Revolutionary Spirit forever!

Rev. Kishoka

JF-Expert Member
Mar 7, 2006
Yes, I am not as poetic as Pundit, or passionate as Mwanakijiji or full of Data like FMES or critical like Kuhani, BIn Maryam, Mtanzania, Kichuguu, Nyani or Mwafrika wa Kike, but my spirit is full of Revolutionary nitro!

You can kill me, but my spirit will survive, you can harm my beloved ones, I will never surrender, you can try to smear my integrity, however I have great followers!

I represent the spirit of revolution, revolution of minds, revolution of soul, revolution of character. I am proud of my insignificant achievements, I am proud of my heritage.

I will fear you not, not even once, for I have been born again into patriotism, into revolution.

I will not be detered by your threats and illful methods to destroy my welfare.

My blood will haunt you forever and my spirit will dwell amongst my followers forever!

Long live the Revolution!
Yes, I am not as poetic as Pundit, or passionate as Mwanakijiji or full of Data like FMES or critical like Kuhani, BIn Maryam, Mtanzania, Kichuguu, Nyani or Mwafrika wa Kike, but my spirit is full of Revolutionary nitro!

You can kill me, but my spirit will survive, you can harm my beloved ones, I will never surrender, you can try to smear my integrity, however I have great followers!

I represent the spirit of revolution, revolution of minds, revolution of soul, revolution of character. I am proud of my insignificant achievements, I am proud of my heritage.

I will fear you not, not even once, for I have been born again into patriotism, into revolution.

I will not be detered by your threats and illful methods to destroy my welfare.

My blood will haunt you forever and my spirit will dwell amongst my followers forever!

Long live the Revolution!

Although I seem to understand your goal but let me go for more specifics: What do you really mean by revolution, and for what purpose? Remember that Idi Amini's was also a revolution, and even CCM is marketing herself as a revolutionary party: teh!!!! teh!!! teh!!!!

Looks like something siginificant this time..?

The chase is on? Or I didnt get very well?

I know they will do everything very perfecly but I know where they will confuse the stapes.

I would have given them the lead..but they are too preocupied with a wrong move ...they wont even dare to follow what is right... they have no room in their mind and heart for what is right and fare ...... and here is where they will always go wrong..again and again...and that is why they are definetly destined to totaly failiure...!

They r too solid and physical to understand the spirit.... carrying on and on for the good of the nation.

Killing? The spirit of goodness?

The Physicality....and the goodness of the nation will always remain as the spirit..and many generations will witness. This spirit will ever testify...the effort and the good work done in the past for the future generation ...

Revolutionary... the spirit of it...? will burn on and on...! Why? it is immortal!
'long live the revolution' hapa umetuchanganya kidogo,hope its nothing to do with usocialism na ucommunism for these epochs have outlived their usefullness on mother earth and are gone for good.CAPITALISM rules the day.
'long live the revolution' hapa umetuchanganya kidogo,hope its nothing to do with usocialism na ucommunism for these epochs have outlived their usefullness on mother earth and are gone for good.CAPITALISM rules the day.

I guess then you are one of them, short sighted, assuming word Revolution has to associate itself with Socialism and Communism.

If that is the case why did we have Industrial revolution which is the key foundation towards Capitalism?

Read what I have stated again and once you come to understanding, then we can talk.
You can kill me, but my spirit will survive, you can harm my beloved ones, I will never surrender, you can try to smear my integrity, however I have great followers!

Hapa tupo ukurasa mmoja, na I am down!
ask any TOM,DICK and HARRY,on the wording'long live the revolution'and i doubt if he could associate the word with the industrial revolution,maybe i am living on a diffrent planet
Although I seem to understand your goal but let me go for more specifics: What do you really mean by revolution, and for what purpose? Remember that Idi Amini's was also a revolution, and even CCM is marketing herself as a revolutionary party: teh!!!! teh!!! teh!!!!

Main Entry: rev·o·lu·tion Pronunciation: \&#716;re-v&#601;-&#712;lü-sh&#601;n\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English revolucioun, from Middle French revolution, from Late Latin revolution-, revolutio, from Latin revolvere to revolve Date: 14th century 1 a (1): the action by a celestial body of going round in an orbit or elliptical course; also : apparent movement of such a body round the earth (2): the time taken by a celestial body to make a complete round in its orbit (3): the rotation of a celestial body on its axis b: completion of a course (as of years); also : the period made by the regular succession of a measure of time or by a succession of similar events c (1): a progressive motion of a body around an axis so that any line of the body parallel to the axis returns to its initial position while remaining parallel to the axis in transit and usually at a constant distance from it (2): motion of any figure about a center or axis <revolution of a right triangle about one of its legs generates a cone> (3): rotation 1b2 a: a sudden, radical, or complete change b: a fundamental change in political organization; especially : the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed c: activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation d: a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something : a change of paradigm <the Copernican revolution> e: a changeover in use or preference especially in technology <the computer revolution> <the foreign car revolution>

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