SoC01 Medical Personnels are human after all!

Stories of Change - 2021 Competition

Nanaa Elly

New Member
Jul 25, 2021
Medical personnels… be it doctors, nurses, lab assistants you name it... Are humans just like the rest of the people on this planet earth.They have feelings meaning they get hurt, they need time to rest when they are tired, and they need to be treated with respect just like the rest of the people need to.

I wanted to create awareness regarding this matter because currently… it has become a norm to treat medical personnels like they are robots or work machines only that they are there to be trampled on by just anyone, being accused and so forth starting from the patient’s relatives and the people with power. Imagine they are blamed even when the electricity goes off…but come on it’s not their job is it! The hospital is run by a lot people with different qualifications coming together as a team. Some people even go extra miles to blame them even for their poor social status of their families at the time of in need but that has nothing to do with them does it? It’s only natural that you pay up for the services given to you or your relatives so that the hospitals can be ran. So let’s not channel the blame to the medical personnels for things that they are not responsible for.

Mind you when the these people went to school they learnt how to treat and care for the sick. They took an oath to treat patients and not to take human life. But before they care for the sick, it’s only right that they should be emotionally stable so that they don’t make wrong decisions regarding the patients. I have seen people tell medical personnels that they killed their relatives…yes blunt like that! That they didn’t take correct measurements in treating their relatives and hence causing their death, I have witnessed people trying to beat up medical personnels and they don’t stop there they even tell on them to the higher officials...The government officials...Who are so quick to judge!

And guess what these officials do…they label the medical personnels, they say all kinds of hurtful words...Some are fired and the luck ones keep their jobs but their salaries are cut off...Imagine the small amount that they get being cut off in half and sometimes a quarter for 3 years or so! And they don’t even try to get to the bottom of the accusations. They tell them what to do when patients arrive, they want them to follow their rules just because they are in power…but remember these people went to school …some for 5 years plus, some for 4 years please give them the benefit of the doubt to show you what they are capable of doing without you interuppting them.

Furthermore whenever people in power have sick relatives other patients are invisible…why though? Why should it be like that? Am sure they learn to treat all patients the same whether they have money or not…whether they are in power or not…they are all patients before their eyes, so please don’t make them segregate patients.

Mind you they work seven days a week, they don’t get enough time to rest, they don’t have enough time to hang out with their families or friends…and remember they do have families and friends but they are okay with putting patient’s care first. It is okay because they chose this line of work…because they wanted to make sure you get the right treatment and care when you or your relatives are sick, so try putting yourselves in their shoes and learn to appreciate what they do even if it’s just so little and you feel like nothing has been done.

Like I said before…they are humans and everybody has bad days and good days…there are days that that you are all smiles and there are days that you are groomy, it’s the same for them as well but though they try very hard to show their happy faces. Let’s try to understand them and tell them that it’s very okay at times to show there weakness because they are human after all, just like the rest of us.

And let’s try to treat each other just like the way you would like to be treated…with respect.

Thanks very much, God bless.

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