The Unavoidable Realities of Life: Facing Pain, Death, and Injustice


Senior Member
Dec 9, 2018
1. Pain is unavoidable - Even if you manage to dodge it, you'll still feel sorrow, sadness, and heartache throughout your life.

2. Death is inevitable - At some point, our lives will come to an end.

3. Bad things will happen - Unfortunately, some things cannot be prevented and life has a way of delivering hard lessons to us all.

4. Greed exists - Whether it's material goods or people trying to take advantage of others, greed is real.

5. Relationships can be hard work - Love takes effort, and if you're not willing to invest the energy needed, things will fall apart.

6. Happiness is fleeting - Achieving lasting contentment is a journey, not a destination.

7. Everyone will disappoint you - Friends, family, and significant others will inevitably let you down.

8. People change - It can be difficult to adjust to those shifts, but they are part of the natural progression of life.

9. Rejection will happen - In life and in love, sometimes people don't give us what we want or expect.

10. The world is unfair - From privilege and social standing, to basic human rights and opportunity, some people get more than others.

11. Success isn't guaranteed - Hard work may lead to achievements, but it doesn't mean they'll last.

12. Compromise is essential - Negotiating with others, be it in personal relationships or the workplace, is part of the human experience.

13. Loss will come - Nothing stays the same, and life involves its fair share of death, disappointment, and change.

14. Nobody has it all figured out - It's normal to feel like we don't have a firm grasp on life; life itself is constantly evolving.

15. No one can escape mortality - We will all, at some point, leave this world behind.


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