Measures against Stigma and Elimination of the Albino Scourge

Filosofia ya Rorya

JF-Expert Member
Sep 20, 2021
Separate legislation to guard rights of Albinos in their specificy; including those of non-albinos also embedded in Albinos’ [double advantage for Albinos].
Deliberate concerted efforts by society should bring to practical existence of separate law for protecting Albinos. With their peculiarity in terms of dermatological and optical disability, they do not deserve being mingled with non-albinos in available laws which have flopped to provide protection for them. Available general laws have somewhat given loopholes for deviation from the norm of the severity of the laws in putting to control this human cruelty on Albinos.

Census of Albinos must be an annual event and their location identified and status unveiled.
Census is the only appropriate tool to determine whereabouts, demographic density and status for Albinos in the society. This will help the State to plan for their management and support. An annual census for Albinos is highly imperative given the pace of their massacre which is relatively almost equal to that of forestry Goliaths [jumbos].

Albinos should be given first priority in activities and services that they can do and deserve and non-albinos second priority.
To hearten this segment, it is recommended that those with Albinism should be given special attention and first priority in all points of service delivery in the society. Whether this means passing job interview with exception of passing academic examination only. This should also go hand in hand with provision for aiding materials for those employed in different offices to enable them deliver what is required of them by their employers. Some employers have avoided employing Albinos despite their great intelligence and expertise for some of them; simply because of fear for their needs in terms of security against human-beasts hunting them 24 hours round the clock but also because of their needs for special care given their disability requirements and conditions.

Free access to social services. State must subsidize these services for Albinos. Families with Albinos will be saved from the burden of caring for them and even address the problem of seclusion against Albinos and their families.
The society advisably should start legalizing free access to services for people with albinism. This will compliment their family efforts to care for them but also will boost their families’ coffers and allow them time to engage in productive activities. It is obvious that if free access to social services for Albinos is permitted, most families will set them free from confinement and release them for schools, medical facilities e.t.c even though under tight security and the results for this action will be profound for national development as unique potentials that are in them [Albinos] will be developed and utilized for the benefit of society at large.

Establish a dedicated tribunal, desks, directorate or department for people with albinism in all relevant government entities e.g. police, court, health, social welfare e.t.c.
Lack of dedicated units refereeing for Albinos has magnified their plight to extents of requiring magnified solutions for their plight. As of now, Albinos are seen competing with non-albinos in places of service delivery which definitely is contrary to modern civilization and the intent and efforts to preserve them. The fact that no one has ever begged God for albinism should not compel Albinos to beg for individualized support and care which society should give them willingly without question. As was done for child molestation and women battery by desks being established in Police stations, the same efforts should as well ensure establishment of a dedicated tribunals for hearing Albinos’ petitions for crimes committed on them.

Strengthen public awareness on Albinos being real human beings.
The public must be sensitized on the truth that Albinos are human beings just like non-albinos are and not otherwise of that. There is nothing peculiar in Albinos and non-albinos for humanity than disability only ceteris paribus. Every societal man and woman must be the broker and or messenger for this noble campaign and not leave it just alone for the leaders. Every one of us has the duty and responsibility to fulfil to plug this knowledge gap on Albinos; brought about by conflicting perceptions which are driving society crazy beyond belief.

Waive some expensive taxes or introduce a special reward package for parents who bear Albinos.
The societies should undertake to waive some taxes for parents and or guardians [not all family members] nursing Albinos. This first will restore their dignity and also help them not lose face in the public merely for bearing or nursing an Albino. It will too bring courage to those preparing to bear and nurse an Albino. This being a special case and since Albinos are not big in number population wise, society can afford to establish some reward package for parents or guardians of an Albino to seduce those hiding them backdoors to come forward in the open for moral and in-kind support from the public.

All whistleblowers on Albino killers should not be disclosed under any circumstance including that of court proceeding or Police investigation.
International convention on whistleblower protection must be adhered to when handling cases of Albino bloodbath. Some members of society have not been willing to cooperate in this fight to subdue Albino atrocity just for fear of non implementation of this convention. Some societies have tried giving rewards to those ready to cooperate but still this methodology has not brought expected results just because whistleblowers fear being exposed and the suspects retaliate on them. Despite confidentiality not being exercised, in some instances and scenes secret opinion ballots on Albino assassins have recorded remarkable success.

Institutionalize both legal and cultural rights to ownership/inheritance of the property.
Abhor all cultural and legal barriers for Albinos to inherit a property. Some cultures and even families on their own accord have denied Albinos to inherit a property and have seen them as strangers though they are born of the same families and cultures. Since some Albinos have not been lucky enough to enter matrimony and establish their own families and property and since some of them have never been to schools of formal education system to enable them being able to be employed, the fateful families and cultures have regarded them as the ticks that want to siphon little available property through so called right to inherit a property, and this is where majority of Albinos in this category of culture and family have been terrorized to face death or abandonment. So pitiful!

Declare Albino killing a terror act.
The society must now on declare the act of Albino slaughter a terror offence. The law for fighting terrorism must undergo the process of review to encompass Albino brutality of any form be it physical assault for bodily harm or stigma torture. As said earlier, it is possible that their mass killings statistically might be higher than that for their births which are subject to medical conditions.

Displacement of endangered Albinos.
Consider displacing Albinos from places of rampant killings which are blessed with precious natural resources to safer havens where such natural resources are not endowed. This should go hand in hand with security-fortification of these safer havens and quarantined for illegal access by ill motive men. In these areas, Albinos should be empowered to engage in productive activities whose income should finance national budgets which in turn used to allocate resources for the security of these havens. Through available national development initiatives, these people can be engaged in both micro and macroeconomic undertakings in the forms of commerce and agriculture.

Change the style of court trial for Albino killers.
It is high time now that society must take serious stance in handling murder cases for Albino killers. The book suggests that now on, the courts of law should handle such proceedings in an open and transparent approach and not the current in-camera style. By open court, it is suggested that all proceedings of this nature must be live-televised to both national and international audience to depict serious concern by society over this shameful scourge which mercilessly is undressing it. When judgement for execution is delivered by order of the court of competent jurisdiction, the real action of execution should advisably be live-televised to the world. The approach has worked positively to reduce offences whose verdicts are execution in the West.

Personal security by Albinos.
Albinos should be equipped with fire arms to compliment society/government efforts to protect them. If their killers possess arms to protect themselves and enable them succeed their illicit missions why not Albinos? Where do these killers get such right and not Albinos? Is any available law for personal security discriminating Albinos? Right of self defence starts with the person him/herself before seeking for help from wider spectrum. It begins with you first whether in the form of initial alert by way of screaming, renegade or attempt to resist or fight back the real threat.

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