If Chadema change position it mustt apologize, unconditionally!

Mzee Mwanakijiji

Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'm hoping that Chadema has not changed its position on recognizing Kikwete as President as it was reported by some media following the CC meeting few days ago. But, if Chadema change its position or has changed to render the "walkout" meaningless then let me take this rational stand.

I'm going to say this in very categorical terms. And I mean every single word here in: CHADEMA must apologize to President Kikwete, its members, supporters and all Tanzanians in general. Why you may ask:

a. For leading people to believe that the elections were somehow not as free or fair as expected.

b. By leading people to believe that the presidential election results were somewhat tampered with, sabotaged or somewhat were fraudulent.

c. By suggesting that the National Electoral Commission colluded with CCM to ensure that president Kikwete remain in power.

d. By making people believe that they were the victims of a corrupt political system.

e. For walking out of the parliament when President Kikwete was about to address the nation protesting the legitimacy of the electoral results that put Kikwete in power. We now know that this was a wrong decision bases on what the CC of Chadema has decided.

What does all this mean? It simply means that Chadema has lost the argument on the fairness of the elections. It has lost the argument that NEC somewhat conducted one of the worst elections ever in the United Tanzania. In a long run this is what is going to happen.:

a. CCM will NOT and I'm stating with sense of absolute certainty - WILL NOT initiate or even allow the process to write a new constitution. The best they are going to is a cosmetic amendments to the constitution. Specifically, just those areas that cover NEC.

b. Chadema will go to the next elections from a position of weakness compared to the position it founds itself in during the 2010 elections.

c. Chadema has taken a position of strategic postponement of its internal problems. Once again it seems there is a lack of leadership; while others see the recent moves within Chadema as the most "intelligent" or "strategic" I see them as decisions of political expediency. One, Chadema is not United not in leadership but in vision, decisions and political positions and secondly, they are still thinking in terms of being an opposition party. CCM will definitely will like to maintain that status quo.

In short, Chadema SHOULD apologize, initiate a process of self assessment, correction and rebuilding. Otherwise, LET IT continue to dig its its own grave of political oblivion. They asked the people to support them, they argued for change in their manifesto, but when push came to shovel, Chadema flinched and flinching they continue.

I'm done with one too. Sigusi tena and those are my points and I'm sticking to each one of them.
Mwanakijiji, it seems you have switched sides! I wish u all the best!
Mhhhh! I am simply out of words! Hivi Ni Chadema walio imply kuna udhalimu au watanzania wenyewe walijionea? Kazi kweli kweli kwenye hili jukwaa la siasa! Nachoka sana na hizi siasa za Bongo especially humu ndani! God bless us all with Knowledge!
c. Chadema has taken a position of strategic postponement of its internal problems. Once again it seems there is a lack of leadership; while others see the recent moves within Chadema as the most "intelligent" or "strategic" I see them as decisions of political expediency. One, Chadema is not United not in leadership but in vision, decisions and political positions and secondly, they are still thinking in terms of being an opposition party. CCM will definitely will like to maintain that status quo.
Sijaelewa hapo kwe bold, kwanza umesema there is a lack of leadership wait a minute ukasema tena CDM is not united 'not' in leadership 'but' in vision.......according to your views CDM is not united in vision and.........but united in leadership that is what i understand.
I'm going to say this in very categorical terms. And I mean every single word here in: CHADEMA must apologize to President Kikwete, its members, supporters and all Tanzanians in general. Why you may ask:

a. For leading people to believe that the elections were somehow not as free or fair as expected.

b. By leading people to believe that the presidential election results were somewhat tampered with, sabotaged or somewhat were fraudulent.

c. By suggesting that the National Electoral Commission colluded with CCM to ensure that president Kikwete remain in power.

d. By making people believe that they were the victims of a corrupt political system.

e. For walking out of the parliament when President Kikwete was about to address the nation protesting the legitimacy of the electoral results that put Kikwete in power. We now know that this was a wrong decision bases on what the CC of Chadema has decided.

What does all this mean? It simply means that Chadema has lost the argument on the fairness of the elections. It has lost the argument that NEC somewhat conducted one of the worst elections ever in the United Tanzania. In a long run this is what is going to happen.:

a. CCM will NOT and I'm stating with sense of absolute certainty - WILL NOT initiate or even allow the process to write a new constitution. The best they are going to is a cosmetic amendments to the constitution. Specifically, just those areas that cover NEC.

b. Chadema will go to the next elections from a position of weakness compared to the position it founds itself in during the 2010 elections.

c. Chadema has taken a position of strategic postponement of its internal problems. Once again it seems there is a lack of leadership; while others see the recent moves within Chadema as the most "intelligent" or "strategic" I see them as decisions of political expediency. One, Chadema is not United not in leadership but in vision, decisions and political positions and secondly, they are still thinking in terms of being an opposition party. CCM will definitely will like to maintain that status quo.

In short, Chadema SHOULD apologize, initiate a process of self assessment, correction and rebuilding. Otherwise, LET IT continue to dig its its own grave of political oblivion. They asked the people to support them, they argued for change in their manifesto, but when push came to shovel, Chadema flinched and flinching they continue.

I'm done with one too. Sigusi tena and those are my points and I'm sticking to each one of them.

Either Freedom or Death,


Wish you all the best for your endeavor future.
Mwanakijiji ,Please try to be specific where all this come from,i literaly dont understand you are doubts ,you must be right on your suggestions but i dont just get it why ,why please justify you concerns
Mwanakijiji, it seems you have switched sides! I wish u all the best!

Nisome vizuri; utaona kuwa my sides remain the same. Si support michezo ya kisiasa. Nilichosema is the most rational way to move from here to "there".
Sijaelewa hapo kwe bold, kwanza umesema there is a lack of leadership wait a minute ukasema tena CDM is not united 'not' in leadership 'but' in vision.......according to your views CDM is not united in vision and.........but united in leadership that is what i understand.

umekosa neno moja "it seems"..
I'm going to say this in very categorical terms. And I mean every single word here in: CHADEMA must apologize to President Kikwete, its members, supporters and all Tanzanians in general. Why you may ask:

a. For leading people to believe that the elections were somehow not as free or fair as expected.

b. By leading people to believe that the presidential election results were somewhat tampered with, sabotaged or somewhat were fraudulent.

c. By suggesting that the National Electoral Commission colluded with CCM to ensure that president Kikwete remain in power.

d. By making people believe that they were the victims of a corrupt political system.

e. For walking out of the parliament when President Kikwete was about to address the nation protesting the legitimacy of the electoral results that put Kikwete in power. We now know that this was a wrong decision bases on what the CC of Chadema has decided.

What does all this mean? It simply means that Chadema has lost the argument on the fairness of the elections. It has lost the argument that NEC somewhat conducted one of the worst elections ever in the United Tanzania. In a long run this is what is going to happen.:

a. CCM will NOT and I'm stating with sense of absolute certainty - WILL NOT initiate or even allow the process to write a new constitution. The best they are going to is a cosmetic amendments to the constitution. Specifically, just those areas that cover NEC.

b. Chadema will go to the next elections from a position of weakness compared to the position it founds itself in during the 2010 elections.

c. Chadema has taken a position of strategic postponement of its internal problems. Once again it seems there is a lack of leadership; while others see the recent moves within Chadema as the most "intelligent" or "strategic" I see them as decisions of political expediency. One, Chadema is not United not in leadership but in vision, decisions and political positions and secondly, they are still thinking in terms of being an opposition party. CCM will definitely will like to maintain that status quo.

In short, Chadema SHOULD apologize, initiate a process of self assessment, correction and rebuilding. Otherwise, LET IT continue to dig its its own grave of political oblivion. They asked the people to support them, they argued for change in their manifesto, but when push came to shovel, Chadema flinched and flinching they continue.

I'm done with one too. Sigusi tena and those are my points and I'm sticking to each one of them.

Either Freedom or Death,

sijakuelewa kwenye hizo sentensi naomba u-elaborate then tutakufundisha what is Free and Fair election!
Mwanakijiji, it seems you have switched sides! I wish u all the best!
MMM has not switched any side... its chadema who switched sides and shifted the goalposts

Thanks MMM for such a useful posts
Hata Dr. Slaa leo TBC imemrekodi akisema maneno yanayoimply kuwa Chadema imegundua makosa iliyoyafanya. Sasa ushauri uliotolewa na Mwanakijiji ni sahihi kabisa, kwa sababu ukifanya kosa unapaswa kuomba msamaha.
I'm going to say this in very categorical terms. And I mean every single word here in: CHADEMA must apologize to President Kikwete, its members, supporters and all Tanzanians in general. Why you may ask:

a. For leading people to believe that the elections were somehow not as free or fair as expected.

b. By leading people to believe that the presidential election results were somewhat tampered with, sabotaged or somewhat were fraudulent.

c. By suggesting that the National Electoral Commission colluded with CCM to ensure that president Kikwete remain in power.

d. By making people believe that they were the victims of a corrupt political system.

e. For walking out of the parliament when President Kikwete was about to address the nation protesting the legitimacy of the electoral results that put Kikwete in power. We now know that this was a wrong decision bases on what the CC of Chadema has decided.

What does all this mean? It simply means that Chadema has lost the argument on the fairness of the elections. It has lost the argument that NEC somewhat conducted one of the worst elections ever in the United Tanzania. In a long run this is what is going to happen.:

a. CCM will NOT and I'm stating with sense of absolute certainty - WILL NOT initiate or even allow the process to write a new constitution. The best they are going to is a cosmetic amendments to the constitution. Specifically, just those areas that cover NEC.

b. Chadema will go to the next elections from a position of weakness compared to the position it founds itself in during the 2010 elections.

c. Chadema has taken a position of strategic postponement of its internal problems. Once again it seems there is a lack of leadership; while others see the recent moves within Chadema as the most "intelligent" or "strategic" I see them as decisions of political expediency. One, Chadema is not United not in leadership but in vision, decisions and political positions and secondly, they are still thinking in terms of being an opposition party. CCM will definitely will like to maintain that status quo.

In short, Chadema SHOULD apologize, initiate a process of self assessment, correction and rebuilding. Otherwise, LET IT continue to dig its its own grave of political oblivion. They asked the people to support them, they argued for change in their manifesto, but when push came to shovel, Chadema flinched and flinching they continue.

I'm done with one too. Sigusi tena and those are my points and I'm sticking to each one of them.

Either Freedom or Death,



I strong applause you for taking this significant role, not because you criticize the leadership deficiency within CDM. But because you pinpoint the weakness in decision making within CDM.

Like many people who support new constitution, i was happy like pig in the mad when CDM MP's walked out during JK speech. I applause them, i even said what CDM did motivates majority of us. Then the next day CDM woke up weak and disorganized as if they were on losing side. They started to battle among themselves, Zitto tried to score few points on his decision, Mbowe was no where to be found and the rest is history.

CDM has failed majority of Tanzania, but all in all they strong failed Dr. Slaa. He put his political capital into CDM hands and they fumbled it. The poor leadership is the only victim to be blamed. The poor judgment inside CDM trickled down to this point. CDM look like a patient who woke up from the coma, they don't know who they're.

I strong believe there is a room for changes and CDM can prosper once again and for all. However, many changes need to be put into place. Someone need to consult Mbowe to resign his chairman position (i doubt), Dr. Slaa resume that position. Also, Zitto and Mnyika should resign and other potential people took over their positions. That will create separation of powers, MP's will focus to create arguments bungeni and party leaders will focus on increasing the number of members.

Other than that, CDM is participating on rat race, soon or later it will be the end.
Thanks for the ideas... Ungeiweka kwa kiswahili ingependeza mno maana watz wengi wangeifaidi
CCM ni chama cha wala nchi na CHADEMA ni chama cha wananchi, kwa hiyo chagua wewe ni mtu wa kipande kipi!!
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