its almost like you sit there waiting for negative news from kenya just to prove a point or so that u can whine and complain like a little girl.
you sit there and urge forumers not to praise kenya and you find negative news about kenya, post them in your quest to stop forumers from praising kenya, what the fack dude?! so when kenya does something positive it shouldnt be praised? how more childish can you ab-titchaz get?
we kenyans many times on this forum wax lyrical about the peace and lack of tribalism in tanzania, i dont ever see you telling us to stop praising TZ or you posting corruption stories from TZ.
listen here titchaz, a good deed should not go unnoticed or unpraised. whether it is kenya or TZ or UG or rwanda we should be quick to critisize when a wrong deed is done and we should quick praise when a good deed is done. it is the civil thing to do. when people praise another country, it does not mean that they think the country is perfect, no! they are just applauding a positive development
honestly abtitchaz i think you are either stupid, childish, jelous or you have some sort of agenda because i do not understand how a sane straight thinking person can tell other people not to applaud a good deed.
you sit there and urge forumers not to praise kenya and you find negative news about kenya, post them in your quest to stop forumers from praising kenya, what the fack dude?! so when kenya does something positive it shouldnt be praised? how more childish can you ab-titchaz get?
we kenyans many times on this forum wax lyrical about the peace and lack of tribalism in tanzania, i dont ever see you telling us to stop praising TZ or you posting corruption stories from TZ.
listen here titchaz, a good deed should not go unnoticed or unpraised. whether it is kenya or TZ or UG or rwanda we should be quick to critisize when a wrong deed is done and we should quick praise when a good deed is done. it is the civil thing to do. when people praise another country, it does not mean that they think the country is perfect, no! they are just applauding a positive development
honestly abtitchaz i think you are either stupid, childish, jelous or you have some sort of agenda because i do not understand how a sane straight thinking person can tell other people not to applaud a good deed.