Top 10 Marriage Mistakes


JF-Expert Member
Oct 15, 2008
1. Lack of Respect

Don't badmouth your spouse to your friends or associates. Spouses need to be thanked. They need to know they are appreciated.
2. Not Listening to Your Spouse

This includes allowing your mind to wander, paying more attention to the computer or television set, ignoring body language, and interrupting.
3. Lack of Sexual Intimacy

This is a death knell for a marriage. Seek medical counsel and therapeutic counseling if necessary. Don't leave your spouse wondering why you aren't interested in sex.
4. Always Having to Be Right

This includes lecturing your mate, or having to have the last word. Very few people can love a know-it-all forever. Admit when you make a mistake or that you don't have all the answers. Don't answer every simple question with a long-winded dissertation on the topic.
5. Not Walking the Talk

Actions do speak louder than words. When you say you'll do something, do it. When you say you won't do something, follow through.
6. Hurtful Teasing

If your spouse says the teasing is hurtful, considers it a put down, or thinks that it is inappropriate, then stop it. Claiming that your spouse doesn't have a sense of humor or is too sensitive is being inconsiderate and unkind.
7. Dishonesty

Having lies and secrets in your relationship can create distance and lack of trust between the two of you.
8. Being Annoying

This includes continuing to have gross personal hygiene habits, or always being late, or nitpicking everything your spouse does, etc. It is when you know you are annoying and you continue to annoy.

9. Being Selfish or Greedy

This is when you spend money on yourself, but makes a big deal if your spouse spends a dime. This is not wanting to open your home to friends and family because you prefer to be alone and don't want the hassle of entertaining. This is hogging the remote, only going to cheap restaurants when you could afford better, or not watching movies your spouse wants to see.
Finances are the number one reason couple’s divorce. The two of you must talk about money and set financial goals together.
10. Having Temper Tantrums

Every couple needs to be able to handle conflict in a constructive way. Having an angry outburst so that you can win an argument will make you the loser in the end.
Every marriage relationship will have marital conflict and hostility during difficult times. Learning how to handle these problems, knowing when to seek a therapist's help and being able to forgive are some of the keys to making matrimony successful.

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