Testament?

One wonders how many readers of the Old Testament, if asked the above question, would reply by repeating what they had read in the introduction to their Bible.

They might answer that, even though it was written by men inspired by the Holy Ghost, the author was God.

Sometimes, the author of the Bible's presentation confines himself to informing his reader of this succinct observation which puts an end to all further questions.

Sometimes he corrects it by warning him that details may subsequently have been added to the primitive text by men, but that nonetheless, the litigious character of a passage does not alter the general "truth' that proceeds from it.

This "truth' is stressed very heavily.

The Church Authorities answer for it, being the only body, With the assistance of the Holy Ghost, able to enlighten the faithful on such points.

Since the Councils held in the Fourth century, it was the Church that issued the list of Holy Books, ratified by the Councils of Florence (1441), Trent (1546), and the First Vatican Council (1870), to form what today is known as the Canon. Just recently, after so many encyclicals, the Second Vatican Council published a text concerning the Revelation which is extremely important.

It took three years (1962-1966) of strenuous effort to produce.

The vast majority of the Bible's readers who find this highly reassuring information at the head of a modern edition have been quite satisfied with the guarantees of authenticity made over past centuries and have hardly thought it possible to debate them.

When one refers however to works written by clergymen, not meant for mass publication, one realizes that the question concerning the authenticity of the books in the Bible is much more complex than one might suppose a priori.

For example, when one consults the modern publication in separate installments of the Bible in French translated under the guidance of the Biblical School of Jerusalem
[ Pub. Cerf, Paris], the tone appears to be very different.

One realizes that the Old Testament, like the New Testament, raises problems with controversial elements that, for the most part, the authors of commentaries have not concealed.

We also find highly precise data in more condensed studies of a very objective nature, such as Professor Edmond Jacob's study. The Old Testament (L'Ancien Testament) [ Pub. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris "Que sais-je?" collection].

This book gives an excellent general view.

Many people are unaware, and Edmond Jacob points this out, that there were originally a number of texts and not just one. Around the Third century B.C., there were at least three forms of the Hebrew text: the text which was to become the Masoretic text, the text which was used, in part at least, for the Greek translation, and the Samaritan Pentateuch.

In the First century B.C., there was a tendency towards the establishment of a single text, but it was not until a century after Christ that the Biblical text was definitely established.

If we had had the three forms of the text, comparison would have been possible, and we could have reached an opinion concerning what the original might have been.

Unfortunately, we do not have the slightest idea. Apart from the Dead Sea Scrolls (Cave of Qumran) dating from a pre-Christian era near the time of Jesus, a papyrus of the Ten Commandments of the Second century A.D. presenting variations from the classical text, and a few fragments from the Fifth century A.D. (Geniza of Cairo) , the oldest Hebrew text of the Bible dates from the Ninth century A.D.

The Septuagint was probably the first translation in Greek. It dates from the Third century B.C. and was written by Jews in Alexandria.

It Was on this text that the New Testament was based. It remained authoritative until the Seventh century A.D. The basic Greek texts in general use in the Christian world are from the manuscripts catalogued under the title Codex Vaticanus in the Vatican City and Codex Sinaiticus at the British Museum, London. They date from the Fourth century A.D.

At the beginning of the Fifth century A.D., Saint Jerome was able to produce a text in latin using Hebrew documents. It was later to be called the Vulgate on account of its universal distribution after the Seventh century A.D.

For the record, we shall mention the Aramaic version and the Syriac (Peshitta) version, but these are incomplete.

All of these versions have enabled specialists to piece together so-called 'middle-of-the-road' texts, a sort of compromise between the different versions. Multi-lingual collections have also been produced which juxtapose the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Syriac, Aramaic and even Arabic versions.

This is the case of the famous Walton Bible (London, 1667).

For the sake of completeness, let us mention that diverging Biblical conceptions are responsible for the fact that the various Christian churches do not all accept exactly the same books and have not until now had identical ideas on translation into the same language.

The Ecumenical Translation of the Old Testament is a work of unification written by numerous Catholic and Protestant experts now nearing completion
[ Translator's Note: Published December 1975 by Les Editions du Cerf and Les Bergers et les Mages, Paris] and should result in a work of synthesis.

Thus the human element in the Old Testament is seen to be quite considerable.

It is not difficult to understand why from version to version, and translation to translation, with all the corrections inevitably resulting, it was possible for the original text to have been transformed during the course of more than two thousand years.

Qurani 81:19-21 Suratul At-Takwyr( Kukunja/jua litakapokunjwa)

Kwa hakika hii (Qurani ) ni kauli (aliyokuja nayo) mjumbe mtukufu (Jibrili) Mwenye nguvu,mwenye cheo cha hishima kwa mwenyenzi Mungu. Anayetiiwa huko (mbinguni na malaika wenziwe) kisha muaminifu.



97. Sema: Aliye kuwa ni adui wa Jibril, basi huyo ndiye aliye iteremsha Qur'ani
moyoni mwako kwa idhini ya Mwenyezi Mungu, inayo thibitisha yaliyo kuwa kabla
yake, na ni uwongofu na bishara njema kwa Waumini.

Sasa usicho elewa ni kitu gani hapo?
Kama hujui maana uliza wataalam ndio kukawa na wasomi.
Hizo aya zipo wazi ila umejaribu kutwist maneno hizi aya zilishuka kwa watu kama nyie mlopotoka na ulimwengu
Is a work of synthesis.

i agree Yes. kama ukiwa na details zenye ku-harmonize hoja ili ilete maana, its clear unaweza ku-link.

sasa inashangaza kuona leo hii watu wanakuja na maswali ya sheria za mahakamani, na kuhoji lugha iliyotumika wakati wanajua kabisa watu hawa kufabricate maelezo ili yaendane bali wali-linki maelezo yanayoendana bila kupindisha maana. kwa lengo la kuhakikisha inaeleweka story inaeleweka.
pia ujue uislam uliibuka kutokana na sintofahamu ya wakati huo ambapo bibilia ilikuwa haisomwi na watu wakawaida, ilikuwa imewekwa alteren na mnyororo.
ndipo imani yenu imekuja na some clue na kuziandika na kusema ukweli upo kwenu, lakini ni matokea ya kukosa taarifa kamili ya bibilia na watu waovu wakataka kunufaika na ujinga wa watu kwakuwa hawakuwa na bibilia mikononi mwao. na kusema koran ilishushwa pengine ni kuhakikisha inapewa kipaumbele zaidi kuliko iliyoandikwa na wanadamu. lakini imekuwa dhaifu katika maelezo mara kadhaa kiasi kwamba inashangaza kuona mungu ashushe vitu kama hivyo tena kwa mtu asiyejua kusoma wala kuandika, si hivyo tu hata background yake haina uhusiano na nabii ama mitume wowote wale.
kwani baibo ilikuwa kitabu kitakatifu kisichoguswa na mtu wa kawaida.
ndio maana imani yako inapaswa kufundishwa hata kwa uongo ili mtu aamini, pia inaruhusu kubishana kuhusu dini na wakristo japo inasisitiza mabishano mazuri, na utaona mtume wakati mwingine anashawishi walioamini kuwa waseme wanakubali yaliyotelemshwa kwenu(wakristo ) na yale tulioteremshiwa sisi(waislamu), pia anapokiri wakristo ni wachamungu, wakati mwingine anakiri katika mitume yeye si mtume.mtume hakufuata ya yesu wala kuiga matendo yake na kuna wakati amejikuta akimkashifu yesu kristo na kuna wakati akimsifia. sasa hapa inaleta utata kuona iweje mungu ajipinge yeye mwenyewe.
Pia hata ufunuo wake unavyoelezwa iko wazi kuwa alillamika kushambuliwa na mashetani,na si malaika. sasa inaweza kuleta picha ya kwanini imani yenu inadai kuna mashetani wazuri. mambo haya yalitokana na mtume. Pia ikiwa mtume alilishwa sumu, inamaana hakulishwa kwasababu ya kuhudumu mambo ya kidini bali kuna ugomvi wa kifamilia ulikuwa unaendelea. na ukichukulia matendo yake nyuma alivyoua watu, na leo usikie kauwawa kwa sumu.wenye kuamini ''karma'' watasema amevuna alichopanda. nimejaribu kujieleza naimani nitaeleweka, sikuweka link hapa kwani ukiweka link kunatabia ya kubadilisha mada, vilevile ni mambo yapo wazi kwani yamejadiliwa humu mara kadhaa.
Is a work of synthesis.

i agree Yes. kama ukiwa na details zenye ku-harmonize hoja ili ilete maana, its clear unaweza ku-link.

sasa inashangaza kuona leo hii watu wanakuja na maswali ya sheria za mahakamani, na kuhoji lugha iliyotumika wakati wanajua kabisa watu hawa kufabricate maelezo ili yaendane bali wali-linki maelezo yanayoendana bila kupindisha maana. kwa lengo la kuhakikisha inaeleweka story inaeleweka.
pia ujue uislam uliibuka kutokana na sintofahamu ya wakati huo ambapo bibilia ilikuwa haisomwi na watu wakawaida, ilikuwa imewekwa alteren na mnyororo.
ndipo imani yenu imekuja na some clue na kuziandika na kusema ukweli upo kwenu, lakini ni matokea ya kukosa taarifa kamili ya bibilia na watu waovu wakataka kunufaika na ujinga wa watu kwakuwa hawakuwa na bibilia mikononi mwao. na kusema koran ilishushwa pengine ni kuhakikisha inapewa kipaumbele zaidi kuliko iliyoandikwa na wanadamu. lakini imekuwa dhaifu katika maelezo mara kadhaa kiasi kwamba inashangaza kuona mungu ashushe vitu kama hivyo tena kwa mtu asiyejua kusoma wala kuandika, si hivyo tu hata background yake haina uhusiano na nabii ama mitume wowote wale.
kwani baibo ilikuwa kitabu kitakatifu kisichoguswa na mtu wa kawaida.
ndio maana imani yako inapaswa kufundishwa hata kwa uongo ili mtu aamini, pia inaruhusu kubishana kuhusu dini na wakristo japo inasisitiza mabishano mazuri, na utaona mtume wakati mwingine anashawishi walioamini kuwa waseme wanakubali yaliyotelemshwa kwenu(wakristo ) na yale tulioteremshiwa sisi(waislamu), pia anapokiri wakristo ni wachamungu, wakati mwingine anakiri katika mitume yeye si mtume.mtume hakufuata ya yesu wala kuiga matendo yake na kuna wakati amejikuta akimkashifu yesu kristo na kuna wakati akimsifia. sasa hapa inaleta utata kuona iweje mungu ajipinge yeye mwenyewe.
Pia hata ufunuo wake unavyoelezwa iko wazi kuwa alillamika kushambuliwa na mashetani,na si malaika. sasa inaweza kuleta picha ya kwanini imani yenu inadai kuna mashetani wazuri. mambo haya yalitokana na mtume. Pia ikiwa mtume alilishwa sumu, inamaana hakulishwa kwasababu ya kuhudumu mambo ya kidini bali kuna ugomvi wa kifamilia ulikuwa unaendelea. na ukichukulia matendo yake nyuma alivyoua watu, na leo usikie kauwawa kwa sumu.wenye kuamini ''karma'' watasema amevuna alichopanda. nimejaribu kujieleza naimani nitaeleweka, sikuweka link hapa kwani ukiweka link kunatabia ya kubadilisha mada, vilevile ni mambo yapo wazi kwani yamejadiliwa humu mara kadhaa.

[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica][h=4][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]THE CREATION OF THE WORLD[/FONT][/h]
As Father de Vaux points out, Genesis "starts with two juxtaposed descriptions of the Creation". When examining them from the point of view of their compatibility with modern scientific data, we must look at each one separately.

[h=4][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
First Description of the Creation
The first description occupies the first chapter and the very first verses of the second chapter. It is a masterpiece of inaccuracy from a scientific point of view. It must be examined one paragraph at a time. The text reproduced here is from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. [ Pub. w. M. Collins & Sons for the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1952.]

Chapter 1, verses 1 & 2:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters."

It is quite possible to admit that before the Creation of the Earth, what was to become the Universe as we know it was covered in darkness. To mention the existence of water at this period is however quite simply pure imagination. We shall see in the third part of this book how there is every indication that at the initial stage of the formation of the universe a gaseous mass existed. It is an error to place water in it.

Verses 3 to 5:

"And God said, 'Let there be light', and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day."

The light circulating in the Universe is the result of complex reactions in the stars. We shall come back to them in the third part of this work.

At this stage in the Creation, however, according to the Bible, the stars were not yet formed.

The "lights' of the firmament are not mentioned in Genesis until verse 14, when they were created on the Fourth day, "to separate the day from the night", "to give light upon earth"; all of which is accurate. It is illogical, however, to mention the result (light) on the first day, when the cause of this light was created three days later.

The fact that the existence of evening and morning is placed on the first day is moreover, purely imaginary; the existence of evening and morning as elements of a single day is only conceivable after the creation of the earth and its rotation under the light of its own star, the Sun!

-verses 6 to 8:

"And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.' And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day."

The myth of the waters is continued here with their separation into two layers by a firmament that in the description of the Flood allows the waters above to pass through and flow onto the earth. This image of the division of the waters into two masses is scientifically unacceptable.

-verses 9 to 13:

"And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.' And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind upon the earth.' And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day."

The fact that continents emerged at the period in the earth's history, when it was still covered with water, is quite acceptable scientifically.

What is totally untenable is that a highly organized vegetable kingdom with reproduction by seed could have appeared before the existence of the sun (in Genesis it does not appear until the fourth day), and likewise the establishment of alternating nights and days.

-verses 14 to 19:

"And God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmaments of the heavens to separate the day from night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth.' And it was so. And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon earth, to rule over. the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day."

Here the Biblical author's description is acceptable. The only criticism one could level at this passage is the position it occupies in the description as a whole. Earth and Moon emanated, as we know, from their original star, the Sun. To place the creation of the Sun and Moon after the creation of the Earth is contrary to the most firmly established ideas on the formation of the elements of the Solar System.

-verses 20 to 30:

"And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens.' So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.' And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day."

This passage contains assertions which are unacceptable.

According to Genesis, the animal kingdom began with the appearance of creatures of the sea and winged birds. The Biblical description informs us that it was not until the next day-as we shall see in the following verses-that the earth itself was populated by animals.

It is certain that the origins of life came from the sea, but this question will not be dealt with until the third part of this book. From the sea, the earth was colonized, as it were, by the animal kingdom. It is from animals living on the surface of the earth, and in particular from one species of reptile which lived in the Second era, that it is thought the birds originated. Numerous biological characteristics common to both species make this deduction possible. The beasts of the earth are not however mentioned until the sixth day in Genesis; after the appearance of the birds. This order of appearance, beasts of the earth after birds, is not therefore acceptable.

-verses 24 to 31:

"And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.' And it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the cattle according to their kinds, and everything that creeps upon the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."

"Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion (sic) over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth".

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

"And God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.' And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day."

This is the description of the culmination of the Creation. The author lists all the living creatures not mentioned before and describes the various kinds of food for man and beast.

As we have seen, the error was to place the appearance of beasts of the earth after that of the birds. Man's appearance is however correctly situated after the other species of living things.

The description of the Creation finishes in the first three verses of Chapter 2:

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host (sic) of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all his work which he had done in creation;

These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created."

This description of the seventh day calls for some comment.

Firstly the meaning of certain words. The text is taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible mentioned above. The word 'host' signifies here, in all probability, the multitude of beings created. As for the expression 'he rested', it is a manner of translating the Hebrew word 'shabbath', from which the Jewish day for rest is derived, hence the expression in English 'sabbath'.

It is quite clear that the 'rest' that God is said to have taken after his six days' work is a legend. There is nevertheless an explanation for this.

We must bear in mind that the description of the creation examined here is taken from the so-called Sacerdotal version, written by priests and scribes who were the spiritual successors of Ezekiel, the prophet of the exile to Babylon writing in the Sixth century B.C. We have already seen how the priests took the Yahvist and Elohist versions of Genesis and remodelled them after their own fashion in accordance with their own preoccupations.

Father de Vaux has written that the 'legalist' character of these writings was very essential. An outline of this has already been given above.

Whereas the Yahvist text of the Creation, written several centuries before the Sacerdotal text, makes no mention of God's sabbath, taken after the fatigue of a week's labor, the authors of the Sacerdotal text bring it into their description. They divide the latter into separate days, with the very precise indication of the days of the week.

They build it around the sabbatic day of rest which they have to justify to the faithful by pointing out that God was the first to respect it. Subsequent to this practical necessity, the description that follows has an apparently logical religious order, but in fact scientific data permit us to qualify the latter as being of a whimsical nature.

The idea that successive phases of the Creation, as seen by the Sacerdotal authors in their desire to incite people to religious observation, could have been compressed into the space of one week is one that cannot be defended from a scientific point of view. Today we are perfectly aware that the formation of the Universe and the Earth took place in stages that lasted for very long periods. (In the third part of the present work, we shall examine this question when we come to look at the Quranic data concerning the Creation).

Even if the description came to a close on the evening of the sixth day, without mentioning the seventh day, the 'sabbath' when God is said to have rested, and even if, as in the Quranic description, we were permitted to think that they were in fact undefined periods rather than actual days, the Sacerdotal description would still not be any more acceptable. The succession of episodes it contains is an absolute contradiction with elementary scientific knowledge.

It may be seen therefore that the Sacerdotal description of the Creation stands out as an imaginative and ingenious fabrication. Its purpose was quite different from that of making the truth known.
Sasa usicho elewa ni kitu gani hapo?
Kama hujui maana uliza wataalam ndio kukawa na wasomi.
Hizo aya zipo wazi ila umejaribu kutwist maneno hizi aya zilishuka kwa watu kama nyie mlopotoka na ulimwengu


97. Sema:
Aliyekuwa ni adui wa Jibril, basi huyo ndiye aliye iteremsha Qur'ani moyoni mwako kwaidhini ya Mwenyezi Mungu, inayo thibitisha yaliyo kuwa kabla yake, na niuwongofu na bishara njema kwa Waumini.


Mtu wa Awali, aliyejifundisha kusoma na kuandika katika Mji wa Makka alikuwa Bwana Harb bin Umayya-babu yake Bwana Muawiya. Alijifunza kwa watu wa Yaman, na yeye akaja kuwafundisha waliotaka katika mji wa Makka.
Wakati Mtume alipopata utume walikuwako watu 6 tu katika Makka waliokuwa wakijiua kuandika. Wa 4 katika yao waliingia katika Uislamu, wakawa ndiyo waandikaji "Wahyi" (aya za Qur'an), watu hao walikuwa ni Sayyidna Abubakar. Sayydna Umar, Sayyidna Uthman na Sayyidna Ali.
(Kitabu cha Maisha ya Nabii Muhammad uk. 8,na Sheiky A.Falsy)

Abubakar, Anasema: "Hakika mimi ninae shetani hunifikia mara kwa mara, basi wakati wowote atakaponifikia muniepuke" (Tabaqatul Kubra, J. 3 Uk. 212)

Who is the author of the Old Testament?

Thus the human element in the Old Testament is seen to be quite considerable.

It is not difficult to understand why from version to version, and translation to translation, with all the corrections inevitably resulting, it was possible for the original text to have been transformed during the course of more than two thousand years.


Malaika Watabiri Mwenendo wa Binadamu kabla ya kuumbwa. Allah atumia hila kuficha udhaifu wake.

Katika somo letu la leo, tutajifunza kuwa Malaika wa Allah wana Akili na ufahamu wa mambo ya baadae kuliko Allah wa Islam.

Quran Surah 2:
30. Na pale Mola wako Mlezi alipo waambia Malaika: Mimi nitamweka katika ardhi Khalifa (mfwatizi), wakasema: Utaweka humo atakaye fanya uharibifu humo na kumwaga damu, hali sisi tunakutakasa kwa sifa zako na tunakutaja kwa utakatifu wako? Akasema: Hakika Mimi nayajua msiyo yajua. ***

KATIKA AYA YA 30. Tunasoma kuwa Malaika wanampa darsah Allah, jinsi gani Mtu atakuwa kabla ya uumbaji wake. Malaika wameonyesha upeo mkubwa kwa kufahamu maisha ya baada ya Adam/binadamu kabla ya hata kuumbwa.

31. Na akamfundisha Adam majina ya vitu vyote, kisha akaviweka mbele ya Malaika, na akasema: Niambieni majina ya hivi ikiwa mnasema kweli. ***

Kwenye aya 31 hapo juu, tunasoma kuwa Allah anamfundisha kwa siri Adam ili aweze kuwazima mdomo Malaika. Kitendo cha Allah kumfudisha Adam ili kushindana na Malaika haikuwa haki kwani Malaika walimpa changamoto Allah, Je, Allah ni mwenye ufahamu wa yote?

32. Wakasema: Subhanaka, Wewe umetakasika! Hatuna ujuzi isipokuwa kwa uliyo tufunza Wewe. Hakika Wewe ndiye Mjuzi Mwenye hikima. ***

Je, Allah alipo tumia udanganyifu na uongo ili kujitetea mwenyewe dhidi ya mashtaka kwa Adamu kama yalivyo letwa na Malaika (mashtaka ambayo aligeuka kuwa ni sahihi) ni sahihi?

33. Akasema: Ewe Adam! Waambie majina yake. Basi alipo waambia majina yake alisema: Sikukwambieni kwamba Mimi ninajua siri za mbinguni na za duniani, na ninayajua mnayo yadhihirisha na mliyo kuwa mnayaficha? ***

34. Na tulipo waambia Malaika: Msujudieni Adam, wakamsujudia wote isipo kuwa Iblis, alikataa na akajivuna na akawa katika makafiri. ***

35. Na tulisema: Ewe Adam! Kaa wewe na mkeo katika Bustani, na kuleni humo maridhawa popote mpendapo, lakini msiukaribie mti huu tu; mkawa katika wale walio dhulumu. ***

36. Lakini Shet'ani aliwatelezesha hao wawili na akawatoa katika waliyo kuwamo, na tukasema: Shukeni, nanyi ni maadui nyinyi kwa nyinyi. Katika ardhi yatakuwa makaazi yenu na starehe kwa muda. ***

37. Kisha Adam akapokea maneno kwa Mola wake Mlezi, na Mola wake Mlezi alimkubalia toba yake; hakika Yeye ndiye Mwingi wa kukubali toba na Mwenye kurehemu. ***

38. Tukasema: Shukeni nyote; na kama ukikufikieni uwongofu utokao kwangu, basi watakao fuata uwongofu wangu huo haitakuwa khofu juu yao wala hawatahuzunika. ***

Katika vifungu hapo juu, tumesoma kuwa Malaika wanaufahamu kama Mungu (Omniscient) na ua wa Kimungu. Malaika waliweza kufahamu maisha ya Mwandamu kabla ya hata kuumbwa. Jambo ambalo Allah wa Islam hakulifahamu na hakuwa na ufahamu huo.

Kwanza, jinsi gani Malaika walijua hali ya mtu itakuwa kabla ya uumbaji wake? Malaika walifahamuje kabla ya uumbaji kuwa, binadamu watakuwa na vurugu? Nani aliwaambia? Nakala haisemi chochote juu ya Allah kuwapa kipande hiki cha habari. Je, Malaika anayajua yote kama Mungu (Omniscient)?

Pili, Mwenyezi Mungu kwa siri anafundisha Adam majina yasiyojulikana ili kuwanyamazisha Malaika kwa kulalamika dhidi ya mtu. Je, hii ni haki? Kwa nini Allah anatumia hila na hujmah, ili kuwafanya Malaika waonekane hawana ufahamu?

Je, Allah alipo tumia udanganyifu na uongo ili kujitetea mwenyewe dhidi ya mashtaka kwa Adamu kama yalivyo letwa na Malaika (mashtaka ambayo aligeuka kuwa ni sahihi) ni sahihi?

Je, si dhahiri kwamba Adamu angekuwa na ufahamu wakawaida kama Malaika kwasababu Allah alikuwa bado hajawafundisha kuhusu uumbaji wake?

Kwanini Allah wa Islam anatumia udanganyifu ili kuficha udhaifu wake katika uumbaji?

Ndugu zanguni, leo tumejifunza kuwa Allah si msema ukweli na Allah hana ufahamu wa mambo yote kama alivyo Yehova ambaye ni Mungu aliye semwa ndani ya Biblia.

Kama unataka kufahamu kweli, basi nakusihi umpokee Yesu aliye hai, yeye ndie Njia, Kweli na Uzima. Katika Yesu, hakuna udanganyifu wa Allah. Mpokee leo ili upate uzima wa milele.

Katika huduma yake.

Max Shimba

For Max Shimba Ministries

Copyright © Max Shimba Ministries 2013
Ask Those Who Have Knowledge
Another interesting attitude that exists in the Quran repeatedly deals with its advice to the reader. The Quran informs the reader about different facts and then gives the advice: "If you want to know more about this or that, or if you doubt what is said, then you should ask those who have knowledge." This too is a surprising attitude. It is not usual to have a book that comes from someone without training in geography, botany, biology, etc., who discusses these subjects and then advises the reader to ask men of knowledge if he doubts anything. Yet in every age there have been Muslims who have followed the advice of the Quran and made surprising discoveries. If one looks to the works of Muslim scientistsof many centuries ago, one will find them full of quotations from the Quran. These works state that they did research in such a place, looking for something. And they affirm that the reason they looked in such and such a place was that the Quran pointed them in that direction.

Somo lete la leo ni kuhusu utata unao jitokeza katia Uumbaji wa Dunia na Mbingu. Allah ameshindwa kutueleza ni kipi kiliumbwa kwanza. Mbingu au Dunia. Ona mwenyewe jinisi Allah alivyo na vituko.

Katika mistari hapa chini, Allah kwa wakati mmoja anasema Dunia ambayo iliumbwa kwanza na wakati mwingine anasema kwamba Mbingu iliumbwa kwanza.

Quran 2: 29 Yeye ndiye aliye kuumbieni vyote vilivyomo duniani ; BASI Yeye akageuka Mbinguni na akazifanya mbingu saba ( anga ) ....

Quran 79: 27-30 27. Je! Ni vigumu zaidi kukuumbeni nyinyi au mbingu? Yeye ndiye aliye ijenga! ***28. Akainua kimo chake, na akaitengeneza vizuri. ***29. Na akautia giza usiku wake, na akautokeza mchana wake. ***30. Na juu ya hivyo ameitandaza ardhi. ***

Je, unakubaliana na Koran kuwa Dunia iliumbwa kwanza halafu Allah akaumba Mbingu? Vipi kuhusu tabaka saba za Mbingu? Vipi kuhusu Mbingu kuwa dari la dunia?

Hivi ni kweli kuwa Allah aliumba chechote kile? Mbona Allah anaonyesha udhaifu wa fikra?

Leo tumejifinza kuwa Allah hakuwa muumbaji wa Dunia.

Katika Huduma yake

Max Shimba

For Max Shimba Ministries
Is a work of synthesis.

i agree Yes. kama ukiwa na details zenye ku-harmonize hoja ili ilete maana, its clear unaweza ku-link.

sasa inashangaza kuona leo hii watu wanakuja na maswali ya sheria za mahakamani, na kuhoji lugha iliyotumika wakati wanajua kabisa watu hawa kufabricate maelezo ili yaendane bali wali-linki maelezo yanayoendana bila kupindisha maana. kwa lengo la kuhakikisha inaeleweka story inaeleweka.
pia ujue uislam uliibuka kutokana na sintofahamu ya wakati huo ambapo bibilia ilikuwa haisomwi na watu wakawaida, ilikuwa imewekwa alteren na mnyororo.
ndipo imani yenu imekuja na some clue na kuziandika na kusema ukweli upo kwenu, lakini ni matokea ya kukosa taarifa kamili ya bibilia na watu waovu wakataka kunufaika na ujinga wa watu kwakuwa hawakuwa na bibilia mikononi mwao. na kusema koran ilishushwa pengine ni kuhakikisha inapewa kipaumbele zaidi kuliko iliyoandikwa na wanadamu. lakini imekuwa dhaifu katika maelezo mara kadhaa kiasi kwamba inashangaza kuona mungu ashushe vitu kama hivyo tena kwa mtu asiyejua kusoma wala kuandika, si hivyo tu hata background yake haina uhusiano na nabii ama mitume wowote wale.
kwani baibo ilikuwa kitabu kitakatifu kisichoguswa na mtu wa kawaida.
ndio maana imani yako inapaswa kufundishwa hata kwa uongo ili mtu aamini, pia inaruhusu kubishana kuhusu dini na wakristo japo inasisitiza mabishano mazuri, na utaona mtume wakati mwingine anashawishi walioamini kuwa waseme wanakubali yaliyotelemshwa kwenu(wakristo ) na yale tulioteremshiwa sisi(waislamu), pia anapokiri wakristo ni wachamungu, wakati mwingine anakiri katika mitume yeye si mtume.mtume hakufuata ya yesu wala kuiga matendo yake na kuna wakati amejikuta akimkashifu yesu kristo na kuna wakati akimsifia. sasa hapa inaleta utata kuona iweje mungu ajipinge yeye mwenyewe.
Pia hata ufunuo wake unavyoelezwa iko wazi kuwa alillamika kushambuliwa na mashetani,na si malaika. sasa inaweza kuleta picha ya kwanini imani yenu inadai kuna mashetani wazuri. mambo haya yalitokana na mtume. Pia ikiwa mtume alilishwa sumu, inamaana hakulishwa kwasababu ya kuhudumu mambo ya kidini bali kuna ugomvi wa kifamilia ulikuwa unaendelea. na ukichukulia matendo yake nyuma alivyoua watu, na leo usikie kauwawa kwa sumu.wenye kuamini ''karma'' watasema amevuna alichopanda. nimejaribu kujieleza naimani nitaeleweka, sikuweka link hapa kwani ukiweka link kunatabia ya kubadilisha mada, vilevile ni mambo yapo wazi kwani yamejadiliwa humu mara kadhaa.

[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica][h=4][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Second Description[/FONT][/h]
The second description of the Creation in Genesis follows immediately upon the first without comment or transitional passage. It does not provoke the same objections.

We must remember that this description is roughly three centuries older and is very short. It allows more space to the creation of man and earthly paradise than to the creation of the Earth and Heavens. It mentions this very briefly

(Chapter2, 4b-7): "In the day that Yahweh God made the earth and the heavens, when no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up-for Yahweh God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the ground;

but a flood went up from earth and watered the whole face of the ground-then Yahweh God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."

This is the Yahvist text that appears in the text of present day Bibles.

The Sacerdotal text was added to it later on, but one may ask if it was originally so brief. Nobody is in a position to say whether the Yahvist text has not, in the course of time, been pared down.

We do not know if the few lines we possess represent all that the oldest Biblical text of the Creation had to say.

The Yahvist description does not mention the actual formation of the Earth or the Heavens.

It makes it clear that when God created man, there was no vegetation on Earth (it had not yet rained), even though the waters of the Earth had covered its surface.

The sequel to the text confirms this: God planted a garden at the same time as man was created.

The vegetable kingdom therefore appears on Earth at the same time as man.

This is scientifically inaccurate; man did not appear on Earth until a long time after vegetation had been growing on it.

We do not know how many hundreds of millions of years separate the two events.

This is the only criticism that one can level at the Yahvist text.

The fact that it does not place the creation of man in time in relation to the formation of the world and the earth, unlike the Sacerdotal text, which places them in the same week, frees it from the serious objections raised against the latter.



97. Sema:
Aliyekuwa ni adui wa Jibril, basi huyo ndiye aliye iteremsha Qur'ani moyoni mwako kwaidhini ya Mwenyezi Mungu, inayo thibitisha yaliyo kuwa kabla yake, na niuwongofu na bishara njema kwa Waumini.


Mtu wa Awali, aliyejifundisha kusoma na kuandika katika Mji wa Makka alikuwa Bwana Harb bin Umayya-babu yake Bwana Muawiya. Alijifunza kwa watu wa Yaman, na yeye akaja kuwafundisha waliotaka katika mji wa Makka.
Wakati Mtume alipopata utume walikuwako watu 6 tu katika Makka waliokuwa wakijiua kuandika. Wa 4 katika yao waliingia katika Uislamu, wakawa ndiyo waandikaji "Wahyi" (aya za Qur'an), watu hao walikuwa ni Sayyidna Abubakar. Sayydna Umar, Sayyidna Uthman na Sayyidna Ali.
(Kitabu cha Maisha ya Nabii Muhammad uk. 8,na Sheiky A.Falsy)

Abubakar, Anasema: "Hakika mimi ninae shetani hunifikia mara kwa mara, basi wakati wowote atakaponifikia muniepuke" (Tabaqatul Kubra, J. 3 Uk. 212)


The Jewish calendar, which follows the data contained in the Old Testament, places the dates of the above very precisely. The second half of the Christian year 1975 corresponds to the beginning of the 5, 736th year of the creation of the world. The creation of man followed several days later, so that he has the same numerical age, counted in years, as in the Jewish calendar.

There is probably a correction to be made on account of the fact that time was originally calculated in lunar years, while the calendar used in the West is based on solar years.

This correction would have to be made if one wanted to be absolutely exact, but as it represents only 3%, it is of very little consequence.

To simplify our calculations, it is easier to disregard it. What matters here is the order of magnitude. It is therefore of little importance if, over a thousand years, our calculations are thirty years out. We are nearer the truth in following this Hebraic estimate of the creation of the world if we say that it happened roughly thirty-seven centuries before Christ.

What does modern science tell us? It would be difficult to reply to the question concerning the formation of the Universe. All we can provide figures for is the era in time when the solar system was formed.

It is possible to arrive at a reasonable approximation of this. The time between it and the present is estimated at four and a half billion years.

We can therefore measure the margin separating the firmly established reality we know today and the data taken from the Old Testament.

We shall expand on this in the third part of the present work. These facts emerge from a close scrutiny of the Biblical text. Genesis provides very precise information on the time that elapsed between Adam and Abraham.

For the period from the time of Abraham to the beginnings of Christianity, the information provided is insufficient. It must be supported by other sources.

[h=4][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
1. From Adam to Abraham
Genesis provides extremely precise genealogical data in Chapters 4, 5, 11, 21 and 25. They concern all of Abraham's ancestors in direct line back to Adam.

They give the length of time each person lived, the father's age at the birth of the son and thus make it easily possible to ascertain the dates of birth and death of each ancestor in relation to the creation of Adam, as the table indicates.

All the data used in this table come from the Sacerdotal text of Genesis, the only Biblical text that provides information of this kind. It may be deduced, according to the Bible, that Abraham was born 1,948 years after Adam.
[h=4][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]

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[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]date of birth after creation of Adam [/FONT]​
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[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]length of life [/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]date of death
after creation
of Adam
[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]

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[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]

Second Description

The second description of the Creation in Genesis follows immediately upon the first without comment or transitional passage. It does not provoke the same objections.

The fact that it does not place the creation of man in time in relation to the formation of the world and the earth, unlike the Sacerdotal text, which places them in the same week, frees it from the serious objections raised against the latter.


Somo lete la leo ni kuhusu utata unao jitokeza katia Uumbaji wa Dunia na Mbingu. Allah ameshindwa kutueleza ni kipi kiliumbwa kwanza. Mbingu au Dunia. Ona mwenyewe jinisi Allah alivyo na vituko.

Katika mistari hapa chini, Allah kwa wakati mmoja anasema Dunia ambayo iliumbwa kwanza na wakati mwingine anasema kwamba Mbingu iliumbwa kwanza.

Quran 2: 29 Yeye ndiye aliye kuumbieni vyote vilivyomo duniani ; BASI Yeye akageuka Mbinguni na akazifanya mbingu saba ( anga ) ....

Quran 79: 27-30 27. Je! Ni vigumu zaidi kukuumbeni nyinyi au mbingu? Yeye ndiye aliye ijenga! ***28. Akainua kimo chake, na akaitengeneza vizuri. ***29. Na akautia giza usiku wake, na akautokeza mchana wake. ***30. Na juu ya hivyo ameitandaza ardhi. ***

Je, unakubaliana na Koran kuwa Dunia iliumbwa kwanza halafu Allah akaumba Mbingu? Vipi kuhusu tabaka saba za Mbingu? Vipi kuhusu Mbingu kuwa dari la dunia?

Hivi ni kweli kuwa Allah aliumba chechote kile? Mbona Allah anaonyesha udhaifu wa fikra?

Leo tumejifinza kuwa Allah hakuwa muumbaji wa Dunia.

Katika Huduma yake

Max Shimba

For Max Shimba Ministries
Is a work of synthesis.

i agree Yes. kama ukiwa na details zenye ku-harmonize hoja ili ilete maana, its clear unaweza ku-link.

sasa inashangaza kuona leo hii watu wanakuja na maswali ya sheria za mahakamani, na kuhoji lugha iliyotumika wakati wanajua kabisa watu hawa kufabricate maelezo ili yaendane bali wali-linki maelezo yanayoendana bila kupindisha maana. kwa lengo la kuhakikisha inaeleweka story inaeleweka.
pia ujue uislam uliibuka kutokana na sintofahamu ya wakati huo ambapo bibilia ilikuwa haisomwi na watu wakawaida, ilikuwa imewekwa alteren na mnyororo.
ndipo imani yenu imekuja na some clue na kuziandika na kusema ukweli upo kwenu, lakini ni matokea ya kukosa taarifa kamili ya bibilia na watu waovu wakataka kunufaika na ujinga wa watu kwakuwa hawakuwa na bibilia mikononi mwao. na kusema koran ilishushwa pengine ni kuhakikisha inapewa kipaumbele zaidi kuliko iliyoandikwa na wanadamu. lakini imekuwa dhaifu katika maelezo mara kadhaa kiasi kwamba inashangaza kuona mungu ashushe vitu kama hivyo tena kwa mtu asiyejua kusoma wala kuandika, si hivyo tu hata background yake haina uhusiano na nabii ama mitume wowote wale.
kwani baibo ilikuwa kitabu kitakatifu kisichoguswa na mtu wa kawaida.
ndio maana imani yako inapaswa kufundishwa hata kwa uongo ili mtu aamini, pia inaruhusu kubishana kuhusu dini na wakristo japo inasisitiza mabishano mazuri, na utaona mtume wakati mwingine anashawishi walioamini kuwa waseme wanakubali yaliyotelemshwa kwenu(wakristo ) na yale tulioteremshiwa sisi(waislamu), pia anapokiri wakristo ni wachamungu, wakati mwingine anakiri katika mitume yeye si mtume.mtume hakufuata ya yesu wala kuiga matendo yake na kuna wakati amejikuta akimkashifu yesu kristo na kuna wakati akimsifia. sasa hapa inaleta utata kuona iweje mungu ajipinge yeye mwenyewe.
Pia hata ufunuo wake unavyoelezwa iko wazi kuwa alillamika kushambuliwa na mashetani,na si malaika. sasa inaweza kuleta picha ya kwanini imani yenu inadai kuna mashetani wazuri. mambo haya yalitokana na mtume. Pia ikiwa mtume alilishwa sumu, inamaana hakulishwa kwasababu ya kuhudumu mambo ya kidini bali kuna ugomvi wa kifamilia ulikuwa unaendelea. na ukichukulia matendo yake nyuma alivyoua watu, na leo usikie kauwawa kwa sumu.wenye kuamini ''karma'' watasema amevuna alichopanda. nimejaribu kujieleza naimani nitaeleweka, sikuweka link hapa kwani ukiweka link kunatabia ya kubadilisha mada, vilevile ni mambo yapo wazi kwani yamejadiliwa humu mara kadhaa.


As Father de Vaux points out, Genesis "starts with two juxtaposed descriptions of the Creation". When examining them from the point of view of their compatibility with modern scientific data, we must look at each one separately.

First Description of the Creation

The first description occupies the first chapter and the very first verses of the second chapter. It is a masterpiece of inaccuracy from a scientific point of view. It must be examined one paragraph at a time. The text reproduced here is from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. [ Pub. w. M. Collins & Sons for the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1952.]

Chapter 1, verses 1 & 2:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters."

It is quite possible to admit that before the Creation of the Earth, what was to become the Universe as we know it was covered in darkness. To mention the existence of water at this period is however quite simply pure imagination. We shall see in the third part of this book how there is every indication that at the initial stage of the formation of the universe a gaseous mass existed. It is an error to place water in it.

Verses 3 to 5:

"And God said, 'Let there be light', and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day."

The light circulating in the Universe is the result of complex reactions in the stars. We shall come back to them in the third part of this work.

At this stage in the Creation, however, according to the Bible, the stars were not yet formed.

The "lights' of the firmament are not mentioned in Genesis until verse 14, when they were created on the Fourth day, "to separate the day from the night", "to give light upon earth"; all of which is accurate. It is illogical, however, to mention the result (light) on the first day, when the cause of this light was created three days later.

The fact that the existence of evening and morning is placed on the first day is moreover, purely imaginary; the existence of evening and morning as elements of a single day is only conceivable after the creation of the earth and its rotation under the light of its own star, the Sun!

-verses 6 to 8:

"And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.' And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day."

The myth of the waters is continued here with their separation into two layers by a firmament that in the description of the Flood allows the waters above to pass through and flow onto the earth. This image of the division of the waters into two masses is scientifically unacceptable.

-verses 9 to 13:

"And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.' And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind upon the earth.' And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day."

The fact that continents emerged at the period in the earth's history, when it was still covered with water, is quite acceptable scientifically.

What is totally untenable is that a highly organized vegetable kingdom with reproduction by seed could have appeared before the existence of the sun (in Genesis it does not appear until the fourth day), and likewise the establishment of alternating nights and days.

-verses 14 to 19:

"And God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmaments of the heavens to separate the day from night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth.' And it was so. And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon earth, to rule over. the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day."

Here the Biblical author's description is acceptable. The only criticism one could level at this passage is the position it occupies in the description as a whole. Earth and Moon emanated, as we know, from their original star, the Sun. To place the creation of the Sun and Moon after the creation of the Earth is contrary to the most firmly established ideas on the formation of the elements of the Solar System.

-verses 20 to 30:

"And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens.' So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.' And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day."

This passage contains assertions which are unacceptable.

According to Genesis, the animal kingdom began with the appearance of creatures of the sea and winged birds. The Biblical description informs us that it was not until the next day-as we shall see in the following verses-that the earth itself was populated by animals.

It is certain that the origins of life came from the sea, but this question will not be dealt with until the third part of this book. From the sea, the earth was colonized, as it were, by the animal kingdom. It is from animals living on the surface of the earth, and in particular from one species of reptile which lived in the Second era, that it is thought the birds originated. Numerous biological characteristics common to both species make this deduction possible. The beasts of the earth are not however mentioned until the sixth day in Genesis; after the appearance of the birds. This order of appearance, beasts of the earth after birds, is not therefore acceptable.

-verses 24 to 31:

"And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.' And it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the cattle according to their kinds, and everything that creeps upon the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."

"Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion (sic) over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth".

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

"And God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.' And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day."

This is the description of the culmination of the Creation. The author lists all the living creatures not mentioned before and describes the various kinds of food for man and beast.

As we have seen, the error was to place the appearance of beasts of the earth after that of the birds. Man's appearance is however correctly situated after the other species of living things.

The description of the Creation finishes in the first three verses of Chapter 2:

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host (sic) of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all his work which he had done in creation;

These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created."

This description of the seventh day calls for some comment.

Firstly the meaning of certain words. The text is taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible mentioned above. The word 'host' signifies here, in all probability, the multitude of beings created. As for the expression 'he rested', it is a manner of translating the Hebrew word 'shabbath', from which the Jewish day for rest is derived, hence the expression in English 'sabbath'.

It is quite clear that the 'rest' that God is said to have taken after his six days' work is a legend. There is nevertheless an explanation for this.

We must bear in mind that the description of the creation examined here is taken from the so-called Sacerdotal version, written by priests and scribes who were the spiritual successors of Ezekiel, the prophet of the exile to Babylon writing in the Sixth century B.C. We have already seen how the priests took the Yahvist and Elohist versions of Genesis and remodelled them after their own fashion in accordance with their own preoccupations.

Father de Vaux has written that the 'legalist' character of these writings was very essential. An outline of this has already been given above.

Whereas the Yahvist text of the Creation, written several centuries before the Sacerdotal text, makes no mention of God's sabbath, taken after the fatigue of a week's labor, the authors of the Sacerdotal text bring it into their description. They divide the latter into separate days, with the very precise indication of the days of the week.

They build it around the sabbatic day of rest which they have to justify to the faithful by pointing out that God was the first to respect it. Subsequent to this practical necessity, the description that follows has an apparently logical religious order, but in fact scientific data permit us to qualify the latter as being of a whimsical nature.

The idea that successive phases of the Creation, as seen by the Sacerdotal authors in their desire to incite people to religious observation, could have been compressed into the space of one week is one that cannot be defended from a scientific point of view. Today we are perfectly aware that the formation of the Universe and the Earth took place in stages that lasted for very long periods. (In the third part of the present work, we shall examine this question when we come to look at the Quranic data concerning the Creation).

Even if the description came to a close on the evening of the sixth day, without mentioning the seventh day, the 'sabbath' when God is said to have rested, and even if, as in the Quranic description, we were permitted to think that they were in fact undefined periods rather than actual days, the Sacerdotal description would still not be any more acceptable. The succession of episodes it contains is an absolute contradiction with elementary scientific knowledge.

It may be seen therefore that the Sacerdotal description of the Creation stands out as an imaginative and ingenious fabrication. Its purpose was quite different from that of making the truth known.

Mwandishi maarufu wa Kiislamu-Caliph Uthman aliandika Quran na kuchoma aya ambazo hakupendezwa nazo! (Sahih Bukhari 6:61:510)

Hakuchoma tu aya za kuran bali Sura nzima ya kuran ilipotea na kusahaulika. (Sahih Muslim 5:2286)
Vile vile, aya zingine zilifutwa kwa maksudi. (Bukhari 6:61:527).

Mohammad aliwaagiza waislamu kujifunza uislamu kutoka kwa kuran ya Ubai na wala sio ambayo Zayd Ibn Thabit aliandika (ambayo ni ya kisasa) tazama (Bukhari 6:61:521).

Ibn Sad (Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir vol.2 p.444 ) inasema kuwa maandiko ya kuran ya Zayd Ibn Thabit ni tofauti na ya Muhammad. Kwa hivyo waumini wamepotoshwa kwa kukariri kuran hiyo ya kisasa.

Jami At-Tirmidhi 3104 vile vile anasema kuran iliyopo sasa ni feki-ya Zayd Ibn Thabit.

Katika kufanya marekebisho mengi kwenye kuran watu walikuja na nakala tofautitofauti za kuran (Jami at-Tirmidhi 3104) hivyo kulikuwa na mtafaruku miongoni mwa wafuasi wa mohammad kwa sababu zilikuwa tofauti.

Kuran ya Ibn Masood ilikuwa na sura 111, ya Ubay ilikuwa na sura 116 na kuran ya Zayd (ambayo ndio inatumika sasa hivi) ina sura 114. Tazama (Ibn Daud , Kitab al-Masahif).

Hata zile zilizotajwa kuwa feki hazikuhifadhiwa kwa sababu mbuzi alikula sehemu ya aya zake (Sunan Ibn Majah 1934/1944).

Hivyo hamna aliyeandika kuran hadi baadhi ya waliokuwa wanakariri mafunzo ya mohammad kufa na kulikuwa na hofu kuwa aya zilizosalia zingepotea kabisa (Bukhari z6:61:509).
Hivi ndivyo Zayd Ibn Thabit alipata kuandika kuran ambayo tunayo leo hii kutoka kwa shuhuda za wakariri waliobaki (kurasa chache tu kutokana na miaka 23 ya ufunuo).

1. Je, kwanini historia ya mohammad haikuandikwa kwenye kuran?
2. Je, utajuaje uislamu pasipo kumjua vyema allah na mohammad?
3. Kwanini waislamu wanaficha ukweli kuhusu dini yao?
4. Je, ni kweli kuwa mohammad aliteremshiwa kuran na allah?
5. Je, ni kweli kuwa allah alimtuma mohammad duniani kuwasilimisha watu?


Max Shimba Ministries Org

Somo lete la leo ni kuhusu utata unao jitokeza katia Uumbaji wa Dunia na Mbingu. Allah ameshindwa kutueleza ni kipi kiliumbwa kwanza. Mbingu au Dunia. Ona mwenyewe jinisi Allah alivyo na vituko.

Katika mistari hapa chini, Allah kwa wakati mmoja anasema Dunia ambayo iliumbwa kwanza na wakati mwingine anasema kwamba Mbingu iliumbwa kwanza.

Quran 2: 29 Yeye ndiye aliye kuumbieni vyote vilivyomo duniani ; BASI Yeye akageuka Mbinguni na akazifanya mbingu saba ( anga ) ....

Quran 79: 27-30 27. Je! Ni vigumu zaidi kukuumbeni nyinyi au mbingu? Yeye ndiye aliye ijenga! ***28. Akainua kimo chake, na akaitengeneza vizuri. ***29. Na akautia giza usiku wake, na akautokeza mchana wake. ***30. Na juu ya hivyo ameitandaza ardhi. ***

Je, unakubaliana na Koran kuwa Dunia iliumbwa kwanza halafu Allah akaumba Mbingu? Vipi kuhusu tabaka saba za Mbingu? Vipi kuhusu Mbingu kuwa dari la dunia?

Hivi ni kweli kuwa Allah aliumba chechote kile? Mbona Allah anaonyesha udhaifu wa fikra?

Leo tumejifinza kuwa Allah hakuwa muumbaji wa Dunia.

Katika Huduma yake

Max Shimba

For Max Shimba Ministries

[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica][h=4][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]2. From Abraham to The Beginnings Of Christianity[/FONT][/h]
The Bible does not provide any numerical information on this period that might lead to such precise estimates as those found in Genesis on Abraham's ancestors.

We must look to other sources to estimate the time separating Abraham from Jesus. At present, allowing for a slight margin of error, the time of Abraham is situated at roughly eighteen centuries before Jesus.

Combined with information in Genesis on the interval separating Abraham and Adam, this would place Adam at roughly thirty-eight centuries before Jesus.

This estimate is undeniably wrong: the origins of this inaccuracy arise from the mistakes in the Bible on the Adam-Abraham period.

The Jewish tradition still founds its calendar on this.

Nowadays, we can challenge the traditional defenders of Biblical truth with the incompatibility between the whimsical estimates of Jewish priests living in the Sixth century B.C. and modern data. For centuries, the events of antiquity relating to Jesus were situated in time according to information based on these estimates.

Before modern times, editions of the Bible frequently provided the reader with a preamble explaining the historical sequence of events that had come to pass between the creation of the world and the time when the books were edited.

The figures vary slightly according to the time.

For example, the Clementine Vulgate, 1621, gave this information, although it did place Abraham a little earlier and the Creation at roughly the 40th century B.C.

Walton's polyglot Bible, produced in the 17th century, in addition to Biblical texts in several languages, gave the reader tables similar to the one shown here for Abraham's ancestors.

Almost all the estimates coincide with the figures given here. With the arrival of modern times, editors were no longer able to maintain such whimsical chronologies without going against scientific discovery that placed the Creation at a much earlier date.

They were content to abolish these tables and preambles, but they avoided warning the reader that the Biblical texts on which these chronologies were based had become obsolete and could no longer be considered to express the truth. They preferred to draw a modest veil over them, and invent set-phrases of cunning dialectics that would make acceptable the text as it had formerly been, without any subtractions from it.

This is why the genealogies contained in the Sacerdotal text of the Bible are still honoured, even though in the Twentieth century one cannot reasonably continue to count time on the basis of such fiction.

Modern scientific data do not allow us to establish the date of man's appearance on earth beyond a certain limit. We may be certain that man, with the capacity for action and intelligent thought that distinguishes him from beings that appear to be anatomically similar to him, existed on Earth after a certain estimable date. Nobody however can say at what exact date he appeared.

What we can say today is that remains have been found of a humanity capable of human thought and action whose age may be calculated in tens of thousands of years.

This approximate dating refers to the prehistoric human species, the most recently discovered being the Cro-Magnon Man. There have of course been many other discoveries all over the world of remains that appear to be human. These relate to less highly evolved species, and their age could be somewhere in the hundreds of thousands of years. But were they genuine men?

Whatever the answer may be, scientific data are sufficiently precise concerning the prehistoric species like the Cro-Magnon Man, to be able to place them much further back than the epoch in which Genesis places the first men.

There is therefore an obvious incompatibility between what we can derive from the numerical data in Genesis about the date of man's appearance on Earth and the firmly established facts of modern scientific knowledge.

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