VIP Prisons coming soon in TAnzania


JF-Expert Member
May 30, 2008
Ukonga prison cells being prepared for `VIP` guests?
-Anticipated influx of high-profile prisoners charged with grand corruption

Dar es Salaam

MAJOR renovations are underway on at least 15 cells in the notorious Ukonga maximum security prison on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam amid reports that the special holding rooms may be used to accommodate high-profile individuals expected to be prosecuted soon on grand corruption charges.

According to informed sources, the apparent preparations at the prison facility are being done at a crisp pace in anticipation of an influx of so-called ?-’VIP’ prisoners.

Other sources have also confirmed that the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) has lined up five major corruption cases for prosecution in the near future against prominent politicians and former senior government officials.

At the same time, the high-level investigation into the external payment arrears (EPA) embezzlement scandal at the Bank of Tanzania is also expected to result in the prosecution of several local business tycoons and other prominent individuals.

The sources say the special prison cells being prepared at Ukonga are self-contained with their own toilet facilities, beds with mosquito nets, and windows. The ongoing refurbishment work includes plumbing, sewerage, and window installations.

It is understood that prior to the renovations, the prison cells were in appalling condition, many of them with flooded latrines

Who said all people are equal??

Ukonga prison holds more than 3,000 inmates.

When contacted by THISDAY, the Principal Commissioner of Prisons, Augustino Nanyaro, described the renovation work at Ukonga as part of overall rehabilitation of prison facilities across the country, which are notorious for their harsh conditions.

He dismissed suggestions that the government is building new, VIP-standard prisons or renovating existing facilities for ’special’ inmates.

’’That’s just a theory...the conditions of our prisons are still bad and we’re still grappling with a poor prison diet,’’ Nanyaro said.

He added: ’’I don’t know where you got these reports of VIP prisons, since we’ve already hosted (Democratic Party leader Christopher) Mtikila and (CUF chairman Prof. Ibrahim) Lipumba at our facilities.’’

But despite this denial from the prisons chief, various other government sources have confirmed a link between the ongoing renovation work at Ukonga prison and the looming prosecution of prominent corruption suspects.

’’In fact, the repair work has been speeded up, possibly because of the expected arrival of VIP prisoners at the Ukonga prison soon,’’ said one source.

Apart from the pending indictments related to the EPA scandal, the PCCB is understood to have already been given consent by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to proceed with the prosecution of several other grand corruption cases involving politicians and retired senior public officials.

The PCCB Director-General, Dr Edward Hoseah, is on record as saying the government’s corruption watchdog has concluded investigations on at least five cases of grand corruption.

Major graft investigations that the Bureau is understood to have been conducting include dubious tax exemptions extended to the Alex Stewart Assayers gold auditing company, the Buzwagi mineral development agreement, the radar purchase, and the related TANGOLD/Meremeta and Deep Green Finance deals.
I hope that all those corrupt criminals face justice but I dont understand why they should be treated un-equally.
Hivi kuna wezi ambao wana haki kuliko wezi wengine? Kwa nini hao watengenezewe mazingira mazuri huku wengine wakiwa kwenye mazingira mabaya. hata kama ni kweli watakamatwa na kuwekwa ndani, naanza kupata hisia kuwa kukamatwa kwao itakuwa ni sehemu ya mchezo wa kuigiza kuhusiana na vita hii dhidi ya ufisadi
Tutashangaa sana mwaka huu,wataingia october 2008 na siku ya uhuru 2008tunawasamehe(parole si ipo)!!!!!!!!!
Hapa hakuna prosecution wala nini ni mchezo wakuigiza unataka kufanyika ili kuwaridhisha wafadhili. Yaani TZ Noma kweli kila kitu USANII tu haya tusubiri na tuone... what next
Nimesoma hii habari kwenye gazeti la THISDAY. Niliposoma nilishangaa kuona eti serikali inafanyia ukarabati jela ya Ukonga ikiwa na maandalio ya kutumiwa na watuhumiwa wenye hadhi ya VIP.
Serikali hii wananchi wake wanalia kwa sababu ya ugumu wa maisha, leo hii unatumia pesa zao za kodi kuwafanyia FISADIZ ukarabati jela watakayo-reside.

Huyu/hawa watu tayari walishavunja sheria ya nchi, kwa nini wapewe upendeleo. Wangewapeka nao wagombewe kama TID. Kwa nini serikali basi isiamue kukarabati jela zote maana huko ni kuwapendelea MANYANG'AU wakati walishakosa. Habari zaidi soma hapo chini:

Anticipated influx of high-profile prisoners charged with grand corruption

Dar es Salaam

MAJOR renovations are underway on at least 15 cells in the notorious Ukonga maximum security prison on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam amid reports that the special holding rooms may be used to accommodate high-profile individuals expected to be prosecuted soon on grand corruption charges.

According to informed sources, the apparent preparations at the prison facility are being done at a crisp pace in anticipation of an influx of so-called �-’VIP’ prisoners.

Other sources have also confirmed that the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) has lined up five major corruption cases for prosecution in the near future against prominent politicians and former senior government officials.

At the same time, the high-level investigation into the external payment arrears (EPA) embezzlement scandal at the Bank of Tanzania is also expected to result in the prosecution of several local business tycoons and other prominent individuals.

The sources say the special prison cells being prepared at Ukonga are self-contained with their own toilet facilities, beds with mosquito nets, and windows. The ongoing refurbishment work includes plumbing, sewerage, and window installations.

It is understood that prior to the renovations, the prison cells were in appalling condition, many of them with flooded latrines

Ukonga prison holds more than 3,000 inmates.

When contacted by THISDAY, the Principal Commissioner of Prisons, Augustino Nanyaro, described the renovation work at Ukonga as part of overall rehabilitation of prison facilities across the country, which are notorious for their harsh conditions.

He dismissed suggestions that the government is building new, VIP-standard prisons or renovating existing facilities for ’special’ inmates.

’’That’s just a theory...the conditions of our prisons are still bad and we’re still grappling with a poor prison diet,’’ Nanyaro said.

He added: ’’I don’t know where you got these reports of VIP prisons, since we’ve already hosted (Democratic Party leader Christopher) Mtikila and (CUF chairman Prof. Ibrahim) Lipumba at our facilities.’’

But despite this denial from the prisons chief, various other government sources have confirmed a link between the ongoing renovation work at Ukonga prison and the looming prosecution of prominent corruption suspects.

’’In fact, the repair work has been speeded up, possibly because of the expected arrival of VIP prisoners at the Ukonga prison soon,’’ said one source.

Apart from the pending indictments related to the EPA scandal, the PCCB is understood to have already been given consent by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to proceed with the prosecution of several other grand corruption cases involving politicians and retired senior public officials.

The PCCB Director-General, Dr Edward Hoseah, is on record as saying the government’s corruption watchdog has concluded investigations on at least five cases of grand corruption.

Major graft investigations that the Bureau is understood to have been conducting include dubious tax exemptions extended to the Alex Stewart Assayers gold auditing company, the Buzwagi mineral development agreement, the radar purchase, and the related TANGOLD/Meremeta and Deep Green Finance deals.
Kama kweli watu hawa watapelekwa kolokoloni na kufungwa basi hili litatokea kama moja ya kampeni za Uchaguzi hapo 2010 ili kuwazuga wananchi kwa muhula mwingine wa lala salama.
Utakapotajiwa orodha ya mafisadi hao utakoma kuringa,nina hakika watataja tupelege fulani hivi labda na kambale mmoja aliyezeeka kabisa lakini ile mipapa na minyangumi haitaingia.

Anyway tutajifariji hivyohivyo, labda spidi ya kukomba itapungua.
Mimi nashindwa kuelewa inakuwaje Mfungwa akatengwa na wafungwa wenzake?
Mwizi ni mwizi tuu hata kama kaiba shilingi moja na kama ni mwizi basi wezi wote wanatakiwa kuwa treated equally.
Sasa huku mitaani walikuwa mafisadi si wataendeleza ufisadi mpaka huko gerezani?
Kwa nchi yetu yote yanawezekana !!!!!! Mtuhumiwa anaandaliwa pa kwenda kuishi kabla ya kukamatwa, hii serikali yetu kiboko.

Tatizo bado tuna watu wasioelewa,2010 utasikia jamaa kashinda kwa ki.........
Kama ni kweli basi ushauri wangu kwa MAFISADI ni kwamba waanze kuwaaga ndugu zao huyu Pinda si mchezo. Pinda Mtoto wa IKULU tangu enzi zile.
Jela Ni Jela Tu Hata Kama Ukiwekewa Choo Cha Kuflash Na Kitanda Cha Sita Kwa Sita Kwa Sita.!!

Yebo Yebo,
Hiki Kitanda ina maana ni 3D??
Jela ni jela jamani. Unaweza kukuta MAFISADI wenyewe wanalipia UKARABATI wa JELA. Nilisikia kuwa Nigeria FISADI moja lilifungwa. Hadi linatoka, lilishazaa watoto wawili nje. Kila jioni jamaa alikuwa akikesha kwenye Starehe. Na siku ya X-Mas, anachinja ng'ombe na JELA nzima wanajichana nyama. Na kuanzia anaingia hadi anatoka, hakuwahi kugusa chakula cha jela.
Kiboko ni yule bwana Pablo Escober. Yeye alijijengea JELA yake mwenyewe sehemu anayotaka mwenyewe na kwenda mle ndani kuishi. Ila hata yeye zake AROBAINI zilifika na WAKAMLIMA SHABA kwenye paa la nyumba.
EPA Task Team Report out this week

2008-08-08 10:28:41
By Correspondent Felister Peter

The implementation report of the presidential task force on firms implicated in the EPA scam shall be made public within a week, The Guardian has authoritatively learnt.

Finance and Economic Affairs minister Mustafa Mkulo, broke the news in an interview, moments after signing an educational grant agreement with Japanese Ambassador Makoto Ito on Wednesday in Dar es Salaam.

The terms of reference of the Task Force, as stated by Chief Secretary Philemon Luhanjo in January, this year were as follows:

-Take appropriate legal steps in relation to the scandal and recover all the stolen money.

-Bring to justice all the individuals who were involved.
-Bring to justice all the companies through which the 133,015,186,220.74/- was siphoned from External Payment Arrears Account of the Central Bank.

``The report will be released next week. It shall contain all the relevant information that people need,`` he said.

In an apparent response to increasing calls for immediate release of the report, Mkulo appealed for patience.

He said the committee was making final touches on the report, which he said would answer most of the relevant questions lingering around the EPA account scam.

Mkulo said the presidential task-force had failed to complete its task on schedule because some crucial information was missing from the audit report that had been compiled by the auditing firm Ernst and Young.

The minister said it would have been better to first give time to Ernst and Young to fill the identified gaps before the presidential task-force started its work.

Early this year, President Jakaya Kikwete formed a three man team comprising Attorney General Johnson Mwanyika, Inspector General of Police Said Mwema and the Director General of the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), Edward Hoseah, to carry out a high-level investigation on the EPA scandal.

The team was supposed to investigate and take legal action against all companies and individuals who were named in the audit report as conducting the dubious deals that were transacted at the Central Bank.

The Task Force was set to complete its work by June this year but it has failed to beat the deadline.

The Ernst and Young, who were commissioned to do the job by the office of the Controller and Auditor General (CAG), undertook the auditing between September and December last year.

The report revealed that in the year 2005/06, dubious payments to the tune of 133,015,186,220.74/- were made to 22 domestic companies under the EPA scheme.

Out of the total sum, 90,359,078,804/- was paid to 13 companies based on fake and forged documentation. Other nine companies were paid an equivalent of 42,656,107,417/- without presenting any supporting document to authorise such payments.

Two companies, Rashtas (T) Ltd and G&T International Ltd were nowhere to be found in the books of the Business Registration and Licensing Agency (Brela).

Due to the revelations, President Kikwete sacked BoT governor Daudi Balali and replaced him with his deputy, Prof Benno Ndulu. Balalli has since died in the US.

It remains to be seen how far the Task Force has gone to execute its mandate, apart from collecting over 40bn/- out of the missing funds.

So far, no firm or individual has been indicted in relation to the scam, in line with the team`s terms of reference.
Kama ni kweli basi ushauri wangu kwa MAFISADI ni kwamba waanze kuwaaga ndugu zao huyu Pinda si mchezo. Pinda Mtoto wa IKULU tangu enzi zile.
Unataka kuniambia jina lake litabadilika na kuwa Kayaanza asiyependa mizengwe Mpenda HAKI?
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