Experience The 3D Revolution On Your PC


JF-Expert Member
Feb 12, 2007
Experience The 3D Revolution On Your PC‏

The Third Dimension Revealed
Presented by:
By Loyd Case, Content Works

Humans evolved with two eyes set several inches apart, giving us the ability to perceive depth. Early humans used this ability to discern a z axis--a third dimension in addition to two that define a flat plane--to become skilled hunters. You and I use it throw baseballs and judge the speed and distance of an oncoming car.

Until recently, this capability, known as stereoscopic vision, was mostly unexploited by modern technology. PC and TV screens are flat. Even games using 3D graphics appear on a flat screen. Graphic artists and cinematographers can fake a sense of depth using tricks like selectively blurring elements in the foreground or background--but in the end, they're still presenting a 2D image.

But that may not be true for long. Today we're seeing the beginnings of a revolution in stereoscopic 3D. Movies, games, and TV are bringing the z-axis to the screen--and AMD RadeonTM HD 6000 GPUs are poised to play a big role in making it happen.

The first stereoscopic 3D movies were made decades ago, but the technology was crude, using those familiar tinted glasses. Today, better encoding technologies and high-tech glasses deliver a smoother and more natural effect. The hit movie Avatar was designed as a stereoscopic experience from the storyboards up. The result was an immersive and enthralling cinematic experience.

And now you can have the same experience on your PC. If your monitor can handle high refresh rates, an AMD RadeonTM 6000-series GPU will enable stereoscopic 3D. GPUs can exploit the latest viewing technologies--LCD shutter glasses, polarized lenses, or even the old-fashioned bi-color specs. The price of advanced monitors and HDTVs has come down, and they also minimize headache and eyestrain. AMD's approach to stereoscopic 3D is to support emerging open standards, rather than impose a proprietary approach.

The stereoscopic experience goes beyond movies. Cable channels dedicated to shows shot with stereoscopic cameras are on their way, and sporting events like PGA golfing and NASCAR racing are broadcast in stereoscopic 3D over the Internet. Stereoscopic 3D games generate dramatic effects. Toshiba recently announced glasses-free "autostereoscopic" displays. Add those to the equation, and you've got a breakthrough as dramatic as color TV was 40 years ago.

PC World Communications, Inc., 501 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
Nimejaribu kucheki sample ya videos za 3D kwenye youtube ambazo huwa zinawekwa two of them side by side na unalazimika kuzitazama kwa makengeza (cross eyes). Amazing!!!! Nilipata kuona muonekano huu nilipokuwa nasoma shule ya msingi, kulikuwa na rula fulani ambazo zilikuwa zina picha zenye images za namna hii. Nawaza kama ni big screen si unaweza kukimbia kwa kuogopa ukidhani ni kweli maana kama ni nyoka nakuja utafikiri kweli kwa kuwa ile sense ya depth inakuwa presented vizuri!!!! Amazing!!
Nimejaribu kucheki sample ya videos za 3D kwenye youtube ambazo huwa zinawekwa two of them side by side na unalazimika kuzitazama kwa makengeza (cross eyes). Amazing!!!! Nilipata kuona muonekano huu nilipokuwa nasoma shule ya msingi, kulikuwa na rula fulani ambazo zilikuwa zina picha zenye images za namna hii. Nawaza kama ni big screen si unaweza kukimbia kwa kuogopa ukidhani ni kweli maana kama ni nyoka nakuja utafikiri kweli kwa kuwa ile sense ya depth inakuwa presented vizuri!!!! Amazing!!
Ni kweli ndugu, hii inaitwa magic kwenye ulimwengu wa technologia ya filam, kwani kwa sasa kuna mpaka TV, japokuwa technolojia ni ya zamani kidogo.
Jaribu kuvizia Mlimani city kama uko Dar, wanaonyesha films in 3D siku hizi , cheki list , inaweza ikawa ipo bado wanaoneysha.
Pale Mlimani City kuna duka la Samsung wana set za 3D tv wanauza na ukitaka wanaonyesha bure ,unapewa miwani,loh ni kitu kama laivu vile yaani unaona kitu kama kina uhai vile na kipo karibu kiasi cha kwamba ni kama unaweza kukigusa,si mchezo
Pale Mlimani City kuna duka la Samsung wana set za 3D tv wanauza na ukitaka wanaonyesha bure ,unapewa miwani,loh ni kitu kama laivu vile yaani unaona kitu kama kina uhai vile na kipo karibu kiasi cha kwamba ni kama unaweza kukigusa,si mchezo
Baadhi ya wataalam wanasema kuwa kutazama 3D Cinema au TV kunasababisha maumivu ya kichwa.
Baadhi ya wataalam wanasema kuwa kutazama 3D Cinema au TV kunasababisha maumivu ya kichwa.
Kwa hilo sijui ila nilijaribu tu mara maoja kwani kuona bure,unayosema inaweza kuwa kweli kwani picha inakuwa karibu na inakuwa kubwa ni kama imetoka kwenye screen
Kwa hilo sijui ila nilijaribu tu mara maoja kwani kuona bure,unayosema inaweza kuwa kweli kwani picha inakuwa karibu na inakuwa kubwa ni kama imetoka kwenye screen
Uku ninapoishi, karibia movie nyingi za 3D huwa naingia, sometimes unaweza sikia kichwa au macho kuuma kwa mbali, ila baadhi ya wataalam wanakataa kuwa si kweli.
Kama uko na fammily labda ina weza kuwa ghali ila kwa wewe peke yako sio ghali kihivyo ni sh 10,000 kwa ticket plus 5,000 ya glasses.na hizo glass hurudishi ni zako moja kwa moja.
Dah! Kumbe hiyo biashara inaweza kulipa!! dah.
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