Beware Shoppers shopping at Shoprite - Kamata Branch

Yona F. Maro

Nov 2, 2006
Beware Shoppers shopping at Shoprite – Kamata Branch

I am a regular shopper shopping at various supermarkets and chains of stores on weekends with my family. On 29th June 2008 I went for shopping at Shoprite which is next to kamata (on Pugu road) parking my vehicle in the shoprite compound as I normally do outside all supermarkets and reputable stores; I went in for shopping. at 3:45pm knowing the fact that at 4pm they close the supermarket. On my way out I read a sign saying that all purchases above Tshs 20,000/- qualify for a free 1.5 litre of Dasani water and I got my free bottle from their duty manager Ms. Zakia.

Coming out of the supermarket I noticed that my vehicle Vitara's doors were open and all power windows from all the doors stolen including a jack and central locking system was tempered. Before I explain further be informed that:-

1) As it was a Sunday and the closing hours were approaching closer there were only about 4 cars parked outside when I entered the supermarket.

2) When I came out there were 2 cars including mine

I called the watchman on duty and he was trying to ignore the matter and push it away by saying that they are not there for our vehicles security but only for securing Shoprite. I called the management and called a police defender which came and the conclusion made was that either shoprite or the Security company to compensate me. The managers Mr. Suleiman Sadik and Ms Zakia were both present when this issue happened. I was told to wait as the Boss of Omega Security would soon come and sort it out with me. I waited with my family for about an hour and half until Mr. Gideon of Omega Security came and all he did was he looked at the car and talked to his watchmen. Assuring me that something positive would turn out the next day, he told me to go as it being Sunday and closing hours were approaching nothing could have been done.

The most astonishing thing is that I went in the supermarket and come out in about 20 minutes time. Some one coming into the shoprite compound opening the drivers side doors and then the rest 3 doors in order to pull out the power window system and also carrying a jack from under the driver seat and yet not getting noticed by Omega watchmen. I feel it's an organized and planned theft. How can a thief know that a vitara has just parked the shoprite premises shortly? Or How can he access to get into the compound if not by the gates? How can he open the vehicle in such a short time and run away with 4 power windows and jack and not get noticed as 4 power windows and jack are bulky.

I then went to Gerezani Police Post and reported a statement (reference – GPP/RB/562/08) after doing so I left for home.

Mr. Gideon of Omega Security had committed on Monday 30th June 2008 to see me at 10am at shoprite kamata for sorting out the issue and compensation. I reached there at 10am but he wasn't there. After a couple of calls he told me that he would visit my office located in kariakoo at 12pm the same day. He came at 12.30 pm and he said that their company can not compensate anything of such kind to any customers. Which means that he was talking in favour of his watchman who are either negligent or are allies of the theft and know that their bosses will assist them in all mishaps. I told Mr. Gideon by doing such things you are encouraging your watchman to be more careless and maybe they know, inform and organize such theft from customer vehicles.

I then took some cops with reference of My RB and went to Shoprite again whereby I met Mr. Gideon readily available to vouch for his watchmen. Just imagine such a big chain of supermarket and a multinational company having such cheap and irresponsible company as their security guards. Mr. Gideon told the cops that the watchman is on duty and shall go tomorrow to police station for answering queries. If shoprite or the ATMS located in the premises had thefts would it be the same issue or the watchmen would be arrested immediately for questioning? Or because I am merely a customer and I am fighting for my rights that's why I am facing this?

The question here is not of the loss of goods worth of Tshs 200,000/-. Here the question is how one is treated in such organisations when you open your mouth to demand your rights.

When I was with the cops and Mr. Gideon of Omega Security couple of other people came there and mentioned similar incidents transpired with them at the same location. And they were told the Owner park their vehicles at their own risk. One of the ladies asked "When we see your watchmen we know our vehicles are safe and secured" And she was replied by Mr. Gideon that the security guards there are for getting vehicles parked orderly and not for security of customer or customer vehicles.


I will email this fact to all people that I know so that the know their rights when the shop at Shoprite Supermarkets.

A frustrated customer

Muslim Bharwani

Kindly forward this email to all your friends and relatives in Tanzania so that they dont face the same problems as I did
Pole sana mheshimiwa. You have tried to use poper procedure but they have negrected. The Security should have been charged for negligent. Last year my uncle got problem similar with that but for him was somewere else. It seems Suzuki vitara power windows are marketable within Dar. Take care of them not only around shoprite but every where. If that is the case they have to give advance warning that packing is for our own risk
The only solution is stop shopping at Shoprite and giving your money to Kaburus.
Everything they have in Shoprite is available elsewhere in Tanzania.
Kwa Mlichofanya Shoprite Si Kitu Kizuri.......!
Naomba Nichukue Nafasi Hii Mimi Binafsi Kuungana Na Mwathirika Wa Tukio Hilo sinunui Tena Shoprite, Nitaenda Kwingine Wanapojali.......!
Mnachukua Mali Za Wa-tz (nyie Makaburu) Bado Hata Na Vingine ? shame On You Shoprite.....!
Kaka Shy.pole Sana Ndugu Yangu Nami Naungana Nawe Kwenye Huzuni,
Hao Jamaa Wanacheza Dili Na Hao Maaskari Wa Kampuni Za Ulinzi....
Majuzi Waliibia Pale Rombo Bar..power Window ,,jeki La Kumshukuru Mungu Ilikuwa Usiku Hawakuona Doller Za Watu 1000..mkojo Ulintoka..nilipouliza Walirudi Na Usemi Huohuo Own Ur Own Risk Dem'm,,,,,dawa Ni Kuandika Watu Wasikanyage Hizo Sehemu Kabisa Kabisa.....
Pole Sana Imagine Nilinunua Power Window 90,000
Walivunja Kioo Kidogo Cha Nyuma 50,000
Spare Tyre 180,000 Dunlop Jamani
Ufundi 10,000

Mkojo Huo Ukashuka Wenyewe Pole Kaka

Wito Wangu Jihadharaini Na Hizi Sehemu Hapo Chini

1))kamata Shoprite

2))pale Millenium Tower Ukienda Millenium Juu

Umeumia Wale Walinzi Ni Wezi Vibaya Mno..wakikuona Tu Wanaita Jamaa Anafungua Achukui Dk 5,,sikuhizi Wanavunja Kioo Cha Nyuma Kidogo Wanaingiza Mkona Wanafungua Mlango Wanaserebuka

3))rombo Bar---- Sinza

Ogopa Sana Hizo Sehemu Ndugu Wacha Unawapa Hela Kwenye Mahitaji Wanataka Kula Na Wewe Kilicho Kwenye Gari!!!!!!!

Narudia Tena Kapombeke Tandale Tandika Mbagala Mbweni Si Hapa Na Gari Yako Hawa Kama Wanaroho Hii Mfano Ukiwa Hauna Gari Umelewa


Si Wanakuna&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&********** Shenzi Zenu Wamiliki Na Makampuni Husika Wa Hizi Sehemu Hamna Adabu Kabisa Pumb@@@@#$$%^^ Zenu
Mkuu Mathematician
Nimekupata Mkuu Si Unajua Hasira Za Asbh,,
Ukiangalia Nimenymwa Unyumba Asb Kisa Kushelewa Usiku'
Jf Wakanikumbusha Machungu Nikaamua Kupombeka Nao

Jf Wastaarabu Jamani!!!!! Tasameheane Kwa Hilo Wakuu
Mkiona Hayo Labda Wamezidiwa .....
Mambo mengine yanaudhi sana ndo maana Kapuchino kajilipua.
Infact its common sense kwamba ukiweka parking ya magari maana yake ni kwa ajili ya wateja na usalama wa magari.
Tena kwa super mkt parking space is one of the Key successful factor ktk kuestablish SM.
Hao watu watu they need to be serious na pole mkuu
Mimi namshauri Bw. Bharwani asiishie kwenye mtandao. Apeleke habari hii kwenye magazeti ya nyumbani (bila kusahau ya udaku) na balozi zote. Awaandikie ShopRite makao makuu akieleza kusikitishwa kwake kwa mambo yaliyompata. Wa kuwabana ni ShopRite, maana wao wakijua kuwa wanaweza kukosa wateja, watamshugulikia huyo Omega.
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