Mwanamke wa Uingreza, afanyishwa ngono kwa miaka 13, kwa kutekwa

Kikwajuni One

JF-Expert Member
Mar 18, 2013
British woman 'sex slave for 13 years'

Victims of slavery can be British - the story of one such woman is told in the memoir Secret Slave. Under the pseudonym Anna Ruston, she writes about meeting a taxi driver she calls Malik when she was 15.

He was kind to her but when she went to his house expecting to meet his family, she was held captive and subjected to sadistic sexual and psychological abuse for the next 13 years. Eventually she managed to escape.

She says the police later asked her to give a statement, but she refused because she feared for her life.

She speaks to our reporter Samantha Haque - her words revoiced to protect her identity.

Source: BBC
Hapo ndo utajua muujiza wa hizo papuchi yaan bado ukijakuzama huwezi kufahamu kuwa ni used kiasi hicho na kama ni mzuri ndo anazidi pendeza . ......pole yake. ...
Mbona watu wanafanya ukahaba tangu ujana hadi uzeeni na wateja wa papuchi wanaendelea kuflow ni kweli hiyo kitu haina expire date
Sasa anasita nn kuwataarifu police

Hadithi zingine.bhana

Miaka 13 si.kasha kuwa mmewe tayar-
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