Fish With Human Teeth Caught in Russia

Herbalist Dr MziziMkavu

JF-Expert Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Fisherman Valery from Russia’s Southern Urals was catching fish in a small lake about 40 kilometers far from the city of Chelyabinsk. The man tried to get the fish out of the net, but was horrified to see that the fish had a row of white strong teeth in its mouth. The teeth of the fish bore a striking resemblance to those of a human being.
A similar fish with human-like teeth was caught not so long ago in Texas. The catch weighed 6.5 kilos. Scientists said that it was a pacu, a piranha, which normally inhabits South America.
Russian ichthyologists believe that the caught fish does not represent a mutation. Such a mutation would take hundreds of years. However, they have no other explanation for this strange phenomenon.
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