SGR boresheni mfumo wenu wa ticket uwe Partial Seat Booking ili kuepuka abiria wanaozidisha safari


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2020
Partial booking ipo hivi: Mfano tuchukulie vituo vichache (vinne) vya treni Dar, Pugu, Moro, Dom.

Abiria akikata tiketi ya Dar-Pugu, seat husika baada ya kuchaguliwa na abiria wa Dar-Pugu haitakiwi kuwa faint (innactive/unavailable), bali inatakiwa iendelee kuwa active kwa machaguo ya Pugu-Moro, na Moro-Dom. Then abiria mwingine akikata ya Pugu-Moro, pia hiyo seat inatakiwa kuendelea kuwa active kwa chaguo la mwisho la Moro-Dom, then na hiyo option ya mwisho ikichaguliwa na abiria wa kupandia moro, then seat hiyo inakuwa innactive /faint (unavailable).

Hapo wale wezi wakuzidisha ruti hawawezi chomoka. Sababu watanyanyuliwa na abiria waliochagua seat husika wanaopandia vituo vya njiani.


Partial seat booking is a system feature designed to manage seat reservations for passengers traveling only a portion of a longer route. Instead of blocking a seat for the entire route, the system only reserves it for the specific segment of the journey that the passenger is traveling. This allows the same seat to be booked by multiple passengers across different segments of the route.

Consider a train route with stops at four stations: station a, station b, station c, and station d. A seat booked by a passenger from station a to station b should be available for another passenger traveling from station b to station c or station c to station d.

Benefits of partial seat booking
Fair usage of seats:

Partial seat booking ensures that passengers only reserve seats for the segments they have paid for, preventing misuse by those who might travel beyond their paid destination.

Maximized seat utilization:
By allowing the same seat to be booked by different passengers for different segments, the system ensures higher occupancy rates, maximizing revenue and making travel more efficient.

Reduced ticket evasion:
Implementing this system minimizes the chances of passengers occupying seats for unpaid segments, thus reducing cases of ticket evasion and ensuring fairness in ticket pricing.
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