Negative effects of being too positive


New Member
Aug 14, 2021
We are often told to be positive! Be positive! about anything. Even though it is a great strategy to make life a bit easier and the state of mind at ease over time you get to see the negative effects of this strategy. We suppress the negative emotions because the knowledge that has been passed down generation to generation is that a "positive mind attracts a positive life". I do not disagree with this statement because it is true to some extent.. This knowledge neglects some few things that I think I had to learn the hardest way and it is not a knowledge that I am willing to pass down to other generations.

Feel your emotions. Feel every emotion be it positive or negative. Feel it all. and ask yourself these questions, why am I feeling like this? Where are the emotions coming from? Why did I allow myself to let these emotions get to me? What should I do to let these emotions go?

We often bring in positive thoughts in mind soon after a negative experience without being aware that the negative emotions were not acknowledged, they were only suppressed and any particular moment they will explode. Think about it this way, when you have an argument with someone else other than yourself how do you reach consensus? It is my communicating and reaching a common ground. We should then have the same conversations with ourselves and it should be the most honest conversation you will have because only through that will you be able to open the door towards positivity and heal completely.

You cannot create a positive life if you are not honest with yourself. Allow the positivity to flow and not be forced. Positivity will flow into your life only if you accept every experience you face in day to day life. The negatives in life are inevitable because there are other people, other factors that you have no control over and will not always align with who you are only through acknowledging these people and factors will you be able to gain permanent power that will produce you with positive emotions even if the same experience repeats it's self.

You were not meant to live a positive life all the time. Life challenges and negative experience are needed in life because they make us stronger. You will not have anything positive without going through the negative. You want a good life? You have to get a job. You want a good body? You have to go to the gym? You want to create boundaries? You have to make a lot of people mad. Life is like that. So stop suppressing your negative emotions you become stronger by feeling them.

Be true to who you are. Always! NAMASTE.
I totally agree with you. We need to experience both, the negative and positive emotions. Try to be positive all the time is self deception.
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