Tatizo la kupata choo kigumu au kukosa choo kwa muda mrefu (Constipation). Fahamu chanzo na tiba yake

I remember,when I was in the United States seeing on C-SPAN TV,the Congress debating deep into the night,cancelling their leave to try to pass the Medicare Bill. And one of the reasons they find it so difficult to balance the budget is constipation,all those constipated American people,and there are very many of them.
So,I want to put this lengthy quote from the book ''Beyond The Tenth'',by Lobsang Rampa.
There are also other methods to deal with constipation,like ,for example ,fasting. Right now I am fasting,eating after every three days,and then after two days,and then again after three days. In between the fats,I take a liquid diet,like soups and fruit juices.

Dr. Williams soon disposed of the other patients
and called in Thomas the Bus, exclaiming, ‘Well,
what is it with you, my man?’
‘Oh, Dr. Williams,’ exclaimed Thomas the Bus, ‘I
can sing no more and I cannot raise my tankard.’ He
looked about furtively and then in a conspiratorial
whisper mumbled, ‘That's not all I can't do either.’
His voice sank lower and lower, and at last Dr.

Williams said, ‘Yes, my man, I know exactly what is
wrong with you. As Thomas the Bus you are crouched
over your controls and it has constricted your bowels.’
His voice rose to an angry roar, ‘You are constipated,
my man, CONSTIPATED—full of useless rubbish.
Would you have rubbish in your house? Wouldn't
you take it outside for the sanitary attendant's atten-
Thomas the Bus hung his head in shame, and he
mumbled, ‘Yes, my bus goes every day but I only go
once a week.’

I received many many letters, thirty or forty a day as
I have already stated, and a surprising number are
about medical problems. Many people, women
especially, do not feel very happy about going to see a
doctor and discussing some of the more common and
perhaps embarrassing illnesses,dysfunctions, or com-
plaints, so they write to me. In this chapter I am
going to deal with one or two health problems, but
the first one of all is—constipation!
This is probably the most insidious complaint or
Illness ever to afflict mankind. One takes action about
other types of illness. If you have bad toothache you
have the wretched thing yanked out. If you have a
broken leg you have the bones set. But constipa-
tion—! People seem to think it is like the poor,
always with us.
Many people place great faith in the wise words of
doctors, but doctors are often in the hands of the
pharmaceutical manufacturers. The common cold,
and even more common constipation, are what one
might term the ‘bread and butter’ illnesses of the
pharmacists. Billions of pounds or dollars have been
and will be spent on ‘cures’ for colds and constipa-
tion. Well, the doctor abides, or should abide, by two
ancient laws, the first of which states that the art of
medicine consists of amusing the patient while


Nature cures the illness. The second is 'primum non
nocere' which means ‘first do no harm’. Whatever a
doctor does, then, should be in accordance with those
two laws, the first—gain the patient's interest and
hope that Nature will cure the illness, and second—
do no harm. Unfortunately, in the opinion of many
people the doctor is doing a great harm when he
omits to warn people of the dangers of constipation.
Constipation interests us who want to do astral
travel for the sole reason that if a person is habitually
constipated it is not possible to do conscious astral
travel while one is fully awake. So, if you want to go
out on astral journeys make sure that your inside is all
right first. Inner cleanliness is important, isn't it?
The very ancient Chinese medical records indicate
that early Chinese leaders, emperors and empresses,
and great warlords, used clysters to make sure that
their interior was at least as clean as their exterior. A
common name for clysters nowadays is enema, so let
us use the common name because clysters rather
reminds one of the cloisters in some old church and
we are far removed from that when we deal with
enemas 1 The very early Chinese used narrow bamboo
tubes fitted into larger tubes, and that had a piston
which propelled the herbal solution into the intes-
The Egyptians as well got into the act, possibly
they got the idea from the Chinese. But round about
l500 B.C. the Egyptians were using enemas as an
ordinary routine method of treating ill health. The
idea was, if you have a pain inside you get rid of all
the waste product which probably causes it. Some of
their enema solutions were distinctly messy, oil and
honey blended together was quite a common matter!
In French times, in about l400 or so, enemas were
very much in use. Soon after that the enema became a
fashionable method of treating illness and many very
high-ranking families had at least one enema a day.


In England, also, the leading families had wonder-
ful enema syringes manufactured so that the patient
sat over a hole in a wooden box and then a very ornate
enema syringe was placed in position, and the handle
pumped which injected a carefully prepared liquid
into the bowels of the sitting patient. After which the
patient arose and departed in great haste so that the
load could be discharged. But fashions change. It's not
now so fashionable to use the enema. One goes instead
to the local drug store and gets a packet of this or a
packet of that, and either swallows, sucks, chews, or
drinks some noxious concoction which all too fre-
quently gives one a bad pain and violent expulsion,
and really does nothing to cure the complaint. Does
nothing to overcome that which caused the constipa-
tion. It seems now that people want to cure the
symptom without curing the root cause which, of
course, is too crazy for comment.
Yes, medical treatment undergoes cycles of popu-
larity and unpopularity. It used to be that people had
their tonsils removed as a fashionable thing. Then it
became the fashion to have the appendix removed,
and now it is the fashion for women to have hysterec-
tonly—of which, more later.
But it was a very bad change in fashion when
enemas were discontinued because a correctly applied
enema can do wonders in overcoming constipation,
not merely the system but the lack of health which
causes the constipation in the first case. Many people
are constipated because they do not drink nearly
enough water. One really must drink loads and loads
of water if one is to be healthy, because we eat food
and it gets churned into a paste inside and then as it
passes through the intestines nutritious substances are
extracted from the paste and, inevitably, moisture also
is extracted. So by the time all the unwanted residue
from the food gets into the descending colon it be-
comes a hard, dry mass. It is expelled by spasmodic


screwing-like motions of the colon, and if the mass is
too hard then it cannot be expelled, or if it is expelled
it causes pain and irritation. The only way to make
this mass easily removed is to be sure tllat there is
adequate moisture in it so that it remains as a pliable
paste. T oo many of the commercial laxatives on the
market today are irritants, that is the action of the
chemical in the laxative irritates the bowel and makes
it twitch. Sometimes it irritates the bowel so much
that moisture is drawn from the blood stream through
the wall of the colon and saturates the mass of residue.
And that causes dehydration!
Many of you have written to me about this very
problem, and so the best thing to do is to treat first
the original condition by means of a self-administered
enema and then, when that condition has been re-
stored to normal, by a very carefully selected laxative
when needed. Perhaps, to save another avalanche of
letters about this problem, we should go into some
more detail. So here it is.
People nowadays eat artificial food, manufactured
food, and frequently it lacks bulk. If a person takes
food and there is not enough residue to fill the
intestine, the motion of the intestine cannot push
forward the residue which we desire to excrete. So it is
quite essential to have a suitable diet. The diet must
inelude bulk, bulk enough to fill the intestine to its
normal size so that the spasmodic twitching of the
intestine can move forward that residue. Then the
food should have ‘roughage’, which stimulates the
bowel without irritating i|t, in muùeh the same way as
suitably applied massage can stimulate the body with-
out irritating it.
Further, one must drink a lot of water so that there
is an adequate water supply to keep the blood at its
correct thickness (or density), and enough water to
keep the kidneys active, and enough left over to keep
the body waste in suitably moist condition. If one

follows a normal, sensible diet, plenty of fruit and
plenty of vegetables, the bowels should not trouble
one unduly. But too many people perch on drug-store
stools like a lot of broody hens while they crouch over
a plate and absolutely shovel food into their mouth,
ladling it in as quickly as possible, hardly taking a
bite but swallowing as fast as they can. All this mess
gets inside the stomach, and the poor old stomach
has to work even harder breaking up the stuff.
Then after one has had this meal one rushes out to
catch a bus or do shopping during the lunch-hour
break. The bowels during the day get tired of inform-
ing their owner that they want to get working, and so
the impulse gets slower and slower and weaker and
weaker. Many people do not devote enough time to
the calls of Nature, and people like bus drivers, for
example, who are crouched up in the driver's cabin,
constrict their intestines and so constipation is almost
an occupational hazard of bus drivers. People seem to
think that bowels should only work when THEY want
them to work, and they also think that there should be
‘instant delivery’.
Nature doesn't work that way. You have to give
Nature time to work properly and if you abuse
Nature, if you abuse your natural functions, you are
going to pay for it with bad health, a bad temper, and
a bad bank account.
Now, you know what an enema is? You can get
from a drug store a suitable rubber bag with a length
of tubing that has a nozzle at the end. With any
decent enema bag there will be instructions for use,
and it is very very seriously suggested that you shall
use an enema for a few times to get your health in
good condition because when your intestines have
been reconditioned, then you should not again suffer
from constipation unless you have some grave disease,
in which case you should be in the care of your
doctor. Please remember that I am not trying to


replace your family doctor. I am not prescribing what
one might term medical treatment. I am, instead,
trying to save you a lot of misery by telling you some
elementary facts which everyone should know, and
which, if people would listen, would save them years
of illness and much expense with a doctor who really
has more important cases to attend to. So, will you
remember that. I am not prescribing medical atten-
tion for people with serious illnesses, I am suggesting a
treatment, a routine which will help you to keep good
health. And that means—avoiding constipation.
It is always safe to give an enema, and the best
position is when the patient lies perhaps on a towel
on the bathroom floor. Lie on the left side with your
knees drawn up. You can administer the enema
yourself without any difficulty. If you have some
really bad constipation trouble it is a very good idea
to have a half ounce of tincture of myrrh and about
fifteen drops of tincture of Echinacea. These should
be added to a quart of water which is at approxi-
mately body temperature. Put this in your enema bag
and inject it into the bowels. Keep it in as long as you
can, and the mixture will saturate the hard mass
within the bowels and make it soft so that it may be
passed without any pain.
After you have expelled the first lot, have another
enema injection, but this time with a quart of body
temperature water to which only fifteen drops of
Echinacea has been added. That means you do not
have the tincture of myrrh with the second enema.
This second injection will help you get rid of any pus
or catarrh which is lodged within your lower bowel.
You may be interested to know that many patients
who cannot take food through the mouth and throat
can be fed ‘per rectum’. A nourishing liquid food is
very slowly injected and retained, and that nourishes
the body. Remember, the more quickly you inject
any solution into the rectum, the more quickly it is


expelled. And if you want to retain a healing liquid
for some time, then the enema should be given very
slowly. Naturally you will only inject liquid food
under orders of your doctor.
Native tribes throughout the world have their own
cures for constipation. The natives of South America,
specifically in the interior of Brazil, gave us one of our
most famous laxatives—cascara, or, as it is correctly
termed, cascara sagrada, the sacred bark. Natives of
Brazil go to their witch doctor when they are con-
stipated and get a piece of the sacred bark which they
then chew—and a ghastly taste it has, too! After they
have chewed for a bit they discreetly retire into some
dense bushes and are not seen again for some little
time. When they do appear they are much better in
health, but possibly a little pale from all the events
which have happened. Sacred bark just chewed has a
most devastating effect, but now it has been tamed by
chemists, and it can be obtained in very suitable
graded doses.
When you have got your interior freed from clog-
ging waste you should check your diet and alter it as
and when necessary, and you should then ensure
regularity of bowel movements by eating properly
and by making a habit of attending to the calls of
Nature. Go at the same time each day, never mind if
for a day you cannot get any result, still sit there and
think about it. If you make an absolute habit of it and
show Nature that you are there ready and willing,
Nature will oblige if you are ‘there ready and will-
The best laxatives that you can take are the herbal
ones. You can get cascara sagrada in tablets or in
liquid, and you can get senna in tablets or in liquid.
These will produce the desired action without pain.
Some of the other chemical concoctions on the market
are really dreadfully dangerous, but one could call
cascara ‘faith pills’. And you will remember that


‘faith’ moves mountains.
Oh, yes, and do not forget this it is useless to take a
laxative unless you drink enough water. What is the
use of taking a laxative which can cause bowel move-
ments when the stuff you want to move is too hard to
be moved? It is an utter essential that when you take a
laxative you drink a lot of water, otherwise the
laxative will just cause pain without producing any
good result. Remember, you cannot drink too much
water. If you try to drink too much—well, you just
find that you can't.
So, your health depends very largely upon having a
clean interior. If you have a clean interior then you
can get on and do astral traveling.
MARADHI YA KUTOPATA CHOO (CONSTIPATION): Haya ni maradhi ambayo mgonjwa huwa hapati choo kwa wepesi. Haja kubwa inaweza kutoka baada ya siku moja au mbili au zaidi na ikitoka huwa ni kigumu na hutoka kwa shida na wakati mwingine huwa kama

cha mbuzi. Wagonjwa wengine hupata maumivu wakati wa kwenda haja kubwa.
Mtu mwenye afya nzuri hupata haja kubwa kwa kiwango cha chini mara moja kwa siku. Na choo huwa laini na hutoka bila matatizo.

(1) Upungufu wa vitamini mwilini hasa vitamin B. (2) Maradhi ndani ya utumbo mpana. (3) Kula vitu vigumu na vikavu kama vile vyakula vya ngano. (4) Upungufu wa ulaji matunda na mboga. (5) Kutokunywa maji ya kutosha. (6) Upungufu wa fibre kwenye chakula zinazopatikana kwenye maganda ya mahindi. (7) Ukosefu wa kufanya mazoezi ya viungo.

TIBA: Kanuni ya kwanza:

Chukua glasi moja ya maziwa freshi baridi uchanganye na vijiko viwili vikubwa vya asali na kijiko kimoja kidogo cha mafuta ya habitsoda. Kunywa glasi moja kutwa mara mbili asubuhi na jioni. Dawa hii hufanya choo kuwa laini na kupata haja kubwa kwa wepesi.

Kanuni ya pili: Unga wa sanamaki kijiko kimoja kikubwa, Unga wa tangawizi kijiko kimoja kikubwa, Unga wa habasoda kijiko kimoja kikubwa, na Asali robo lita. Dawa hizi zote zichanganye pamoja kwa kukoroga kwa kijiko. Kula kijiko kimoja kutwa mara tatu.

Kanuni ya tatu: Asali robo lita, na Unga wa Arki susi vijiko vinne vikubwa. Kula vijiko viwili vikubwa kutwa mara mbili.

Kanuni ya nne: Kunywa kwa wingi maji ya kunywa ya kutosha na pia ule kwa wingi matunda na mboga.

Kanuni ya tano: Kula kila siku asubuhi tende saba kabla ya chakula cha asubuhi. Tende hufanya choo kuwa laini.
UKOSEFU WA CHOO: Soma tiba rahisi

UKOSEFU wa choo ni tatizo sugu miongoni mwa watu wengi. Bila kujua kuwa ni tatizo ambalo linahitaji tiba ya haraka, watu wengi hupuuzia na kuona siyo tatizo kubwa na ni hali ya kawaida. Ukosefu wa choo wa muda mrefu, huwa ndiyo chanzo cha magonjwa mengine hatari.

Mtu anapokosa choo kikubwa kwa siku kadhaa, uchafu hujikusanya tumboni na unapokosa sehemu ya kutokea hukimbilia kwenye damu na kuingia kwenye mfumo mzima wa damu. Uchafu huo unapoingia kwenye mfumo wa damu huwa sumu na chanzo cha maradhi mengine ambayo hujitokeza baadae na kuanza kumuathiri mtu, bila kujua chanzo chake.

Kwa kawaida mtu unapaswa kupata choo cha uhakika japo mara moja kwa siku, kutegemeana na mlo wake wa kila siku, unapokosa choo kwa siku nzima ili hali una kula milo yote kwa siku, elewa una tatizo katika mfumo wako wa kusaga chakula hivyo unapaswa kuchukua hatua haraka.

Mtu mwenye tatizo la ukosefu wa choo huwa na dalili kadhaa, ikiwemo kutumia nguvu na muda mwingi wakati wa kujisadia haja kubwa. Pili ulimi wake huwa na utandu mweupe na hutoa harufu mbaya mdomoni. Mtu huyu pia hukosa hamu ya chakula na wakati wote tumbo huwa limejaa.


Tatizo la ukosefu wa choo husababishwa zaidi na ulaji mbaya wa vyakula, kuacha kula matunda na mboga na staili mbaya ya maisha ikiwa ni pamoja na kutokunywa maji ya kutosha kwa siku.

Ili kuondoa tatizo kabla halijawa sugu, fanya moja miongoni mwa haya yafuatayo: Kunywa maji ya uvuguvugu asubuhi mapema, kisha tembea tembea, baada ya muda utasikia haja ya kwenda chooni. Ili usifanye haraka na upate muda wa kutosha kujiandaa kwenda kazini, amka mapema zaidi. Kula kiasi cha kutosha cha salad ya mboga mboga na juisi ya matunda halisi asubuhi kabla ya kula chochote.

Kila siku kabla ya kwenda kulala, kunywa maji ya uvugu yaliyochanganywa na kijiko kimoja cha asali. Kunywa maji ya uvugu

yaliyochanganywa na limau asubuhi na mapema kabla hujala kitu chochote. Kunywa ‘castor Oil’ muda mfupi kabla ya kwenda kulala. Ili

kujiepusha kabisa na tatizo la ukosefu wa choo, jenga mazoea ya kunywa maji mengi, kula mboga na matunda kwa wingi kila siku na

kuacha kabisa ulaji wa vyakula vilivyoondolewa virutubisho kama vile mikate myeupe, ugali wa unga mweupe, keki vyakula vyenye sukari nyingi na vyakula vingine vitamu.
water therapy pia kuondoa hilo tatzo.kunywa glass 6 za maji asbh sana kabla hujapga mswaki.Be rest assured in 2 days time utakuwa na ratiba za kwenda choon kama kawa.
Wakuu nasumbuliwa na kukosa choo na sijajua tatizo nini kwani maji na kunywa kwa wingi sana na c jatumia vyakula vilivyo kobolewa kwa wingi kama ngano na mahindi,
pole sana jaribu kwenda hospitali au kuna kidonge flani ivi cha njano kidogoo,nenda duka la dawa wanakijua uta nyaku hadi utakimbia.in fact hiyo ni constipation.gasi itakuwa inakusumbua.
Kanunue dawa ya kulainisha choo kwanza.

Baada hapo ongza matunda na mboga za majani kwenye mlo wako wa kila siku.

Kila la kheri.
Kila cku asubuhi ukiamka kabla ya kupiga mswaki au kufanya chochote kunywa bilauri nne za maji, ucle wala kunywa chote mpaka baada ya dk 45,
baada ya miez 6 hutaona tena tatzo kama hilo
Kula matunda yaliyoanza kuoza, (sio yaliyooza) yaliyovurugika,bujibuji, yaliyopondeka kama ndizi,maembe, parachichi(avocado), ukwaju ulioiva, mapapai, nk.

Anza kwa kunywa maji ya vuguvugu au oliveoil (enye ujoto) baadae kula hayo matunda.

Vyenginevyo, kunywa castor oil.Kwa hili uwe karibu na choo.
pele sana mkuu,sina cha kuongeza coz hao hapo juu wameshamaliza kila kitu zingatia ushauri wao
jaribu kutafita mapapai,then kula papai hata nusu tu,linaweza kumaliza hii shida yako
kunywa juice nzito ya ukwaju. asuhi glass2, mchana na jioni. baada ya hapo jitahidi kuwa unakula matunda hasa papai. Mia
Nenda hospitali ukachukuliwe kipimo cha haja kubwa kwa ajili ya uchunguzi wa amoeba.
Kutokana na dalili hizo upo uwezekano mkubwa wa tatizo hilo.
hapo lazima upate choo
Kwa wenye weledi juu ya metabolic disorders wanisaidie....seriously my boy is suffering a lot na hii constipation he is 4 years old....hufunga choo hata siku 10......nimejalibu kumpa papai, ukwaju lakini naona ina persist.....doctor amemuandikia lactulose solution juzi nimeanza kumpa ila bado hajapata choo leo siku ya 10....... nimesoma kwenye internet watoto wanatendence ya kupostpone kwenda choo anapohisi kina dalili ya kumpa maumivu kwenye rectum.....anakula sana spinach na ugali na wali na mboga zote za kawaida......maji anakunywa sana kwa siku anaweza maliza lita 2...kila akinywa juice aina ya mango ile ya azam maarufu kama joti ndio tatizo linazidi nimestop kumpa ninatengeneza juice ya embe kwa blender......nimeambiwa juice ya chungwa si nzuri sana maana ni cytrus kwa hiyo ina acid....je wenye weledi wanisaidie nifanyeje?

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