Tumefika Naivasha?

Yona F. Maro

Nov 2, 2006
A story is told of this young girl who boarded a bus from Nairobi. The bus was headed for Western Kenya. On reaching Westlands the gal got from her seat and walked to the driver and asked, 'Tumefika Naivasha (have we reached Naivasha) ?" In amazement the driver answered her, "bado mtoto" (not yet). On they moved and on reaching Kangemi the gal walked to the driver again,"Tumefika Naivasha (have we reached Naivasha)?" "Bado" (not yet) the driver replied. After another 10 mins, the girl asked the same question and the same answer was given.The
driver was by now getting very irritated by the little one who was asking if they had reached Naivasha after every few minutes but the passengers just looked on. The next time she asked the driver promised that he would alert her when they got to Naivasha, ! "Tukifika Naivasha, nitakwambia." So the young girl relaxed, sat on her seat and perhaps even blacked out. On reaching Naivasha, the driver had neatly forgotten the deal, so he just continued driving and
twenty minutes after Naivasha the gal stood up and asked the driver the usual question. Oh Oh, the driver had no words now that he had forgotten to keep his promise. The fellow passengers in anger started quarrelling the driver for failing the young one. They demanded that she be driven back to Naivasha then they proceed to wherever. Being the good driver the guy turned and drove back to Naivasha and told the gal, "Sasa tuko Naivasha." (Now we are in Naivasha). The gal stood up, stretched her hands to the luggage rack, picked her bag, opened it, removed bread and milk, sat down and started eating the bread and drinking the milk. Now everyone in the bus wondered and just looked at the gal. So the driver goes, "Tumefika Naivasha, si
ushuke!" (we are in Naivasha why don’t you get of the bus?) And the gal goes, "mum told me that when we reach Naivasha, I should pick my packed lunch and eat. Where are you heading? " asked the driver. "I am going to Western Kenya"
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