Unleash your Potential(Motivation), Mindset Mastery and Insights on Self-Improvement

1. Start with Whom You Know

Start slow by networking with relatives and friends.

Once you gain some courage, you can expand to strangers too.
2. Put on a Happy Face


This is such a basic rule yet people just don't think about it.
3. Listen to be Heard

Everyone wants to talk about themselves.

If you are shy, be a good listener.

If you let them speak, they will remember it as a great conversation
4. Say their Name

People like to hear their own names.

Calling them by their name would make them more comfortable.
5. Be Yourself

Don't pretend to be an extrovert for networking.

People will respect you for being you, not someone else.
6. Always be Networking

Networking doesn't just happen at the work,

Anything that gets you out of house is networking.

Networking would be easy if you would consider it as fun instead of duty.
7. Be Generous

You don't always need to give back something to network.

Simply make them feel good or successful about themselves,

When you don't have anything else to give back.
In the eighteenth century Marie Antoinette allegedly advised the starving masses that if they ran out of bread, they should just eat cake instead. Today, the poor are following this advice to the letter. Whereas the rich residents of Beverly Hills eat lettuce salad and steamed tofu with quinoa, in the slums and ghettos the poor gorge on Twinkie cakes, Cheetos, hamburgers and pizza.
From the book, Homo Deus a brief history of tomorrow by Dr. Yuval Noah Harari.
Zeno of Cyprus is the founder of the popular philosophy stoicism. The once wealthy merchant lost everything when he was shipwrecked in Athens around 300 BCE.

-With not much else to do, he wandered into a bookstore, became intrigued by reading about Socrates and proceeded to seek out and study with the city's noted philosophers.

-As Zeno began educating his own students, he originated the philosophy known as Stoicism whose teachings of >virtue<, >tolerance< and >self-control<, have inspired generations of , thinkers and leaders.

-The name Stoicism comes from the stoa poikile,the decorated public colonnade where Zeno and his disciples gathered for discussion.

-Today we colloquially use the word Stoic to means someone who remains calm under pressure and avoids emotional extremes.

-But this while captures important aspects of stoicism, the original philosophy was more than just an attitude,the stoics believed everything around just operates according to a web of cause and effect, resulting in a rational structure of the universe, which the called (>LOGOS<), while we may not always have control over events affecting us, we can have control over how we approach things (Our Reactions).

-Rather than imagining an ideal society the stoic tries to deal with the world as it is, while pursuing self-improvement through four cardinal virtues:

The ability to navigate complex situations in a logical, informed, and calm manner.

The exercise of self restraint and moderation in all aspects of life.

Treating others with fairness even when they have done wrong.

Not just in extraordinary circumstances but facing daily challenges with clarity and integrity.
-As seneca, one of the most famous Roman stoics wrote "Sometimes even to live is an act of courage".

-But while >stoicism< focuses on personal improvement, it is not self centered philosophy, the idea is that only people who have cultivated virtue, tolerance and self-control in themselves can bring positive changes in others.

-Stoicism, it was used and encouraged by recent historical leaders like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Nelson Mandela.

-Marcus Aurelius was Roman emperor and famous stoic philosopher, Marcus had a journal where he kept his writings, Marcus's Journals would guide and comfort Nelson Mandela through his 27- imprisonment, during his struggle for racial equality in South Africa, after his release and eventual victory Mandela stressed peace and reconciliation, believing that while the injustices of the past couldn't be changed his people could confront them in the present and seek to build better more than just a future.

PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel has recently confessed that he aims to live for ever. ‘I think there are probably three main modes of approaching [death],’ he explained. ‘You can accept it, you can deny it or you can fight it.

From the book a brief history of tomorrow by Dr Yuval Noah Harari.
If you think that religious fanatics with burning eyes and flowing beards are ruthless, just wait and see what elderly retail moguls and ageing Hollywood starlets will do when they think the elixir of life is within reach.
From the book a brief history of tomorrow by Dr Yuval Noah Harari.
Once the scientific efforts are crowned with success, they will trigger bitter political conflicts. All the wars and conflicts of history might turn out to be but a pale prelude for the real struggle ahead of us: the struggle for eternal youth.
From the book a brief history of tomorrow by Dr Yuval Noah Harari.
“Small - minded people blame others. Average people blame themselves. The wise see all blame as foolishness”
Bruce Lee once said.

'Don't speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke.

Your body doesn't know the difference.

Words are energy and cast spells, that's why it's called spelling.

Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life.'

Just painful to watch.
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