How China is taking over Africa, and why the West should be VERY worried


JF-Expert Member
Jan 23, 2008
A very good article to read. Slightly different for what was posted before. What is your take on the highlighted words?

How China's taking over Africa, and why the West should be VERY worried

On June 5, 1873, in a letter to The Times, Sir Francis Galton, the cousin of Charles Darwin and a distinguished African explorer in his own right, outlined a daring (if by today's standards utterly offensive) new method to 'tame' and colonise what was then known as the Dark Continent.

'My proposal is to make the encouragement of Chinese settlements of Africa a part of our national policy, in the belief that the Chinese immigrants would not only maintain their position, but that they would multiply and their descendants supplant the inferior Negro race,' wrote Galton.

'I should expect that the African seaboard, now sparsely occupied by lazy, palavering savages, might in a few years be tenanted by industrious, order-loving Chinese, living either as a semidetached dependency of China, or else in perfect freedom under their own law.'


Close relations: Chinese President Hu Jintao accompanies Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe to a ceremony in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing

Despite an outcry in Parliament and heated debate in the august salons of the Royal Geographic Society, Galton insisted that 'the history of the world tells the tale of the continual displacement of populations, each by a worthier successor, and humanity gains thereby'.

A controversial figure, Galton was also the pioneer of eugenics, the theory that was used by Hitler to try to fulfil his mad dreams of a German Master Race.

Eventually, Galton's grand resettlement plans fizzled out because there were much more exciting things going on in Africa.

But that was more than 100 years ago, and with legendary explorers such as Livingstone, Speke and Burton still battling to find the source of the Nile - and new discoveries of exotic species of birds and animals featuring regularly on newspaper front pages - vast swathes of the continent had not even been 'discovered'.

Yet Sir Francis Galton, it now appears, was ahead of his time. His vision is coming true - if not in the way he imagined. An astonishing invasion of Africa is now under way.

In the greatest movement of people the world has ever seen, China is secretly working to turn the entire continent into a new colony.
Reminiscent of the West's imperial push in the 18th and 19th centuries - but on a much more dramatic, determined scale - China's rulers believe Africa can become a 'satellite' state, solving its own problems of over-population and shortage of natural resources at a stroke.

With little fanfare, a staggering 750,000 Chinese have settled in Africa over the past decade. More are on the way.

The strategy has been carefully devised by officials in Beijing, where one expert has estimated that China will eventually need to send 300 million people to Africa to solve the problems of over-population and pollution.

The plans appear on track. Across Africa, the red flag of China is flying. Lucrative deals are being struck to buy its commodities - oil, platinum, gold and minerals. New embassies and air routes are opening up. The continent's new Chinese elite can be seen everywhere, shopping at their own expensive boutiques, driving Mercedes and BMW limousines, sending their children to exclusive private schools.

The pot-holed roads are cluttered with Chinese buses, taking people to markets filled with cheap Chinese goods. More than a thousand miles of new Chinese railroads are crisscrossing the continent, carrying billions of tons of illegally-logged timber, diamonds and gold.


New horizons? Mugabe has said: 'We must turn from the West and face the East'

The trains are linked to ports dotted around the coast, waiting to carry the goods back to Beijing after unloading cargoes of cheap toys made in China.

Confucius Institutes (state-funded Chinese 'cultural centres') have sprung up throughout Africa, as far afield as the tiny land-locked countries of Burundi and Rwanda, teaching baffled local people how to do business in Mandarin and Cantonese.

Massive dams are being built, flooding nature reserves. The land is scarred with giant Chinese mines, with 'slave' labourers paid less than £1 a day to extract ore and minerals.

Pristine forests are being destroyed, with China taking up to 70 per cent of all timber from Africa.

All over this great continent, the Chinese presence is swelling into a flood. Angola has its own 'Chinatown', as do great African cities such as Dar es Salaam and Nairobi.

Exclusive, gated compounds, serving only Chinese food, and where no blacks are allowed, are being built all over the continent. 'African cloths' sold in markets on the continent are now almost always imported, bearing the legend: 'Made in China'.

From Nigeria in the north, to Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Angola in the west, across Chad and Sudan in the east, and south through Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, China has seized a vice-like grip on a continent which officials have decided is crucial to the superpower's long-term survival.

'The Chinese are all over the place,' says Trevor Ncube, a prominent African businessman with publishing interests around the continent. 'If the British were our masters yesterday, the Chinese have taken their place.'

Likened to one race deciding to adopt a new home on another planet, Beijing has launched its so-called 'One China In Africa' policy because of crippling pressure on its own natural resources in a country where the population has almost trebled from 500 million to 1.3 billion in 50 years.

China is hungry - for land, food and energy. While accounting for a fifth of the world's population, its oil consumption has risen 35-fold in the past decade and Africa is now providing a third of it; imports of steel, copper and aluminium have also shot up, with Beijing devouring 80 per cent of world supplies.


President Robert Mugabe leaving the eleventh ordinary session of the assembly of the African Union heads of State and government in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

Fuelling its own boom at home, China is also desperate for new markets to sell goods. And Africa, with non-existent health and safety rules to protect against shoddy and dangerous goods, is the perfect destination.

The result of China's demand for raw materials and its sales of products to Africa is that turnover in trade between Africa and China has risen from £5million annually a decade ago to £6billion today.

However, there is a lethal price to pay. There is a sinister aspect to this invasion. Chinese-made war planes roar through the African sky, bombing opponents. Chinese-made assault rifles and grenades are being used to fuel countless murderous civil wars, often over the materials the Chinese are desperate to buy.

Take, for example, Zimbabwe. Recently, a giant container ship from China was due to deliver its cargo of three million rounds of AK-47 ammunition, 3,000 rocket-propelled grenades and 1,500 mortars to President Robert Mugabe's regime.

After an international outcry, the vessel, the An Yue Jiang, was forced to return to China, despite Beijing's insistence that the arms consignment was a 'normal commercial deal'.

Indeed, the 77-ton arms shipment would have been small beer - a fraction of China's help to Mugabe. He already has high-tech, Chinese-built helicopter gunships and fighter jets to use against his people.

Ever since the U.S. and Britain imposed sanctions in 2003, Mugabe has courted the Chinese, offering mining concessions for arms and currency.

While flying regularly to Beijing as a high-ranking guest, the 84-year-old dictator rants at 'small dots' such as Britain and America.

He can afford to. Mugabe is orchestrating his campaign of terror from a 25-bedroom, pagoda-style mansion built by the Chinese. Much of his estimated £1billion fortune is believed to have been siphoned off from Chinese 'loans'.

The imposing grey building of ZANU-PF, his ruling party, was paid for and built by the Chinese. Mugabe received £200 million last year alone from China, enabling him to buy loyalty from the army.

In another disturbing illustration of the warm relations between China and the ageing dictator, a platoon of the China People's Liberation Army has been out on the streets of Mutare, a city near the border with Mozambique, which voted against the president in the recent, disputed election.

Almost 30 years ago, Britain pulled out of Zimbabwe - as it had done already out of the rest of Africa, in the wake of Harold Macmillan's 'wind of change' speech. Today, Mugabe says: 'We have turned East, where the sun rises, and given our backs to the West, where the sun sets.'

Despite Britain's commendable colonial legacy of a network of roads, railways and schools, the British are now being shunned.
According to one veteran diplomat: 'China is easier to do business with because it doesn't care about human rights in Africa - just as it doesn't care about them in its own country. All the Chinese care about is money.'

Nowhere is that more true than Sudan. Branded 'Africa's Killing Fields', the massive oil-rich East African state is in the throes of the genocide and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of black, non-Arab peasants in southern Sudan.

In effect, through its supplies of arms and support, China has been accused of underwriting a humanitarian scandal. The atrocities in Sudan have been described by the U.S. as 'the worst human rights crisis in the world today'.


Mugabe has received hundreds of millions of pounds from Chinese sources

The government in Khartoum has helped the feared Janjaweed militia to rape, murder and burn to death more than 350,000 people.

The Chinese - who now buy half of all Sudan's oil - have happily provided armoured vehicles, aircraft and millions of bullets and grenades in return for lucrative deals. Indeed, an estimated £1billion of Chinese cash has been spent on weapons.

According to Human Rights First, a leading human rights advocacy organisation, Chinese-made AK-47 assault rifles, grenade launchers and ammunition for rifles and heavy machine guns are continuing to flow into Darfur, which is dotted with giant refugee camps, each containing hundreds of thousands of people.

Between 2003 and 2006, China sold Sudan $55 million worth of small arms, flouting a United Nations weapons embargo.

With new warnings that the cycle of killing is intensifying, an estimated two thirds of the non-Arab population has lost at least one member of their families in Darfur.

Although two million people have been uprooted from their homes in the conflict, China has repeatedly thwarted United Nations denunciations of the Sudanese regime.

While the Sudanese slaughter has attracted worldwide condemnation, prompting Hollywood film-maker Steven Spielberg to quit as artistic director of the Beijing Olympics, few parts of Africa are now untouched by China.

In Congo, more than £2billion has been 'loaned' to the government. In Angola, £3 billion has been paid in exchange for oil. In Nigeria, more than £5billion has been handed over.

In Equatorial Guinea, where the president publicly hung his predecessor from a cage suspended in a theatre before having him shot, Chinese firms are helping the dictator build an entirely new capital, full of gleaming skyscrapers and, of course, Chinese restaurants.

After battling for years against the white colonial powers of Britain, France, Belgium and Germany, post-independence African leaders are happy to do business with China for a straightforward reason: cash.

With western loans linked to an insistence on democratic reforms and the need for 'transparency' in using the money (diplomatic language for rules to ensure dictators do not pocket millions), the Chinese have proved much more relaxed about what their billions are used for.

Certainly, little of it reaches the continent's impoverished 800 million people. Much of it goes straight into the pockets of dictators. In Africa, corruption is a multi-billion pound industry and many experts believe that China is fuelling the cancer.

The Chinese are contemptuous of such criticism. To them, Africa is about pragmatism, not human rights. 'Business is business,' says Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Zhou Wenzhong, adding that Beijing should not interfere in 'internal' affairs. 'We try to separate politics from business.'

While the bounty has, not surprisingly, been welcomed by African dictators, the people of Africa are less impressed. At a market in Zimbabwe recently, where Chinese goods were on sale at nearly every stall, one woman told me she would not waste her money on 'Zing-Zong' products.

'They go Zing when they work, and then they quickly go Zong and break,' she said. 'They are a waste of money. But there's nothing else. China is the only country that will do business with us.'

There have also been riots in Zambia, Angola and Congo over the flood of Chinese immigrant workers. The Chinese do not use African labour where possible, saying black Africans are lazy and unskilled.

In Angola, the government has agreed that 70 per cent of tendered public works must go to Chinese firms, most of which do not employ Angolans.

As well as enticing hundreds of thousands to settle in Africa, they have even shipped Chinese prisoners to produce the goods cheaply.

In Kenya, for example, only ten textile factories are still producing, compared with 200 factories five years ago, as China undercuts locals in the production of 'African' souvenirs.

Where will it all end? As far as Beijing is concerned, it will stop only when Africa no longer has any minerals or oil to be extracted from the continent.

A century after Sir Francis Galton outlined his vision for Africa, the Chinese are here to stay. More will come.

The people of this bewitching, beautiful continent, where humankind first emerged from the Great Rift Valley, desperately need progress. The Chinese are not here for that.

They are here for plunder. After centuries of pain and war, Africa deserves better.

Source credit:
07/18/2008 17:12

Beijing 2008: bars forbidden to serve "blacks" and Mongolians, outdoor tables banned

Many bans and restrictions, with serious inconveniences for the population. The first "leaks" on the grandiose inauguration on August 8, with an unprecedented fireworks display.

Beijing (AsiaNews/Agencies) - For "reasons of safety", bars are forbidden to serve "blacks"" and Mongolians or place tables in the street. Street musicians are being banned, and so is buying medicines containing "stimulants" without a prescription. Prohibitions are on the rise for the Olympic capital, while the first leaks reveal a grandiose fireworks display for the inauguration.

Bar owners around the Workers' Stadium in downtown Beijing say that public security officials are telling them not to let in "blacks" and Mongolians, and many of them have even had to sign a pledge. The official reason is the fight against drugs and prostitution, dominated in the past by Mongolians and persons of colour. Moreover, public places must close by 2 a.m., for security reasons, and the bar owners are being asked to remind their clients that they must always have an identification document with them. There is even doubt over whether the bars within a radius of two kilometres from the Olympic buildings will be able operate, or whether they will have to shut down for the entire period. In some areas, tables are not permitted outside, because "the presence of too many foreigners gathered outside could create problems". There is also an attempt to shut down outdoor musical concerts, to prevent disorder.

Jazz musician David Mitchell says that it is increasingly difficult for his band to find places to play in Beijing "Everything is aimed at creating stability, but they don't understand that is precisely the unfounded prejudice that foreigners have of Chinese society - that it is a highly controlled and not a very cultural place. It seems completely self-defeating".

To guarantee a "clean" Olympics, a doctor's prescription is now required for 1,993 commonly used medicines, or the package must show a warning that the product contains substances believed to be stimulating and not permitted for the athletes. One must go to a hospital to get a prescription, but many of the hospitals ask for as much as 100 yuan for each prescription, causing problems for the elderly and the poor most of all.

Meanwhile, as of July 20 a new regulation will go into effect prohibiting everyday circulation for millions of vehicles, but the three new underground lines are not yet working, and Zhou Zhengyu, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Committee of Communications, is unable to say when they will be opened.

But the inauguration on August 8 will be very well prepared. The programme is "secret", but it is hard to hide a fireworks display, and those who live near the Bird's Nest stadium and have seen the trial runs say they are impressed. The director Zhang Yimou has been preparing the show for three years with artists from all over the world: there was a general rehearsal on July 10, with hundreds of police standing guard to guarantee secrecy.
Serikali yetu haina think tankers (kama wapo tusingekuwa masikini). Naamini hii forum yetu ndo wanapokutanikia watanzania wataalamu wa fani mbali mbali duniani kote.kutoka kwao naweza kupata the whole picture of what tanzanian as a country think not goverment (kwa sababu wao wameegemea zaidi matakwa ya siasa ) . In hybrid rice technology China wamefanikiwa.Pamoja na population ya 1.3 bilion wanazalisha ziada ya 20million metric turns za rice kwa mwaka inayowezesha nchi maskini duniani kupata mchele kwa bei rahisi. Uchumi wa China is undergoing a double transition: from a planned economy to a market economy and from a rural and agricultural society to an urban, industrial one.Kwaiyo wanapesa wataalamu wa kutosha na wanataka kutanua. Kwa mwaka mahitaji ya arthi kwa ajili ya ujenzi ni 427,800 hectares. Research za mbegu za hybrid rice zinaendeshwa na taasisi za serikali.Lakini pia yapo private seed companies nyingi.hawa hawawezi kucompete na serikali. lakini serikali nayo haiwezi kuacha watu wake bila kuwapatia opportunity. Opportunity iliopo ni serikali kuwatafutia nchi hitaji yenye njaa, ardhi kuwa na maji ya kutosha.Nchi yenye sifa hizo tanzania haikosekani.Ni mwanafunzi hapa fani ya kilimo (molecular breeding).Ningependa kusikia maoni ya watanzania wenzangu wanasemaje kuhusu maswahi haya ambayo nitashiriki kuchangia mada kwenye meeting inayoitwa listen to African talk meeting. Dheme ikiwa ni Agricultural development and Programming in Africa.
Maswali ni haya yafuatayo.
1.why are some countries in Africa are developing while others are not?
2.Why some countries in Africa do well with aid while from developed countries but others do not?
3.What lesson African can learn from the successful countries?
4 What agricultural technologies are most needed in Africa?
5.what ways can these technologies be successfully introduced?
6.What can china do to effectively help African in Agriculture?
wataalamu wa kichana wameanza kuja africa kwaajili ya kusaidia kupush kilimo kama wanavyoombwa na serikali zetu. wameanza Msumbiji Nigeria na watakuja tanzania karibuni.Lakini kwanza wanataka kufahamu hasa nini hitaji letu.
Michango yetu nitashukuru sana
6.What can china do to effectively help African in Agriculture?

sera ya kilimo ya China na Tanzania ni tofauti kabisa. China inatumia mbegu zinazofanyia mabadiliko maabara (genetically engineered/modified) wakati huo huo Tanzania hatutaki hizo mbegu za maabara.
yaani kama wangesaidia kuja kuwalamba risasi mafisadi kama wanavyofanya kule kwao wangekuwa wamesaidia sana,
yaani kama wangesaidia kuja kuwalamba risasi mafisadi kama wanavyofanya kule kwao wangekuwa wamesaidia sana,

I say, wewe ndugu kama tungelikupata siku zile za Mapinduzi kule ZNZ (1964) basi pangelikuwa hakuna haja ya Okello!
HAYO NI MATUSI NAmasihara jamani....2mechoka na feki zao na sidhani kama na wao wanatumia ila nasikia katika kila bidhaa inayotengenezwa zipo zile zinazoitwa''SPECIAL FOR AFRICA''
sera ya kilimo ya China na Tanzania ni tofauti kabisa. China inatumia mbegu zinazofanyia mabadiliko maabara (genetically engineered/modified) wakati huo huo Tanzania hatutaki hizo mbegu za maabara.
hygrid rice siyo mbegu iliyobadilishwa genetically ila ni mbegu inayo tokea baada ya cross two different parents.kwa mfano mpunga A na Mpunga B.F1 anakuwa na performance kuliko wazazi wote wawili
yaani kama wangesaidia kuja kuwalamba risasi mafisadi kama wanavyofanya kule kwao wangekuwa wamesaidia sana,
Kama huna shule au fani hiyo haipandi si unyamaze tu.
huenda nakosea kuita hii forum think tankers labda wengi humu ni siasa zaidi, kulahumu but no alterative solutions.
Kama huna shule au fani hiyo haipandi si unyamaze tu.
huenda nakosea kuita hii forum think tankers labda wengi humu ni siasa zaidi, kulahumu but no alterative solutions.

Sema wewe kiazi....
"There have been allegations for a long time that China has come to Africa to plunder its resources and practice neo-colonialism. This allegation, in my view, is totally untenable."

-- Wen Jiabao, China’s premier, following a pledge of USD 10 billion in cheap loans to Africa over the next three years, and refuting claims that the Asian powerhouse is only looking to exploit Africa’s resources. The loan pledge for Africa was double a USD 5 billion commitment made in 2006. Wen said eight new Chinese policy measures aimed at strengthening relations with Africa were "more focused on improving people's livelihoods," underlining what he called Beijing's "selfless" engagement in Africa, the Washington Post reported.

He said China will construct 100 new clean-energy projects on the continent and gradually lower customs duties on 95 percent of products from African states with which it has diplomatic ties. The IMF has expressed concern about African governments taking on too much debt from Chinese lenders.

But Wen said China would write off some loans it had made to the poorest and most heavily indebted countries. African heads of state, including Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe and Sudan's Omar Hassan al-Bashir, lauded China's support. But others said African nations needed to devise their own development plans to take full advantage of Chinese finance. Last year, European Union lawmakers assailed China for courting “oppressive” African governments, such as Sudan, to satisfy its soaring demand for oil and raw materials.

“China is very stung by criticism from so-called Western quarters in recent years,” Martyn Davies, CEO of Frontier Advisory, a Johannesburg-based research and strategy consulting company, told Bloomberg news. China is trying “to have a softer approach” in an effort to rebut the notion that its interest in Africa is “extractionist in nature.”

The pattern of trade -- raw materials going to China and Chinese finished goods flooding Africa -- has angered some Africans. “We are sick and tired of the old model, where China comes to Africa and extracts raw materials and goes back to China,” Zimbabwean Deputy PM Arthur Mutambara said in the Zimbabwe Times in September. “We are not now interested in that.”
Siku hizi kumekuwa na "Habari zilizovunjikavunjika" nyingi sana humu ukumbini,hadi inafika kipindi ukiona BN,haupatwi na shauku kwani unajua huenda ni walewale(cynism?).Imefika hatua mtu anacopy anything from elsewhere then 1st break ni kwenye jukwaa la siasa JF.Sijui ni kwa bahati mbaya au kutokufahamu...Admin,inabidi muwe wakali kidogo katika kukumbushana.Mnapomove habari basi mwambieni mwanzisha mada kwanini imehamishwa ili next time asije akarudia the same thing.Sorry for being offpoint ila nadhani ni katika kuboresha jukwaa hili.
"There have been allegations for a long time that China has come to Africa to plunder its resources and practice neo-colonialism. This allegation, in my view, is totally untenable."

-- Wen Jiabao, China's premier, following a pledge of USD 10 billion in cheap loans to Africa over the next three years, and refuting claims that the Asian powerhouse is only looking to exploit Africa's resources. The loan pledge for Africa was double a USD 5 billion commitment made in 2006. Wen said eight new Chinese policy measures aimed at strengthening relations with Africa were "more focused on improving people's livelihoods," underlining what he called Beijing's "selfless" engagement in Africa, the Washington Post reported. He said China will construct 100 new clean-energy projects on the continent and gradually lower customs duties on 95 percent of products from African states with which it has diplomatic ties. The IMF has expressed concern about African governments taking on too much debt from Chinese lenders. But Wen said China would write off some loans it had made to the poorest and most heavily indebted countries. African heads of state, including Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe and Sudan's Omar Hassan al-Bashir, lauded China's support. But others said African nations needed to devise their own development plans to take full advantage of Chinese finance. Last year, European Union lawmakers assailed China for courting "oppressive" African governments, such as Sudan, to satisfy its soaring demand for oil and raw materials. "China is very stung by criticism from so-called Western quarters in recent years," Martyn Davies, CEO of Frontier Advisory, a Johannesburg-based research and strategy consulting company, told Bloomberg news. China is trying "to have a softer approach" in an effort to rebut the notion that its interest in Africa is "extractionist in nature." The pattern of trade -- raw materials going to China and Chinese finished goods flooding Africa -- has angered some Africans. "We are sick and tired of the old model, where China comes to Africa and extracts raw materials and goes back to China," Zimbabwean Deputy PM Arthur Mutambara said in the Zimbabwe Times in September. "We are not now interested in that."

Mmejifunza kuvaa tai miaka 500, sasa mnataka kujifunza kuvaa Mao Suit miaka mingine 500. Hivi unafikiri hizo pesa ziko bure?? Jiulize sana. Wanajua kabisa "Miafrika Ndiyo Ilivyo"

"We are sick and tired of the old model, where China comes to Africa and extracts raw materials and goes back to China," Zimbabwean Deputy PM Arthur Mutambara said in the Zimbabwe Times in September. "We are not now interested in that."

"We are sick and tired of the old model, where China comes to Africa and extracts raw materials and goes back to China," Zimbabwean Deputy PM Arthur Mutambara said in the Zimbabwe Times in September. "We are not now interested in that."
Wameanza kutugombania...Afrika hatufahamu uzuri wetu kiasi kwamba tunakubali kuwa changudoa lakini ukweli unajionyesha wenyewe ktk bandiko hilo hapo juu. Kuja kwa China Afrika ni tishiuo kubwa la Marekani na Europe kwani siku zote hawa wameonyesha hatuna thamani, ni nchi zinazotaka misaada tu..nothing in return na wananchi wao wanaamini.
Sasa kama ndivyo kelele hizi za nini?..
Ni kweli China ndio mkoloni mpya sio wa bara la Afrika tuu, bali wa dunia mzima.
Lengo la China ni lili lile la Mkutano ule wa Berlin wa 1884, kutafuna areas of influence ili kupata masoko ya bidhaa zake.

China ndio inayoongoza kwa viwanda vyote duniani kwa sasa, karibu viwanda vyote vinaplanys China kutokana na Cheap labor hivyo kupunguza cost of production na kumaximize profits hivyo piga ua China itaendelea kupaa.

Angalia investiments zote za China, ndio inayoongoza kwa DFI kwa nchi zote ulimwenguni kwa sasa, lakini ni makini sana, not on production line, only on raw materials au semi finished productions ili wapate feeder za viwanda vyao kumalizia finished products na kula faida kubwa.

Sio kwa bara la Afrika pekee, kwani ni China ndiyo imetoa lile fungu la Stumulus Package ya Obama kubail out mdororo wa uchumi wa dunia. Kama mmarekani anampigia magoti mchina, akine siye tutakuwa wapi!?.
Bora mkoloni China, kila mtu angalau ana kasimu ka mkononi hata kama katadumu mwezi mmoja tuu.
Kila mpenda suti sasa atavaa na kuonekana nadhifu japo kwa siku moja tuu ya harusi, na baada ya kuifua siku mbili tuu ndio inadorora lakini suti umevaa.
Kila familia ina kijiluninga chake japo zingine baada ta mwezi hugeuka black and white lani picha unaiona.
Hli hii ndivyo ilivyo kwa karibu kila products, wenye fedha zao walipie quality products na wale wenzangu na mimi, tubanane kwenye mazagazaga angalau sote tuonekane watu.
China ni mkoloni mkombozi japo pia muangamizaji.
Hakuna haja ya kujiuliza sana mikopo ni mikopo tu whether imetolewa na nani. Kinacho takiwa kufanywa na nchi za afrika ni kutumia mikopo vizuri badala ya kula pesa zote na kuziweka ktk mabenki ya nje.

Kinacho itesa afrika leo ni madeni yaliyotokana na mikopo ya wazungu, sasa iweje leo wawalaumu wachina?? Waseme tu kwamba kinacho wauma wazungu ni kukosa biashara na afrika.

Kwa hali ilivyo sasa mfano hapa Tanzania hata kama china wakitupa mabilioni ya dola bure hatutafanya cho chote.
Wameanza kutugombania...Afrika hatufahamu uzuri wetu kiasi kwamba tunakubali kuwa changudoa lakini ukweli unajionyesha wenyewe ktk bandiko hilo hapo juu. Kuja kwa China Afrika ni tishiuo kubwa la Marekani na Europe kwani siku zote hawa wameonyesha hatuna thamani, ni nchi zinazotaka misaada tu..nothing in return na wananchi wao wanaamini.
Sasa kama ndivyo kelele hizi za nini?..
Zungusha akili yako kwanza kabla ya kusema. Hivi wewe unafikiri kuna tofauti gani kati ya wazungu na wachina? Hivi tatizo ni wazungu au wachina? Tatizo ni Waafrika. Waafrika na binadamu dhaifu kwa kila hali. Wazungu walimpa Mobutu 15% ya mapato, akaweka benki Uswiss. Na wengine wengi walifanya hivyo ili mradi tu wahakikishe wanapata sehemu ya pato ili waweke Swiss. Wachina wanafanya hivyo hivyo, sasa hivi wana-pump mafuta Angola (crude) yaani 15% ya import ya mafuta ya China inatoka Angola. Wanachukua copper yote wanayochimba na kwenda kuisafisha China.

Unajua kuna madini yanaitwa chrome, haya 40% ya yaliyovumbuliwa duniani yako Afrika Kusini na Zimbabwe. Wazungu waliotawala Afrika Kusini na Zimbabwe walanzisha viwanda vya kutengeneza ferrochrome. Sasa hivi maada ya kuchukua wenzetu weusi, vile viwanda vingi vimefungwa na sasa madini ndiyo yanasafirishwa kwenda China mabichi mabichi (raw form).

Achilia mbali hayo yako mbali, unajua kuwa udongo wa Barric una copper nao husafirishwa China?

Hamna watu kutugombania, sisi ni wajinga. Kama wanataka kugombania basi wangeenda URUSI kule ndiko mafuka yako bwelele, au hata Middle East. Kwa nini wasigombee Australia, kwenye chuma kwenye ardhi kila kona? Au South America kuna madini kibao?

Hapa inaashiria tu kuwa sisi Africa ni viumbe dhaifu.

Umewahi kuona wapi duniani ati China iite MaRais wa America au Europe waende Beijing kwenye mkutano kwa makundi? Imeita MaRais wote wa Afrika na wote wakaenda. Tuna heshima kweli hapo?
Ninavyoona mimi ni kwamba china itaizidi marekani kwa sababu tu msaada wake ni wa kifedha/kiuchumi, ila haina msaada wowote kidemokrasia! Tukumbuke pia kama sio Marekani na Ulaya magharibi, waafrika tungeishia kuuana au kufa kwa njaa!
Hii vita dhidi ya ufusadi sio Political commitment ya viongozi wa kiafrika, ila ni mashinikizo kutoka nchi za magharibi.
China tayari imeshasema haiingilii siasa za ndani za nchi marafiki, nchi marafiki wa china tayari tumewaona, Zimbabwe, Sudan, New Guinea n.k.
Kwa kifupi Waafrika bado tuna njaa ya kujiogoza. Hatujabahatika kuwa na kiongozi mwenye uwezo huo zaidi ya kuelekezwa cha kufanya na Washington
Zungusha akili yako kwanza kabla ya kusema. Hivi wewe unafikiri kuna tofauti gani kati ya wazungu na wachina? Hivi tatizo ni wazungu au wachina? Tatizo ni Waafrika. Waafrika na binadamu dhaifu kwa kila hali. Wazungu walimpa Mobutu 15% ya mapato, akaweka benki Uswiss. Na wengine wengi walifanya hivyo ili mradi tu wahakikishe wanapata sehemu ya pato ili waweke Swiss. Wachina wanafanya hivyo hivyo, sasa hivi wana-pump mafuta Angola (crude) yaani 15% ya import ya mafuta ya China inatoka Angola. Wanachukua copper yote wanayochimba na kwenda kuisafisha China.

Unajua kuna madini yanaitwa chrome, haya 40% ya yaliyovumbuliwa duniani yako Afrika Kusini na Zimbabwe. Wazungu waliotawala Afrika Kusini na Zimbabwe walanzisha viwanda vya kutengeneza ferrochrome. Sasa hivi maada ya kuchukua wenzetu weusi, vile viwanda vingi vimefungwa na sasa madini ndiyo yanasafirishwa kwenda China mabichi mabichi (raw form).

Achilia mbali hayo yako mbali, unajua kuwa udongo wa Barric una copper nao husafirishwa China?

Hamna watu kutugombania, sisi ni wajinga. Kama wanataka kugombania basi wangeenda URUSI kule ndiko mafuka yako bwelele, au hata Middle East. Kwa nini wasigombee Australia, kwenye chuma kwenye ardhi kila kona? Au South America kuna madini kibao?

Hapa inaashiria tu kuwa sisi Africa ni viumbe dhaifu.

Umewahi kuona wapi duniani ati China iite MaRais wa America au Europe waende Beijing kwenye mkutano kwa makundi? Imeita MaRais wote wa Afrika na wote wakaenda. Tuna heshima kweli hapo?

Mkuu ungekuwa karibu ningekupa hata Tusker baridi pale Kibadamo!

You have said it all. Wengi hapa tunaliangalia hili swala kati ya western and china. Tunasahau kwamba wote lao ni moja. China is doing exactly what western countries did years ago. And we smile big thinking kwamba Mmarekani anakomolewa! My foot! SASA HIVI CHINA AMEGUNDUA AMBACHO WENZAKE WA MAGHARIBI WALIGUNDUA MIAKA HIYOO.......UKITAKA MAENDELEO YA KWELI HUNA BUDI KUTUMIA RASLIMALI ZA AFRIKA. AND CHINA IS DOING FAITHFULLY THAT.

Its so sad kuona hapa hata the so called wasomi..tunasema eti China anawakomoa wazungu wa magharibi. Are we real? Hapa anayekomolewa ni Mwafrika wewe na mimi. Punkt!

Trust me you, China akishanufaika vya kutosha ndo na yeye ataanza kuja na ile lugha ya human rights na democracy...subirini mtaona......kwa sasa..anajua kabisa..kula na kipofu usimshike mkono. Lakini kwa sababu sikio la kufa halisikii dawa..ndo hapo..utasikia ......Viongozi wakina Lowassa (enzi zake)..eti watanzania tuanze kusoma Mandarin!

I say it again: China has no interests in the prosperity of Africa and its people. He simply want to get what his counterparts got when they raped our resources. Kwa mnaodhani eti Africa`s future lies in the East. You are damn wrong!

Poor Africa, poor Africans!

Africans we are just stupid and dumb!
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