Top Five companies to work for in Tanzania apart from the UN


Jan 25, 2009
Wana jamii,
Ningependa kusikia ushauri wenu kuhusu best companies to work for in Tanzania. Hii ina include salary, benefits, employee development, etc.
Why apart from UN?

To support your question, I think it would be nice to have a ranking in Tanzania of best companies to work for. This will be beneficial to both talented employees and good employers.

From what I've heard so far, TCC and Barrick Gold are good employers. Havent worked with either so those who have or are still working can tell us.
@TanzanianFemale: Because UN setup is quite straight forward and the information is easy to find on the web. It ll be interesting to hear from people who are working in some of these companies in TZ.
"best" is the relative term with so many parameters of relativity and this includes Hobbies,life priority,Individual proffessional goal,Life style or personal attitudes towards life,Society and employee needs,So to me Vodacom is the best!!I said to ME,Since am exposed with it and worked with it,most of my dreams and goals just stack there
Cronique: Gotcha. I would still put the UN on the best employers list for Tanzania unless we are talking of only corporations.

International auditing firms are good for entry level positions if one has no experience otherwise if one values work/life balance I dont think thats the place.

Kuna alietaja Precision Air, ningependa kujua ametumia criteria gani because I beg to differ
uliyeanzisha hii thread ubarikiwe, acha nisome maoni ya watu,inaweza ikatokea nikabadili mawazo ya kurudi bongo(after 20 yrs), kwahiyo nita target tu kwenye hizo company
Barrick gold company ltd is the best company to work for because it's found worldwide,has the best salaries,safety of the workers is their priority and has one of the best equipments which makes the work easier etc...

I beg to differ... Barrick gold tena?!!! naona hawa watu walishindwa kunilipa 3.8 M net ( i'm an MBA holder and with almost 8years working experience) while where i was working by then while applied to Barrick i was getting 3.5 M net... Jamani Barrick tena?!! Eti they wnated em to work for them at 2M net......... mhhhh!
He he he! Swali nzuri sana.
Mimi nimegundua the best Company is the one which you dont work with.
The worst is the one which you work For.

You could be right but dont forget also that the grass always looks greener across the fence and kitanda usichokilalia huwezi kujua kunguni wake.

Uliza wanandoa nao watakwambia hivyo hata kwenye restaurant utashangaa mtu kutamani kile alichoagiza mwenzie badala ya alichoagiza mwenye kwa uchaguzi wake.

Katika ulimwengu wa kazi,kufuatana na experience yangu katika maeneo mbalimbali ya kimataiafa na hata ya kitaifa, kazi nzuri itategemea wewe mwenyewe na yafuatayo:
1. Uwezo wako kufanya kazi husika na jinsi mwajiri wako atakavyoithamini kazi na mchango wako na wewe mwenyewe utakavyomfanya mwajiri aone kuwa wewe ni kito katika taasisi yake.
2. Malengo yako katika kujenga career yako.Watu wengine hudhania kazi nzuri ni mshahara, kumbe siyo kweli unaweza kupata mshahara mnono lakini ukajikuta inafika kipindi ukaona hilo shirika siyo kiviile! Ukaacha kazi na kuhamia kwingine ambako unaona unapata zaidi ya mshahara kwa maana ya utambuzi - recognition, ukapata raha ya kazi - job satisfaction nk

Therefore the best employer is the one who is able to meet my expectations all round - mshahara kuendana na ninachoingiza kwenye kampuni ( ujuzi, muda wangu etc) na yule atakayenijali niwapo kazini kwa maana ya mazingira mazuri ya kufanyia kazi - ofisi safi, vitendea kazi, kunipa fursa kujiendeleza kitaalamu na kikazi, kunipa fursa kuweza kuhuisha maisha ya kazi na ya binafsi ( work-life balance na hii mashirika mengi hasa yale ya kimataifa wameshindwa sana kwenye hili!), kunijali kwa kuniwekea mazingira yatakayoniwezesha kuishi pale nitakapostaafu au kuugua ua kupata kilema - social security, retirement benfits etc).

Mtaona kuwa wale waajiri wanaolipa mshahara mkubwa sana mara nyingine hawana mfumo wa kujali maendeleo mengine ya mfanyakazi- wanakutarajia uwe tayari umekamilika kielemu, uwe una utaratibu wako wa kujishughulikia kwa eventualities nyingine nk.

Tunapojadili best employer badala ya kutaja tu majina ya kampuni au taasis, basi tutaje taasis na sababu inayofanya awe best employer.Hii itasaidia mtu naposoma awe na taarifa kamili.
I believe the ranking is based on the outsiders, people who are working in the so called Top five companies have nasty stories to narrate. I think we should also be thinking on the perspective of the position,responsibilities and the award for the same. This is what i personally think otherwise we would not be having people moving from these companies to others.
The Best Employer kwa Tanzania kwa ufahamu wangu ni FCO- Foreign Comonweathy Office na taasisi zake . British High Commission, DFID na British Council na Save The Children Fund, kwa senior level za Advisors wanalipa mpaka M.10.

Kitu kikubwa kabisa ambacho sijawahi kukiona popote, wana life health insurance katika mazingira fulani. Yaani unatibiwa na bima yao mpaka siku yako itakapofika.

Nikisema the best simaanishi ndio the top paying companies, lakini ni unafanya kazi katika the best working environment.

Taasisi inayooza kulipa pochi Nene kwa hapa Bongo ni AfDB.
Nadhani ni bora kwa mtu kulist pale anapohisi ni pazuri kisha kura zikapigwa kwa vingezo vilivyojadiliwa hapo juu ndio tunaweza kupata the best companies
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