Main opposition party (CHADEMA) has already given up on the idea of showing Magufuli for who he truly was


JF-Expert Member
May 20, 2015
Only those of us who truly knew him will remember him as being the sadist he was. A power-hungry man who was willing to shoot his own fellow soldiers to gain power. A man willing to play with the hunger of the poor to gain support and ultimately power. A man willing to turn half a country into his scapegoat to have the other half fear them and seek his guidance.

Magufuli wasn't a great man. He wasn't a leader. He was a professional sweet talker.

But sadly and much to our misfortune, most of the blind people doesn't see him like that. They see him as the champion of the poor, a dreamer, a poor man who rose through power in lieu of his desire to help his country, a revolutionary, a great strategist, etc. In contrast, they'll blame the aweful results of his revolution on his successor, a mad heir who lost her mind.

This idea of him has already been ratified, both by old Magufulist and by the rest of the Tanzanians. In Tanzania ex-Magufulist still defend him to death but they've simply resigned to the fact he's gone and won't come back. They defend their actions by saying things like “I'm a Mwendazakelist, not a Msogalist”. They already blame failure of Mgufulism on Samia.

Even the main opposition party has already given up on the idea of showing Magufuli for who he truly was. Nowadays they've realized they won't be able to change the minds of millions indoctrinated Magufulist, so they're best shot is to go with idea that Samia ruined the revolution. At least that way they don't risk losing progress as indeed Magufuli is not coming back from the dead.

The rest of the citizens seems to have gone with this same idea.

Mind games, purely stupid mind games.

Why do you want Chadema to talk about Magufuli evils today even if he is not around? or may be we don't have other challenges which face us today?

Listen, we are not dead like Magufuli, keep talking about that dead man shows that your mind is dead too, mine is not!

I know, you are here to defend the weakness of walamba asali by using past Magufuli's act as a shield, especially this time that Lema said your mama is actually worse than Magufuli, that is the naked truth fella, live with it.
You're just a pathetic loser who thinks backwards and can't get out the past because of your low thinking capacity. You're stuck with Magufuli (rip) instead of dealing with burning current issues.
Kwa akili za namna wala hatuwezi kuendelea.
Magufuli is gone forever...

Jikiteni kutatua kero kubwa kwa sasa kama mgao wa umeme, mfumuko wa bei...

kuendelea kukwepa uwajibikaji kwa kujificha kwenye makosa ya JPM hakutawasidia nyie walamba asali.
Only those of us who truly knew him will remember him as being the sadist he was. A power-hungry man who was willing to shoot his own fellow soldiers to gain power. A man willing to play with the hunger of the poor to gain support and ultimately power...
Mkuu Burita, britanicca , itoshe sasa mwacheni Blaza apumzike!, after all kwa sasa yuko pema peponi! Voices From Within: Je, wajua yuko Peponi, Mbinguni, Kwa Baba yake? Why kumshutumu, kumsakama na kumsimanga? Aachwe apumzike kwa amani
After losing a battle within Tanzania, you're now trying to talk to international bodies for help.

We were all present during JPM leadership. Your story is manmade, and it is not true at all. Magufuli was a true hero of Africa.

He wanted change poor mind sets like yours to strategic one.
I will remain to here to correct those who try to mislead others.

Don't ever fool others because you were touched for living fake life.
Only those of us who truly knew him will remember him as being the sadist he was. A power-hungry man who was willing to shoot his own fellow soldiers to gain power...
Ni sisi tu tuliomjua kweli tutakayemkumbuka kuwa alikuwa mnyonge. Mtu mwenye uchu wa madaraka ambaye alikuwa tayari kuwapiga risasi askari wenzake ili apate madaraka. Mtu aliye tayari kucheza na njaa ya maskini ili kupata kuungwa mkono na hatimaye madaraka. Mtu aliye tayari kugeuza nusu ya nchi kuwa mbuzi wa Azazeli ili kuwaogopa na kutafuta mwongozo wake.

Magufuli hakuwa mtu mkuu. Hakuwa kiongozi. Alikuwa mtaalamu mzungumzaji mtamu. Lakini cha kusikitisha na cha kusikitisha kwetu ni kwamba, vipofu wengi hawamuoni hivyo. Wanamwona kama bingwa wa masikini, mwotaji, mtu masikini aliyepanda madarakani badala ya hamu yake ya kusaidia nchi yake, mwanamapinduzi, mwanamkakati mkuu n.k.

Kinyume chake, watalaumu matokeo ya kutisha ya mapinduzi yake juu ya mrithi wake, mrithi wazimu ambaye alipoteza akili yake. Hili wazo la yeye tayari limeridhiwa na mzee Magufulist na watanzania wengine. Nchini Tanzania aliyekuwa Magufuli bado anamtetea hadi kufa lakini wamejiuzulu kwa ukweli kwamba amekwenda na hatarudi tena. Wanatetea matendo yao kwa kusema “mimi ni Mwendazakelist, si Msogalist”.

Tayari wanalaumu kushindwa kwa Mgufulism kwa Samia. Hata chama kikuu cha upinzani tayari kimekata tamaa ya kumuonyesha Magufuli jinsi alivyokuwa. Siku hizi wamegundua hawataweza kubadili fikra za mamilioni waliofunzwa Magufulist, hivyo bora kupigwa risasi ni kwenda na mawazo kuwa Samia aliharibu mapinduzi. Angalau kwa njia hiyo hawajihatarishi kupoteza maendeleo kwani kweli Magufuli harudi kutoka kwa wafu. Wananchi wengine wanaonekana wamekwenda na wazo hili hili. britanicca

Even the main opposition party has already given up on the idea of showing Magufuli for who he truly was.
Waonyeshe JPM who he trully was, what for?

We live for now, let bygone be bygone!. Wanaendelea kumzungumzia JPM ni wasio jitambua!, wanaojitambua wote wanazungumzia ya sasa yaliyopo na yajayo.

Hii maana yake ni Chadema sasa wanajitambua!
Only those of us who truly knew him will remember him as being the sadist he was. A power-hungry man who was willing to shoot his own fellow soldiers to gain power...
Hey guy! Your topic is to speak about JPM weakness but can you show us the strength of CHADEMA since JPM passed away and also you are likely to see Samia doing well than Magufuli but you don't remember in democracy situation nothing changed!

But for CHADEMA side you have to know blaming on JPM every day like Heche does nothing will change but most of the society will see your part is under stupid leaders.

CHADEMA should talk about the current issues like shortage of water supply,electrical problem,medical and other social problems the community face every day!

But nowadays your reputation you built for long time has changed and you have became a party of just blaming JPM!

CHADEMA if you can't change your mindset up on political issues in our country expect nothing to achieve! Good morning!
Only those of us who truly knew him will remember him as being the sadist he was. A power-hungry man who was willing to shoot his own fellow soldiers to gain power...
Unaacha kuongelea namna umeme wa uhakika unavyoweza kupatikana,unaacha kuongelea namna maji ya uhakika yanavyoweza kupatikana, unaancha kuongelea namna ya kuwasaidia wakulima, namna ya kushusha gharama za maisha etc then unakuja na upupu wa kuongea kingeleza kumsakama marehemu ambaye hawezi kujitetea.

JPM alishakufa alikufaje Mungu anajua .si umefaidika na kifo chake. Ebu ficha upumbavu wako.akili ndogo kabisa hizo.acha kuabudu mizimu
Only those of us who truly knew him will remember him as being the sadist he was. A power-hungry man who was willing to shoot his own fellow soldiers to gain power...
That's not true at all, why are you forcing the narrative that without JPM supporters you can't win big? Samia is anti JPM so is the official opposition meaning neither Chadema nor Samia has anything to lose from JPM supporters.

What I can forecast is a low voter turnout but with the recent CCM Failures, Chadema shall focus on the weaknesses of CCM to win votes but not to appease JPM supporters.

So in 2025 the issues facing the common man will be the center of the election not JPM because neither CCM not Chadema supporters need the support of JPM lunatics. Mind you, in politics it's a matter of perception and if you recall Lissu was able to win over 2 Million sympathizers the last election meaning the number will only go higher as Samia is an obvious failure.

Bottom line is that JPM is no more and he's irrelevant in the upcoming election UNLESS he had a political party running parallel with CCM and Chadema
Wapumbafu ni wengi duniani kwa kweli!! Unaacha kuongelea namna umeme wa uhakika unavyoweza kupatikana,unaacha kuongelea namna maji ya uhakika yanavyoweza kupatikana,unaancha kuongelea namna ya kuwasaidia wakulima,namna ya kushusha gharama za maisha etc then unakuja na upupu wa kuongea kingeleza kumsakama marehemu ambaye hawezi kujitetea.JPM alishakufa alikufaje Mungu anajua .si umefaidika na kifo chake. Ebu ficha upumbavu wako.akili ndogo kabisa hizo.acha kuabudu mizimu
Mbona mtoa mada kasema watu wamemchafua JPM wameshindwa!! Au tumesoma Makala tofauti?
Only those of us who truly knew him will remember him as being the sadist he was. A power-hungry man who was willing to shoot his own fellow soldiers to gain power...
As long as you are among the Century Stupidiest Man!

Let those of your kind support you on such a stupidiest thread of week.

Magufuli (R.I.P).
Was and Still is remainig to be.... Our
Decade's Hero in Tanzania Ever Happened Before!

Kila ukilala Njaa unaamka na .Machungu ya kutumbuliwa nae!

Utakufa ukiwa umeteseka sana!
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