Gunman kills 12 and Wounds 38 More In Denver Colorado


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2006
A heavily armed gunman attacked an Aurora, Colorado movie theater early friday, tossing tear gas before opening fire on terrified audience and killing 12 and wounded around 38 people, authorities said. The theater was showing the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises "

Suspect in shooting named as 24 years old James Holmes was arrested in a car park nearby, in possession of a rifle , handgun and knife.

Source : CNN

The US has begun mourning after 12 people were killed and 58 wounded in a shooting at a midnight showing of the new Batman film, the Dark Knight Rises.

The gun suspect, James Holmes, 24, wearing a gas mask and body armour, threw tear gas canisters at cinema-goers and then fired on the crowd, according to witnesses. He was arrested after the shooting.

Mourners lit candles and erected impromptu memorials at a vigil for the victims outside the cinema in Aurora, Colorado.

US President Barack Obama ordered flags flown at half mast. Speaking at what was to have been an election campaign rally in Florida on Friday, he said the day was instead "for prayer and reflection".

Moments of silence were held at baseball matches, including here between the New York Yankees (pictured) and the Oakland Athletics.

Police have also been investigating Mr Holmes's car, found outside the cinema
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