The wind of change!


JF-Expert Member
Mar 3, 2006
A British citizen Harold Macmillan's speech made to the South Africa Parliament on 3 February 1960:

It is, as I have said, a special privilege for me to be here in 1960 when you are celebrating what I might call the golden wedding of the Union. At such a time it is natural and right that you should pause to take stock of your position, to look back at what you have achieved, to look forward to what lies ahead. In the fifty years of their nationhood the people of South Africa have built a strong economy founded upon a healthy agriculture and thriving and resilient industries.

No one could fail to be impressed with the immense material progress which has been achieved. That all this has been accomplished in so short a time is a striking testimony to the skill, energy and initiative of your people. We in Britain are proud of the contribution we have made to this remarkable achievement. Much of it has been financed by British capital. …

… As I've travelled around the Union I have found everywhere, as I expected, a deep preoccupation with what is happening in the rest of the African continent. I understand and sympathise with your interests in these events and your anxiety about them.
Ever since the break up of the Roman empire one of the constant facts of political life in Europe has been the emergence of independent nations. They have come into existence over the centuries in different forms, different kinds of government, but all have been inspired by a deep, keen feeling of nationalism, which has grown as the nations have grown.

In the twentieth century, and especially since the end of the war, the processes which gave birth to the nation states of Europe have been repeated all over the world. We have seen the awakening of national consciousness in peoples who have for centuries lived in dependence upon some other power. Fifteen years ago this movement spread through Asia. Many countries there, of different races and civilisations, pressed their claim to an independent national life.

Today the same thing is happening in Africa, and the most striking of all the impressions I have formed since I left London a month ago is of the strength of this African national consciousness. In different places it takes different forms, but it is happening everywhere.
The wind of change is blowing through this continent, and whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousness is a political fact. We must all accept it as a fact, and our national policies must take account of it.

Well you understand this better than anyone, you are sprung from Europe, the home of nationalism, here in Africa you have yourselves created a free nation. A new nation. Indeed in the history of our times yours will be recorded as the first of the African nationalists. This tide of national consciousness which is now rising in Africa, is a fact, for which both you and we, and the other nations of the western world are ultimately responsible.

For its causes are to be found in the achievements of western civilisation, in the pushing forwards of the frontiers of knowledge, the applying of science to the service of human needs, in the expanding of food production, in the speeding and multiplying of the means of communication, and perhaps above all and more than anything else in the spread of education.

As I have said, the growth of national consciousness in Africa is a political fact, and we must accept it as such. That means, I would judge, that we've got to come to terms with it. I sincerely believe that if we cannot do so we may imperil the precarious balance between the East and West on which the peace of the world depends.

The world today is divided into three main groups. First there are what we call the Western Powers. You in South Africa and we in Britain belong to this group, together with our friends and allies in other parts of the Commonwealth. In the United States of America and in Europe we call it the Free World. Secondly there are the Communists – Russia and her satellites in Europe and China whose population will rise by the end of the next ten years to the staggering total of 800 million. Thirdly, there are those parts of the world whose people are at present uncommitted either to Communism or to our Western ideas. In this context we think first of Asia and then of Africa.

As I see it the great issue in this second half of the twentieth century is whether the uncommitted peoples of Asia and Africa will swing to the East or to the West. Will they be drawn into the Communist camp? Or will the great experiments in self-government that are now being made in Asia and Africa, especially within the Commonwealth, prove so successful, and by their example so compelling, that the balance will come down in favour of freedom and order and justice? The struggle is joined, and it is a struggle for the minds of men. What is now on trial is much more than our military strength or our diplomatic and administrative skill. It is our way of life. The uncommitted nations want to see before they choose...

Myatake:- DEJAVU - History Keeps Repeating Itself!
What you don't konw is that change of power in Zambia is not uncommon. Zambians have seen three political parties transfer power to one another.
Hata kama sijui kiingereza ila naweza kuhisi.Mabadiliko ya serikali zambia hayajaanza leo hivyo huwezi kulinganisha na tanzania.The wind of change took place in zambia is not similar to tz.The wind of change in tz is taking place in the ruling party and that wind wil transform the party into the better and the best political party we have ever seen in the continent and in 2015 people wil vote to Magufuri of CCM.WAIT AND SEE.I ASSURE YOU.
The wind of change is blowing through this continent, and whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousness is a political fact. We must all accept it as a fact, and our national policies must take account of it.*

... This is hard truth and if anyone try in his own way not to*acknowledge*this, definetly will be left in a*position*of regret .. for he will not be judging within a*perspective*of time present!!
... This is hard truth and if anyone try in his own way not to*acknowledge*this, definetly will be left in a*position*of regret .. for he will not be judging within a*perspective*of time present!!
Ndio maana yangu mkuu, nilichindwa kukichukua kipande hicho pekee bila kuuweka ujumbe wote.. Na hata ukimsoma jamaa huyu ni mwaka 1960 lakini utafikiri ni hotuba ya ShyRose kwa JK...
Hata kama sijui kiingereza ila naweza kuhisi.Mabadiliko ya serikali zambia hayajaanza leo hivyo huwezi kulinganisha na tanzania.The wind of change took place in zambia is not similar to tz.The wind of change in tz is taking place in the ruling party and that wind wil transform the party into the better and the best political party we have ever seen in the continent and in 2015 people wil vote to Magufuri of CCM.WAIT AND SEE.I ASSURE YOU.

wewe kama una akili ya kondoo usiwaambukize na wenzio kudhani ccm inaweza kuwa nzuri. yawe ya jana au ya leo, mavi ni mavi tu. the best chama kinachouza vipande vya ardhi yetu. eneo la mpanda limeuzwa na hili lichama. upuuzi mtupu!!
Ndio maana yangu mkuu, nilichindwa kukichukua kipande hicho pekee bila kuuweka ujumbe wote.. Na hata ukimsoma jamaa huyu ni mwaka 1960 lakini utafikiri ni hotuba ya ShyRose kwa JK...

True , mitazamo mingine ya kisiasa utafikiri inaishi .... na kuendeleza ujumbe ..mimi naona huu ujumbe ni muhimu sana kuzingatiwa ..kwa mwanasiasa yeyote makini ingawa mara nyingi hawafanyi hivyo n amadhara huwa si madogo .... Hebu ... nipe muhutasari kidogo wa ShyROSE ...
To what your saying to some of the System Members may not sound as a real thing, but just a sound of imaginary and emotions or some kind of iilution kind of thing.But the impact of the consenquences to ignore the truth will bare their title and to grave with their political na authority qualities obligations to the country forever.
To what your saying to some of the System Members may not sound as a real thing, but just a sound of imaginary and emotions or some kind of iilution kind of thing.But the impact of the consenquences to ignore the truth will bare their title and to grave with their political na authority qualities obligations to the country forever.

DSN ... and that is why I like these .. you call System Members ... They are there enjoying ..what ever you will say to them is simply Joke ..

They will see every thing even the very important NOTE as ...imaginary, illusion and*some kind*of sweet dreams ... even Ghadafi, Mubarak ... and the*fellow*leaders of the*Arabs*in the north of*Africa..they ware n the same state ... now ? ... I think they can real understand!!

*At home ... They will never even learn from this ...that is a strange thing with the history itself ..!!
To what your saying to some of the System Members may not sound as a real thing, but just a sound of imaginary and emotions or some kind of iilution kind of thing.But the impact of the consenquences to ignore the truth will bare their title and to grave with their political na authority qualities obligations to the country forever.

Hii paragraph umeikopi kutoka kwenye gazeti la Citizen.
True , mitazamo mingine ya kisiasa utafikiri inaishi .... na kuendeleza ujumbe ..mimi naona huu ujumbe ni muhimu sana kuzingatiwa ..kwa mwanasiasa yeyote makini ingawa mara nyingi hawafanyi hivyo n amadhara huwa si madogo .... Hebu ... nipe muhutasari kidogo wa ShyROSE ...
Huyu binti kama ulivyomsoma mwandishi hapo juu hashindwi kumwambia ukweli JK..Na naweza kusema ni mwanaCCM pekee aliyeweza kusema kwa uwazi kwamba JK anaboronga labda na Field Marshall lakini wengine wanamung'unya maneno kutafuta mchawi kama wale wapiganaji 11.
Huyu binti kama ulivyomsoma mwandishi hapo juu hashindwi kumwambia ukweli JK..Na naweza kusema ni mwanaCCM pekee aliyeweza kusema kwa uwazi kwamba JK anaboronga labda na Field Marshall lakini wengine wanamung'unya maneno kutafuta mchawi kama wale wapiganaji 11.

Inakuwaje Taifa kama Tanzania ... Taifa lenye kuwahi kuwa na heshima tele hapo mwanzoni linakosa ..watu hata wachache toka serekali na chama tawala wakaliona jambo hili kama Huyu Binti? Kwa nini Uzalendo na Utaifa hauwasukumi Wana CCM toka kwnye mioyo yao kwa ajili ya Heshima na Utukufu wa Taifa hili leo na siku zi jazo? Wapi tumeharibikiwa kiasi hiki?
Kwa wanasiasa wenye ufahamu, mabadiliko hayatokei yenyewe ila husababishwa. Kwa wale wote walioshiriki kusababisha mabadiliko kwa njia hasi au chanya siku ya mwisho huwa ni washindi na washindwaji.
Tunahitaji muda wa kufikiri Tanzania ipi tunayohitaji na njia ipi sahihi kufikia mabadiliko sahihi bila kuacha majeraha mengi katika kufikia huko.

Wapinzani wanatakiwa kujipanga upya kujua lipi lianze kufikia mabadiliko wanayohitaji.

Chama Tawala kinapaswa kujua yapi yamekisibu kufikia hatua ya sasa na wapi warekebishe kurudisha imani ya wananchi.

Inakuwaje Taifa kama Tanzania ... Taifa lenye kuwahi kuwa na heshima tele hapo mwanzoni linakosa ..watu hata wachache toka serekali na chama tawala wakaliona jambo hili kama Huyu Binti? Kwa nini Uzalendo na Utaifa hauwasukumi Wana CCM toka kwnye mioyo yao kwa ajili ya Heshima na Utukufu wa Taifa hili leo na siku zi jazo? Wapi tumeharibikiwa kiasi hiki?
Kwa sababu vijana wengi wa wanaCCM leo hawana kazi nje ya chama, Elimu na ujuzi wameshindwa kupata ajira ktk mashirika binafsi na last resort ndio mkombozi CCM na ndio maana wengi wamefunga tera nyuma ya Ridhwan au Nnauye.

Hata wale mawaziri wenye elimu utu uzima umewakurubia kiasi kwamba hawawezi kupata ajira ktk ulimwengu wa leo wakavuta fedha kama wanazovuta serikalini. Kwa hiyo wakifikiria kuikosoa serikali mwajiri wao watapoteza kivunia tumbo. Na wazee wetu wengi wao wanakula pension ya chama (serikali) kumalizia kumi lao. Na wale wenye ujasiri mkubwa kama wa binti yetu hapa, wanaifahamu mifano ya kina Kolimba ambalo linahitaji moyo mkubwa zaidi ya uzalendo..

Kwa hiyo ukichunguza sana utagundua kwamba Upinzani wa CCM unatoka kwa watu waliajiriwa nje ya serikali, watu wenye kujiajiri, wafanyabiashara na kadhalika lakini wale wote wanaotegemea serikali hawathubutu kuonyesha wazi upinzani kwa sababu roho zao ziko ICU mikononi mwa serikali...
Kwa sababu vijana wengi wa wanaCCM leo hawana kazi nje ya chama, Elimu na ujuzi wameshindwa kupata ajira ktk mashirika binafsi na last resort ndio mkombozi CCM na ndio maana wengi wamefunga tera nyuma ya Ridhwan au Nnauye. Hata wale mawaziri wenye elimu utu uzima umewakurubia kiasi kwamba hawawezi kupata ajira ktk ulimwengu wa leo wakavuta fedha kama wanazovuta serikalini. Kwa hiyo wakifikiria kuikosoa serikali mwajiri wao watapoteza kivunia tumbo. Na wazee wetu wengi wao wanakula pension ya chama (serikali) kumalizia kumi lao. Na wale wenye ujasiri mkubwa kama wa binti yetu hapa, wanaifahamu mifano ya kina Kolimba ambalo linahitaji moyo mkubwa zaidi ya uzalendo.. Kwa hiyo ukichunguza sana utagundua kwamba Upinzani wa CCM unatoka kwa watu waliajiriwa nje ya serikali, watu wenye kujiajiri, wafanyabiashara na kadhalika lakini wale wote wanaotegemea serikali hawathubutu kuonyesha wazi upinzani kwa sababu roho zao ziko ICU mikononi mwa serikali...
Hapa umetumia kiona mbali!Kwa mtazamo huu kansa imetafuna na kufika mbali kabisa. Mizizi imijikita kwenye kiasi kikubwa cha jamii na hasa kuikumba sector ya wasomi wetu. Lakini ajambu ya KIMBUNGA CHA MABAILIKO ... wakati muafaka ukifika .. kinakuwa na nguvu ya kubadili hata lisilotegemewa. Ni kazi hasa ifanywe na wale walio nje ya mtandao wa serekali na chama cha serekali ... Kuvuta kasi na kutia juhudi kwani wakizubaa Kansa haitwaacha kwa vyovyotevile!Kwani kukua na kushamiri kwa kansa ..iantgemea ..unyonge na ukimya wale waliotengwa... na hatimaye kukubalina kuwa Mabadiliko hayawezekani...Jambo ambalo si kweli hata kidogo!
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