What the Creator wants from Us!


JF-Expert Member
Feb 16, 2010
The Creator has given us a decision to make.We must choose between one of two choices;
choose life or death. We must choose either to obey and love Him by living a life of
lovingkindness, justice and righteousness or obey and love the evils of the world. If you
choose life you will be hated by unbelievers and deceived believers but with this choice
you will have Communion with a loving Heavenly Father and receive the gift of spirit,
which enables you to walk in the supernatural. You will eventually live with Him in His
promised Garden called Paradise where there is neither death nor disease; neither is there
pain nor tears. In the future Garden of Yahweh there will be only life, love, joy and peace.
There will be a river of life, bright as crystal, issuing forth out of the throne of Yahweh and
of the Lamb and, night, shall be, no more; and there will be no need of the light of a lamp
or the light of a sun, because, Yahweh, will give us light,––and we shall reign unto the
ages of ages. (Rev. 22:1, 5). If you choose death, the wicked and the deceived people of
the earth will love you but you will forfeit any Communion with the Creator. You will​
dwell in darkness with all of its fruits
9 and eventually perish!
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