Now he is talking...


JF-Expert Member
Feb 11, 2007
...or will this be another form of Usanii? Let's wait and see

Corruption probe: No one will be spared, says JK

Dar es Salaam

PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has made his first public statement on the state of corruption in Tanzania since the infamous 'List of Shame' was released last month, declaring that no one will be spared in the ongoing investigations into widespread graft allegations.

The president has asserted that the government will probe each and every corruption allegation and take appropriate legal action against anyone implicated, regardless of his or her position or authority in government.

According to a statement issued by State House in Dar es Salaam yesterday, Mr Kikwete made the remarks in Arusha on Tuesday night during a fund-raising event for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT).

He sought to answer critics of the government's effectiveness in fighting high-level corruption, saying the government could not rush into taking action before investigations are concluded.

The president said it was wrong to convict someone of corruption based on mere allegations, without investigating such allegations and prosecuting the suspects before a court of law.

''Even the PCCB (Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau) cannot pass judgment on suspects arrested on corruption allegations,'' he stated.

In a veiled attack on opposition leaders, he criticised 'some politicians' for spreading allegations of corruption against other people and branding them criminals despite the presence of proper law enforcement agencies to investigate such allegations.

''There is no law of the jungle here. Ours is a country that treasures the principles of rule of law and good governance,'' Mr Kikwete said.

He added: ''Let's not reach a situation where we will all become detectives, arresting officers, prosecutors and judges all rolled into one. For the sake of national unity, let's not go there.''

The president reiterated that the PCCB and other law enforcement organs, have been directed to conduct thorough investigations on the corruption allegations and were doing so within specified legal limits.

Mr Kikwete, who is also Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) national chairman, said he had also ordered the PCCB to crack down on corruption within the ruling party and other sections of society without fear or favour.

Earlier, Bishop Thomas Laiser of the Lutheran Church saluted the president and his government for their resolve in fighting corruption in the country.

The president's remarks on corruption come against the backdrop of a national debate over the 'List of Shame' unveiled by opposition Member of Parliament Dr Wilbrod Slaa, that links some prominent public leaders with corruption allegations.

Some of those named in the list, including Energy and Minerals Minister Nazir Karamagi, Treasury Permanent Secretary Gray Mgonja and Water Ministry PS Patrick Rutabanzibwa, have already made public statements to defend themselves against the allegations.
Our President might be serious on this issue but as a politician I may guess that nothing will happen to the frauders, We as good citizens are the victims of the matter and they are the doers of this horrible events, but as a matter of fact he (the President) may act before 2010 so that his deed be another gear twards State House marathon and because we (the Tanzanians) are so humble to our leaders will lead him again to the throne and that is when we will have a nice slogan more than this "Maisha bora kwa kila Mtanzania" Maybe it will be like "Maisha bora mfano wa Mbinguni kwa kila Mtanzania" And of course we shall clap our hands to support the motion.
It has been always said by most of the politicians that "Siasa ni mchezo mchafu" meaning that it is a Chameleon game whereby a politician may change his words depending on the situation as a Chameleon does to its body colours depending on the enviroment status. But this saying is outdated now. The new generation which is the majority victm of the political saga of today have found this as betrayal statement which has to be eliminated immediately through any type of communication to the doers. We therefore hope basing on what I could say basic emmotion we had towards our President during campaign Kikwete has to act as an offspring of Mwl Nyerere in a real manner. There are vivid guys in his cabinet who are frauders why holding them in the same bucket? Why inducing dirtyness to the clean ones. Sort these guys and leave them ut let us have our nation clean.
Just another rhetoric, personally I have no confidence at all with the current government's war on corruption. Wahenga walisema "mganga hajigangi"
hii naona ni kilio cha mamba tu,
akumbuke kuwa zilizotolewa ni TUHUMA TU na wala sio hukumu.Kwani hata kwenye Criminal procedure Act 1985 inasema wazi kuwa kila raia akiona uhalifu umefanyika au unataka kufanyika basi ARIPOTI kunakohusika,kina Dr. Slaa walijaribu kufanya hivyo Bungeni lakini kutokana na umafia na urushwa na ufisadi wa CCM na Spika wakablock motion yake sasa alicofanya ni kubadili tactic tu ili ujumbe ufike na kweli kumbe imewauma.Kama kweli JK ana NIA ya kupambana narushwa kubwa kwa nini hakuzifanyia kazi tuhuma hizi tangu awali?Asituletee usanii wake na bado,huu ni mwanzo tu...ALUTA CONTINUA...
Our President might be serious on this issue but as a politician I may guess that nothing will happen to the frauders,

Unajua Kikwete anadhani kila muda ni muda wa utani tu.
Mimi nina uhakika hana uwezo wa 'kuwashughulikia' hao watajwa wa ufisadi kwa sababu kibao.
1. Kwenye orodha ya mafisadi na yeye yumo, sasa atajishughulikiaje?
2. Alishasema kuwa anawafahamu wala rushwa kwa majina, kwa hiyo anawaomba wajirekebishe. Utamuambiaje mhalifu ajirekebishe, mpeleke katika vyombo vya dola arekebishwe!
3. Alishakiri hadharani kuwa kapewa majina ya wauza unga, mbona hajayashughulikia mpaka ninapoandika ujumbe huu? Anaogopa nini?
4. Hana utashi wa kisiasa wa kushughulikia maovu.
5. Sio utaratibu wa chama chake kushughulikia waovu.

Wenye sababu nyingine naomba mjazie!
Kikwete ni mtu wa mzaha sana,ila huu msalaba ataubeba mwenyewe,bado hajajibu tuhuma,hapo naona analeta utani wa kijinga tu.
I say this, we've heard it all before....
Therefore, It's the same 'ol blah blah blah
I'll believe it when I see it. I'm not gullible and naive like that...
Nyani, unahoji maneno ya Rais mpendwa ambaye alichaguliwa kwa asilimia 80? na ambaye hivi majuzi ameiletea Tanzania mabilioni ya fedha?
Nyani, unahoji maneno ya Rais mpendwa ambaye alichaguliwa kwa asilimia 80? na ambaye hivi majuzi ameiletea Tanzania mabilioni ya fedha?

...namuona mtu wa CCM kuitumia hiyo line ktk kampeni za uchaguzi na watu kuitikia kwa shangwe na vigelele wakati huo huo hawajui kesho yake na keshokutwa yake nini kiko kwenye menu ya lunch au dinner....
Daily news said:
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has warned the opposition against turning themselves into investigators, prosecutors and judges saying if left unchecked, the tendency could harm the peace and tranquillity that the country enjoys. ........................................................................................ the president said the behaviour was contrary to principles of natural justice and rule of law.
“Every corruption report or allegations facing an individual would be investigated thoroughly according to the laid down procedures and by the proper organs and not otherwise,” President Kikwete said. of high level corruption in government especially at the Bank of Tanzania and circumstances surrounding the signing of the Buzwagi gold mining contract in London last February.

Mr Kikwete said the opposition was not treating fairly people mentioned in the so-called ‘list of shame.’ He said whosoever would be proved by state organs to be corrupt, would be taken to court regardless of their positions. He reiterated the government’s high commitment to fight corruption. “If we have managed to wage this war within the ruling CCM, there is no reason why we should fail elsewhere,” said Mr Kikwete.

The opposition aren't the only ones complainning, Tanzanians in general from all walks of life has come out and detest the behaviour of JK and his government in relation to their natural resources being stolen by the so called investors.

The peace and tranquility can't be for Karamavi and JK ministers alone! {They loot with impunity the resources which in the first place should benefit all stake holders at home} but for all Tanzanians be opposition or not. CCM government should realise that the time is up and we are ready for it. We won't stop making the valuable contribution to speak loud and clear for everyone to know that we are serious.

Investigated cases have proved useless to this Government from rich-mondulian saga to the murderous Ditopile Mzuzuri Ukiwaona Wanajidai (He lives up to his name) where he roam's as an innocent civilian, not forgetting the drug traffickers names given to the president since last year. Should we continue to believe this president? I doubt. He has lost touch with the common men/women who gave him the mandate to rule this country.

Jk talks about fairness, does he know the meaning of fairness? what happened to thousands of Tanzanians who lost their ancestral rights to mine and live peacefully in their own areas in Buzwagi and other mining places? A word of advice, the people who ridicule your government aren't opposition they're the ones who gave you the mandate to rule! From our stand point of view you are not serious about corruption let alone Maisha bora kwa kila Mtanzania. CCM of yester years isn't CCM of today, Look at all who attend your meetings - they look after their bellies and not the issues which haunt this country for development, we have realised that and we would vote you out of office sooner than you anticipated. Once beaten second time shy.
JK is a total dissapointment. yeye hakuna kitu anachokipa uzito! akishakujibu vile kiubabaishaji basi anaona tatizo limeondoka.

hapa hakuna kufuatiliwa wala kuchunguzwa, we have heard all of this before.
A little too late, lakini nadhani sasa kapata washauri bora zaidi ktk mchezo wa siasa!..
Kama nilivyosema toka awali siasa sio swala la RIGHT and WRONG!..
Yes, statement hii is a Correct move na kinachofuata hapo ndicho kitakachotenganisha Uongozi bora na Mbaya!..
For that nampa pongezi kuweza kutoa statement kali kama hiyo kwa sababu ndicho kilichokuwa kikisubiriwa na wananchi. trust me baada ya statement hiyo tu utaona kura za maoni zinaanza kupanda na pili inawapa nguvu zaidi wananchi (Wapinzani) kuona kwamba rais yupo nao ktk swala hili. Amejaribu kuji separate kati yake yeye na mafisadi kiasi kwamba sasa hivi kuna wale watakao sema mhhhhn! might be he isn't among them.

Mengine ni majaaliwa ndio maisha ya mwafrika kutegemea Mungu akipenda!
...or will this be another form of Usanii? Let's wait and see

Corruption probe: No one will be spared, says JK

Dar es Salaam

PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has made his first public statement on the state of corruption in Tanzania since the infamous 'List of Shame' was released last month, declaring that no one will be spared in the ongoing investigations into widespread graft allegations.

The president has asserted that the government will probe each and every corruption allegation and take appropriate legal action against anyone implicated, regardless of his or her position or authority in government.

According to a statement issued by State House in Dar es Salaam yesterday, Mr Kikwete made the remarks in Arusha on Tuesday night during a fund-raising event for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT).

He sought to answer critics of the government's effectiveness in fighting high-level corruption, saying the government could not rush into taking action before investigations are concluded.

The president said it was wrong to convict someone of corruption based on mere allegations, without investigating such allegations and prosecuting the suspects before a court of law.

''Even the PCCB (Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau) cannot pass judgment on suspects arrested on corruption allegations,'' he stated.

In a veiled attack on opposition leaders, he criticised 'some politicians' for spreading allegations of corruption against other people and branding them criminals despite the presence of proper law enforcement agencies to investigate such allegations.

''There is no law of the jungle here. Ours is a country that treasures the principles of rule of law and good governance,'' Mr Kikwete said.

He added: ''Let's not reach a situation where we will all become detectives, arresting officers, prosecutors and judges all rolled into one. For the sake of national unity, let's not go there.''

The president reiterated that the PCCB and other law enforcement organs, have been directed to conduct thorough investigations on the corruption allegations and were doing so within specified legal limits.

Mr Kikwete, who is also Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) national chairman, said he had also ordered the PCCB to crack down on corruption within the ruling party and other sections of society without fear or favour.

Earlier, Bishop Thomas Laiser of the Lutheran Church saluted the president and his government for their resolve in fighting corruption in the country.

The president's remarks on corruption come against the backdrop of a national debate over the 'List of Shame' unveiled by opposition Member of Parliament Dr Wilbrod Slaa, that links some prominent public leaders with corruption allegations.

Some of those named in the list, including Energy and Minerals Minister Nazir Karamagi, Treasury Permanent Secretary Gray Mgonja and Water Ministry PS Patrick Rutabanzibwa, have already made public statements to defend themselves against the allegations.
Enzi hizo kukiwa na siasa. Kabla ya Alshabaab kuingia nchini.
Unajua Kikwete anadhani kila muda ni muda wa utani tu.
Mimi nina uhakika hana uwezo wa 'kuwashughulikia' hao watajwa wa ufisadi kwa sababu kibao.
1. Kwenye orodha ya mafisadi na yeye yumo, sasa atajishughulikiaje?
2. Alishasema kuwa anawafahamu wala rushwa kwa majina, kwa hiyo anawaomba wajirekebishe. Utamuambiaje mhalifu ajirekebishe, mpeleke katika vyombo vya dola arekebishwe!
3. Alishakiri hadharani kuwa kapewa majina ya wauza unga, mbona hajayashughulikia mpaka ninapoandika ujumbe huu? Anaogopa nini?
4. Hana utashi wa kisiasa wa kushughulikia maovu.
5. Sio utaratibu wa chama chake kushughulikia waovu.

Wenye sababu nyingine naomba mjazie!
Lakini akamaliza kipindi chake kwa kuwafunga Daniel Yona na Basil Mramba
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