Kumbe UDSM ina miaka 40 tu; Hii 50 imetoka wapi?

Mzee Mwanakijiji

Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2006
Katika pita pita zangu nikakutana na hotuba hii ya Rais wa Tanzania Mwl Julius Nyerere; utangulizi wake unasema hivi (msisitizo mweusi wangu):

In the presence of a very large crowd of workers and peastants, as well as staff and students, the University was inaugurated on 29 August 1970, at a colourful open air ceremony on the University campus about eight miles from the centre of Dar-es-Salaam. The President, speaking as Chancellor of the University, used the opportunity to discuss the function of a university and the meaning of the relevance which was frequently demanded of it.

Hotuba yenyewe ilianza hivi:

It is with great pleasure that I have come to this campus today to preside over the formal inauguration of the University of Dar-es-Salaam. On the good foundation built by the University College of Dar-es-Salaam, which was a constituent part of the University of East Africa, we are now embarking upon our independent existence as a University.

This is therefore, an occasion for rejoicing. It is also an occasion which calls for re-dedication and renewed endeavor by all those involved. For it is now our responsibility to shape this institution so that it gives the maximum service to the people of Tanzania and their socialist objectives.

To do this effectively, however, it is first necessary that we should be clear in our own minds about the function of a university in the modern world, and about the particular tasks of the first university in Tanzania....

Kutoka (J.K. Nyerere, Freedom and Development, 192;1973)

Sasa, kwa mwanga huu na uelewa huu kuwa Chuo Kikuu cha Dar-es-Salaam kama tunavyokijua sasa kilianza rasmi Augusti 29, 1970.. kwanini tunasherehekea miaka 50 wakati University College of Dar-es-Salaam (kilichoanza Juni 1961) kilidumu kwa chini ya miaka kumi tu? Labda nimekosea, tungemuuliza leo Baba wa Taifa UDSM ilianza lini rasmi kweli angesema ni 1961? Hadi historia tunachakachua?
nani anasoma tanzania? Wanataka dr kipeuo cha pili apate ujiko akipreside occation ile.pumbaf
Sasa wasomi "nguli" wakichakachua kakosa kadogo kama hako ka-historia unategemea nchi hii itatoka kwenye umaskini kwa kutumia mawazo yao ?...wanaabisha hadhi ya UDSM

Wewe Mzee Mwanakijiji ukisilimu leo na kupewa jina jipya la Hussein, ina maana umri wako utaanza kuhesabiwa pale jina jipya lilipoanza? UDSM (officially DAR) inatimiza miaka 50, hayo mengine ni mabadiliko ya majina tu.
Ni miaka 50, tangu kilipoanza pale Lumumba. Kilele cha sherehe ni mwakani, 2011. Jivunie nchi yako 'Plato', mkataa kwao ni 'MTUMWA' kama umejaliwa kusomea nje mshukuru Mola, usitoe kejeli.
Kwa mfano Ardhi University ina UMRI gani? Ni tangu UCLAS au Ardhi Institute?
Chuo kikuu cha Dar es Salaam kina miaka 5O kama chuo kikuu, ingawa jina la University of Dar es Salaam lilianza rasmi miaka 40 iliyopita; kilianza kikiwa kinajulikana kama Dar es Salaam University College of East Africa. Vyuo vikuu vingi huanza kwa jina jingine na baadaye hubadilisha majina hatua kwa hatua; ni tofauti na Chuo kinachoanza kama high school halafu baadaye kugeuka kuwa Chuo Kikuu; historia ya chuo cha namna hiyo itaanza wakati kilipogeuka kuwa chuo kikuu siyo wakati kilipoanza kama high school. Vyuo vingi vya serikali USA vina historia za namna hiyo kama ya UDSM. Angalia mfano wa historia ya North Carolina State

More than a century after its establishment as a land-grant institution in 1887, North Carolina State University continues to follow the mission upon which it was founded -to provide teaching, research, and extension services to the people of North Carolina.
Founded in 1887, NC State-then known as the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts-began classes in the fall of 1889 with 72 students, six faculty, and one building. Today the university has more than 31,000 students, 8,000 faculty and staff and more than 700 buildings.

In the early 1900s, two federal programs sparked a new era in extension and outreach work at the college. An agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1909 led to what is now known as the 4-H program. The passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914 enabled land-grant colleges to establish state, county, and local extension programs to further support their existing demonstration work, leading North Carolina to establish the Cooperative Agricultural Extension Service at State College.

Although the term "State College" had been in use for years, the broadening of the school's teaching, research, and extension activities led the Board of Trustees to officially adopt the name. By the 1920s, State College was beginning to grow beyond its original agriculture and mechanical focus, adding schools of engineering, science and business, textiles, education, and a graduate school.

The Depression brought on economic challenges for higher education throughout the state, but as the Depression slowly receded, the college renewed its growth in numbers of students and development of programs. The onset of World War II brought with it more changes for the university, namely lower enrollments and reductions in programs.
Despite these difficulties, State College made contributions to the war effort by hosting a number of military detachments and training exercises, and refitting the work of several departments and programs to military and defense purposes. The campus experienced unparalleled growth during the postwar years as the G.I. Bill brought thousands of former servicemen to campus.

In the following decades, the college continued to expand its curricula, creating schools of design, forestry, physical science and mathematics, and humanities and social sciences. During these years of growth, the name was changed again, this time to North Carolina State University at Raleigh.

The university celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1987, which also saw the creation of Centennial Campus, which brings together university and corporate leaders to engage in teaching, research and economic development
Known as the "People's University," NC State has developed into a vital educational and economic resource, and a wealth of university outreach and extension programs provide services and education to all sectors of the state's economy and its citizens.

Consistently ranked a national best value and among the nation's top 40 public universities, NC State is an active and vital part of North Carolina life.

Kwa mfano Ardhi University ina UMRI gani? Ni tangu UCLAS au Ardhi Institute?

Historia ya Chuo Kikuu cha Ardhi inaanza pale kilipokuwa chuo kikuu siyo wakati kikiwa Ardhi institute, similarly, historia ya Mzumbe University inaanza pale kilipoanza kuwa University, siyo wakati wa IDM.

Baadaye nitaleta mifano ya vyuo vilivyokua kutoa chuo kidogo hadi kuwa chuo kikuu kuonyesha namna vionavyorekodi historia zao.
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