Sudan to Become Africa's Largest Producer of Military Weapons Technology, Planes

Game Theory

JF-Expert Member
Sep 5, 2006

Sudanese made Mig Fighter Jet


Al Bashir Military Tank

Sudanese Made Military Tank

Production Line

Production Line

Military Industry Corporation

The ever first plant for defense industries in Sudan was opened in 1960, to produce ammunitions for light weapons. However, the preparations for the creation of an inclusive Military Industrial Corporation started in the early 1990s. It has been officially established by a Transitional Decree in 1993, and then ratified by the National Assembly in 1994.

The idea of the establishment of the Military Industry Corporation, emerged in the early 1990s.. This industrial base was, then, called the Military Industry Corporation to be a part of the Ministry of Defense and to be directly supervised by the Commander-in- Chief, by the provisional Decree of 1993.

The MIC produces a vast array of products; such as heavy and light artillery, anti-tank and antiaircraft guns, light weaponry,such as machine guns, rifles and pistols.

In addition to the ammunitions for these weapons, rocket launchers, rounds,day and night vision devices, communications, electronic and optics equipment and appliances.

MIC organization

The Activities of the MIC are covered by the following sectors:-

1- Sector of Weapons (light, medium and heavy weapons).
2- Sector of Ammunitions (small, medium and bigger sizes).
3- Sector of Vehicles.
4- Sector of Heavy Machineries and Armoured Vehicles.
5- Sector of Metals.
6- Sector of Electronics and Communications Appliances & Devices.
7- Sector of Explosives and Initiators .
8- Sector of Aviation and Air Defense.
9- Sector of Artillery Rockets.
10- Marine Sector.
11- Sector of gears

Elshaheed Ibrahim Shams eldeen Complex:

It has been established in 2002 to produce heavy machineries and armored vehicles. The complex has many factories to produce tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artilleries, bulldozers and excavators for civil and military purposes.
The complex has an integrated industrial basis; such as building framework and structures, assembly, upgrading, maintenance and rehabilitation of tanks, armored vehicles and machineries.

Body Construction factory, equipped with modern machines to cut metal by laser and plasma, heat treatment and furnace for forming turrets of the tanks.

Maintenance and Modernization Factory for Rehabilitation of the Tank (DIGNA).
Assembly Workshop.
Engineering Services.
Lathes workshop
Technical services workshop.
Operational tests terrains

Multiple Rocket Launcher

Production Line

Production Line


Amir Military Tank

Military Industry Corporation

Alzargaa Engineering Complex:

Founded in 1999 and inaugurated in 2004, Zargaa is an integrated industrial complex to produce electronic devices, laser and optical equipments. Zargaa is also a research and consultancy services provider.

It assembles and produces as well, the communication and wireless equipments as HF&VHF. The ZEC produces and distributes electronic and optoelectronic equipment for both military and civil purposes. It has good and potential capabilities in designing and programming electronic circuits

It plays an important role in providing SUDATEL (SUDANI Mobile phone) with a variety of cellular phones, as well as their maintenance and trainings of personnel, through the networks of agents the nationwide. It provides a distinguished service of maintenance thanks to the proficiency, competence and technically high qualification of its personnel.

It represents several international agencies in the field of communications as the international corporation ZTE

Sudan Military Industries


Karar (7.62 X 51 mm)


Khawad (12.7 mm)

Nijoumi Howitzers(100mm)

Aboud (81mm)

Amir Vehicle

Safaat Aviation Complex(SAC)

Inaugurated in 2005 a, Safat Aviation Complex (SAC) is one of MIC strategic projects, established in the framework of the MIC’s method to provide the Armed Forces with the necessary warfare to enable them perform their duties. So, Safat is planned to attain the following goals:

Supporting and providing the air forces with the required avionic technologies.
Importing technologies of maintenance and assembly of airplanes in the Sudan, considering the important role of aviation in peace and war time.
Safat Aviation Complex is composed of 6 sectors:

1- Sector of Fighters:
2- Sector of Helicopter:
3- Sector of Cargo planes:
4- Sector of Light airplanes:
5- Sector of Radars:
6- Sector of Training

Sudanese Made Automotives.

Sudanese Made Automotive Vehicle.

Sudanese Made Automotives.

Sudanese Made Automotives.

Sudanese Made Automotives.

Sudanese Made Automotives.

Sudanese Made Automotives. Tractor and Vehicle Production Lines

Sudanese Made Automotives. Rolling out New Tractors

Giad industry
Giad industrial city is the biggest industrial complex in Sudan and is located 40 km south,of the capital khartoum.

This complex produces: electrical cables and wires(45 000 tons/year))

All sort of pipes(70 000 ton/year)
Steel(60.000 ton/year)
Bar-mill(150 000 ton/year)
Tractor(1500 units)
Medium and heavy trucks(few thousand)
And,it produces a relatively high numbers of cars(at least 20 000 thousand cars and buses)

The industrial zone is divided into three sectors:

1. Metallic sector
2. Automotives sector

The metallic sector contains:

1. Steel factory & rolling mill
2. Aluminum plant
3. Copper plant
4. Electrical wires & cables plant
5. Pipes complex which composes of:
* Longitudinal welded pipes plant
* spiral welded pipes plant
* Electrical resistance welded pipes plant
The Automotives Sector in “GIAD” contains:

* Chassis and cargo body fabrication workshop.
* Engine, transmission and axle assembly workshop.
* Body making workshop.
* Press workshop.
* Painting workshop.
* Medium &heavy trucks assembly line.
* Tractor assembly line.
* Pick-up assembly line.
* Light-truck assembly line.
* Passenger’s car assembly line.

GIAD Factory
I honestly do not believe that they have gone that far in a very short period of time!
I honestly do not believe that they have gone that far in a very short period of time!

Why not?

have you done any extensive research on Sudan?

how about you check out how they are now redeveloping KHARTOUM?

From the Aug. 5th Economist:

The development that most epitomises Khartoum's new dynamism is Alsunut. Meaning "point of meeting" in Arabic, this behemoth of a residential and office project is now under construction on 65 hectares (160 acres) of land where the Blue and White Nile converge. The $4 billion project, the result of a public-private partnership between the government and DAL Group, Sudan's leading company, will transform the city by adding 63 towers varying between 15 and 35 floors in height. Over half the office space has already been sold to local and foreign companies.





Tanzania rais anaona sifa kuwatajirisha wageni what do you expect. Angalia rasilimali ya taifa inavyochezewa? Mikataba yote mibovu, Wizi BOT hakuna wa kufukuza kila mahali kunanuka hadi Ikulu huwezi kuingia jinsi rushwa ilivyoshamiri.

Mikataba inakimbizwa London ili share za rais na rafiki zake zipande. Halafu unasema unataka kupiga hatua katika maendeleo WHAT A JOKE!
Ofcourse waafrika we are good at anything which well destroy us. Tungefanya uvumbuzi wa madawa, kompyuta na kuthamini utu wa watu wetu, basi tungekuwa mbali.
kuna wengi wanadhani Sudan wako chini sana kwa kuwa walikuwa na vita kule kusini kwa muda mrefu na kwa sasa kule Darfuur.

uelewa wa watanzania wengi juu ya sudan ni mdogo sana.

mie hujiuliza kwa nn ss tuko nyuma , huambiwa ni vita ss tulipigana vita chini ya miaka miwili na viliisha wenzetu zaidi ya miaka 20 na wanaendelea kwenye matatizo na migogoro ila kwenye maendeleo hawako nyuma.

tatizo letu ni nini? ;lazima tu8kae chini tufikiri upya
mwanakijiji kuna magari yana lebal ya nyumbu huwa yanaelekea kiwandani kule asubuhi na jioni kurudisha watu mjini sasa haieleweki wale wanafanya kazi gani kule lakini tuachane na hayo

tukirudi katika mada hii

game nimeona kuna vitu vina nembo ya st petersbearg ya urusi lakini chini umeandika ni ya kisudani , inawezekana wao wasudani wanapewa tekinologia ya urusi kwa sababu ya cheap labor kama mtaifa mengine yanavyofanya huko asia
tofauti yao na sisi wao wana mafuta na mikataba mizuri na sisi tuna gold na mikataba mibaya lakini kama ni pesa inayotoka ndani ya nchi hawajatuzidi chochote
wazee kweli hata mimi sikujua jamaa wako mbali hivi.

Sudan's limited industrial development consists of agricultural processing and various light industries located in Khartoum North. In recent years, the GIAD industrial complex introduced the assembly of small autos and trucks, and some heavy military equipment such as armored personnel carriers and the proposed "Bashir" main battle tank. Although Sudan is reputed to have great mineral resources, exploration has been quite limited, and the country's real potential is unknown. Small quantities of asbestos, chromium, and mica are exploited commercially

On November 3, 1997, the U.S. government imposed a trade embargo against Sudan and a total asset freeze against the Government of Sudan under Executive Order 13067. The U.S. believed the Government of Sudan gave support to international terrorism, destabilized neighboring governments, and permitted human rights violations. [5] A consequence of the embargo is that U.S. corporations cannot invest in the Sudan oil industry, so companies in China, Malaysia and India are the major investors
..viongozi wetu wanasifika dunia nzuri kwa vipaji na uwezo wa akili waliokuwa nao.

..tumebarikiwa tunu na amani,upendo,na utulivu.
kuna wengi wanadhani Sudan wako chini sana kwa kuwa walikuwa na vita kule kusini kwa muda mrefu na kwa sasa kule Darfuur.

uelewa wa watanzania wengi juu ya sudan ni mdogo sana.

mie hujiuliza kwa nn ss tuko nyuma , huambiwa ni vita ss tulipigana vita chini ya miaka miwili na viliisha wenzetu zaidi ya miaka 20 na wanaendelea kwenye matatizo na migogoro ila kwenye maendeleo hawako nyuma.

tatizo letu ni nini? ;lazima tu8kae chini tufikiri upya


hapo umenena na hao unaowazungumzia wamejazana humu JF

Rais wetu kaenda kutoa hotuba kule UN bila ya kufanyiwa proper research na hii ni aibu kwa kweli

In my opinion sioni sababu ya kuwa na watu kama akina MAHIGA pale UN ambao wangeweza kuwepo karibu zaidi nyumbani katika kumshauri mambo haya ya Kimataifa kwa undania zaidi

hebu soma majibu yangu kuhusu hiyo MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS ne mengineyo aliyotoa huko UN
ooooh my GOD tunaachwa ..mwalimu nyerere mungu amuweke mahali pema..hivi viwanda vya kijeshi na yeye alianzisha ..wangeenda kwa spidi aliyoanza nayo..leo na sisi tusingenunua makombora nje

mwalimu ndiye muanzilishi wa viwanda pekee vya kijeshi tanzania

1]MZINGA....NI KIWANDA KIKUBWA SANA TU cha bunduki,risasi,makomboro medium range,ammunittions ats karibuni tuliomba mkopo belgium[awamu ya tatu] wa kukipanua..siri ikavuja wabaya wetu wakakihusisha na vita za maziwa makuu ...eti tunauiza silaha....
3]NYUMBU-HICHI kiwanda mwalimu alikianzisha kwa teknolojia ya wakati anaazisha miaka ya 1982 alichukua vijana cream pale mlimani na ma engneer wa kijeshi na kuwapeleka mafunzoni kama waazilishi ..mafanikio yalikuwa makubwa aliweza kuunda vifaru vichache vya majaribio,kukarabati,magari ya kuzima moto pale airport,na kuunda MALORI ya nyumbu....hata baada ya kungatuka kilibaki kati ya viwanda alivyovisimamia kwa karibu,utawala wa awamu ya pili kilisusua sana ...alivyoingia ben kidogo akarudisha uhai akaaza kuwapa pesa za utafiti na jukumu la kuunda magari ya kijeshi kila mwaka,[malori ya nyumbu yapo vikosini yanatumika],jakaya kikwete kwa kuwa ni mwanajeshi anategemewa kuendelea kuviimarisha hivi viwanda..pamoja na kuwa bado hajatekeleza ahadi hii..tunamtegemea kama watanzania .
wazee kweli hata mimi sikujua jamaa wako mbali hivi.

you have no idea how -left behind- we are..,yani sometimes nchi pekee tulizoziacha ni zile hazifiki 20 to be honest!!

tuna kazi ngumu..,too bad viongozi wetu ndio hao tena...,nchi nyingine they are really poor but when you look at steps taken by their leaders you can see how well of they can be in 10 years!!

but i'm sad to feel just worse in terms of my country..,yani hata super-market ikizinduliwan prezident na cabinet yoote itakuwepo..,

thats just how short minded we are...(our leaders)!!

can they think of a better TZ in 10 to 20 years later???the best they can think about future is 5 years guess what!!election time!!
Nakumbuka wakati ule Nyumbu ilikuwa imepanda chati sana niliiona maonyesho ya sabasaba, kwa kweli hili gari lilikuwa linatupa pride sana watanzania ! Im sure kama mwinyi na mkapa wangechangamka tungekuwa tunauza hili gari nchi za jirani.Lakini sizani kama tunaweza kumtegemea kikwete.Inaelekea huyu jamaa idea yake ya maendeleo ni kwenda nje kuomba misaada tu,hana originality yoyote ile!!
wakati tunaendelea kuzozana na siasa za akina ZITTO vs CCM wenzetu wao wanafanya kweli hebu tazama hii video

[ame=""]YouTube - Development of the new Mogran City, Khartoum-Sudan[/ame]

Phase I : Almogran Central Business District

A brand new 160-acre Central Business District (CBD). This state-of-the-art, prime commercial real estate will act as a hub for Eastern Africa’s modern business market. Almogran is located on the junction between The White and the Blue Nile. The CBD has been carefully master planned to create a dynamic and livable business environment, with pedestrian-friendly tree-lined streets, a river walk, and a mix of business, commercial, and residential properties. All of this comes together at the only place in the world where it is possible to have a spectacular view of the three Niles.

Phase II : Almogran Residential Estate

To the south of Almogran CBD, along the banks of the White Nile, lies a 1500-acre residential development featuring a variety of carefully planned neighborhoods of luxurious villas, townhouses, and apartments, complete with supporting neighborhood shops, schools, and recreational and leisure facilities. The development includes an 18-hole signature golf course and resort, public parks and gardens, with preservation of the Sunuut Forest Reserve.

Almogran will be served by a dedicated Public Development Authority (PDA) whose responsibility will be to give support to all investors and to ensure adherence to Urban Design Guidelines during and after the development process. The PDA also provides a management function for the provision and up-keep of all utilities and services, thereby maintaining the high development standards and maximizing the value of Almogran for the future.




Nafahamu kuwa sasa hivi Sudan ni tofauti na ile ya miaka 20 iliyopita. Toka wameanza kuchimba mafuta mambo yamebadilika. Khartoum ambayo ilikuwa ni ovyo kuliko Dar sasa hivi ni much better kuliko Dar that much i know. Lakini sidhani kama ni kweli wamefikia hatua ya kutengeneza armoured vihecles, stingers, truckers and so on. Magari niliyoyaona hapo mengi ya ya Kijapan, Nissan Paladini nadhani ni gari ya Japan na sio Sudan pamoja na kuwa naona kama wameweka label yao. I wonder!
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