Malawi's Banda courts Tanzania President on disputed lake


JF-Expert Member
Mar 8, 2008
Gazeti maarufu la Malawi la Nyasa Times limeandika kuwa rais wao madame banda yuko njiani kuelekea msumbiji kukutana na Rais kikwete kujadili mgogoro wa mipaka katika ziwa nyasa, inaripotiwa zaidi kuwa waziri wa mambo ya nje wa Malawi ameapa kuwa Malawi kamwe haitasitisha utafiti katika ziwa Nyasa kama inavyotaka Tanzania, na ni kweli utafiti unaendelea na ndege zinaruka kama ilivyoripoti radio ya wapo.

Mbaya zaidi wamalawi wanatoa maoni ya kuwatukana watanzania kama vile wataifa, half arabs, semi swahili academicians, etc, imeniudhi sana. Kwa upande mwingine nawalaumu sana Lowassa, Sitta na membe kwa kutoa maneno ya kejeli yaliyowa-provoke zaidi wamalawi.

Huu ni wakati wa kuwa na viongozi wenye busara, na wote ambao mpaka sasa hivi wameshalikoroga kwenye hili swala ni vema wakae pembeni.

Malawi President Joyce Banda leaves the country on Wednesday for Maputo, Mozambique for a SADC summit but Nyasa Times understands that she is also due to hold talks with Tanzania's President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete on the disputed border in Lake Malawi

Mozambique hosts the 32nd Summit of Heads of State and Government of SADC in its capital city Maputo on August 17 and 18 which President Banda will attend.

SADC member states Angola (current chair), Botswana, the DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar (suspended), Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe are expected to focus on hot-spots - Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

On the sidelines of the summit, Nyasa Timessources indicate that President Banda will meet Tanzania's leader to hold "diplomatic talks" in a bid to ease tensions between the two countries.

Tanzania claims that 50 percent of the lake, which forms its border with Malawi, is part of its territory.

"There will be a meeting of our President and her Tanzanian counterpart in Maputo. This will be a high level diplomatic talks," a source in the Malawi High Commission in Dar es Salaam said.

Another round of talks on ministerial level has been scheduled in the northern Malawian town of Mzuzu on August 20.

Tanzania demands Malawi to stop oil exploration in the northeast part of the lake to pave way for the ongoing discussions to resolve the crisis.

But Malawi Foreign Affairs Minister, Empraim Mganda Chiume, said the country will not halt exploration activities even in the face of war threats from Tanzania, saying the entire lake belongs to Malawi.

Last October, Malawi awarded oil exploration licences to UK-based Surestream Petroleum to search for oil in Lake Malawi.

In Tanzania, the lake is called Lake Nyasa, which is taken from Malawi's colonial name.

Usiogope mkuu hakuna walichoharibu akina lowasa, kiongozi lazima aonyeshe msimamo wake. Pia ujue ni ngumu sana kuzuia wamalawi wasiseme, na ktk hii hali ya kila mtu kuvutia kwake usitemee maneno yote yawe mazuri.
Ha ha ha i read their comments (Malawian) they seems bitter man!....why don't we all get along...
The leadership in both countries must be made to desist from fueling tension and hatred between the brotherly and sisterly peoples of Malawi and Tanzania ..They all must be forced by public pressure to accept the only sensible 20th century solution to the territorial dispute... adhering to the terms of the " the 1982 UN Convention on Law of the Sea that stipulates that in case nations are bordered by a water body (sea or lake), the border of the two nations will always be on the middle of the water body." We should NOT encourage our already power intoxicated and arrogant political leaders to beat war drums and adopt an hypocritical national jingoistic stance to hide their singular lack of patriotism in managing our natural resources, such as minerals including gas and oil... How can one fight a war successfully when ones' teachers and doctors have been drive into despair and are indeed on a warpath with the governmen. When Nyerere led the war against Iddi Amin the national was relatively united behind a national hero, Mwalimu Nyerere, whose integrity was impeccable. War under the leadership of an unethical assortment of self-seeking primitive accumulation Machiavellian dilettante would be a disaster!
Mwl. Lwaitama
Sitaki kuendelea kusoma comments zao kwa kuwa wanatudhihaki kiasi cha kutosha. Sitaki kusema mengi ila nimepandisha mori ya bhita.
mimi ninawashangaa sana viongozi wa malawi;Hivi ni kwa nini waendelee kufanya utafiti wakati majadiliano hayaisha?ni kwa nini viongozi wa malawi waseme hakuna eneo la ziwa litachukuliwa na Tz na wakati huo wanasema tutatue mgogoro kwa majadiliano?This is really contradiction!!sasa kama hutakubaliana na maamuzi(in case kama ni kugawana) unakaa kujadili nini?
Kwa lugha nyingine ni kuwa wamalawi hawahitaji majadiliano.Hivyo nakubaliana na onyo zilizotolewa na viongozi wetu(sitta,membe na lowasa)

Na wewe mleta mada sikubaliana na maoni,hata hivyo nimeshindwa kukuelewa una tetea nini.......
Waache waongee, watukane, wakejeli n.k; mama yao anataka kuolewa na watanzania, ataolewa kweli....... Tena ikibidi watoe na kampuni yao ya Malawi cargo waliyojenga pale Mbeya maeneo ya Iyunga.
Usiogope mkuu hakuna walichoharibu akina lowasa, kiongozi lazima aonyeshe msimamo wake. Pia ujue ni ngumu sana kuzuia wamalawi wasiseme, na ktk hii hali ya kila mtu kuvutia kwake usitemee maneno yote yawe mazuri.

sawasawa mkuu Lowassa mi hata sijaona tatizo alilolifanya.
Wamalawi ni kama business partner who says bei yangu haishuki lakini njoo tuongee. Kama wao wana msimamo wafanye kama Uingereza na Falklands, no discussion. They cant do this cause they are weak.
Romance is a good tool around to shape the course of a war.But i wonder who will be more influential.Mama kaonyesha njia huwa anajisahau kuwa ni head of state by bowing before the Queen.Why not to our president?
mimi bado nafikiria semi swahili academicians hivi hawa wanyasa wana maanisha nini?
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