Elections 2010 Jenerali Ulimwengu: CCM Wamejifunga Magoli


JF-Expert Member
Mar 31, 2007
CCM's hat-trick of own goals a unique feat, but surely the team manager needs to go

By Jenerali Ulimwengu
Monday, November 8 2010

In soccerspeak, when a player scores two goals in a single match, they call it a brace, and when he scores three goals, it's called a hat-trick, a rare feat that allows him to walk away with the match ball after the final whistle.

When a player puts the ball, usually unintentionally, into his own team's goal, they call it an own goal, a very sad occurrence that leaves the unfortunate player with egg all over his face.

In most cases, the player's mates will surround him and assure him they understand and sympathise, it was not his fault, the defence was under too much pressure, etc.

But the stigma is indelible as it is usually printed on all scorecards with the name of the player, the time when the goal was scored and the inscription (o g) in brackets.

Now, if a player managed to combine the two concepts in one match, that is to say, to score a hat-trick that consists of own goals - such a player would be considered a paid agent of the rival team.

It's impossible to contemplate a team manager who will allow a player to stay on the pitch beyond a brace of own goals.

Many managers would substitute the player who scored an own goal, but will surely remove him when he "gets" two such goals.

I do not know the player responsible for this, and I don't know if this is some team strategy, but the ruling party in Tanzania, CCM, seems determined to continue scoring as many hat-tricks of own goals in every match they play, until one day some discerning referee steps in and tells this team they are bringing the game into disrepute.

Consider the elections that have just concluded, in which CCM once again won a huge majority without necessarily producing a feel-good atmosphere within the ruling party.

It's a good result for the party for the time being, but one that is full of indicators that the future could be tricky.

To understand this, one has to recall that the ruling party conducted an extremely rich campaign, completely disproportional to what the opposition parties could muster: The billboards, the posters and placards, the three helicopters, the clothing articles such as T-shirts, khangas and caps, the travelling circuses of clowns and crooners, all pointed to a party that has access to some very deep pockets running against itself, for even the Goliath vs David imagery just don't begin, as the Yanks would put it.

So how come this mighty and rich party allowed so many crucial seats to go to the Lazarus opposition parties, which have managed to send to parliament some of the most vocal, and potentially most damaging (to CCM) elements in public life?

The answer is in the major hat-trick that the ruling party kicked into its own goal, beginning with that fateful decision in 1995 to reject one Willibrod Slaa as a parliamentary candidate in favour of Mkapa's friend.

The second own goal was when that party refused, despite persistent advice from its founder Julius Nyerere, to allow independent candidacy, forcing Slaa to join another party and go on to wallop Mkapa's favourite, and eventually to mount the credible challenge that we have witnessed.

The third goal came when CCM banned its candidates from participating in radio and television debates, which allowed the opposition parties to say what they liked without risking an embarrassing rejoinder from the ruling party.

Source: The East African

My Take:

Walau Jenerali ameweza kuweka ukweli bayana. Ila inaonekana bado bifu lake na Mkapa bado linaendelea. For sure kuna sababu nyingi sana za CCM kushindwa kuliko alizoziorodhesha.
Nimeipenda hii:

To understand this, one has to recall that the ruling party conducted an extremely rich campaign, completely disproportional to what the opposition parties could muster: The billboards, the posters and placards, the three helicopters, the clothing articles such as T-shirts, khangas and caps, the travelling circuses of clowns and crooners, all pointed to a party that has access to some very deep pockets running against itself, for even the Goliath vs David imagery just don't begin, as the Yanks would put it.

Tendwa mpaka sasa yuko kimya. Anao wajibu wa kuwaeleza Watanzania ni Chama gani au nani amekiuka sheria ya gharama za uchaguzi.
Takukuru watuambie pia ni watu wangapi wamepelekwa mahakamani kwa kukiuka sheria za uchaguzi kama walivyojipambanua wakati wa kura za maoni huko ccm.
Takukuru watuambie pia ni watu wangapi wamepelekwa mahakamani kwa kukiuka sheria za uchaguzi kama walivyojipambanua wakati wa kura za maoni huko ccm.

Mpaka hapo PCCB itakapokuwa chombo huru kinachojitegemea na kureport Bungeni. Business will be as usually.
Jamani hii nchi ni yetu hawa jamaa wana mtandao wameanza siku nyingi hivyo wanajuana..

JK asingekuwa rais kama asingelikuwa na mtandao chini ya Lowasa..

Naungana na Ulimwengu tangu siku nyingi namkubali sana huyu jamaa,, Ila lazima watanzania tufanye kitu..

Labda tushauriane tufanye nini kuikomboa nchi yetu??
Naam Jnr Ulimwengu umegusa only 15% ya yaliyomo moyoni Sema yote mkuuu

Kama utashindwa kwenye media mpitishie Invisible
In this context, who is the 'team manager'?

Good question!!

Ingawa sijui Jenerali Ulimwwengu alimaanisha nani ajiuzuru, naamini wa ku step down kwa sasa ni JK, Makamba, Msekwa, Kinana, Amani Karume na Kamati Kuu yote ya CCM!!

Kwa ninavyomfahamu Jenerali Ulimwengu, hapo ametoa 5% tu ya sababu anazozijua!! Ana mengi sana huyu, sema anaogopa uraia wake kupokwa!!
Kazia kamba Jenerali nadhani ulilolisema ni 10% ya unayoyafahamu. Twahitaji mengi zaidi toka kwako
My friend jenerali, you know as much as I do that the real problem of CCM is to abandon their traditional power base, i.e the ordinary farmers and workers im favour of the haves. It's true it has taken sometime that reality to sink in the heads of most of the rural dwellers, but thanks to the good work done by the opposition parties, natably chadema under the able leadership of its Presidential candidate Dr. Slaa the rural community is now much aware that CCM has been taking them for a ride. With the loss of that rural power base, CCM can only continue to have grip on power wuith the of forces of suppression. God knows for how long that will continue before the wananchi says that enough is enough.
Wenye macho ya kuona mbali kama wewe ndo wanaweza kuona ila CCM wamejifanya vipofu kama wafalme wa zamani wa Yuda walipokuwa wanaonywa na Manabii.

Hata wakatokea manabii na kusaidia kuwa asa CCM bado watafanya mioyo yao kuwa migumu kwa sababu tu ili anguko lao liwe kubwa
wow! sikulijua hili

The answer is in the major hat-trick that the ruling party kicked into its own goal, beginning with that fateful decision in 1995 to reject one Willibrod Slaa as a parliamentary candidate in favour of Mkapa's friend.

JNR Ulimwengu haogopi?
Hilo la kushindwa uchaguzi kwa baadhi ya majimbo ni dalili tu za cancer ambayo inaitafuna sisiem taratibu, Jenerali umesema kweli
Sasa hivi ni raia halali wa Tanzania na amepewa hadhi hiyo dakika za majeruhi wakati Mkapa anaondoka madarakani 2005.
Kama kweli CCM inataka kujirudisha heshima yake mbele ya Watanzania inabidi kufanya marekebisho makubwa.

Kwanza kabisa , Makamba akiwa Mtendaji Mkuu wa chama inabidi Kujiuzulu au kufukuzwa kazi. Yeye akiwa Mtendaji mkuu , CCM imepoteza viti vyingi ambavyo viliachwa na aliyemtangulia ya Philip Mangula. Vile vile idadi ya watu waliompigia kura za Rais Kikwete mwaka 2005 imepungua 2010 ie from 9million to 5 million.

Mchakato wote wa kura za maoni ulikuwa hovyo. Makamba is good at propoganda (equivalent to Chemical Ali).

Pili , CCM kama organization itabidi kuangalia muundo wake na kufanyia mrekebisho makubwa. Ni dude kubwa mno. Inabidi kupunguza ukubwa wake na kulifanya ndogo lakini effective na hasa ukizingatia ruzuku itapungua sana.

CCM waeleze wanachama wake garahama halisi ya kuendesha kampeni zake na kufanya cost benefit analysis.
Kwa mapana na marefu Kikwete anahusika kikamilifu kwenye dilemma za nchi kuingia kwenye giza na utando wa ombwe la uongozi.

Ki ukweli hata Jeikei hana furaha na ushindi wake. Nahisi hata hiyo degree yake aliipata kwa kuibia na siyo kwa uhalali wa alama
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