10 Reasons why you should spend less time with your partner

Mr What

JF-Expert Member
Oct 22, 2016

If you're in a relationship, odds are you spend a fair amount of time with your partner. Whether it be going out to dinner or seeing a movie together, or just hanging out in the living room watching basketball on TV, you probably have some set routines when it comes to spending time together.

But while spending time with your loved one is definitely great and can be rewarding in many ways, there's also some not-so-great consequences that come from being with your partner too much.

So whether you're in a relationship or single, here are 10 reasons you should spend less time with your partner in order to enjoy life more.

1) You Get Tired of Each Other.​

In a lot of relationships, it's not uncommon for people to get tired of each other. Whether it be your partner always saying the same boring things or relying on you when they get frustrated or angry, there's just a point when you need to step back and say: "I'm sick of this." It doesn't mean that you should stop being with them altogether, but giving them the cold shoulder will make things so much better for both of you. Trust me on this one.

2) They Become Weak.​

This is more of a tip more than anything, but if you're with someone too much they'll start to feel weak on their own.
I remember in high school when I had a girlfriend, we were together the majority of the time and some guys started thinking I was soft because we hung out so much.

It's not that she made me weak on purpose, but it just happened over time because we didn't hang out with other people as much as we did in our early years of dating.
So if you wanna stay strong and be able to stand your ground when it comes to dealing with other people, breaking up and spending less time together will definitely help with that.

3) You Don't Learn The Right Lessons.​

Sometimes when you're with your partner a lot, you become complacent and don't learn the most important lessons in life.
If you're not sure what I'm talking about, just remember how it is to be single: you don't always have someone there for you and someone that's always putting an ear to your problems so that they can understand them better.

So by spending less time with your partner, there's a good chance that you'll gain more perspective on life and find some new ways of dealing with things when they come up (which they will). When this happens, it's pretty amazing. Trust me on this one.

4) They'll Become Too Attached.​

This is another tip more than anything, but if you spend too much time with someone they'll start to become too attached to you.
This is why it's good to hang out with other people when you're in a relationship because they give you something new to talk about and don't get as attached as someone who doesn't know anyone else.
When your partner gets too attached, it can make things difficult in the long run so you should try to break up or spend less time together for this reason alone. Trust me on this one.

5) You Can Learn More From Other People.​

One of the biggest reasons why relationships work is because you get to learn more about people in general.
You're constantly learning new things about each other and no matter how much you love each other, there's always something that'll come up that you need to know.

Having less time together makes it much easier and easier to learn more because obviously, when you see them or hear their voice all the time it's hard to keep your mind open when there aren't any new things come up.

6) You'll Stop Expecting The Worst.​

Most of the time, relationships are meant to happen when you're young and in college, but if you've been with the same person for a while, then chances are you can expect things to get a little easier.

If you don't expect the worst, then it's much easier to deal with things that may or may not happen when it comes to your relationship.
And if you stop expecting the worst and stop being in denial about certain aspects of your relationship, then things will definitely become much easier over time. Trust me here.

7) You'll Stop Getting Motivated To Grow As People.​

If you're always getting motivated to work out in the gym when with your partner, that's great and all, but it makes things easier to get lazy and stop trying to grow as people when you don't have someone pushing you.
This is why even though there are things that come with being single (no one to talk to at night), there's also benefits that can come with it too.

Maybe you'll be able to motivate yourself more or maybe you'll be able to find an extra source of motivation somewhere. Who knows? It just depends on how you look at things.

8) You'll Stop Being Needy.​

This is why I always tell people to make sure to hang out with other people in order to stay healthy and stop getting overly needy.

Being single and not having anyone else around besides your partner will definitely help in the long run because it makes you realize how important it is not only to have other people around, but also learn how to take care of yourself when they aren't around.
When you do this, it'll be much easier for you to live on your own and become more independent as a person. I know, weird right? Trust me on this one.

9) You'll Start Enjoying Life More.​

Now this might not make sense at first, but if you sit down and really think about it then you'll see where I'm coming from. Sure, spending too much time with your partner will make things easier which is why it's nice to be with someone you love and enjoy their company (which is the point of being in a relationship), but it can also keep you stuck in one place forever.
You'll never reach your full potential or get the most out of life if you're always in a rut like that. When you're single, it's easier to do whatever it is that makes you happy because there's no one else to tell you what to do or make decisions for that matter. It's much easier to be passionate about things when you're single than when you're in a relationship. Trust me on this one.

10) They'll Know You Too Well.​

This is another tip more than anything and it's probably the most common thing that people complain about when it comes to being in a relationship. Like I said before, as you grow up your partner will know you better than anyone else in the entire universe so naturally, they'll expect things out of you that people won't understand.

Especially when you're in your adulthood, being single and not having to deal with another person like that is definitely a good thing because then you have no one to answer to except for yourself.

You can do whatever it is that makes you happy and it's much easier when you don't have someone trying to make decisions for you. And if they do, it's a lot easier to walk away from the situation. Trust me on this one.


I definitely understand how being in a relationship can be nice and all, but if you want to live a healthy life and not get stuck with someone who is bringing you down, then it's essential to start hanging out with other people.

If you don't have anyone around that's trying to make things better in your life, then it'll be easy for you to stay stuck or become lazy. I think that the best thing about being single is that you can choose whatever path of life that makes most sense for yourself.
You can really live on your own and do what makes you happy without someone telling you what to do or making decisions for your future.
AMAZING INDEED! You've inadvertently outlined 10 reasons why one should spend MORE time with their partner!
Not spending time with your partner is like telling them that you can be alright without them.
That their actual position in your life is not necessary and indirectly they should seek attention and love somewhere else which is ( cheating which lead to break up)
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