City Lodge Hotel iko sokoni; je, hii ni dalili gani kwa soko la Utalii?


JF-Expert Member
Feb 12, 2011
Hoteli mpya kabisa mkabala na Mahakama ya Kisutu iko sokoni baada ya biashara kudorora kwa 73%. Pamoja na sababu zingine COVID 19 yawezekana ni moja ya sababu.


City Lodge sells 148-room hotel in Tanzania for R1m, Kenyan hotels also sold​

City Lodge 1.jpg

The City Lodge Hotel Dar es Salaam in Tanzania

City Lodge is selling its stakes in three hotels in Kenya, as well as its City Lodge Hotel Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, to subsidiaries of the UK-based investment firm Actis.

The Kenyan hotels - the 127-room Fairview Hotel in Nairobi, the 171-room City Lodge Hotel at Two Rivers in Runda and the 84-room Town Lodge Upper Hill in Nairobi - will be sold for almost R141 million, while the Tanzanian hotel will fetch R1 million.

The 148-room City Lodge Hotel Dar es Salaam was opened in 2018, and City Lodge owns the hotel and land on a leasehold basis in Dar es Salaam.

Including impairments, the Kenyan and Tanzanian hotels contributed more than R371 million in losses for the six months to end-December, as the pandemic continued to wreak havoc on the global tourism industry.

City Lodge saw revenue from its 62 hotels fall by 73% in the six months to end-December, compared to same period in the previous year.

The company suffered a loss of R550 million in the six months, from a profit of R46 million in the previous year.

The group said the proceeds from the sale of of its Kenyan and Tanzanian hotels will be used to help settle its debt.

The group had R530 million in interest-bearing borrowings at the end of the year.

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Hoteli mpya kabisa mkabala na Mahakama ya Kisutu iko sokoni baada ya biashara kudorora kwa 73%. Pamoja na sababu zingine COVID 19 yawezekana ni moja ya sababu.


City Lodge sells 148-room hotel in Tanzania for R1m, Kenyan hotels also sold​

View attachment 1871471
The City Lodge Hotel Dar es Salaam in Tanzania

City Lodge is selling its stakes in three hotels in Kenya, as well as its City Lodge Hotel Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, to subsidiaries of the UK-based investment firm Actis.

The Kenyan hotels - the 127-room Fairview Hotel in Nairobi, the 171-room City Lodge Hotel at Two Rivers in Runda and the 84-room Town Lodge Upper Hill in Nairobi - will be sold for almost R141 million, while the Tanzanian hotel will fetch R1 million.

The 148-room City Lodge Hotel Dar es Salaam was opened in 2018, and City Lodge owns the hotel and land on a leasehold basis in Dar es Salaam.

Including impairments, the Kenyan and Tanzanian hotels contributed more than R371 million in losses for the six months to end-December, as the pandemic continued to wreak havoc on the global tourism industry.

City Lodge saw revenue from its 62 hotels fall by 73% in the six months to end-December, compared to same period in the previous year.

The company suffered a loss of R550 million in the six months, from a profit of R46 million in the previous year.

The group said the proceeds from the sale of of its Kenyan and Tanzanian hotels will be used to help settle its debt.

The group had R530 million in interest-bearing borrowings at the end of the year.

We live in a world where facts and fiction get blurred

In times of uncertainty you need journalism you can trust. For only R75 per month, you have access to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, top opinions and a range of features. Journalism strengthens democracy. Invest in the future today.

Hiyo inatokana na hao city lodge kumismanage biashara zao
Wala ishu sio bongo wala kudorora kwa lolote
City Lodge sells 148-room hotel in Tanzania for R1m, Kenyan hotels also sold

The City Lodge Hotel Dar es Salaam in Tanzania

City Lodge Dar es Salaam for R1m? Hamna kitu kama hicho, naona hii habari fake basi. South nyumba ya kawaida ni R2m, sasa utauzaje City Lodge R1m?

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