Pinda: Serikali imepwaya


JF-Expert Member
Feb 11, 2007
Pinda: Serikali imepwaya

na Rahel Chizoza, Dodoma
Tanzania Daima~Sauti ya Watu

WAZIRI Mkuu Mizengo Pinda amesema kuwa, serikali ya awamu ya nne inapaswa kufanya kazi kwa bidii hivi sasa ili kuwarudishia wananchi wake imani ambayo imeanza kupotea.

Akiongea na waandishi wa habari jana bungeni mjini hapa, Pinda alisema kashfa ya Richmond, iliyosababisha baadhi ya viongozi wa serikali kujiuzulu ambayo imeikumba serikali hivi karibuni, imepunguza imani ya wananchi kwa serikali yao.

“Maneno ya ufisadi yametawala sana vinywa vya Watanzania… hali inayoonyesha hawana imani na serikali yao, hivyo kinachotakiwa kwa sasa ni kujipanga kuhakikisha kwamba imani inarudi,” alisema.

Alisema hivi sasa serikali inajipanga kupita mikoani kwa ajili ya kuongea na wananchi na kujibu maswali yao kuhusu masuala hayo, ili wananchi wapate picha sahihi.

Alibainisha kuwa tangu aingie madarakani, ameweka mikakati ya kuhakikisha kuwa serikali inatimiza wajibu wake badala ya kusubiri iwajibishwe na Bunge, ingawa ataendelea kutekeleza mipango iliyokwishaanzishwa na Waziri Mkuu aliyepita.

Alisema kuhusu kuyafanyia kazi mapendekezo yaliyotolewa na kamati teule ya Bunge kuhusu Richmond, serikali ilikwishaunda timu ya wataalam kwa ajili ya kupitia mapendekezo hayo ambayo tayari ilikwishakamilisha kazi yake na kuikabidhi serikali.

“Kama Spika ataona ni vema kunipa nafasi katika Bunge hili, nitatoa taarifa ya baadhi ya mapendekezo yaliyotolewa kwa hatua za awali, na kama nitakosa nafasi, Bunge lijalo taarifa yote ya mapendekezo inaweza ikatolewa ikiwa imekamilika,” alisema.

Alisema baadhi ya mapendekezo hayo ni kuhusu swala la mikataba na kufanya maboresho katika eneo hilo, usimamizi wa manunuzi ya umma, uwajibikaji kwa viongozi wa serikali, uadilifu na kupewa uwezo zaidi kwa Mamlaka ya Manunuzi ya Umma (PPRA) kwa kuiondoa chini ya Wizara ya Fedha.

Alibainisha kuwa taarifa hiyo ya timu ya wataalam imetoa mapendekezo mazuri kuhusu hatua za kuchukuliwa kwa Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa TAKUKURU, Edward Hoseah na Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali Johnson Mwanyika.

Alisema mbali na hatua hizo zilizopendekezwa, pia ofisi hizo zinapaswa kupewa nguvu zaidi, ili ziweze kufanya kazi kikamilifu kwani hata kama watendaji waliopo wakiondolewa wakija wengine matatizo yanaweza kujirudia kama tatizo ni mfumo wa uendeshaji.

Kuhusu suala la EPA, Waziri Mkuu alisema kuwa tume iliyoundwa na rais inaendelea kufanya kazi yake, hivyo kutolewa kwa taarifa zozote kuhusu uchunguzi huo itakuwa ni kuingilia kazi ya tume, jambo ambalo si zuri.

Alibainisha kuwa, fedha zinazorejeshwa katika EPA zitatajwa baada ya kazi ya tume kukamilika kuwa zimetoka wapi na kina nani waliorudisha na lengo la kuwataka watu hao warudishe fedha ni kutaka kupata ushahidi na faida.
Govt softens stand on mega scandals

By Damas Kanyabwoya, Dodoma

Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda yesterday admitted that the EPA and Richmond scandals are the toughest challenges the Kikwete Government has ever faced since it came to power with an overwhelming mandate and a firm pledge to fight grand corruption.

Mr Pinda, addressing a press conference in Dodoma, called for public patience, saying the EPA and Richmond rip-offs, in which the State lost billions of shillings, are very complicated and, therefore, the Government should go about them slowly and carefully.

He said though the Richmond saga had been made easier to tackle, thanks to the Harrison Mwakyembe-led parliamentary select committee's investigation and report, the Sh133 billion EPA thefts through fraudulent payments from the Bank of Tanzania, was more difficult to deal with.

Yesterday, for the first time since the controversial $179 million contract for generation of emergency power was revealed in Parliament in February, Richmond Development Company placed an advertisement in a newspaper defending its supposed legality and credibility.

Reacting to the development, Prime Minister Pinda said the resurfacing of the company to claim its legality and the statements of legal counsel Cuthbert Tenga was an indication that the matter was far from over.

The apparent official confession by the Premier comes amid growing public anxiety on the whereabouts of real culprits behind the EPA scandal that has eroded the credibility of the Central Bank.

Mr Pinda cautioned the media and the public, saying they should not expect easy and quick answers on the EPA scandal.

According to Mr Pinda, the EPA deal was still very sensitive as the controversial transactions in the debt buy-back programme in which private companies were allowed to buy government debt was mainly executed by rich people.

These people have a lot of money. Imagine how difficult it is to convict someone who has at his disposal Sh40 billion earned without a sweat. He can do anything to win the case and we might find ourselves in a position where we lose the case and the money, Premier Pinda told the fully packed press conference.

Revealing the names of those returning the stolen money or even arresting them when the investigations were still going on would be disastrous for the whole case as it might disrupt the evidence, Mr Pinda added.

The Prime Minister hinted that the money being recovered might even be used as evidence in court against the culprits when the investigations are completed.

The premier's remarks cast a bleak future to the ongoing investigations in the EPA saga, which is being undertaken by a special task force appointed by President Kikwete in January to dig up more information to help the State institute criminal charges against the suspects.

Early in January, the State released a summary of the EPA audit done by Ernst and Young, showing how 22 companies fraudulently pocketed a total of Sh133 billion.

According to the audit report, of those involved, 13 local companies got Sh90, 359,078,804 using forged documents during the 2005/6 financial year. The report also showed that another nine companies were irregularly paid Sh42 billion without having any supporting documents to justify the payments.
Following the report, President Kikwete sacked Dr Daudi Ballali as BoT Governor on January 9, amid controversial reports about his whereabouts as well as his health.

The task force in March claimed that it had recovered about Sh60 billion of the looted billions, but came under strong criticism from lawyers and opposition leaders, who urged the investigators to name those who had reportedly returned the money.

Richmond saga

Speaking on the Richmond scandal, Mr Pinda said the task force formed in mid February to advise the Government on how to implement the 23 recommendations made by the Mwakyembe parliamentary committee had completed its work.

The premier said he would issue an interim report if asked by the Speaker of the National Assembly during the ongoing session.

He said there are no clear guidelines on how to handle emergencies, giving room to senior public servants and political leaders to violate procurement regulations.
Because it was an emergency, consultations were made at the highest level of government, a green light was given to hire the company (Richmond) and then the public officials might defend themselves, saying that they were just following orders in implementing what the Government wanted. Just talk to any lawyer and he or she will tell you how difficult it is to charge negligence as a crime, Mr Pinda said.

He said the Attorney-General and director general of Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau seemed implicated because of lack of functional capacity of their staff in their respective offices. That is why it is very difficult to take disciplinary measures against PCCB boss Edward Hosea and AG John Mwanyika.

Mr Pinda said confiscating the properties of those associated with Richmond Company was difficult and would have to be done according to the laws and regulations.

The Mwakyembe had recommended the deregistration of the Richmond Company in Tanzania, the arrest and prosecution of suspects scam as well as disciplinary action against the officials involved.

These included the AG, the director general of PCCB, permanent secretary of the ministry of energy and Minerals and other senior officials, stopping the payment of the daily capacity charges of Sh152 million.

Nimechoka na hawa wababaishaji maana kila kitu hawana jibu...leo kuna binamu yangu mmoja kanipigia simu anahangaikia pension ya baba yake mwaka wa nne huu huku kila kitu walichoambiwa walete wameleta lakini visingizio tuu kama vya pinda ndio vimejaa ile serikali,bila kuwaondoa CCM umaskini ni halali yetu!
Kuliko kuja na ngonjera za kila siku naona wange focus kujenga good policy za serikali ambazo zitaongeza efficient serikalini,jenga powerfull & transparent insititute with good policy full of competent people ambao wanajua wanafanya nini na uwape resources za kutosha kufanya kazi vizuri within the laws bila kuwaingilia,then uone kama kutakuwa na haja ya kuunda vitume tume kwa kila tatizo likitokea ambavyo hata kisheria havina magic hapo angalia nchi zote zilizoendelea ni kwa sababu wamejenga mifumo mizuri ya utendaji kazi kupitia insititute zao walizojijengea na wala sio wanasiasa...kumbuka wanasiasa wanakuja na kuondoka na kuna wazuri na wabaya lakini mifumo mizuri itafanya nchi iwe nzuri siku zote!
Prime Ministerial Ineptitude and Mediocrity

Is there no limit to how illogical some of our leaders can be? Consider Pinda's response to calls for action against the Attorney General and the PCCB Boss (over Richmond)
``Resignation of these officials may not be a solution to corruption problems in state organs.``

If so, why then did Lowasa and company resign? Removing a corrupt official from office might not end corruption as we know it, but it will end that particular official's corruption. Does Pinda not know that?

Pinda is quoted as continuing to say: ``They (AG and PCCB offices) need to be technically empowered in the area of contract drafting and negotiation instead of forcing heads of institutions to resign.``

Is he telling us that we have an Attorney General who lacks familiarity with contract drafting? The shield of ignorance won't work here. It would be utterly ridiculous if we had contracts that are negotiated and signed in secret by Attorney Generals and Ministers who are ignorant about contracts and contract negotiations!

The Prime Minister had some time to tell us about his knowledge about artificial rain too. He is quoted as saying:

``We talked to Thai experts in artificial rainfall technology. I initially thought that it was a simple project, but realizing that it is going to cost us billions of shillings, we decided to shelf the project,``

Why would anyone who thought that making rain artificially would be cheap be a minister? If making rain artificially were cheap then no country would experience drought! Why do we have a Prime Minister who is so mediocre? What is the cost, to the nation, of this ineptitude and mediocrity at the very top of government?
Wakuu mimi nilisema day one kwenye acceptance speech yake floor ya bunge, kwamba Waziri Mkuu tumempata, watu wakaona namuwangia.Sasa mnaona.

Mtamuona Sumaye (Mr. Zero) genius bureeeeeeeeee!!!
Kwakweli siamini macho yangu. tatizo analijua na solution anajua ila anabakia................................Ngoja nifunge mdomo maana namheshimu sana huyu jamaa.
FD, welcome to my world... maana nikisema wataniambia nimemuanza tena "Waziri Mkuu Mpya"... so.. semeni nyie mihogo..
No EPA money has been returned, and none will. The masses are being fooled as usual.

Pinda says he cannot take action against Hosea and Mwanyika. He says it is too difficult. He is quotede as saying: "Just talk to any lawyer and he or she will tell you how difficult it is to charge negligence as a crime"

Who asked him to charge them? That is a job for the Police. We just want them sacked not charged, at least for now.

But we really are wasting our time. It is naive to try and beg corrupt CCM leaders into stopping being corrupt. They have been stealing public funds for so long now that they would not know any other way to live.
Naanza kuamini maneno ya Mkuu moelx kuwa MP ni mweupee

..............Pundit usinivunje mbavu zangu tafadhali.........inawezekana FS akaonekana genius aisee.............hahahahah

yaani hiyo statement ya kutotaka kuwafukuza AG na DG wa PCCB............inaonyesha kuwa mapendekezo ya kamati Teule YANAPIGWA CHINI!!!!..................Duuuhh only in Tanzania

Once again, the facts are nakedly out to prove to you that our country's problems are systemic and government's incompetence is a wide spread phenomenon. We said once he was appointed and we are saying it again that Pinda has no history of brevity; all we knew about him is a lazy and an utterly and shamefully conforming politician. He couldn't change by just becoming a prime minister because, as we know, premiership is not a leadership training college. We should stop the habit of heralding our leaders without any apparent reasons. Shame on you all who tried hard to paint into people's minds false expectations about this dull-witted and pea-brained politician. Again, shame on all those who sent a wrong message to our wananchi that things had changed following Lowas's departure.

How long will it take to accept the reality that CCM's political success stems purely from the manipulation of the political system rather than the effectiveness of the government it leads? Again, how long will it take for us to come to terms with the reality that CCM is the very evil we ought to be fighting? How long shall we continue to buy CCM's gimmick and manipulation of our political consciousness to the effect of believing that changing few individuals in their ranks makes a difference?

Unfortunately, this manipulation has been aided by some of our leading intellectuals' rather unseemly claim that CCM has had no alternative. They forget that change does not have to wait a heir; a change in government is brought about the failure of the government of the day rather than an availability of an alternative political party. The availability of an alternative party is therefore an added advantage rather than a necessary condition for change.

Let's get real. We should not continue to waste our energy and time in trying to correct the rather "uncorrectable" CCM crook politicians, as we have contemptuously tried to do this for the past few decades in vain. We should direct our efforts at strengthening the political competitiveness of the opposition and at mobilising the masses to understand that their very first enemy is the party they have loved for so long and that has, in turn, let them down so badly. The worst we can do is to continue raising false and useless hopes that CCM can change.


Once again, the facts are nakedly out to prove to you that our country's problems are systemic and government's incompetence is a wide spread phenomenon. We said once he was appointed and we are saying it again that Pinda has no history of brevity; all we knew about him is a lazy and an utterly and shamefully conforming politician. He couldn't change by just becoming a prime minister because, as we know, premiership is not a leadership training college. We should stop the habit of heralding our leaders without any apparent reasons. Shame on you all who tried hard to paint into people's minds false expectations about this dull-witted and pea-brained politician. Again, shame on all those who sent a wrong message to our wananchi that things had changed following Lowas's departure.

How long will it take to accept the reality that CCM's political success stems purely from the manipulation of the political system rather than the effectiveness of the government it leads? Again, how long will it take for us to come to terms with the reality that CCM is the very evil we ought to be fighting? How long shall we continue to buy CCM's gimmick and manipulation of our political consciousness to the effect of believing that changing few individuals in their ranks makes a difference?

Unfortunately, this manipulation has been aided by some of our leading intellectuals' rather unseemly claim that CCM has had no alternative. They forget that change does not have to wait a heir; a change in government is brought about the failure of the government of the day rather than an availability of an alternative political party. The availability of an alternative party is therefore an added advantage rather than a necessary condition for change.

Let's get real. We should not continue to waste our energy and time in trying to correct the rather "uncorrectable" CCM crook politicians, as we have contemptuously tried to do this for the past few decades in vain. We should direct our efforts at strengthening the political competitiveness of the opposition and at mobilising the masses to understand that their very first enemy is the party they have loved for so long and that has, in turn, let them down so badly. The worst we can do is to continue raising false and useless hopes that CCM can change.


Well said Kitila. I always mentioned on this forum that CCM is rotten and there is nothing they can do to change the situation. THEY ARE INCOMPETENT AND THEY SHOULD BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE.
hawa wanasema wananchi wanachotaka kusikia,kama serikali imepwaya yeye Pinda kwa nini hajiuzulu? hizo ni mbinu zao za kwenda kuombea kura kwa madai kwamba watarekebisha kupwaya kwa serikali yao!
Mimi simlaumu Pinda hata kidogo. Namlaumu bosi wake aliyemteua. Ninachojiuliza hapa ni kwa nini Kikwete alimteua Pinda? Je alidhani jamaa ni competent kwa kazi hiyo au? Au JK mwenyewe yuko bomu kiasi kwamba hawezi hata kutambua nani anafaa kwa kazi ipi?
Serikali yote imeoza, hera za EPA nyingi zimetumika kugharamia uchaguzi kwa CCM, nani atamshitaki mwingine. Wakisema ukweli inabidi serikali ijiuzuru ufanyike uchaguzi mpya kitu ambacho wanajua kama watakubali hera ziliibwa na CCM hawatrudi madarakani. Mafisadi ni wao wenyewe ndo maana haitatokea hata siku moja mtu yeyote apelekwe mahakamani kwa issue ya EPA. atashitakiwa nani RA, ANABEN, Chenge ni vitu ambavyo wanabuy time watafute cha kuwadanganya Watanganyikas.
Wakuu mimi nilisema day one kwenye acceptance speech yake floor ya bunge, kwamba Waziri Mkuu tumempata, watu wakaona namuwangia.Sasa mnaona.

Mtamuona Sumaye (Mr. Zero) genius bureeeeeeeeee!!!

Ukimwambia mtu utendaji wake hata wa Sumaye una afadhali hiyo ni sifa mbaya kuliko zote unazoweza kumpa binadamu. Lakini Pinda kila siku anadhihirisha hivyo.

Akiongelea kuhusu hatua za kuwachukulia Mwanyika na Hosea amenukuliwa akisema: Just talk to any lawyer and he or she will tell you how difficult it is to charge negligence as a crime.

Hapa ina maana Serikali inatoa tamko kwamba Mwanyika na Hosea wazembe, na kwamba tungewashitaki kwa jinai kama isingekuwa ni vigumu.

Unaona kituko hicho. Kwanza, sijui kama Hosea na Mwanyika wakimruka itakuwaje, kwa sababu kawaongelea wakati hilo tamati halijafikiwa rasmi na bado wamo Serikalini. Wanaongoza tume za Rais. Pili kama yeye anaamini hawa ni wazembe, tena wakosefu wa jinai, kwa nini bado wanamfanyia kazi? Unaona anavyo chemka?

Nawaambia huyu Pinda kituko! Toka alipotoa risala ya kupokea madaraka Pinda anachemka. Alisema moja ya wasifu wake ni kwamba yeye ni mtoto wa mkulima aliyepanda ngazi bila msaada. Lakini hicho si kitu cha kipekee kwa kizazi cha Pinda kwa sababu 'kupigiwa mapande' kulikuwa bado hakujaanza. Wote walikuwa watoto wa Wakulima. Hapo hapo nikajua huyu ni mchemkaji. Siku ya pili akasema, kuhusu hizi skandali, tugange yajayo, hayo yamepita. Siku ya tatu akasema ataanza kushughulikia hizi skandali!

Kama anavyosema Pundit, ni bora Sumaye - kiwango cha chini kuliko vyote unachoweza kumlinganisha nacho mtu!
Too bad Pinda. I was willing to give you the benefit of doubt; but your answers on these issues are proving me wrong faster than I had expected! Are you being forced and ready to read from the same script like any other Fisadi?

You didn't have to answer if you are not ready for the game.
Wasiwasi wangu ni kama hayo yote mnayasema kwa uchungu au to make the people just read it.

I'm serious kwa sababu naona huwa ni kulaumu lakini sijaona mtu anakuja na ufumbuzi, ni kulaumu na kuagiza. It doenst come in my sense. What I'm expecting from you guyz is a solution. Dont bring the problem/blaim without a solution. La sivyo utapata ziro, yaani utatoka kapa kwani yote mnayosema yapo siku nyingi. Na hizi hadithi za kama angekuwepo Mwl ni ukasuku, wale vijana njooni na mawazo mapya, achana na ya Mwl ilikuwa enzi zake ,tumkumbuke sawa wakati tuna mawazo yetu. Nkrumah, Mwl., na wengine walikuwa na yao, nahisi kama wangekuwa vijana sasa wangekuwa na mawazo mengine mazuri zaidi, sio yale ya enzi zao, lakini naona vijana wanayo ya wazee hao(Mola aweweke mahali pema peopni), ngojeni niwaulizeni swali kama wasingekuwepo hao wazee tungebaki mbumbumbu hatuna la kusema?. Tuna tatizo la fikra ndio maana hatuna jipya. Tunasubiri mtu aseme ndio tuwe na la kuongea, ni udhaifu mkubwa, udhaifu wa kufikiri lakini pia uwezo hafifu wa kuona mbali.Tunadhani hapo tulipo ndipo tunabidi tukae,sogea angalau kidogo basi!
Anza ukurasa mpya ,acha ukasuku.

Sasa hivi siwezi angalau kumnukuu kijana maana kila kijana ananukuu, ni uzembe wa akili zetu tukubali lakini naomba tuache ukasuku.

Jaribu kidogo kubadirika, dont try hard but the best.

Next time I'll come with a solution,

Nawapongez jambo forum nina ushauri kidogo" toa mwongozo mpya" yameandikwa yale yale mengi lakini hakuna ufumbuzi unaotolewa bila jazba wala karaha. Kwa mfano mtu anapotoa ushauri wa wapinzani kuingoa CCM atoe maelezo basi kwamba hao watakapoingia ana uhakika kuwa hawatakuwa wezi kuliko hawa waliopo, au atwambie tu kwa ufupi kwamba tujaribu
Mbona Kagoda, Deep Green na Mwananchi Gold hazungumziiiiiiii. Wanatuona maamuma hawa.
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