Ulipima UKIMWI? Basi hukujua


JF-Expert Member
Jul 9, 2007
Eti mashine zinazotambuliwa na serikali kuwa zina viwango vya kuweza kuthibitisha mtu ni mwathirika ama si mwathirika zipo MUHIMBILI na AGA KHAN Hospitals tu.

Jaribu kupiga picha na ujifikirie, unaelewa hii inamaanisha nini?

Haya sijayaanzisha mimi. Waziri wetu David Mwakyusa katamka mwenyewe kwa kinywa chake huku akidai hawana jinsi ya kudhibiti vifaa vingine.

Kwa maana hiyo basi:
  1. Kama ulipima ukakutwa una ngoma una fursa bado kwenda kuthibitisha katika hospitali hizi mbili.
  2. Kama ulipimwa ukaambiwa huna kajihakikishie huko.
  3. Waliopima Angaza wajue lile ni deal la watu as an NGO na limebuma.
  4. Kama haya ni kweli basi kuna uwezekano badala ya kupimwa unadungwa virus zaidi. Kumbuka wenzetu hawatupendi hata kama hawakwambii directly.
Langu jicho...
Oh please Tina! That is a conspiracy theory...come up with a better 1!
1. Most ppl r tested using rapid tests eg CAPILLUS (phasing out now), BIOLINE, DETERMINE. Samples are only sent 2 lab for testing by ELISA(?machine according 2 u) if results of 2 rapid tests are incongruent eg positive Bioline+ negative Determine
2. What the Minister meant by machine is the DNA-PCR machine used to determine viral load i.e amount of virus per microlitre of blood. This is not a primary test of HIV infection (@ least not yet in TZ) It is used for monitoring response to therapy. MoHSW recognizes the 2 probably because they r not there for research reasons as compared to those @KCMC & (?)Bugando
3. Nobody injects a client with the virus! It takes an average of 3-6 months for a person to seroconvert i.e to test positive, so don't paint VCT centres black, they r doing a VERY good job so far, the govt could never have done it alone!
Eti mashine zinazotambuliwa na serikali kuwa zina viwango vya kuweza kuthibitisha mtu ni mwathirika ama si mwathirika zipo MUHIMBILI na AGA KHAN Hospitals tu.

This is somehow confusing and controversial, huko Agakhan some three years ago kuna mtu aliwafungulia mashtaka na ishu ilikuwa walimpima wakasema ana ngoma, mbaya zaidi ilikuwa ni siku chache to kabla ya ndoa. Hivyo mchumba akampiga chini.

Sasa leo tunapoambiwa eti huko ndio kwenye mashine genuine haingii akilini.
Oh please Tina! That is a conspiracy theory...come up with a better 1!
1. Most ppl r tested using rapid tests eg CAPILLUS (phasing out now), BIOLINE, DETERMINE. Samples are only sent 2 lab for testing by ELISA(?machine according 2 u) if results of 2 rapid tests are incongruent eg positive Bioline+ negative Determine
2. What the Minister meant by machine is the DNA-PCR machine used to determine viral load i.e amount of virus per microlitre of blood. This is not a primary test of HIV infection (@ least not yet in TZ) It is used for monitoring response to therapy. MoHSW recognizes the 2 probably because they r not there for research reasons as compared to those @KCMC & (?)Bugando
3. Nobody injects a client with the virus! It takes an average of 3-6 months for a person to seroconvert i.e to test positive, so don't paint VCT centres black, they r doing a VERY good job so far, the govt could never have done it alone!

...maelezo mazuri sana.nadhani tunapoanzisha thread ni vizuri tukawa na uhakika na tunachoandika.Ni hatari kutoa taarifa yenye upotoshaji katika jambo linalohusu Afya/Uzima wa binadamu.Wengi wanaiona JF kama sehemu ya kupata taarifa makini na sahihi, hivyo ni vema kama huna uhakika na unachoataka kuandika ukaleta mada yako kama jambo ambalo umesikia na unataka ufafanuzi(ije katika mtindo wa swali).Sio wote wenye uelewa mkubwa wa mabo ya TIBA na pia sio wote wenye access ya kurudi mara mbili tatu na kuisoma thread...huenda tayari kuna watu walio potoshwa na taarifa yako TINA......It's sad
Oh please Tina! That is a conspiracy theory...come up with a better 1!
1. Most ppl r tested using rapid tests eg CAPILLUS (phasing out now), BIOLINE, DETERMINE. Samples are only sent 2 lab for testing by ELISA(?machine according 2 u) if results of 2 rapid tests are incongruent eg positive Bioline+ negative Determine
2. What the Minister meant by machine is the DNA-PCR machine used to determine viral load i.e amount of virus per microlitre of blood. This is not a primary test of HIV infection (@ least not yet in TZ) It is used for monitoring response to therapy. MoHSW recognizes the 2 probably because they r not there for research reasons as compared to those @KCMC & (?)Bugando
3. Nobody injects a client with the virus! It takes an average of 3-6 months for a person to seroconvert i.e to test positive, so don't paint VCT centres black, they r doing a VERY good job so far, the govt could never have done it alone!

Well put Injia, thanks
Oh please Tina! That is a conspiracy theory...come up with a better 1!
1. Most ppl r tested using rapid tests eg CAPILLUS (phasing out now), BIOLINE, DETERMINE. Samples are only sent 2 lab for testing by ELISA(?machine according 2 u) if results of 2 rapid tests are incongruent eg positive Bioline+ negative Determine
2. What the Minister meant by machine is the DNA-PCR machine used to determine viral load i.e amount of virus per microlitre of blood. This is not a primary test of HIV infection (@ least not yet in TZ) It is used for monitoring response to therapy. MoHSW recognizes the 2 probably because they r not there for research reasons as compared to those @KCMC & (?)Bugando
3. Nobody injects a client with the virus! It takes an average of 3-6 months for a person to seroconvert i.e to test positive, so don't paint VCT centres black, they r doing a VERY good job so far, the govt could never have done it alone!NAWASILISHA

jamani tumia lugha nyepesi, maana ninaweza kusema kuwa nimeelewa kumbe nimeelewa ilivyo sivyo, si unajua lugha ya kidaktari?
Let me contribute for the first time, what the dear contributer is doing is to mislead the public, and this is because of little knowledge or not wishing to look for more information before posting or responding. I wish kuweka rai kwamba tuwe waangalifu, tusipotoshe umma, Ni vizuri kuwaamini waatalamu wenu, wana uchungu na nchi yetu, ndiyo maana wamekataa vipimo vingine visitumike Tanzania, mpaka vitakapoonyesha ubora. Tusichanganye maisha na porojo

Eti mashine zinazotambuliwa na serikali kuwa zina viwango vya kuweza kuthibitisha mtu ni mwathirika ama si mwathirika zipo MUHIMBILI na AGA KHAN Hospitals tu.

Jaribu kupiga picha na ujifikirie, unaelewa hii inamaanisha nini?

Haya sijayaanzisha mimi. Waziri wetu David Mwakyusa katamka mwenyewe kwa kinywa chake huku akidai hawana jinsi ya kudhibiti vifaa vingine.

Kwa maana hiyo basi:
  1. Kama ulipima ukakutwa una ngoma una fursa bado kwenda kuthibitisha katika hospitali hizi mbili.
  2. Kama ulipimwa ukaambiwa huna kajihakikishie huko.
  3. Waliopima Angaza wajue lile ni deal la watu as an NGO na limebuma.
  4. Kama haya ni kweli basi kuna uwezekano badala ya kupimwa unadungwa virus zaidi. Kumbuka wenzetu hawatupendi hata kama hawakwambii directly.
Langu jicho...
Tina, simple "NO RESEARCH NO RIGHT TO WRITE". I think you studied Political Science in former Russia.
Eti mashine zinazotambuliwa na serikali kuwa zina viwango vya kuweza kuthibitisha mtu ni mwathirika ama si mwathirika zipo MUHIMBILI na AGA KHAN Hospitals tu.

Jaribu kupiga picha na ujifikirie, unaelewa hii inamaanisha nini?

Haya sijayaanzisha mimi. Waziri wetu David Mwakyusa katamka mwenyewe kwa kinywa chake huku akidai hawana jinsi ya kudhibiti vifaa vingine.
Kwa maana hiyo basi:
  1. Kama ulipima ukakutwa una ngoma una fursa bado kwenda kuthibitisha katika hospitali hizi mbili.
  2. Kama ulipimwa ukaambiwa huna kajihakikishie huko.
  3. Waliopima Angaza wajue lile ni deal la watu as an NGO na limebuma.
  4. Kama haya ni kweli basi kuna uwezekano badala ya kupimwa unadungwa virus zaidi. Kumbuka wenzetu hawatupendi hata kama hawakwambii directly.
Langu jicho...

Sidhani kama wewe ni mgeni hapa na kwa jinsi ninavyoelewa JF ni pahala ambapo hoja/habari zenye uhakika hujadiliwa ipasavyo! Jitahidi kuwa muangalifu sana unapoweka hoja hapa.

Hivi umewahi kujiuliza ni kwa nini ile kampeni ya kuhamasisha upimaji wa hiari ilizinduliwa na Muungwana na alipimwa LIVE je wale waliompima walikuwa AGHAKAN au MUHIMBILI??? Na kama hawakuwa Aghakan/Muhimbili basi huyu Muungwana atakuwa amedungwa sindano ya Virusi yeye na Mkewe!
Unanishangaza sana kwa sababu vitu kama hivi ungevifikiria kabla hujapost ila probably tatizo sio lako....
HIV test kit saga continues: German firm hits back at Professor Mwakyusa

-Says both he and WHO should conduct better literature research

Dar es Salaam

THE German manufacturer of the Cyflow counter machine used to examine the number of CD4 cells in HIV/AIDS-infected people has challenged the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare's negative verdict on the machine, saying it was not based on proper research.

According to the chief scientist of PARTEC Germany, Dr Volker Ost, the Cyflow counter machine is ''leading in performance and excellence'', contrary to recent statements by Minister Prof. David Mwakyusa which appeared to question its capability.

''This repeatedly published statement of the current (Tanzanian) minister of health contradicts the huge majority of scientific papers and field reports (on the Cyflow CD4 counter machine) published in international scientific journals,'' Dr Ost said in a website statement yesterday.

Prof. Mwakyusa was quoted last weekend as saying the government has decided to reject the Cyflow CD4 counter machine for local use because it failed laboratory tests at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in 2004, and has also not been endorsed by World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the minister, Cyflow - which is widely used in poor countries because of its perceived effectiveness and use of cheap reagents compared to the US-made Facs Count machine - has been dismissed by WHO experts because of its functioning.

''Furthermore, it has been noted that the one parameter Cyflow counter may not be appropriate in monitoring TB co-infected patients,'' he stated.

''The decision by the government not to accept Cyflow was a result of the laboratory test results done by MUHAS, elsewhere in the world and the WHO position,'' Prof. Mwakyusa stated.

In his website response, Dr Ost accused the (Tanzanian) Ministry of Health of ''repeatedly giving out embarrassing statements contradicting the international research community.''

''It is astonishing that some WHO experts and the Tanzanian health minister, who is himself a professor of medicine, are obviously not able to do state-of-the-art literature researches. Any doctorate student in the world is able to perform this exercise,'' he railed, adding: ''Where are the publications underlining the statements of the Tanzanian health minister?''

Dr Ost said PARTEC CD4 counters are currently being used in more than 60 countries worldwide, including the United States, almost all European countries, Canada, China, India, Nigeria, Malawi, Sudan and Japan.

''Even some WHO departments repeatedly ordered CD4 counters from PARTEC. It begs the question why WHO is obviously not able to speak with one voice,'' he asserted.

He conceded that the Cyflow CD4 counter machine had failed to undergo normal evaluation at Muhimbili in 2004 because of the failure by PARTEC's local agent to clear it from the Mwalimu Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam on time, and provide reagents for the tests.

But he insisted that the machine has been endorsed by the American Centre for Disease Control (CDC), which he described as a key technical partner of the health ministry.

In his weekend statement, Prof. Mwakyusa said it had been established that when approached by the ministry to get its opinion on the efficiency of the Cyflow machine, the WHO responded thus:

''WHO has not organized or coordinated any independent multi-site evaluation on the instrument also, field experience has shown that Cyflow has not overcome technical challenges related to robustness of the equipment or reproducibility of results.''
It is getting more interesting. But if the equipment has been discredited by the WHO, it would have been grossly inappropriate for our ministry of health to embrace it whatever evidence the Germany professor could allude to. So on this one, I fully support our ministry's decision.

’’WHO has not organized or coordinated any independent multi-site evaluation on the instrument also, field experience has shown that Cyflow has not overcome technical challenges related to robustness of the equipment or reproducibility of results.’’

Let me contribute for the first time, what the dear contributer is doing is to mislead the public, and this is because of little knowledge or not wishing to look for more information before posting or responding. I wish kuweka rai kwamba tuwe waangalifu, tusipotoshe umma, Ni vizuri kuwaamini waatalamu wenu, wana uchungu na nchi yetu, ndiyo maana wamekataa vipimo vingine visitumike Tanzania, mpaka vitakapoonyesha ubora. Tusichanganye maisha na porojo

It is getting more interesting. But if the equipment has been discredited by the WHO, it would have been grossly inappropriate for our ministry of health to embrace it whatever evidence the Germany professor could allude to. So on this one, I fully support our ministry's decision.

It is sad when people who do not human life try to use the media to serve their own selfish ends.Therr are interested in milking the poor countries the little they have and even to the extent of jeopardizing the health of the people.

What Mwakyusa has said ni kweli kabisa. Watengenezaji wa mashine hii wamekataa WHO isifanye independent evaluation. Evaluation iliyofanyika Tanzania, ilionyesha kuwa mashine hii haifai.

My take
Kama hawa Partec wanadhani mashine yao ni nzuri kwa nini wakatae independent evaluations? Kuna kitu wanaficha.
Pili naungana na wachangiaji wengine kuwa tuwe waangalifu kuchukua vitu wholesale, bila kuvichambua kwa kina, haswa suala hili nyeti linahusu afya zetu.
Madaktari mliomo humu tusaidieni jambo moja maana tunachanganyikiwa sasa. Vipimo vya HIV tulivyofanyiwa katika kipindi hicho cha vifaa vyenye mgogoro ni sahihi ama si sahihi? Na je tuende wapi tukapate vipimo vya uhakika? Maana tulishaanza kufurahia maisha ati na kujiona wenye bahati ya mtende!
Madaktari mliomo humu tusaidieni jambo moja maana tunachanganyikiwa sasa. Vipimo vya HIV tulivyofanyiwa katika kipindi hicho cha vifaa vyenye mgogoro ni sahihi ama si sahihi? Na je tuende wapi tukapate vipimo vya uhakika? Maana tulishaanza kufurahia maisha ati na kujiona wenye bahati ya mtende!

Bw Kithuku,
Vipimo vilivyomo na utaratibu unaotumika (testing algorithm)havina matatizo. Kwa hiyo majibu unayopata ni sahihi.
Kinachoendelea hapa ni watu kutaka kuchanganya biashara, siasa na sayansi.
Kuna kundi la wafanyabiashara na wanasiasa wasiotakia mema afya za watanzania kwa manufaa binafsi. Tatizo hapa si Wizara ya Afya!
...mnh, inanikumbusha yule alopima mara tatu akasema, "kama mkono huu (wa kulia) mnasema sijathirika toeni mcheki na huu mkono wa shoto"!
Bw Kithuku,
Vipimo vilivyomo na utaratibu unaotumika (testing algorithm)havina matatizo. Kwa hiyo majibu unayopata ni sahihi.
Kinachoendelea hapa ni watu kutaka kuchanganya biashara, siasa na sayansi.
Kuna kundi la wafanyabiashara na wanasiasa wasiotakia mema afya za watanzania kwa manufaa binafsi. Tatizo hapa si Wizara ya Afya!

Sure... HIV AIDS ni biashara ya watu! Inabidi tuwe makini sana ili tusijepotoshwa na hawa watu wenye masilahi binafsi.
Kama kawaida- tumebambikwa mtambo mwingine feki hapa, jamani hizi 10% zinazowatia viongozi wetu tamaa zitatumaliza wote. Punguzeni munkari mliopima Angaza, cha kufanya hapa ni kwenda huko Agha Khan au Muhimbili mkajihakiki msijeishia kufa kwa kukosa usingizi!
Injinia ::::::::
Sasa Kama Vichwa Kama Nyie Mpo Uku Mwakyusa Anafanya Kazi Gani Jamani???ahsante Kwa Kuwaelekeza
Profeessor alikuwa hajui anachokiongea !
waziri alikuwa anaongea na uchunguzi wake umefanywa na TUME ambayo ndani yake hakukuwa nam tu aliyewahi hata siku moja kutibu mtu mwenye virusi vya ukimwi!
Vitu alivyotaja waziri alisema Cyflow technology machines zimeonyesha kuwa haziko sawa wakati cD za mgonjwa zipo chini ya 200/cubic milimetre. sasa kitu kinachonifanya nione mheshimiwa alikuwa hajui ni kwamba katika matibabu ya virusi vya ukimwi hutopenda hata siku moja mgonjwa wako afikie CD4 count ya 200 au chini ya hapo per cubic milimetre.
Profeessor alikuwa hajui anachokiongea !
waziri alikuwa anaongea na uchunguzi wake umefanywa na TUME ambayo ndani yake hakukuwa nam tu aliyewahi hata siku moja kutibu mtu mwenye virusi vya ukimwi!
Vitu alivyotaja waziri alisema Cyflow technology machines zimeonyesha kuwa haziko sawa wakati cD za mgonjwa zipo chini ya 200/cubic milimetre. sasa kitu kinachonifanya nione mheshimiwa alikuwa hajui ni kwamba katika matibabu ya virusi vya ukimwi hutopenda hata siku moja mgonjwa wako afikie CD4 count ya 200 au chini ya hapo per cubic milimetre.

Wajameni, nimeenda kufukua nikaona hii mada, hebu wakuu kama p53, visenti na wengine tusaidieni muendelezo wa hii hoja kwani nijuavyo mimi Cyflow ipo sana ukanda wetu huu africa
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