Ni nani anayetoa leseni hizi?

Mzee Mwanakijiji

Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2006
1: Canaco and Douglas Lake Add Morogoro Gold Prospect to Tanzanian Portfolio!
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - April 27, 2006) - Canaco Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CAN - News) and Douglas Lake Minerals Ltd (OTCBB:DLKM - News) are pleased to announce Douglas Lake's completion of negotiations to acquire the 150 square kilometer Morogoro property located in the Kilosa District, in east-central Tanzania. The Morogoro property has been the subject of a series of recent surface, bedrock gold discoveries made by local prospectors within the last eighteen months.

2:Tiomin Acquires New Mineral Sands Reconnaissance Exploration License in Tanzania

-- 05/02/06 --

Tiomin Resources Inc. ("Tiomin" or the "Company") (TSX:TIO) has acquired a new reconnaissance exploration license for mineral sands covering approximately 1,218 km2 and extending approximately 90 km along the coastline of Tanzania.

The favourable geological environment is known to host ilmenite, rutile and zircon, all heavy minerals (HM). Historical exploration work was based on widely-spaced surface sampling and auger drilling to identify the presence of potentially economic concentrations of heavy minerals.

The newly acquired license hosts two principal zones of known mineralization (Tajiri and Pangani prospects) each extending over more than 20 km respectively, varying in width from 200 m to 1,000 m and with values of up to 20% HM in places. Previous shallow air core drilling by Tanganyika Gold Ltd. from 1998 to 2000 on the Tajiri zone intersected high-grade mineralization: hole TGAC48 averaged 12.3% HM to a depth of 9 m and hole TGAC46 averaged 9.2% HM over 14 m.

The heavy mineral lenses encountered in the historical drill intersections of this area indicate that processes along the paleo-shorelines of Tanzania were capable of generating potentially economic concentrations of heavy minerals such as ilmenite, rutile and zircon.

The area also benefits from good transportation infrastructure, including the Port of Tanga. The targeted area is also within trucking distance to Tiomin's Kwale titanium mining project located in southern Kenya, enhancing its potential economic viability by sharing processing infrastructure.

The license was acquired under an option agreement with Karoo Exploration Services Company Limited of Dar es Salaam. Tiomin has agreed to pay Karoo US$1,000 upon completion of filing and issuance of the reconnaissance exploration license and make annual payments of US$2,000 until the Mineral Interest expires or is surrendered. Tiomin can acquire 100% interest in this exploration license upon the payment of US$20,000 at any time.

Certain of the information contained in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to those respect to the prices of rutile, zircon, ilmenite, estimated future production, estimated costs of future production and the Company's sales policy, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any forecast results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the actual prices of rutile, zircon and ilmenite, the actual results of current exploration, development and mining activities, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be evaluated, as well as those factors disclosed in the Company's documents filed from time to time with the Ontario Securities Commission.
Tiomin Resources Inc.
Jean-Charles Potvin
(416) 350-3776, ext. 227

Tiomin Resources Inc.
Bruce Ramsden
Chief Financial Officer
(416) 350-3776, ext. 232

Tiomin Resources Inc.
Laurie Gaborit
Investor Relations
(416) 350-3776, ext. 222
Tiomin Resources Inc. - Home Page - Fri Mar 6, 2009

Published May. 2, 2006
Tiomin Acquires New Mineral Sands Reconnaissance Exploration License in Tanzania | SYS-CON MEDIA

3:Tanzanian Royalty Confirms Indicator Minerals Likely Sourced From Diamondiferous Kimberlite
Vancouver, Canada (ots/PRNewswire) - The Company is pleased to report that laboratory analysis has confirmed the presence of a range of kimberlite indicator minerals in drill hole samples from its Nyamigunga prospecting license (PL) in Tanzania.

The suite of indicator minerals identified by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) includes G10 garnets and chromites, all of which point to a diamondiferous kimberlite source.

"From an exploration perspective, knowledge of the composition and relative abundance of garnets and chromites in kimberlite - the primary source rock for diamonds throughout the world - allows assumptions to be made about the proximity and economic diamond potential of a kimberlite," noted the Company's president, John Deane.

The Nyamigunga PL is known to host five kimberlite bodies within an area of approximately two square kilometres. These carrot-shaped bodies are believed to have been intruded along a dominant north-south fault zone that provided a pathway to surface for diamonds and their genetically-related kimberlite indicator minerals.

Visual results from Mineral Services in South Africa were received in March 2006 and subsequently reported in a news release on April 3rd. SEM analysis was initiated immediately thereafter to confirm the visual results.

Mantle-derived garnets and chromites are considered the most important kimberlite and diamond indicators. The pioneering work of Dawson and Stephens (1975), Gurney (1984) and Fipke (1989) formed the basis for using garnets as well as chromites as tools to focus exploration on areas that are prospective for diamonds.

The origin of diamond is more closely related to fragments of peridotite (a coarse grained plutonic rock) and eclogite (a granular rock composed primarily of garnet) which are derived from the Upper Mantle, the thick shell surrounding the earth's outer core. In order for diamonds to form, they require extremely high pressures and temperatures which are only found deep in the earth. It is here that eclogite forms consisting of red pyrope garnet and green clinopyroxene. Diamond crystals develop alongside the garnet and pyroxene crystals.

Because diamonds have a close affinity to specific fragments (eclogite, peridotite) and their respective source areas, they can be subdivided into ones that have a peridotitic origin (P-type) and others that have an eclogitic origin (E-type). Even though a diamond may be found as a single crystal within a kimberlite rock mass, inclusions or flaws within the diamond crystal can identify its origins.

The flaws or "inclusions" within diamonds often include associated minerals such as garnet, pyroxene, olivine, chromite, and sulphides such as pyrrhotite. The chemistry of the mineral inclusions can be compared with those present in the eclogite and peridotite fragments in order to determine their source. These inclusions also provide valuable information regarding the pressure and temperature under which the diamonds formed as well as their age.

The overall assessment of geochemical information relies on the recognition of those minerals that are co-genetic with diamonds and comparing their mineral geochemistry with those of diamond inclusions.

Two important garnet types are associated with diamondiferous pipes:

- G10 garnets: Ca-poor, Cr-diopside free, with elevated Cr2O3.

- Group 1 eclogitic garnets: characterised with elevated Na and Ti.

Potential chromites indicating a diamondiferous content for kimberlite have a chrome content between 60 and 70 wt % Cr2O3, with an average MgO concentration of between 8 and 16 wt% and a TiO2 content of less than 0.7 wt%. Discrimination plots are therefore used to define these geochemical boundaries and these plots are available on our website at: Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation - Home Page - Fri Mar 6, 2009.

Analytical Results:

Poor ground conditions, including heavy water inflows, produced surface contamination in the drill holes which could explain some of the low indicator mineral grain counts in the K3, K4, K5 and K6 pipes. (Please refer to the Company's April 03, 2006 press release for details).

Nevertheless, kimberlite bodies within Tanzania often have variable indicator mineral chemistry without diminishing their economic potential.

"While much more work remains to be done, the progress we have made on the diamond exploration front in the past two years has been nothing short of phenomenal," said Jim Sinclair, the Company's Chairman and CEO.

"In the past year alone, we have drilled 11 kimberlites, six of which were brand new discoveries. I take great pride in saying that we are leading the charge that could one day see Tanzania reinstated as a major diamond producer," he added.

Analytical results from the K1 and K2 pipes, which provided statistically sound indicator mineral populations for analysis, are summarised below.

Pipe MU170K1

A total of 106 visually identified garnet grains were micro-probed and SEM results indicated that 12 are G10 garnets (approx 11%). A total of 45 visually identified chromite grains were micro-probed and SEM results indicate that all are kimberlitic chromites. A total of four grains (8.9%) have Cr2O3 above 60 wt% and hence plot within the diamond inclusion and intergrowth field.

The presence of G10 garnets and chromites that plot in the diamond inclusion and intergrowth field, supports the conclusion that this kimberlite sampled a potentially diamond bearing depleted harzburgite in the mantle on the way to the surface. Hence this kimberlite is highly ranked and warrants further follow up.

Pipe MU170K2

A total of 171 visually identified garnet grains were micro-probed with SEM results indicating that 22 are G10 garnets (approx 13%). A total of 52 visually identified chromite grains were micro-probed and SEM results indicated that all are kimberlitic chromites. A total of five grains have Cr2O3 wt% above 60 wt% and thus plot within the diamond inclusion and intergrowth field. Two of them have TiO2 less than 0.7wt% and plot within the diamond inclusion field.

The presence of G10 and DI chromites support the conclusion that this kimberlite sampled a potentially diamond bearing depleted harzburgite and eclogite in the mantle on the way to surface. As a result, this kimberlite is highly ranked and warrants further follow up.

Future Work:

Follow up work associated with these positive results is presently under way. The Company is currently extending the ground magnetic survey to the immediate south of these pipes to search for further kimberlites along the north-south fault zone.

A bulk sample of the kimberlites and gravels lying above the pipes is planned this year to confirm diamond concentration, quality and grade. "This will determine the future of this exciting prospect," said Deane

"Alluvial diamonds are the best indicator mineral for diamondiferous kimberlites," he added. "In fact, alluvial stones in gravels of the Orange and Vaal river systems led to the initial discovery of diamondiferous pipes in South Africa."

Qualified Person

The Company's Qualified Person is Mr. John Deane, the President of Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation (News) Limited. He has a M.Sc. from the University of Cape Town (1993) and is a registered scientist with SACNASP (Reg. No.400005/05).

The Toronto Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange have not reviewed and do not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note to US Investors - The United States Securities and Exchange commission permits US mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. We use certain terms on this news release, such as "measured", "indicated", and "inferred" "resources" that the SEC guidelines strictly prohibit US registered companies from including in their filings with the SEC. US Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our Form 20-F, File No. 0- 50634, which may be secured from us, or from the SEC's website at Filings & Forms.

ots Originaltext: Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation Im Internet recherchierbar: Presseportal: Deutschlands umfassende Datenbank für Presseinformationen in Text, Bild und Ton - ein Service der dpa-Tochter news aktuell

Contact: For further information: please contact Investor Relations at +1-800-811-3855 or visit our website: Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation - Home Page - Fri Mar 6, 2009
=> Tanzanian Royalty Confirms Indicator Minerals Likely Sourced From Diamondiferous Kimberlite <=

Lakota Resources Inc. (TSXV-LAK) (“the Company”) wishes to announce the signing of an option/joint venture agreement with Shanta Mining Co. Ltd. (“Shanta”) for the exploration and/or development of its wholly-owned Ikungu license located east of Lake Victoria in Tanzania. Shanta is a Tanzanian exploration and mining company, 50% owned by Sable Gold (Mauritius) Ltd, who has experience in the mining of small to medium sized African gold deposits.


5:Tanzania-Midlands Minerals Corporation Granted A Three Year Prospecting License In The Shinyanga District.
TORONTO -- Kim Harris, Chief Executive Officer of Midlands Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:MEX) ("Midlands" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that on May 2, 2005, the company was granted a Prospecting Licence (PL) for gold exploration in Tanzania. The PL is valid for a period of three years and is renewable thereafter for a further three...
Tanzania-Midlands Minerals Corporation Granted A Three Year Prospecting License In The Shinyanga District. | Goliath Business News

6:Tan Range Closes New Royalty Agreements with Northern Mining Explorations
VANCOUVER, Sept. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Tan Range Exploration
Corporation announces the closing of Royalty Agreements on three prospecting licenses in the Lake Victoria Goldfields of Tanzania with Northern Mining Explorations ("Explorations Minieres du Nord" or "MDN").

Under the three agreements, MDN will be entitled to earn 100% of Tan Range's underlying interest in licenses PL 1795/01, PL 1846/01 and PL 1757/01, each of which is subject to agreements with third parties. In total, the three licenses comprise an area of approximately 70 square kilometres.

Over the five year period of the option agreement, MDN is required to make staged cash payments to Tan Range, incur at least US $75,000 in exploration expenditures on each license in the first two years, and complete 13,200 metres of diamond drilling on a staged basis on each license over the entire life of the agreement.

Tan Range retains the right to escalating net smelter royalties in commercial production from each license. These royalties are tied to the price of gold and range from 0.5% below $US250 per ounce to a maximum of 2% at $US380 per ounce. In addition, a 2% Gross Overriding Royalty is applicable to all diamond production from each of the licenses.

This agreement represents an extension of the previously announced royalty agreements with Northern Mining covering eight prospecting licenses (696 square kilometers) in the Tulawaka area of Tanzania. Under the earlier agreements, Northern Mining acquired the right to earn 100% of Tan Range's underlying interest in the licenses for an up-front cash payment of $US70,000 plus $US1.6 million in option payments and $US1.5 million in property expenditures over five years. The first year of the agreement called for option payments of $US160,000 and an exploration and development commitment of $US200,000.

Northern Mining must also complete a feasibility study and make a production decision by Dec. 31, 2008 and achieve production within eighteen months or be subject to cash penalties in lieu of royalty payments.

Tan Range retains the right to escalating net smelter royalties in commercial production that are tied to the price of gold and range from 0.5% below $US250 per ounce to a maximum of 2% at $US380 per ounce.

Commenting on the latest agreement, Tan Range Chairman, James E. Sinclair said he was "delighted to see the Company's relationship with Northern Mining grow to encompass new royalty agreements in the Lake Victoria Greenstone belt."

"Our experience with MDN in the Tulawaka area of Tanzania has shown the company to be an outstanding operator and I have the utmost respect for its CEO, Carlos Bertoni and his exploration team."

Mr. Sinclair noted that "given the inventory of mineral licenses currently under evaluation by Tan Range, we will likely see more royalty transactions in the future along with an increase in option payments to the Company and of course exploration expenditures on our properties."

Tan Range presently holds 90 prospecting licenses in Tanzania and is negotiating and applying for additional properties. At the present time, the Company's mineral licenses comprise an area of approximately 5,786 square kilometers.

Applications have been approved for 11 new gold and diamond licenses, representing a further 1,010 square kilometers. In addition, the Company's applications for seven nickel properties were recently accepted and constitute an area of approximately 5,360 square kilometers.

The total area covered by these recently filed applications for gold, diamonds and nickel is around 6,370 square kilometers. In total, the Company's landholdings in Tanzania -- assuming all new applications are granted -- would grow to some 12,156 square kilometers. No guarantee can be made that all these applications will be acted upon favorably, however.

Mr. Sinclair said, "I firmly believe that our shareholders want us to take the risk and be totally committed in our endeavor to build a significant mineral royalty company. I honestly feel that no other company in Tanzania could duplicate our success in acquiring such a high quality land portfolio.

For this reason, management has taken the decision to accelerate exploration on the properties that suit our best interests."

On behalf of the Board of Directors
"James E. Sinclair"
James E. Sinclair
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
For further information, please contact Investor Relations at 1-800-811-3855
Visit the Tan Range website:

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release

Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors - The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits U.S. mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. We use certain terms on this news release, such as "measured", "indicated", and "inferred" "resources" that the SEC guidelines strictly prohibit U.S. registered companies from including in their filings with the SEC. U.S. Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our Form 20-F, File No. 0-50634, which may be secured from us, or from the SEC's website at Filings & Forms
Tan Range Closes New Royalty Agreements with Northern Mining Explorations

7. African Eagle partners with MDN Northern Mining on Msasa gold project, Tanzania

African Eagle Resources PLC said it has signed an option agreement with MDN Northern Mining over the Msasa Gold Project in Tanzania. Under the option, MDN will invest an inital 200,000 usd in exploration, and subject to successful results, can then earn a 51 pct interest in the project by investing a further 1.7 mln usd by January 2010.

African Eagle said MDN can raise its interest to 65 pct by financing a feasibility study with respect to the property.
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Mzee Mwanakijiji,

Tatizo sio kwamba kuna hiyo mikataba. Tatizo ni kuna nini kwenye hiyo mikataba. Maana lazima kuna makubaliano yanayofikiwa kabla ya mtu kupata leseni. Tatizo kubwa lililoko ni kwamba mikataba kati ya serikali yetu na wawekezaji inakuwa ya siri

Bada ya muda, sisi tunajikuta tunanyonywa kishenzi, na kutokana na hali ya makubaliano yenyewe, sheria inamlinda myonyaji. Haki ingekuwa kwamba mikataba yote kati ya serikali na wawekezaji ipitishwe kwanza na bunge kabla serikali haijasaini. Wawakilishi wetu wakubali kwanza kabla ya mkataba kuwa wa kisheria.

Sasa, haki yetu ya kutoingizwa kwenye mikataba inayotuumiza tutaipataje? Itabidi wananchi wajinyakulie haki zao. Viongozi wanaelekea kushirikiana na wawekezaji kunyonya taifa. They seem to be satisfied with a few crumbs from the master's table.

Mwongozo wa CCM, ambao baadhi yetu tulilazimishwa kukariri sehemu ya vipengele vyake, ulisema:
Tumeonewa vya kutosha, tumenyonywa vya kutosha; sasa tunataka kufanya mapinduzi, mapinduzi ambayo yatatufanya tusionewe tena, na tusinyanyaswe tena

Hiyo ilikuwa 1971. Wakati ule, tulikata mirija ya wanyonyaji kwa kukataa wawekezaji. Hatuwezi kufanya hivyo sasa, lakini tunaweza kuwekeana nao mikataba ya haki, isiyo ya unyonyaji. Hilo litahitaji kuondokana kwanza na watu waliojichimbia serikalini ambao ni washirika wa wezi na wanyonyaji wakubwa, na wasio na huruma kabisa, kwa taifa.

Wananchi wetu, karibu wote bado wamelala. Wanagundua dhahabu Morogoro, badala ya wao kuchukua hiyo sehemu, anapewa mtu wa nje, kwa mkataba wa siri. Ilitakiwa prospecting rights wapewe wananchi waliogundua hiyo dhahabu, na kama hawana mtaji wa kuimalizia hiyo kazi, basi waingie ubia na wawekezaji. Lakini kama ni watu ambao hawajaelimika basi hawataelewa hata hilo la ubia.

Augustine Moshi

Nakubaliana na wewe kwa mwendo huu na kasi hii ya kutoa leseni hivi kweli tunapata hata muda wa kuangalia kila kipengele? Hivi sasa kuna makampuni karibu 11 yanayofanya utafiti wa madini na mafuta nchini.. kwanini huwa tunasikia tu pale wakishapewa leseni.. hatujui ni tenda gani hawa walishinda, walishindana na nani, kwanini wao walipewa etc.. Ndo maana miye nimesema haitoshi kuangalia mikataba tu.. wanaoiingiza serikali kwenye mikataba hii wachunguzwe pia
Press Release Source: Currie Rose Resources Inc.

Currie Rose Resources Inc.: Drilling Commences at High Priority Targets Mabale Hills Gold Project, Tanzania
Friday April 18, 8:53 am ET

ST. CATHARINES, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 18, 2008) - Currie Rose Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CUI - News) is pleased to announce that drilling has commenced at the Mabale Hills project in central Tanzania.

The drilling program is expected to consist of approximately 5,000 metres of Rotary Air Blast (RAB) drilling and if successful, 4,000 metres of Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling at the Simba, Dhahabu and Sizu Prospects. (See Mabale Hills location map at

The Project is characterised by steeply dipping, highly deformed banded ironstone formations (BIF's) surrounded by acid volcanics, with granitoids to the west and east. Gold mineralisation has been identified in quartz veins and disseminated in BIF's and cherts. Exploration by the Company has generated a number of significant drill targets including the previous success at the Mwamazengo discovery, the Sisu River anomaly that lies on strike with the +500,000oz Iamgold Kitongo gold discovery and the Dhahabu prospect situated approximately 7km north of Mwamazengo.

The program will drill test a number of anomalies that have coincident geophysical, geochemical and geological signatures. The Simba Prospect is only 700 metres north east of the Mwamazengo and it lies on a fold closure and is a high priority target that if successful will add further scope to the known mineralisation at Dhahabu and Mwamazengo.

The drilling results will be announced over the coming weeks.


Harold Smith, President

The Qualified person for the release of this exploration information is Michael Griffiths MAusIMM, Director of Currie Rose Resources Inc. and Managing Director of Sub-Sahara Resources NL.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Harold Smith
Currie Rose Resources Inc.
(905) 688-9115

Investor Relations
Currie Rose Resources Inc.
(604) 662-4955

Source: Currie Rose Resources Inc.

Lakota Resources announces further excellent results from the diamond drilling at Tembo, Tanzania
Wednesday November 26, 11:30 am ET​


Hole TEMDD005 - 9.80 g/t Au Average over 3.40 metres

TORONTO, Nov. 26 /CNW Telbec/ - Ian F.T. Kennedy, President and CEO of Lakota Resources Inc. (LAK: TSX-V) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the second set of assay results from the diamond drilling program on its Tembo Property. In particular, Hole TEMDD005 most easterly hole in the Northern Zone averaged 9.80 g/t Au Average over 3.40 metres which leaves this Northern Zone open to the east and to depth.

Summary of Drill Results currently available Northern Zone - Drill holes West to East - Zone opening to the east and at depth TEMDD003 72.30 - 79.00 6.70 metres trace g/t Au TEMDD002 67.20 - 68.70 1.50 metres 1.30 g/t Au 69.70 - 71.20 1.50 metre 1.64 g/t Au TEMDD004 87.03 - 91.75 4.72 metres 2.46 g/t Au including 87.03 - 87.25 0.22 metres 6.28 g/t Au TEMDD005 81.94 - 85.34 3.40 metres 9.80 g/t Au Southern Zone - Drill holes West to East - Zone open to the east and at depth TEMDD001 38.50 - 42.00 3.50 metres 10.15 g/t Au The intersections are believed to be close to true width but still have tobe confirmed by more drilling.

The 2008 Tembo diamond drilling program is focussed in an area of recentartisanal gold mining where Lakota had identified three distinct structuresfrom mapping of the rocks and airborne magnetics. These are: 1. A major east-west structure/shear zone. While it is too early to say if this regional E-W shear carries significant gold mineralization as well as the NW crossing structures, it is likely that it has played an important role in the localization of the gold mineralization intersected so far; and, 2. Two distinct, northwest-trending, parallel, mineralized structures 120-150 metres apart that appear to cross the E-W shear zone. For simplicity we are calling these NW structures the Northern and Southern Zones and both remain open along strike. To put the drilling at Tembo in perspective we are finding gold in nativeform in quartz veins and multiple quartz stringers as revealed in theartisanal pickings. We are finding the right alteration zones. We are findingthe principal quartz vein structures from section to section. We have primarystructures noted above. The Tembo NW mineralized structures parallel thestructures found next door at the Bulyanhulu mine. We are finding sulphidesassociated with the quartz, especially in the Northern Zone, but it is tooearly to deduce their tie to the gold mineralization. The results to date, though incomplete, are very encouraging and warrant amajor follow-up drilling program. The Northern Zone is open to the east and at depth. The South Zone is alsoopen to the east, may be open to the west and is open at depth. The appended plan map shows the location of all diamond drill holes isthis drill program. We are currently drilling Hole 11 - TEMDD0011. Northern Zone
Holes TEMDD002 to TEMDD005 were drilled on the Northern Zone where the structure passes through and beneath a large group of artisanal mining pits that were sunk into the bedrock. These holes show this zone is mineralized over at least 180 m of strike and remains open on strike to the east. These holes were drilled before returning to the Southern Zone in anticipation that the seasonal rains would make drilling difficult on the Northern Zone.
Hole TEMDD002 was drilled about 120 metres north of TEMDD001 which was previously-announced (November 3, 200 as 10.15 g/t Au over 3.50 metres. Hole TEMDD003 was drilled some 60 metres to the west of Hole TEMDD002. These holes were drilled at the very western extent of the Northern artisanal surface workings. Their purpose was to ascertain if the Northern Structure could possibly connect a further 250 metres to the west to a line of shallow RC holes drilled by Lakota in 2007 that had modest intersections.
After the main mineralized zone in TEMDD002 from 67.20 - 68.70 which assayed 1.30 g/t Au over 1.50 metres and 69.70 - 71.20 1.64 g/t Au over 1.50 metres there were four more quartz stringer zones 81.1-81.5, at 111.2 and 112.1 and from 132.7-133.0. None of these other intersections have yet been assayed. Each set contained multiple stringers 2-5 cm wide, often with some sulphides on the margins. Fairly consistent dips which suggests they are related to structures of decent extent. The hole from 80 metres to completion at 150 metres was largely basalt flows with several sets of quartz stringer zones. This hole will require further re-examination as we gather more data on the property.

Hole TEMDD003 the most westerly of the Northern Zone encountered 6.7 m of frequent quartz stringers with minor sulphides, FeO and carbonates in a zone of stringer alteration from 72.3-79.0. The assays, as expected, were not significant. Other quartz stringer zones, with trace sulphides, are from 93.1-94.0, 124.6-125.0 and 137.8-142.6. have not yet been assayed. The western extension of the Northern Zone mineralization beyond the limit of the artisanal workings is not yet clear. The lack of artisanal workings between TEMDD003 and the RC holes to the west may be due to a change in plunge or a crossing fault sending the mineralization deeper.
Hole TEMDD004, 65 metres to the east of Hole TEMDD002 indicated 4.72 metres from 87.03 - 91.75 metres averaging 2.46 g/t Au within which is a short intersection of 0.22m from 87-03-87.25 grading 6.28g/t Au.

Hole TEMDD005 60 metres east of TEMDD004 is the most easterly hole in the Northern Zone. Similar to holes TEMDD002 and TEMDD004 it encountered multiple quartz veins with massive sulphides within the host mafic volcanic rocks and averaged 9.80 g/t Au over 3.40 metres from 81.94-85.34 metres down the hole.

These holes show this zone contains significant gold mineralization over at least 120 m of strike and remains open to the east beyond TEMDD005 and to depth. Holes TEMDD008 and TEMDD009 (assays pending) were drilled approximately 30 metres beneath TEMDD002 (60 m west of TEMDD004) and TEMDD004 respectively to test the depth extension of the quartz vein plus sulphides mineralization.
Southern Zone

Hole TEMDD001 (10.15 g/t Au over 3.50 m) was the first hole drilled on the southern zone and targeted the intersection of the regional E-W structure and the southern NW structure.
On the south zone visually similar intersections in TEMDD006 and TEMDD010, 65 m and 130 metres east on strike of TEMDD001, suggests the quartz veining and gold mineralization is primarily related to the NW crossing structure rather than the first interpretation within the E-W structure. The next hole in the program, TEMDD011, will test the strike extension of this zone west of TEMDD001. Note that the projected extension of this zone west from TEMDD001 passes through additional recent artisanal bedrock workings as well as the previously reported (March 27, 2007) intersection of 36.70 g/t Au over 1 metre in RC hole TEMRC056, 200 metres west on strike.

The visual assessment of the intersected geology and assay results received so far are very encouraging and the Company intends to continue diamond drilling to expand the two mineralized zones along strike and to depth, and to determine the nature of individual gold shoots and their possible plunge.
Sampling, Assays and Supervision

At the Tembo camp, samples were marked out by the Company's geologists and the HQ or NQ2 core cut in half with a diamond saw on site. Half of the core was taken as samples with the other half being returned meticulously to the core boxes. Each sample bag was marked with the sample number and a corresponding sample tag enclosed. The bag was sealed and no further preparation was done by the Company. The initial batches of samples contain commercial standards and blanks at a frequency of approximately 10%. These were taken by Company staff to the Mwanza laboratory of SGS African Assay Laboratories for preparation. Reject material from these samples will be returned to the Tembo camp and will be resubmitted as blind duplicates in future sample batches to provide additional quality control.

All analyses were carried out in Mwanza, Tanzania, by SGS African Assay Laboratories using the fire-assay method on a 50 g sample with atomic absorption finish. SGS has a significant backlog of samples for analysis from all over central Africa and the Company has been very fortunate to have had a short turnaround time on the analysis of its samples. Normal turnaround times of analysis at this busy time of year can exceed four weeks. This has meant carefully selecting the highest priority drill core samples to be submitted to SGS for analysis, thereby allowing SGS to fit our limited number of samples into their work flow. This, in turn, has allowed the Company to use the gold analysis to guide its drill program, i.e. away from further drilling at this time on the west end of the North Zone and to follow this Zone eastward. In due course, all of the apparently mineralized drill core from all the holes will be submitted for analysis, including the numerous quartz stringer intersections that have not been sent for analysis in this first pass.
No visible gold has yet been encountered in either Zone so the sample selection process is mostly based on the lithology of the quartz, i.e. it was not immediately obvious that the 3.50 metre intersection of quartz veins and veinlets in our first hole TEMDD001 would run 10.15 g/t Au. When analyses have been received from all the high priority samples as well as subsequent, lower priority samples, it may well be that further zones and lithological or mineralogical associations for the gold at Tembo will be discovered.

Martin Taylor P.Geo, Vice-President Exploration of the Company, supervised the diamond drill program and the reviewed the scientific and technical information contained in this release. Mr. Taylor is the qualified person under National Instrument 43-101.
Background on the TEMBO Drill Program

On October 14, 2008, the Company commenced an initial 2,000 metre diamond drill program of 12 planned holes at the Tembo Project in Tanzania on one of the prime targets for gold in quartz vein mineralisation within the Archaean greenstone sequence. Tembo is contiguous with and six kilometres west of Barrick's Bulyanhulu gold mine. The current program is focussed on the principal area of historic gold workings within the property, in the part of a major regional structure that Lakota has termed the 'sweet spot'. The drill holes are targeting mineralization immediately beneath extensive artisanal workings where local Tanzanian miners have been extracting gold from quartz veins for more than 40 years.

The drill program is focussed on some 400 metres strike of two principal gold-bearing northwest-trending mineralized structures approximately 120 m apart and parallel to the Bulyanhulu trend. These crossing structures intersect a regional E-W zone of shearing and possibly gold-bearing quartz veins within the area of the current drilling program. Structural information from mapping of the artisanal workings plus the interpretation of data from an airborne magnetic survey guided the initial holes on both the northern and southern NW structures. The initial pattern on both zones was of single holes approximately 60 metres apart to establish continuity along strike, followed by one or more deeper cuts to provide an initial three-dimensional assessment. As assays are received the program will be modified as necessary to meet the objective of outlining one or more zones of significant gold mineralization.

About the Company
Lakota Resources Inc. is a junior mineral exploration company. For complete details on the Company, and its partners, management encourages investors and interested parties to view its public documents filed on SEDAR at

For further information
Ian Kennedy, President and CEO, (416) 598-7700
Renmark Financial Communications Inc.: Jeffery Szita:
Henri Perron:
Toronto: (416) 644-2020, Fax: (416) 644-2021
Montreal: (514) 939-3989, Fax: (514) 939-3717
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