Wabongo: Hii ni haki ama dhulma tunafanya!


JF-Expert Member
Jan 30, 2008
Jamani wakuu mimi mwenyewe nimeshangaa kamaa hii ni sisi wabongo,
ama ni stihizai???This is not fair and I don't know how we can justify such a position....a'fu tunasema eti Bushi!

Comoros raid to proceed, says Tanzania

Tanzania has rebuffed attempts by South Africa to halt military action to depose President Mohamed Bacar of tiny Comoros island of Anjouan.

Foreign affairs minister Bernard Membe said Tanzania was pushing ahead with the African Union decision to strike against Anjouan despite opposition from President Thabo Mbeki.

“The military offensive begins tomorrow (today) and there is no going back,” Mr Membe told The Citizen in a phone interview.

He said Tanzania was surprised and taken aback by President Mbeki’s change of heart for the invasion that had received blessing from AU.

The invasion of the tiny Island that has declared independence from Comoros has received tacit support from the international community including from US and France.

Mr Membe’s remarks came after reports emerged that the South African leader had written to President Jakaya Kikwete last Friday asking him to shelve the military intervention in the Comoros.

President Kikwete is the current chairman of AU and Tanzania is playing a leading role in the planned attack to eject Mr Bacar from office, and end one of the longest running political crisis in the Island.

The minister said South Africa’s defence of the leadership of Comoro’s rebel leader was unacceptable.

Tanzania has sent 750 soldiers, the largest from a single country on the front line. Senegal, Sudan and Comoros itself are to provide the balance of the 1,800 strong contingent of soldiers to be deployed.​




Comoros, the island nation off the east coast of Africa, used its army and African Union soldiers to take back control of the island of Anjouan from its self-proclaimed leader, Muhammad Bacar. The troops arrested a wounded Anjouanese man, suspected of collaborating with Mr. Bacar, after shooting three rockets into his house in Mutsamudu during the operation. The army said it had located Mr. Bacar.


Comoran and African Union soldiers arrested the wounded man during the operation to reclaim Anjouan. The African Union forces on the island included troops from Tanzania and Sudan. Anjouan is located in the Indian Ocean in the Mozambique Channel.​

msee Ab,
hii tayari ipo hapa mazee, mara moja moja pekenyua kabla ya ku-post!! asante.
msee Ab,
hii tayari ipo hapa mazee, mara moja moja pekenyua kabla ya ku-post!! asante.

Nilikua sijajua imepostiwa kule Bongo political section maana
nilidhani ni swala la East Africa.Hamna noma bro na karibu sana!
Waafrika kila siku tunalalamika.

Darfur na Rwanda kumetokea human rights atrocities na genocide, watu wamepiga kelele na kuomba msaada wa kimataifa, wengine wakalalamika kwa nini waafrika wenyewe hatuwi proactive.

Sasa AU inafanya jitihada kuhakikisha hali haizidi kuwa mbaya, na kum contain huyu two timing two bit term extending gangster (Mohammed Bacar), tunalalamika pia.We should be proud of this effort, na kuwa sasa tumepiga hatua beyond kufumbia macho serious and life threatening issues kwa excuses za myopic diplomatic clauses za "non intervention" na "non interference in internal issues".

Anybody who is against this mission makes me seriously doubt their understanding of what is going down in The Comoros.Perhaps, in addition to disposing the notion that we have a terrible case of "imperialistic tendencies" it would be most beneficial if we could further explain how does that play in the mix.

My understanding is that the president of Anjoun (who is in a beef with the president of The Union of Comoros) does not want to give up power even after his term was up last year, he held an illegal, unconstitutional and sham election.If this type of gangsterism is allowed elements of secession and unconstitutional term extensions will have a healthy reason to sprout and spead elsewhere, fanning further civil wars in the already ravaged continent.

This is like the president of Zanzibar in a beef with the president of Tanzania refusing to step down and threatening secession (some people would sadly find that desirable, I would choose other means if that was really the aspired end).So then why can't the president of Tanzania (The Union of Comoros in this case) a small archipelago nation with a feeble army, enlist the help of AU in maintaining law and order?

Kama kuna malalamiko yoyote basi yawe ni juu ya kwa nini AU haijapeleka majeshi huko Darfur, siyo ju ya kwa nini tumepeleka majeshi Comoro.

By the way hii siyo effort ya wabongo, ni effort ya AU.Kwa hiyo kuwalaumu wabongo kwa kitu kilichopitishwa na AU summit is a bit on the stretching side.
Waafrika kila siku tunalalamika.

Darfur na Rwanda kumetokea human rights atrocities na genocide, watu wamepiga kelele na kuomba msaada wa kimataifa, wengine wakalalamika kwa nini waafrika wenyewe hatuwi proactive.

Sasa AU inafanya jitihada kuhakikisha hali haizidi kuwa mbaya, na kum contain huyu two timing two bit term extending gangster (Mohammed Bacar), tunalalamika pia.We should be proud of this effort, na kuwa sasa tumepiga hatua beyond kufumbia macho serious and life threatening issues kwa excuses za myopic diplomatic clauses za "non intervention" na "non interference in internal issues".

Anybody who is against this mission makes me seriously doubt their understanding of what is going down in The Comoros.Perhaps, in addition to disposing the notion that we have a terrible case of "imperialistic tendencies" it would be most beneficial if we could further explain how does that play in the mix.

My understanding is that the president of Anjoun (who is in a beef with the president of The Union of Comoros) does not want to give up power even after his term was up last year, he held an illegal, unconstitutional and sham election.If this type of gangsterism is allowed elements of secession and unconstitutional term extensions will have a healthy reason to sprout and spead elsewhere, fanning further civil wars in the already ravaged continent.

This is like the president of Zanzibar in a beef with the president of Tanzania refusing to step down and threatening secession (some people would sadly find that desirable, I would choose other means if that was really the aspired end).So then why can't the president of Tanzania (The Union of Comoros in this case) a small archipelago nation with a feeble army, enlist the help of AU in maintaining law and order?

Kama kuna malalamiko yoyote basi yawe ni juu ya kwa nini AU haijapeleka majeshi huko Darfur, siyo ju ya kwa nini tumepeleka majeshi Comoro.

By the way hii siyo effort ya wabongo, ni effort ya AU.Kwa hiyo kuwalaumu wabongo kwa kitu kilichopitishwa na AU summit is a bit on the stretching side.

Sawa ndugu Pundit, lakini mbona Maj Gen Laurent Nkunda bado anatesa kule Congo? Na iko mifano mingine ya mijambazi inayofumbiwa macho hata sasa!
Tukianza kuvamia viongozi wanao endeleza utawala kwa nguvu bra lote la Afrika litawaka moto.
Hata M7 itabidi naye ang'olewe.
Sawa ndugu Pundit, lakini mbona Maj Gen Laurent Nkunda bado anatesa kule Congo? Na iko mifano mingine ya mijambazi inayofumbiwa macho hata sasa!

That is why I said, if there is anything to be said about this effort is that more of it should be done, not less.
Sawa ndugu Pundit, lakini mbona Maj Gen Laurent Nkunda bado anatesa kule Congo? Na iko mifano mingine ya mijambazi inayofumbiwa macho hata sasa!
Tukianza kuvamia viongozi wanao endeleza utawala kwa nguvu bra lote la Afrika litawaka moto.
Hata M7 itabidi naye ang'olewe.

Hapo sasa nd'o swali lenyewe mkuu mwenzangu.
Afrika imejaa viongozi wa kiimla na hata sijui kama
nikiusafisha nyumba tutaanza wapi.

Nakubali mawazo ya kina Pundit kuhusu the fact that more
needs to be done to counter African political problems but
the approach is what will either make or break it.
Changamoto inakuja hapo ubavu wa pili wa Africa ya kati maana
naona Mugabe keshaamua liwe liwalo haondoki uongozini.Keshasema upinzani will not rule while he is alive!!!!...
Je sasa huko nako tutapeleka majeshi?...Ni swali tu.
Sawa ndugu Pundit, lakini mbona Maj Gen Laurent Nkunda bado anatesa kule Congo? Na iko mifano mingine ya mijambazi inayofumbiwa macho hata sasa!

Ndugu Kithuku, heshima yako.
Mfano mwengine uko jikoni kadri tunavyojadiliana hapa...Mugabe
keshasema haondoki!!!...Huko nako je?
Hii ni meseji sent kwa wakenya,wanaosema sisi watz hatujui kupigana vita. wanakataa kwamba, hata waganda hatukuwapokonya mikononi mwa Idi ammin. Comoro wamekuwa marafiki zetu sana. tunasafirisha nyama nyingi sana toka Tz kwenda comoro. ni soko letu kubwa. lazima tulilinde. pili sisi na wangazija tuna damu moja kuliko hata na wakenya. lazima tushirikiane na rais wao. HONGERA JESHI LA TZ. wakenya pateni meseji hiyo, mmepakana na sudan, lakini hamjawai hata kukohoa kuongea tu kuzima Darfu ya majirani zenu. wakenya mnatia aibu. kama tulivyowaokoa waganda na idi amini, na kama tulivyo waokoa wacomoro na muhamad bacar, ndivyo wakenya wanavyotakiwa kujua kuwa tz sio nchi ya kudharauliwa kama wanavyofikiri. sisi ni noma. pia, HII NI MESEJI SENT KWA WAZANZIBAR. mkitaka tu kujitenga, mtapata kipigo kama cha muhamad bacar. wewe seif sharif hamad unasikia pamoja na lipumba? safi. this is my opinion, na ninao uhuru wa kutoa maoni yangu yoyote yale. take care wanaJf.
Heshima kwenu wakuu,

Sasa mbona mkuu unaongea kama vile wewe ni msemaji wa watanzania wote? Count me out! Halafu wewe inabidi ufuatilie vizuri historuia ya Tanzania kupeleka ASrmy huko Comoro.Plz usipotoshe hii debate!

Well,Pia rais Mbeki wa sauzi hatakiwi kuongea chochote kuhususu BDemokracy maanake yeye ni mnafiki anamsapoti Mugabe ambae anatesa wazimbabwe kila siku.

Pia kama African Union iliomba msaaada kwa TZ that's fine.BUT Kikwete alifuata procedure kupeleka jeshi comoro?

Je,Parliament iliweza kuaprove jeshi letu kupelekwa huko?

So,far mpaka sasa hivi gharama za hao jama huko ziko gizani kwamba ni nai anawadhamini?

It means siku moja kikwete anaweza kuibuka na kuivamia nji yoyote kama KEnya au Uganda bila kupata parliament blessings?
Pundit I think AU it has to work in all problematic areas lakini naona kama kuna double standards kama wameweza ku-intervene comoro kuna sehemu nyingine zilizokuwa na matatizo kama huko Darfur, Laura Nkunda -DRC, akina Joseph Konny kule kaskazini mwa uganda hata hawa FNL wanaoendelea kusumbua burundi. May be anyone who has idea of SOP (Standard Operating procedures) za AU anifahamishe kwani to be honest am not happy na AU inavyoendesha mambo yake..Ya zimbabwe nayo yako njiani au ndio mshikaji wetu yule acha akomae mwenyewe!!!
Kuvamia kichwa kichwa kuna matatizo yake lazima uangalie diplomatic point of view, historical background za nchi,foreign policy pamoja na zile za ndani yaani legislative pamoja na executive katika kufikia maamuzi hayo. Hapo pia lazima kuwe na personal interest kwa yule mwenye turufu kubwa ya nchi na wakati mwingine hii ndio inachangia kwa asilimia kubwa kwa sababu ya ubinafsi wa viongozi wetu wa kiafrika. Kwa Kesi ya DRC, Uganda sizungumzii Burundi kwa sababu ile ni power struggle tu ambayo watu wanataka kutumia rasilimali zao kwa usawa yaani kundi moja linaona kama limesahauliwa. Kesi ya Uganda na DRC ni tofauti kidogo hapo utakuta kwamba hawa viongozi wetu wamegeuzwa kuwa madalali wa silaha, almasi na rasilimali nyingine za thamani jamani kaskazini mwa Uganda kuna rasilimali ambayo imejificha ambayo pia ipo pia kusini mwa Sudan. Sasa wewe unaweza kukubali kwa akili yako Maswahiba wawili waliosoma pamoja Mlimani enzi hizo mmoja anamtembelea mwenzake halafu yule mwenyeji analazimisha arudi nyumbani siku hiyo ilhali mgeni hajaridhia na hali ya hewa. Kesho yake unasikia mgeni kapata ajali ya Helikopta amefariki dunia kutokana na hali ya hewa kuwa mbaya. Huo ni unafiki na uzandiki ,tamaa ya mali na kutumiwa vibaya.Sina haja ya kuendelea inatia uchungu sana.
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